Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Lately, my go to snacks have been a salad or tuna. I am a sahm so it is easy for me to eat whatever I have on hand.

    You need something for work?

    1. buy a big bag of nuts , pretzels, and raisins. Mix together portion sizes and add to snack size baggies. I do this for my husband. It is much cheaper this way, and you can control portions of each.

    2. Fruits. Apples, oranges, and bananas which are easy to keep in the office all week, so you don't have to tote them everyday.

    3. Yogurts.

    4. Jerky and cheese. I prefer the beef sticks and cheese . FULL of sodium and who knows what but it sure is tasty.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Sue...P90X as similar Bicep Curls, but one arm, they are a killer, but you feel sweet pain :)

    I had a killer headache today....normally lifting or cardio makes it go away, but not today..ugh...it feels like it may transform into a migraine...Thank goodness I am done with lifting...now for my protein shake then lie in a dark cold room....ugh..

    I did the Romanian Split Squat, with the foot flat on cushioned bench - whew! What a workout!!

    Sunshine, happy working out 'morrow!!

    Runz...oh no! Sorry about the 'Squitoes....how come, if I may?

    Edited to add comment: Btw, I bought some Bob's Red Mill Hemp Protein, to add to the 100% Whey Protein Isolate, and Slimfast Protein powder that I take with my juiced fruit and veggies - it ought to make up a lot of protein to meet mi macros! :drinker:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I slept in but not enough and was short tempered all day. Then had pt and am having worse pain.
    Tomorrow may be better but work wise it looks worse .

    My favorite Greek yogurt is fage.
    Noosa is tasty but more cals
    Oikos is decent and more widely available
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    96 g protein and 1285 calories. I added a scoop and half of protein powder to my water. I hope it doesn't kill my tummy.

    Pmag, :frown: sorry. Here's to tomorrow :flowerforyou:

    Question of the day: (I missed doing this)

    Do you have a secret food stash? What's in it?

    I do except my family knows I have it! bahahahahaha AND they know not to touch it. Mine stash contains Reese and Twix mini. My favorite candy. My stash can last me months. I place candy in the candy dish and it is gone in 2 days flat.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Finally a PB! In fact 2 PB's!

    I have been struggling with my dumbbell bench for a while, stuck at 10kg as my gym doesn't have 11's and the 12's were too heavy. I swapped to using one arm at a time so I could use my free hand to guide the weight if required. Today, I managed 12kg (26.5lbs) 5 reps on the right and 3 on the left without using my free hand at all - hurrah! Might not seem that heavy to some but it is consistently my weakest lift so I was thrilled.

    Also, managed to increase my supported rows to 14kg (31 lbs), very pleased as was only using up to 12's a month or so ago.

    Off to Melbourne this weekend - going to the good food and wine show :-) Then placement for 2 weeks - that should be enough time for my shoulders/ elbow to rest up, they are still giving me the sh*ts.

    Lift on in my absence ladies - have a great weekend xxx
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    As a veggie, I try to eat Greek yogurt every day; the one I buy from Costco (Kirkland brand) has 18g protein for 100 calories. I mix it with frozen blueberries or cherries that I let thaw a bit, to draw out some juice, and someone's mix with a tbsp of chocolate chips :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    It takes me so long to read through this thread, that I don't have time to post. I love it- you all are so supportive!

    I start Basic Training III today. Should be fun- I've had a 5 day break. The long weekend trip has me all out of whack! My food hasn't great, I've had very little activity other than walking. I'll get back at it starting today!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Woah at the BSS vs SL conversation...I've been doing BSS wrong this whole time! Thanks for the clarification!

    Sue, that's a great idea, thanks! Now you've got me thinking of some iced coffee options...yummm

    Jo, high-five!! That weight sure looks impressive to me! (not ashamed to admit that I did have to look up the kg to lb conversion first though lol)

    I do NOT have a secret food stash. I just can't see myself having much control with that right now. But I do need to build a work stash of protein-rich snacks. I even have a mini-fridge in my office and every time I end up working through lunch unexpectedly, I kick myself for not having something on hand. I always end up either going hungry or ordering way too expensive delivery.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Oh and I spoke too soon. My glutes are talking to me today, and they are NOT happy. But I kinda am :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Manic: "You need something for work?"

    If any of it is "do it yourself", I won't do it. So, unless it is already pre-packaged, etc., I know myself well enough to know it won't happen! That's why protein bars are perfect for me - bought, brought, done.

    I don't want any snack that isn't "protein oriented". I don't need MORE food (i.e. MORE calories)....I need LESS calories, with a "full feeling" so that I can get rid of these last pesky fat lbs.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member

    My favorite Greek yogurt is fage.
    Noosa is tasty but more cals
    Oikos is decent and more widely available

    I will ONLY try your "favourite"....and that is ONLY if I can find it in Canada.....and, I guess, when I manage to get to a store to look for it.

    GAWD I just HATE shopping SO MUCH that I just never, ever, ever do it. Ever.Aaaagggghhhhhh.
  • redlipsticklyfe
    redlipsticklyfe Posts: 164 Member
    I do have a good stash even though it's not a secret. And it only has one thing in it....Talenti.
    Jo: congrats on your accomplishments!
    Barbell: I know you'll get back into the swing of things quickly. Have fun with basic training tonight.
    I have my Greek yogurt with peanut butter and mini chocolate chips. It. Is. Awesome.

    I was reading through some of the other posts on here and finally found the extra large spread sheet that calculates bmr and calories and all of that cheap. I got a little discouraged when I put my measurements in because according to it my body fat percentage hasn't changed at all. I'm basically over it though because whether that spread sheet says so our not my body really is changing for the better. I'm getting a bod pod test dune hopefully at the end of next month so I'll have an exact number to go off. The most interesting thing however was the calorie calculator. According to this I'm still eating too much. So I dropped my calories a bit more. We'll see what happens. Fingers crossed. 3A3 tonight which means I'm kicking out some Tabata's tonight and I'm enough of a weirdo to be excited about that.
  • NiccoleG
    NiccoleG Posts: 37 Member
    Getting excited about Tabata tells a story that tops the results of that spreadsheet any day!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Manic: "You need something for work?"

    If any of it is "do it yourself", I won't do it. So, unless it is already pre-packaged, etc., I know myself well enough to know it won't happen! That's why protein bars are perfect for me - bought, brought, done.

    I don't want any snack that isn't "protein oriented". I don't need MORE food (i.e. MORE calories)....I need LESS calories, with a "full feeling" so that I can get rid of these last pesky fat lbs.

    WOW! Beeps, I can't help you there with the protein snacks. I need help in that area myself. All I can think of is jerky and yogurt.

    I hit snooze on my alarm or so I thought. got up an hour later. No time for the gym today. Daughter has piano lessons today along with a dental appt . Husband is leaving soon so he won't be at home to watch her. Maybe I can do some body weight exercises and walk around the neighborhood this evening.

    Willlift, I forget about my stash. If it is out of sight , out of mind. At least it is there when I need that taste of sugar.

    Red, Talenti?
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Beeps, I live in Canada, about 45 min. east of Toronto, and have never ever seen Fage here :( I love the Kirkland (Costco) brand, followed by Oikos.

    Walmart near me seeks a great high protein pita. It's 100 calories and 10g of protein so I have that almost daily as a snack with natural pb or hummus, or sometimes as my crust for homemade pizza.

    I also eat lots of eggs (hard boiled shelled are great for a quick snack) and cottage cheese with berries and walnuts.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    ....hmmm....these are some GOOD IDEAS!

    i had forgotten about EGGS!! I still have liquid egg whites in the fridge....but now that I am OVER my after-supper snacking, so they just sit there. I LOVE EGGS! Hmmmmmmmmmm....maybe I will try omelettes for afternoon snack on Saturday/Sunday. That's great!

    Costco for greek yogurt?!?!? As in "ma'am, for $5, here is your 5 litre tub of yogurt..." - NO THANKS.

    I don't shop at wal-mart....but, a pita with 100 cals and 10 g of protein sounds decent - does it taste like cardboard??? I LOVE HUMMUS. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....

    I also like cottage cheese but never think to put it on the grocery list, so it is never in the fridge.

    .....so, for today, it is MORE protein powder in my shake! (For me, I get another 13 g of protein for only 75 cals....that's decent) and MORE protein bars - quest!! (At least THAT brand is now available in Canada....quest has some AWESOME flavours and i am in love with quest bars.)

    In a perfect world, I would live off protein shakes and protein bars and drop 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Alas, it seems, even for me, my world is NOT perfect.
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    Beeps, I try to eat as much "real food" as I can, i.e. no bars or powders (sometimes I do, though). I eat for morning snack a chobani greek yogurt (my favorite! I like 2% fat flavors the best [key lime and strawberry bannana in my fridge now], but the 0% fat are good too, may fav of those is blueberry) For afternoon snack I try to eat a hard boiled egg and some veggeis. Sometimes some lunch meat as well. Not a fan of nuts, they dont keep me satified. Oh, also sometimes I pack 1cup of low fat chocoalte milk for just before lunch.
  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    we have these protein bars where i live called "detour" bars. they come in two different sizes and a bunch of different flavors. has low carbs, 180 cals, and 15g of protein. there's a bigger one for 360 cals and 30g protein. you have to drink a lot of water with them, they dry you out. but do fill you up! anyway one of the bars that's a pretty good protein bang for your calorie buck! :bigsmile:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hiya everyone! I slept like crap last night so I didn't do anything - no spin, no lift and honestly, I'm as sore I am having a hard time moving naturally! I knew I would be I just am always surprised how sore I get. I will get up tomorrow and lift.

    I don't ever have protein issues unless I eat crappy. I am generally low carb so I have lots of calories for protein. I eat eggs nearly every day, chicken, canned fish for snacks, beef sticks, BACON, steak, fresh and fresh frozen fish, greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and Quest protein bars. Actually like Beeps, the Quest bars are my snack of choice. They hit my sugar craving and give me at least 21 gms of protein - and they have some awesome new flavors - oreo cookies and crème, white chocolate raspberry, chocolate chunk, and choco chip cookie dough! I also like the new Pure Protein Greek yogurt style coated strawberry bars - with a whopping 31 gms of protein and of so yummy!!! RZ, I too like to eat as much real food, I only do shakes when I work out, but the bars are a great snack instead of ice cream or soda or whatever garbage junk I might sink to instead.

    Mary, to get more protein you have to eat fewer carb things that you eat - drop half a slice of bread and add a hard boiled egg to start (or something like that) Don't do it all at once, just a little at a time. :tongue:

    Beeps the Costco Greek yogurt is a larger container but not THAT big! And for me Fage is the best. I'd actually prefer Brown Cow because it's all natural and no GMOs but it's hard to find - and as far as I've found, it's the only one that GMO free.

    Yea JO on your PBs!!! Way to go! And enjoy your trip this weekend! I too am away - off to Maine through Monday.

    Cowgirl, I know you'll be right back at it quickly!

    Time for me to head home! Get it ladies!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps, have you gained weight or something? The pics in your profile are super hot so I'm not sure what you're getting all worked up over these days?

    Super hot :flowerforyou:

    I'm going to overeat today. I'm gonna call it "confusing my metabolism." Yeah. That sounds legit, right?

    I'm almost done with school. I need to put plain yogurt, cottage cheese, and ALL the fresh fruit on my grocery list STAT. Maybe I'll even try pineapple Chobani again.

    I accidentally ate a protein bar :grumble:

    My last B workout for Stage 3 tonight. AMRAPs and done Monday. Lawd help me. I'm so ready to move on.