Daily Check In



  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    SATURDAY AND SUNDAY checking in...

    where is everyone? :noway: I am running a little low on steam.... I need you gals. :heart: I need some more fire! :sad:

    Me - yesterday day - great 6 mile walk. ate plan throughout the day. took the evening off and enjoyed a Lebanese family dinner at a great restaurant with my family - wine too :smile: I know I ate way too many calories - but I need to let my hair down once in awhile.

    Today - back at it. plan plan plan if I don't plan my food then I am planning to fail (read that somewhere)
    beautiful day - so I am walking today.
    Will plan my workouts for this week. need to step it up a bit. going up north in 3 weeks and I want to feel awesome.
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    Did my early bootcamp yesterday morning, really tough.. I was tired and sore from the week, but I made it through Happy I was able to do a 1 minute plank. Lunch out, added up to way too many calories, but happy to say I did not write off the whole day, yay! I was quite full & had a very light "dinner" & remained within goal.

    Today kind of similar... morning walk minus my friend, but I had my music, did some jogging as well. Breakfast didn't quite satisfy me so I had a piece of key lime pie my son got, yikes :noway: !. It had been calling out to me from the fridge. REMINDER TO SELF - always look it up before eating it! 420 calories later (1 slice) doesn't leave much for the rest of the day. So, it will be a light dinner of salmon & broccoli.

    Jill, I'm in plan mode today too (mainly for meals) as its Sunday.. gearing up for the week! where are you going, any special event?

    DeeTee, LOL! not sure if my HS earrings still fit! Awesome news on the garage sale & house. Sounds like you are gearing up & back on track!

    Canadjineh, thanks for the water info. - sounds interesting, especially the cucumber.

    Cheers to a successful upcoming week ladies :drinker:
    <3 Karen
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    there sunday is almost at its end and I'm heading to bed soon

    2 days in a row now at staying on track with no cheating :heart: in the evenings. I can confess that when or if i cheat its usually in the evening after i finished all my recording for that day and so far only 2 times have I been able to make my self register the cheats. its something I'm working on that 1 day I be able to be true to my self and actually record my cheats.

    Planned cheats like if at mothers day eating to much ill record so its the cheats when i can't resist the cravings that i don't but maybe one day i will.

    Hopefully i can do a week with no cheats to get back on track and if i manage then I'm likely to stop having these awful cravings in the evening. I think my brain gets hooked on sugar and cheating way to fast, just takes 2-3 days of being of track and the carvings get awful. Then it takes 5-10 days of no cheating and that little devil :devil: (the part in my brain that calls for cheating) gives up.

    So day 2 checked and completed and under control :happy:
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Survived grandbaby sitting yesterday, fun but tiring! Kind of took it easy today, but have joined a June challenge so hopefully will see some changes this month!
  • josparkle
    josparkle Posts: 141 Member
    sorry been missing in action - the weekend took over and its back to school today so the boys needed attention, stuff and ironing done - all sorted now but distracted me from being supportive.

    Wow you're a busy lot with all these sales, boot camps and gorgeous-sounding meals out. I feel positively dull by comparison.

    I have stayed on track mostly - there was a cupcake (why did I make vanilla? I won't eat the chocolate ones so why did I make vanilla too?) or two, and a bit more wine than there should have been. Serious walking and exercise also took a backseat as I had other stuff to do - still managed a good bit of walking just not the stomping that I usually do. And today I'm stuck at home as eldest got up for school, came downstairs and was promptly sick!

    But through it all I've managed to get another 1lb off - was sort of hoping to see the half as well as it would be a stone off but realising that its only been a few weeks, I'll wait for that goal. Its not as if it was a crucial 1/2lb, it has lots of other friends that need to go as well so it can wait - but not for too long.

    Hope you're all well and hearty - and that this sickness is just confined to the boy upstairs in bed.
  • jcas23
    jcas23 Posts: 5 Member
    Good morning ladies! Back from vacation in sunny Mexico. Gained 3 pounds but that's ok. Getting back on track and eager to loose more!
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    I need to stay extra focused this week... I have lost a bit of my fire. (danger zone!) my goal is to plan and stay focused on burning calories. BTW, there is a group that is doing a "burn 3500 calories a week" challenge if any of you are interested. I focus on that now...but figured what the heck - a little more motivation can't hurt. :)
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    This weekend was a total write-off - having a horrifying period - dammit, not menopausal yet according to the medical definition. I laid on the couch with a hot water bottle, made frequent trips to the washroom, and ate out of the cupboards. This mainly consisted of toast, Laughing Cow Light cheese wedges, handfuls of raw macadamia nuts, and craisins. I did eat better yesterday and today is another good one so far. Wish me luck. Off to Aquacize this morning...
  • screwmenopause
    screwmenopause Posts: 170 Member
    This weekend was a total write-off - having a horrifying period - dammit, not menopausal yet according to the medical definition. I laid on the couch with a hot water bottle, made frequent trips to the washroom, and ate out of the cupboards. This mainly consisted of toast, Laughing Cow Light cheese wedges, handfuls of raw macadamia nuts, and craisins. I did eat better yesterday and today is another good one so far. Wish me luck. Off to Aquacize this morning...
    Good Luck! :) hope u r feeling better!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    I had an awesome weekend, but was too busy to post any where. Lots of getting the yard ready for summer. But the hard work is over now. I can enjoy all my gardens (until they need weeding). Hubby bought a couple of planters of gardenia. I have never smelled something so heavenly in my life. It is throughout the house, and even into the front yard.
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Happy Monday - crazy week behind me, literally LOL! Off to the dentist today and I have a STY in my eye which is painful but I think it will be done soon. Have to stay in check this week as I am an emotional eater and my emotions are on high now as house sold, son is convocating so I will also be attending University ceremonies/banquet! So my plan is to get my Fitbit smokin and walk it off as much as I can AND Breathe!!!!
  • sab1157
    sab1157 Posts: 38 Member
    I did not check in over the weekend, but it was good. Went to a party held out in the country Saturday night. Surprisingly did not eat or drink too much.

    Was planning on using Sunday as my off day, but we ended up cutting down two trees to use as firewood. That means a lot of dragging leaf laden limbs for a ways into our scrap piles in the woods. Not a day off! But is good to take care of that.

    Another busy day, walking, gym, mowing the side yard, and dragging more limbs. At least I am getting a lot of physical activity.

    Have a nice evening everyone.
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    God morning this is my fourth day back on track and it seems the brain has realised I'm at high motivation again. My little devil didn't scream that loud last evening almost looked like she had realised I'm not gonna cheat and given up.

    this is the stage i do best in good motivation so that i exercise no cheats so that little devil (this what i call my cravings) keeps quiet. once i cheated for a few days in a row it always takes me lots of motivation and work to resist that devil and get back to the calm stage of having no problem to stick to diet. usually takes 3-6 days.

    i must be so sensitive to addiction to sugar like a really bad sugar holic.

    today I'm heading to 2 medical appointments first one is to the urologist for those problems none like to talk about (its my first ever visit). I decided it was time as i couldn't start running due to leaks and had to pee in the forest if i wanted a relaxed run.

    my second is to the physical therapist to see if my knee is to old or if i can strengthen it to hold to start running with. for now it can take about 5 miles of brisk walking with no pain but i like to walk more 7-15 miles/day and it can't take that.

    will write more later take care all.
  • Peppah7
    Peppah7 Posts: 64 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday everyone!

    Did my workout class yesterday in spite of the rain & rain delay. Stayed on track with the eating, slow & steady.

    Lis, I'm a bit like you in needing a ramp up time of a few days of high motivation to get to a more calm stage as you say. Good luck with Urologist appt... I struggle with those issues in my class when running, jumping, etc. & absolutely HATE it. I hope you get some encouraging input from both appts.

    Sabower02, GREAT job resisting the temptations of the party! & awesome activities. You too Sprintto50!

    Deetee, hope things calm down for you and you are feeling better!

    Can't see any further back, so wishing you ALL a successful Tuesday!

    Hugs! Karen:flowerforyou:
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Good luck with the knee, I had to have surgery to clean up torn cartilage and bone spurs and have been instructed to not run anymore, my elliptical is my new friend but I sure miss running.
    It's great to hear all the successes and struggles...sure helps to keep me on track.
    Think I'll be suffering from sleep deprivation today woke up last night feeling like my skin was burning, prickling, tingling.....up for at least an hour, this sucks!
    Looking forward to a beautiful day today, hope the weather is not too hot for a walk at lunch.
  • Nillalis
    Nillalis Posts: 71 Member
    there been to both appointments and was gonna go walking but its raining so here i am. if rain doesn't stop soon ill do my yoga or try out a dvd thats high on i should get started to do but am having hard to start.

    so urologist appt went really well and was so easy and natural really liked the doc. she is sending me to a (bladder) specialist that checks for stuff that has to do with training and also does some more test on how things are but most likely she thinks i be helped a lot by a small surgery that puts a band around the (what ever its called) and the scar tissue that it causes helps the muscle so leaks will stop. the whole thing is done under local so no putting to sleep and is a really easy and small thing to recover from.

    The physical therapist had good news i will be seeing him 2 times a week to do some exercises that will build up the knee and i can keep walking the amount i am atm as long as pain doesn't increase. atm its like lvl 1 and only late evenings if i walked about 80 at 4miles/hour so as long as i don't do more and don't get more pain i should be fine with not having to stop walking.

    also need to not do some of the yoga moves that bends and tilts the knee but thats no big deal to skip.

    so great day, Thursday i see the diabetic nurse for the first time. guess she will be pleased as my values changed since i got the referral 6 months ago (I'm to se her every 6 months as long as all looks fine and more often if my values get bad) When i got the ref feral i was 167 pounds and my sugar was 6,7 and and did no exercise now I'm about 147 pounds, sugar is 5,2 and i do about 90-180 min of exercise/day.

    Lis :bigsmile: :happy: :heart:
    RENAEJAE Posts: 1,136 Member
    First day with you menopausal girls. I'm trying to get to know each of you. I forgot how nice it is sharing ideas and not feeling alone on this journey.

    screwmenopaus (Jill) > I love that you are so active in this group. Thanks for the reminder to PLAN PLAN PLAN - If you fail to plan - you plan to fail. I'll be working on my healthy eating shopping list this week. Where is 'up north' for you? I hope you've got your fire back. Stay focused! You need to impress the new girl here. I need the motivation.

    Peppah7 (Karen) > Way to go on getting to your workout in poor weather.

    Nillalis (Lis) > Having health issues can really sabotage your motivation. I’m so impressed that you are juggling it all. I've decided to stop using it as an excuse! PS - I'm a kegel fan. When I was running I was also running into the woods. Not fun! Good luck.

    Jreneecal > Bummer that you didn't get enough rest - I hope the walk helps to rejuvenate you! I’m heading out for a nice walk at noon also.

    Deetee > Emotional eating is my game too. I need to re-train my brain to 'STOP' and think before I eat. It's just out of habit. My mindless eating days are coming to an end. How do you like your Fitbit?

    Sprintto > Enjoy those flower gardens! I love to garden. We can smell lilacs throughout the house when the windows are open this time of year. Free aromatherapy!

    Josparkle > way to go dropping 1lb! CELEBRATE!!!! Woot woot!

    I'm still reading and trying to catch up with who everyone is here.

    focusing on today
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    Tuesday check-in: beautiful morning, going for a nice walk and hope to get another one in this evening. Those are my favourite times to walk! Setting a small goal to drink 64oz of water as I am horrible at getting my water in. Reading the posts about urologist apts. and issues makes me think I might now be a bit thankful for having 3 c-sections as I do not have any of those problems which I believe are attributed to labour/delivery?? Starting to look/plan our move date and now the real work will begin. Garage sale is over so now need to donate the remainder and get it out, also need to sell some larger furnishings that won't be coming with us. Let the packing begin!!
  • deetee6718
    deetee6718 Posts: 70 Member
    First day with you menopausal girls. I'm trying to get to know each of you. I forgot how nice it is sharing ideas and not feeling alone on this journey.

    Welcome aboard RenaeJae, you do a great job at addressing all the ladies, I haven't quite figured out how to do that yet :) look forward to getting to know you as well. What I love about this group is we are all around the same age (give or take) and have so much in common with our lives and what we are dealing with physically and emotionally so this has become my 'go to' group! Wishing you much success on your journey!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Having a great day so far. Nothing special but just a good day. I love the summer high after the long, long winter. I took a day off exercise yesterday due to weather but got a good walk in with the dog this morning. It makes a huge difference in my mental state when I start my day with some exercise. Tonight is my last fencing class until September. I am going to order the proper gear tonight with the help of our coach so I won't have to use Parks and Rec stuff next year. I spend too much time sorting through the various garments to find the layers I need in my size.

    Joining this group has refocused my determination, and my weight is slowly going down again. And it feels good. It's hard to keep working and working, and have the scale never budge. It's that nighttime snacking that was getting me.