Daily Chat Thread



  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I'm not sure I can do deficit without exercise calories. How did I do this 2 years ago. Did I starve that first month when I was 500 below? I made maintenance today without exercise. My lunch was crap and my breakfast was too high as well out f sheer laziness and no desire to cook. Monday is usually a rest day but I may try to take a class or something.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Okedokee, lunch break! I'm just going through the last page, so apologies if I miss someone :heart:

    Oooeer, tricep pushups... I haven't done them for ages. Will have a go now...


    Okay. Did 5 pretty easily, but stopped at that because Polly is being Miss Velcro Kitten and keeps trying to kiss me every time I head towards the floor...

    They might be fun to add onto a light cardio workout to make it a little more challenging.

    Those working out at home - do you all have squat racks? Otherwise how do you get your bar in position for back squats?

    I have a squat rack now. Picked one up on eBay with lat cable, adjustable bench, extra barbell and 60kg in weights for $250. Totally sweet. I need to oil the bench so it moves a little more freely, but that's it.

    Beforehand, because I'm so short, I used two dining chairs as my makeshift squat rack lol It worked pretty well actually!

    Oh there's a newbie :happy: Hi greenthumb! And welcome :smile: Start where you feel comfortable and work your way up from there. I learned everything pretty much with bodyweight too, then added dumbbells and then moved onto the barbell. Don't stress about upping weights every session. It's okay to move up slowly - I tend to stay on one weight for a couple of workouts and then move up when it feels comfortable.

    With the step ups, do have a kitchen step or similar? That's what I use... although with my short legs, it comes to about my knees lol I hear you with the cats, I have to shut the garage door or else my kitten will curl up on my back while planking :wink: :laugh:

    I am not measuring my thighs... mostly because I already know they are the biggest part of my body lol

    I feel so AMAZING after lifting this morning! Could be because I also have no dependent little people hanging around me other than the cat lol But I've gotten a heap of stuff done and I'm also going to do some cardio this afternoon as well (just a Fitness Blender quickie lol). I feel happy, cheerful and my head feels clear - I really like it :bigsmile:

    My girl rang me this morning to let me know that her loose tooth finally fell out yesterday afternoon, so she's happy. They have their cousins with them as well, so they are having a grand old time. It's nice knowing they are having fun, are safe and I don't have to run around after them :wink:

    Ok, so my backside is now starting to ache :tongue: If I can walk properly tomorrow I didn't work hard enough :laugh:

    Keep being awesome!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Did some lifting instead of a run. I felt terrible very weak . I had to go down on my weights
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Did some lifting instead of a run. I felt terrible very weak . I had to go down on my weights

    You just said before you have not been well. This was kind of a given. Give yourself a break and don't sweat it. The fact that you got yourself back at it is your victory today. Coming back after being unwell is never easy. Next time you'll be back to normal.... today was a warm up. Look after yourself xxx
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    dna, what wonderful break for you. I honestly would love to have just 24 hours to myself. Enjoy the peace!

    Sam, I've been wondering the same thing- how did I eat at a deficit for so long? Right now I don't want to give anything up!

    Pmag, take it easy. I know it's in our nature to want to jump back into things, but your body was obviously under stress already. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    My goals for this week:
    1. Log every bite.
    2. Lift 3X
    3. Hit 30% on my protien
    4. Average less than 1900 cals/day

    This should be a good starting point for cutting again.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Did some lifting instead of a run. I felt terrible very weak . I had to go down on my weights

    You just said before you have not been well. This was kind of a given. Give yourself a break and don't sweat it. The fact that you got yourself back at it is your victory today. Coming back after being unwell is never easy. Next time you'll be back to normal.... today was a warm up. Look after yourself xxx
    Pmag, I agree with Jo. When I had strep in the spring (had to get a monster shot in the butt, fever 104+), I was kind of surprised how long it took me to get back to working hard even though I was feeling fine in general.

    I thought about running this morning. Eh.

    I'm feeling much better about my calorie goals this week. I can do this.

    I wish my knee would heal. I think it's been causing a mental block for me and that's why I had a hard time focusing on my lifting these last couple of weeks.

    Since this is my week off from lifting, I'd like to run a few times... The humidity was at 90% when I rolled out of bed this morning :sick:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Good morningish Ladies, hope everyone had a good weekend.

    Sam thanks for the videos they were helpful.

    I was wondering if I am logging this correctly, when I do the step ups & the lunge, I'm holding 40lb dumbells in each hand, do I log that as 40lbs or 80 since Im holding 2 & doing the exercise?
    And I don't know what these tricep push ups are but they do not sound like fun. :ohwell:

    Hello my felloe newbies :bigsmile:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I gave my new 45-minute routine a go, today. So, I am done! And, the weather is PERFECT for a nice walk after work. AND, I have already pre-logged my calories for Mon-Fri.

    So, this should be a good week!

  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    I am HOME! Eating out at restaurants has been sickening! :sick: Summer traveling is done until our last bout in September.

    Sam, have you received your money back?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hello Gals
    I am back from vacation, Crater Lake expedition, weather was awesome. I need to weigh and see the damage if any. I have 12 days to work it and be hot for a wedding I'm attending. I read "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed during my trip and I'm really inspiredto kick it up a notch with my walking/hiking. I'm even thinking of hiking part of the Pacifici Crest Trail for my 50th birthday in 2 years which would actually give me something to train for. I've done some trekking in the past (l lived in Nepal for a year). Out of anythimg else I could potentially do to celebrate a milestone birthday I like the idea of hiking for a month. So I'll see if my ambition for this wears off but right now I am seriously considered it.

    I just ate a lovely large scoop of mint chocolate chip ice cream for lunch, so good.

    I hope all is well generally here, it so hard to keep up daily let alone catch up after a week.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    dna, what wonderful break for you. I honestly would love to have just 24 hours to myself. Enjoy the peace!

    Sam, I've been wondering the same thing- how did I eat at a deficit for so long? Right now I don't want to give anything up!

    Pmag, take it easy. I know it's in our nature to want to jump back into things, but your body was obviously under stress already. Don't be too hard on yourself.

    My goals for this week:
    1. Log every bite.
    2. Lift 3X
    3. Hit 30% on my protein
    4. Average less than 1900 cals/day

    This should be a good starting point for cutting again.
    Can I steal this lol. Maybe I'll be 25% on protein. If I can stay under 1900 I think I can be happy and then just use my exercise cals as my deficit.

    Mary, YES I got my money back today. Still late on the rent, but bills be getting paid. NOw I'm stressed out again ( I hate being late on stuff, especially when there is NOTHING I can do about it.)

    No gym. I did 2 hours worth of errands with my kids in tow. THey are lucky to still be alive. Now I think I will walk them to the park even in this infernal heat, because I need quiet.

    PM, give yourself time when coming off a long break. You'll get those weights back quick. It took me a while after I sprained my wrist. Please try not to get discouraged.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Ali - when I am logging, I log BBs and DBs separately - so, in your example, I would show that as "40lb DBs" which means "40 pound dumbbells". If it is a barbell move, I would log it as "80lb BB" which means "80 pound barbell". Hope that makes sense!

    manic....how was your vacation?!??!?!

    rocky503 - MORE news on Crater Lake, please!! Sounds like it was awesome....and good luck choosing something to do for a milestone year like "50". Can be TOTALLY MOTIVATING, for sure....but what to choose, right??!?!??!!?
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Back to lifting today - felt brilliant! Smashed Stage 5A BWM in 1.40 secs :bigsmile: took 5secs off previous time.

    wow, that is amazing! i don't know how you can fit it in to such a short time, it takes me over a minute just to do the squats!

    I started stage 4 today. I really like this stage. when I got to the gym the squat rack was taken so I decided to use the bar that was on the ground. I was a bit worried that I would fail at picking it up and getting it into the correct position from the ground but turns out I am stronger than i thought, it was easy to get it into position! I can't remember what weight I finished stage 2 on (I must dig out those records) but Im pretty sure I went up in some weights today which is not bad after a week off from lifting. My shoulder has been hurting me a little though. I did the elbows in push ups and my shoulder was sore after them and then it was sore when I was planking so I didn't do the full 120 seconds.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Ali - when I am logging, I log BBs and DBs separately - so, in your example, I would show that as "40lb DBs" which means "40 pound dumbbells". If it is a barbell move, I would log it as "80lb BB" which means "80 pound barbell". Hope that makes sense!

    manic....how was your vacation?!??!?!

    rocky503 - MORE news on Crater Lake, please!! Sounds like it was awesome....and good luck choosing something to do for a milestone year like "50". Can be TOTALLY MOTIVATING, for sure....but what to choose, right??!?!??!!?

    Hi Beeps
    I will post some pictures and let you know when they are up. Crater Lake was beautiful, we totally lucked out with nice weather and even hot at the Rim Village (Late June is a crap shot for weather here). Really cool place. There is a 30 mile rim drive and a boat ride available along with mini hikes to view points along the rim drive. We stayed in the valley 17 miles south of the park. If you want more details for planning I can provide them. I will be posting on Trip advisor. Its one the 7 wonders of Oregon and the deepest lake in the US. The geologic history in very interesting if you are into that. The whole area is beautilful, we drove past Odell lake on the way to Eugene and I want to go there now.
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Hello ladies....I am so glad MOAN-Day is over...ugh!!

    My hamstring is feeling so much better that I went to lift today!!

    I am checking in at 2/3. I did eat much of "visible carbs" though I did keep under my macros.

    Protein intake is still on the higher side - wohoo!!!!
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Hello all!

    I'm a 2/3 for the last week seeing as I didn't exercise at all and enjoyed my rest :smile:
    Back to lifting today - felt brilliant! Smashed Stage 5A BWM in 1.40 secs bigsmile took 5secs off previous time.

    wow, that is amazing! i don't know how you can fit it in to such a short time, it takes me over a minute just to do the squats!

    It helped that I had the music cranking :laugh:

    And I solved my planking issue - loud, upbeat music helps keep my mind off the sheer tedium of staying in the one position for a full 2 minutes :bigsmile:

    I could still move this morning so I did 5B followed by a Fitness Blender 14 minute HIIT. Yeah I curled up in the child's pose for a little while after that :wink: :laugh:

    Rest day tomorrow though, so all good! I'm thinking a nice coffee at the local bakery with a sausage roll or meat pie before I hit the shops to run errands. Won't need a separate cardio workout tomorrow - it's gonna be a loooooong day!

    Yay bepeejaye! Glad you're hamstring is feeling better :smile:

    Rocky, sounds like an awesome holiday. We did a lot of hiking & bushwalking before kids. They sorta put a stop to it for a while, but we're planning on getting back into it this summer now they are old enough to hike a fair way without complaining too much. Eventually we want to work up to the Cradle Mountain hike in Tasmania - it's so beautiful down there, and I think it takes about a week or so from one lake to the other. Only problem is, it has been known to snow down there in the middle of summer LOL

    Pmag, go slow! You've been unwell, just take it easy and ease yourself back into it.

    My mum has been sending me pics of the kids climbing trees, swinging from branches, and generally having fun. That's why I send my city kids to the farm :wink: Truth be told, they'd probably prefer to live somewhere rural or a small coastal town. After our holiday in April, let's just say it's in the back of our minds.... because the husband and I wouldn't mind it either. Uni and work need to be dealt with first though. But don't be surprised if I announce in about a year & a half's time that we're upping and moving to some little beach shack and completely changing my husband's career path :laugh:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement- I was getting down because I had to cut many exercises to half the weight I was doing before. I might have to do a weird diet called fodmaps. It is intended to starve bacteria in the small intestine, but it is very restrictive. It eliminates gluten but also some veggies I love like Broccoli, leeks onions garlic and most fruit.

    Rocky - I love Crater Lake- we have not gone for about six years but it is gorgeous.
    Hiking for your fiftieth sounds great, especially the pacific coast trail. can I join you?

    We did a family run just 30 min alternating walk run- but it's finally hot here in OR and the kids were a bit whiny.

    My goals for the week are
    1. Three lifting workouts
    2. Three family"runs" these are not rigorous as less than ten minutes of the 30 are spent running.
    3. Find a fodmaps dinner with veggies that I like.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    DNA it sounds like you are having some great workouts.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    DNA it sounds like you are having some great workouts.

    I'm just enjoying having the house to myself without having to worry about running around after everyone else :wink: :laugh:

    I fully intend to sleep in tomorrow though. All I have planned is one business-related coffee meeting (woot!) and then hunting down supplies and other fun shopping.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I was wondering if I am logging this correctly, when I do the step ups & the lunge, I'm holding 40lb dumbells in each hand, do I log that as 40lbs or 80 since Im holding 2 & doing the exercise?
    And I don't know what these tricep push ups are but they do not sound like fun. :ohwell:

    Hello my felloe newbies :bigsmile:

    40lbs in each hand :noway: Far out, I could never hold those like that..... anything over 40lb (combined) goes on my back these days.... crappy grip strength :grumble:

    How many reps are you getting in? Are you other ladies holding that kind of weight for lunges etc? Might just slope off to my own little feeble corner...... :frown: