Daily Chat Thread



  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    40lbs in each hand noway Far out, I could never hold those like that..... anything over 40lb (combined) goes on my back these days.... crappy grip strength grumble

    How many reps are you getting in? Are you other ladies holding that kind of weight for lunges etc? Might just slope off to my own little feeble corner...... :frown:

    LOL 40lbs is just under half my weight, so no, I'm definitely not holding that amount for lunges etc :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I am gonna hit my calorie deficit, now, I tell you....

    I have a wedding to attend on September 20 and JUST FOUND MY DRESS! So, to MAKE SURE I am "one size smaller" in 10 weeks, I am posting MY motivation right here!!

    So, I want to be down 5 lbs by end of July. I will aim for 3 more lbs down by end of August. And, then 2 more lbs down by wedding event.

    That's 10 lb, baby!!

    Let me know your thoughts on this dress --->>>

    (I'm tall, so the pattern should work...)


  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Oh my gosh, that is a gorgeous dress! Amazing.

    I have been able to hold a 30lb DB in each hand for lunges with back foot elevated but it kills my hands and I need to take a wee break to put them down before switching feet. I had carpal tunnel syndrome when I was pregnant with my first son six years ago and ever since, my hands feel weaker and get tingly after gripping a weight or even something like a shopping cart for a period of time. It's a pain!
  • actiontime26
    actiontime26 Posts: 67 Member
    Hey everyone, i'm a new user of this workout program and I love it!! I did some heavy lifting with Chalean Xtreme. I loved so much that i didnt finish the program when i got back to the compound moves ( my body felt weird doing those moves. I was afraid i would injure myself). By navigating on MFP, I saw women recommanding the book New rule. I read it and I knew immediately that i had to try it. So after 2 weeks, i can already see results! I though i was crazy but i ask my Bf if he saw what i saw. He confirm it. My legs are getting slimmer!!! The most problematic, most shameful part of myself is getting slimmer! I can't believe it! And as a bonus, im losing weight! Ive being careful of what i eat. Cut down on the sweets and fast food. Im not calculating my intake. I eat want im hungry basically.I cant wait to see my body in 6 months :) Im a the only one getting results that fast.?
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Beeps the dress is HOT. I love it but personally I couldn't pull it off with my shortie legs. I am getting toned for an upcoming wedding in 12 days.

    I gained some pounds on my trip, no surprise, so now I am up 6# from my ulitmate goal. Right now I'm working on getting rid of 4 by July 19th, I figure they are new pounds so they should come off quickly if I work at it.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement- I was getting down because I had to cut many exercises to half the weight I was doing before. I might have to do a weird diet called fodmaps. It is intended to starve bacteria in the small intestine, but it is very restrictive. It eliminates gluten but also some veggies I love like Broccoli, leeks onions garlic and most fruit.

    Rocky - I love Crater Lake- we have not gone for about six years but it is gorgeous.
    Hiking for your fiftieth sounds great, especially the pacific coast trail. can I join you?

    We did a family run just 30 min alternating walk run- but it's finally hot here in OR and the kids were a bit whiny.

    My goals for the week are
    1. Three lifting workouts
    2. Three family"runs" these are not rigorous as less than ten minutes of the 30 are spent running.
    3. Find a fodmaps dinner with veggies that I like.

    View all of Pmagnanifit's photos (7)

    Pmagnanifit Well I am looking for a hiking partener for the trip and for training. I can't remember, you live in Portland? I want to start logging training miles in area now.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Rocky, sounds like an awesome holiday. We did a lot of hiking & bushwalking before kids. They sorta put a stop to it for a while, but we're planning on getting back into it this summer now they are old enough to hike a fair way without complaining too much. Eventually we want to work up to the Cradle Mountain hike in Tasmania - it's so beautiful down there, and I think it takes about a week or so from one lake to the other. Only problem is, it has been known to snow down there in the middle of summer LOL

    Dnamouse: That hike sounds awesome! One day we plan to go to Australia we have to include this in our trip.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    Hey everyone, i'm a new user of this workout program and I love it!! I did some heavy lifting with Chalean Xtreme. I loved so much that i didnt finish the program when i got back to the compound moves ( my body felt weird doing those moves. I was afraid i would injure myself). By navigating on MFP, I saw women recommanding the book New rule. I read it and I knew immediately that i had to try it. So after 2 weeks, i can already see results! I though i was crazy but i ask my Bf if he saw what i saw. He confirm it. My legs are getting slimmer!!! The most problematic, most shameful part of myself is getting slimmer! I can't believe it! And as a bonus, im losing weight! Ive being careful of what i eat. Cut down on the sweets and fast food. Im not calculating my intake. I eat want im hungry basically.I cant wait to see my body in 6 months :) Im a the only one getting results that fast.?

    Sounds like your body is responding nicely to the workout. That and managing you dietary intake will get you nice results. Consistency is key!
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member

    40lbs in each hand :noway: Far out, I could never hold those like that..... anything over 40lb (combined) goes on my back these days.... crappy grip strength :grumble:

    How many reps are you getting in? Are you other ladies holding that kind of weight for lunges etc? Might just slope off to my own little feeble corner...... :frown:

    I did 12 reps with 2 sets yesterday with the 40 lb db, but I can only do that with the lunges & step ups (I'm feeling it today) & that's just because my job requires me to lift 50 by myself and I've had this job for 9 yrs. I was moving 80lb printers last week. But then I feel incredibly weak with other exercises like that pull over. I can barely do 15lbs & my shoulder pops & I don't feel it working my lats, of course I may be doing it wrong. I also got straps to use, when I did my first workout, I felt that I didn't have a strong grip & I have tendonitis in my wrist so I wanted to protect that. They made a big difference. My bf wanted to try them until he saw that they were pink lol. Hes too manly for pink straps.

    Beeps, I love that dress!!!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    It's been a few years since I've bought fresh apricots but they were just so beautiful at Costco! I was thrilled. I was even more thrilled to discover that one apricot is 17 calories. SCORE. Love my summer fruit.

    Don't be lookin' in my diary for vegetables :blushing:

    Squeezed in a little run this morning.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    Got my second (shortened) weight-training session in-and-done....motivational-dress is WORKING!

    I have a girls' night patio night tonight, so will pre-log my calories to KEEP ME ON TRACK.

    Ohhhhh, this is gonna be good!

    PS - the gym was FULL of hardbodies today....maybe that's why I never go on Tues/th?!??!? Don't know, but I did NOT like it and was glad I raced outta there after 45 mins.

    ...Australia....yes, one day for sure I will get there! Right now a very good gf of mine is in town from N.Z. She is moving to N.Z. permanent-like.

  • marieann82
    marieann82 Posts: 150 Member
    Workout 2B went better yesterday. Didn't hate it as bad as the first time. My legs are achy this morning so glad I was able to feel like I made some progress. I used the BOSU ball since my gym doesn't have a low step. Wish they did....

    I am starting Whole 30 on Thursday. My energy has been so low, my tummy has been weird, oh--and I haven't really lost anything on NROL, just gained a pant size. Whole 30 really isn't about losing weight. I am hoping it will help me zone in on foods that don't make me feel well, make me exhausted, ect.

    So, it's meat, veggies and fruit for me for a month. Just in time to go on the next family vacation.

    Have any of you done Whole 30---any recommendations?
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I am gonna hit my calorie deficit, now, I tell you....

    I have a wedding to attend on September 20 and JUST FOUND MY DRESS! So, to MAKE SURE I am "one size smaller" in 10 weeks, I am posting MY motivation right here!!

    So, I want to be down 5 lbs by end of July. I will aim for 3 more lbs down by end of August. And, then 2 more lbs down by wedding event.

    That's 10 lb, baby!!

    Let me know your thoughts on this dress --->>>

    (I'm tall, so the pattern should work...)



    Oooohh I LOVE that dress!
    Now if I could just grow an entire foot higher.... :wink:

    Whole 30... I had to look that up.
    Seeing as my household is already lactose/dairy & gluten-free and on a low sugar & low-gi diet (insulin issues), we're pretty fine. That, and I'd be a very sad mouse without my legumes :laugh:

    Welcome actiontime! :smile:
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    You are going to rock that dress

    I am in Portland and would love to do some hikes .
    You will also rock the dress at your friends wedding
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I love it. Wish I was tall enough to pull something like that off. I have no doubt you will rock that dress! I am sure you fit right in on "hard body" Tuesdays.

    Ali, that's pretty hardcore! Make sure you're getting full ROM with those weights. I found once I got to the heavier DBs, it was hard to go all the way down without bumping the DBs on the floor(long arms-short legs). So I switched to the barbell. Doesn't matter how you log them as long as you know your system:)

    Jo, I can hold heavy dumbbells, but rarely do it. It's just easier to use a barbell most days- and I don't wear my arms out for arm exercises.

    Marieann, I've never done Whole 30, but I am all for getting plenty of fruits and veggies. I think that in itself would make many people feel much better(I speak from experience).

    runz, I wish I like more fruits.

    dna, music makes everything easier....

    I'm nailing my diet yesterday and today. I already feel more motivated and energized.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, I love it. Wish I was tall enough to pull something like that off. I have no doubt you will rock that dress! I am sure you fit right in on "hard body" Tuesdays.

    Ali, that's pretty hardcore! Make sure you're getting full ROM with those weights. I found once I got to the heavier DBs, it was hard to go all the way down without bumping the DBs on the floor(long arms-short legs). So I switched to the barbell. Doesn't matter how you log them as long as you know your system:)

    Jo, I can hold heavy dumbbells, but rarely do it. It's just easier to use a barbell most days- and I don't wear my arms out for arm exercises.

    Marieann, I've never done Whole 30, but I am all for getting plenty of fruits and veggies. I think that in itself would make many people feel much better(I speak from experience).

    runz, I wish I like more fruits.

    dna, music makes everything easier....

    I'm nailing my diet yesterday and today. I already feel more motivated and energized.
    I love when Cowgirl gets here first and I can just say DITTO!!

    Is it really only the third week of summer for my children. I fear they may not live to see the end of summer vacation. When did my fairly well-mannered princes become such little jerks. They are so mean and nasty to each other and they wrestle all the time. Maybe they're mad because I'm working this year :sad: :sad:

    Got in a walk, took them to the playground in 96 degree heat for an hour, then went to the gym. Got there too late to add in some zumba, but a decent workout nonetheless. Calories look dead on for today. :bigsmile:
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    cowgirl, having your goals written out so you can look at them regularly is the way to go. It's been keeping me super motivated.

    So I got a nice compliment today. While working out at the gym, this man came up to me and asked me if I was a professional athlete. At first I thought he was being insincere because I don't look anything like an athlete (too fat). But then after I said no, he went on to say "well you train like one". Yay for Supercharged!
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    Jamaican....Yay to you!!!

    Just coming off my Zumba high...I noticed since I cut down on cardio so as to build muscle, I am losing abit of cardio gains...but compared to how I am seeing definition in my body, I do not mind that one bit!!!

    Ohhh..the Brazil - Germany game was humiliating!! Yikes!! Well, all my fav teams are in the top four - and it gets harder and harder to choose a side!! Cannot wait for Sunday!!! :drinker:
  • bepeejaye
    bepeejaye Posts: 775 Member
    I am gonna hit my calorie deficit, now, I tell you....

    I have a wedding to attend on September 20 and JUST FOUND MY DRESS! So, to MAKE SURE I am "one size smaller" in 10 weeks, I am posting MY motivation right here!!

    So, I want to be down 5 lbs by end of July. I will aim for 3 more lbs down by end of August. And, then 2 more lbs down by wedding event.

    That's 10 lb, baby!!

    Let me know your thoughts on this dress --->>>

    (I'm tall, so the pattern should work...)


    The dress looks great! Are you going to match it with rocking hot red heels? That would be a knockout look, me thinks! :drinker:
  • Ali_momof2
    Ali_momof2 Posts: 478 Member
    Had the day off of work which felt like more work than going to work. The kids did not want to behave, but got Andy's physical & shot up to date for school. Poor kid is 11 & carrying on more than the 3 yr old does when he gets shots. Almost have him registered in school but I didn't have his report card from the last school so I have to go back tomorrow :sad: & take him to the air force base for his new id card.
    No time at all to workout today, but I'm exhausted. I lift tomorrow & I hope to fit in some kickboxing but that probably wont happen. I'll be happy to go back to work Thursday.