Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Woo hoo on the new low, Gayle!

    I don't record my gains on my ticker either. I did one time, but it was because I knew it was from goofing up and not water retention or normal fluctuation.

    As we get older we are also more apt to become dehydrated as we don't feel thirst as we did when we were younger. Besides raising BP, it can also cause our bodies to retain water to protect itself. So increasing water intake is a good thing! In turn again raising BP.

    I did finally hit a new low, too! At 154. Where I wanted to be for January 1st. Between water retention and slowing down, this is really getting harder!

    A few months ago a comment on MFP was going around that I really liked and need to keep in mind: "Losing weight is hard. Being fat is hard. Choose your hard!"

    Feel like I'm trying to catch a cold. Doing everything to fight it off!

    Think I will indulge in a little screen time under the covers this afternoon. Probably no 10000 steps today. I have off again today because of MLK day yesterday since Monday is my normal day off.

    I'm going to be dogsitting next week at my son's. Will seem like a mini vacation and, in fact, I'm taking most of the week off. I thought I might have an at-home spa experience since they have a big jacuzzi, showers, etc. Facials, creams, haircut, mani-pedi, etc. Thought I would look up some recipes from spas, too. Any ideas on how to better enhance the experience? Work has been extremely stressful and I need this! Would love to get a massage, but don't think I want to spend the money right now. I will be close enough to go to the gym still.

    Going to go and keep warm!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm feeling under the weather myself Charlie. Hope you feel better soon! I'm going to bed after this too, but hope to just sleep. Good that you will have a chance to spoil yourself. Candles, New Age Music, good scents help too. I like your quote and pick can be "hard to lose weight" but the path is predictable (if you include the reality of the bumps) and will definitely take me to slimmer in the long run.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    well done and yes, pizza is a guilty pleasure but if it fits in ..... enjoy!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    This cold is really going around! I haven't been exposed yet, at least, I hope not! Take it easy ladies. Give your bodies a good chance to recover.

    Spa treatments, ah.... talking to the wrong girl here. Never had a massage or a mani-pedi in my life. Raised in a household of boys, mum never worn make-up etc. But, enjoy! Get the 'thinker' to turn off for awhile and drift. I do enjoy our outdoor hot tub that way but it is too cold today to even think of venturing out there.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Feeling better today. Might have fought this off, although feel it could go either way. I'm at work though as I will seldom take off work and must really feel awful. I took off for my cataract surgeries last year, but other than that, it has been probably a couple of years since I have called in sick. Marney, you are right the cold is really nasty and a lot of my co-workers have also had the flu, too. Actually, I'm far more likely to call in for a "mental health day" than for being sick.

    Tai Chi tonight. Gosh it is hard. So many things to think of at once. Each little movement and nuance. Feet, arms, hands. Balance. And then remembering it all. I might go again tomorrow night, but I'll see. Hope to work out a little beforehand as it isn't a "workout" per se.

    I like the pizza idea for my "spa week," but maybe I'll do a flatbread-style with something like spinach, mushroom, etc. Candles are always good. Not so much into the new age music although it does help me go to sleep sometimes. However, I do love classical, so that would be good. I also love to relax to the crooners: Sinatra, Dean Martin, Perry Como, etc. I find the blues relaxing, too.

    I had my first massage a couple of years ago. I never thought I would like one because I'm not a touchy person and I cringe when a stranger touches me. But, my doctor had recommended it for a pulled shoulder one time and I fell in love with it! A good deep tissue massage! Nothing like it! But they are expensive and I feel like it is so frivolous! Wasting money to me ISN'T relaxing.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Don't think massages are a waste of money because they really can support health and help your muscles to let go and energy to flow the way it is supposed to do in your body. That said I can probably count the few massages I've had (not many) because money has to go to light bill, gas, groceries, etc. Thanks for reminding me to check out the massage school to see if I can get a reduced rate massage. Wouldn't that be great! My shoulders and neck get so tight that I know it cut off circulation to my head (that's my excuse for being such a space case).
    We've had a virus here that seems to last and last...one day feeling better, then that evening feeling badly again. I think I am finally feeling better although sleeping whenever I can. Feel like I've I've had a pretty good week, staying in control of my food, drinking water.
  • nancystandlee
    nancystandlee Posts: 8 Member
    Gayle I found the group need to fill out my profile & will do that tomorrow
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Jan 23rd-160.5
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Guys, I've invited a new challenge member. Her Name is Nancy. She is 79 and her long term goal is to loose 40 to 50 pounds and add walking to her routine.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    1/02/15: 187.3
    1/09/15: 186.1
    1/16/15: 184.8
    1/23/15 183.3
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, your numbers are looking so good! You've lost 5 pounds to my 4 so far! Good for you!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Wow, guys! You are doing so well. Welcome, Nancy. I look forward to reading about you successes.

    As usual, Mary has left me in the dust! Good going! I obviously need to up my game about exercise. I tried walking this week and solid ice on the roads just make it impossible. Even if I drive out to the flat part. Stationary bike, I guess it is but I love to walk! I think I will try my neighbour's treadmill or up at the community centre. That is my new goal this week. To get my exercise problem sorted. I did get more this week, but not to goal yet.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 2 165.5
    Jan 8 164,5
    Jan 16 163.5
    Jan 23 163.5

    Frustrated, but not daunted.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hello, Nancy! You will like it here!


    You guys are tearing it up! Not me so much. I finally hit the 154 which I wanted to hit January 1. I am just on a roller coaster ride and last night didn't help. Went to a new deli and craft beer restaurant. Delicious, but not low cal!

    1/2/15: 155.5 lbs.
    1/9/15: 159.5 lbs.
    1/16/15: 154.5 lbs.
    1/23/15: 154

    I am doing good with my New Year's Resolutions for doing stairs. I've done 55 floors this week. I am also loving Tai Chi (although I still say it is hard). Went twice this week!

    Gayle: Great idea to try massage schools. I can get a Swedish massage for only $25, but they book weeks out in advance. But, your comment even made me look further and discovered that an added feature of my health insurance gets me discounts at licensed therapists. I made an appointment for a 1-hour first time deep tissue massage for next Friday. Introductory fee is only $44 plus 20% off of that! $35 isn't bad! Will be part of my at-home spa week!

    Merry: What can I say? You rock!

    Marney: Maintaining is always a good thing. Me, I'm the queen of gains, so I am happy when I maintain. As for exercise, what about some youtube videos. Leslie Sansone has all her walking videos on youtube. I've done that when on vacation and can't get out! They don't take much room either. Or I like to put on music and just dance! Burns a lot of calories!

    I have started walking one of our courthouse buildings at lunch now that the weather is bad. I do it with two others. We start on the 7th floor and walk from the stairwell to the end and back. Down the stairs to the next floor. Etc. If you count from where we start it is 1.5 miles! Of course, I'm lucky because my gym has an indoor track.

    Do you have any large malls or one woman I know on MFP walks her local Walmart! Up and down every aisle.

    Well, breather is over. Gotta go!

    Have a good week!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Love your energy Charlie! Wish I could challenge myself with stairs but my knees won't allow, though I do go up an down my stairs at home, one step at a time, lots. I got the Leslie Sansone tape in the mail this week and looking forward to looking at it this weekend. It is really true about walking malls and Walmart! It works. Days when I do my shopping I see it the next day on the scale.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marney, no gain is great!!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Welcome Nancy!!This is a great group to belong to.
    Marney,It's great you stayed the same.It's so much better than a gain.New week,new goal.You WILL get there.you and I have had so many up and downs and my goal this week is getting in the 150's.You are so close to that also.
    Charlie,great exercise with the stair climbing.That really builds up those muscles.I live in the country and not a gym in sight.30 miles at least to a Wal-mart.
    Gayle,what tape did you get? I do all my exercising using her tapes in the winter.Really work up a sweat.Now 3 of my sisters are using her tapes.It will be nice when the weather gets pretty and i can walk outside.
    I completed my 100 mile in January challenge today.Not sure if i'm going to do it next month.If anyone is interested in doing this let me now,i'll try to send you an invite or you could just type in 100 miles in February to join.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Mary, I got the Leslie Sansone "Walk Away the Pounds" Ultimate Collection, 4 complete workouts on one DVD. It has the stretchie band too.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Mary, do you use the weighted balls for the workouts? Where did you buy yours?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, folks. I got out my Xbox today and did some exercise to it. But it is a little frustrating because the sun (which I love) comes in the windows and the Xbox controls cannot "see" me so I keep having to stop.

    Charlie, I will look for the youtube videos. Thanks for the tip!

    I arranged for the professional salting/sanding of the road today because the cars were having trouble staying on it. AWD is good but when all 4 tires are on ice.... problem. Costs a bit, but our road membership fees pays for one coverage a year. I don't think it will help the walking any. Spring will come.