Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hope to be 172 by Good Friday. Our next challenge, from Good Friday until July 4th starts then. Have to take my son to school, more later.
  • nancystandlee
    nancystandlee Posts: 8 Member
    1/23/15: 199
    1/30/15: 197.4
    2/6/15: 196.6
    2/13/15: 195.6
    2/20/15: 194.6
    Congrats all & love reading your stories/hints. I need to move more & keep thinking I'll start next wk! I spend way too much time sitting at my kitchen table journaling. I love the quote and it's going in my journal as a reminder. Tomorrow I'll get a little exercise as I'm meeting up with a group of urban sketchers in Fort Worth at the stockyards for a sketching session but at home my paperwork is about to do me in. I want to follow up on some of the links you posted. Nancy from Texas (wish some of u would add your state -,esp when u say it's so cold)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited February 2015
    Nancy: I'm in Columbus, OH. Was -6 (windchill -17) when I came into work. Is lunchtime and it is up to 7 degrees. Is supposed to keep warming up until we get way into 30's tomorrow. Yet and then rain. Then freezing rain as temps drop again. What fun these last two winters have been.

    Congrats to both you and Gayle on the one pound loss this week. You are both losing steadily. Way to go!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 2 165.5
    Jan 8 164,5
    Jan 16 163.5
    Jan 23 163.5
    Jan 30 163
    Feb 6 162.5
    Feb 163.5
    Feb 20 163.5
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Mary and I stayed the same! Better than a gain, Mary. New week, new determination.

    Congrats to all of you for your losses. Good stuff!

    Nancy, I am in Ontario, Canada. So same weather as Charlie just a bit colder. -17F this morning. Add windchill, and ...... we are having trouble keeping our house (a converted cottage facing a lake - warm. 64F is the best we can do at the moment.) Going south to Florida to escape in two weeks. I am hoping the weather will co-operate to see us to the south. Texas sounds like a dream at the moment.

    I got my exercise in today. Thanks, Charlie!

    Resistance bands, twice weekly?????

    I just want to get into the 150's before Easter.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    We had a collective loss of 4 pounds with Charlie losing 2, Nancy and I losing 1, and Marney and Mary holding steady! Keep up the effort guys!

    Forecast major winter storm rolling in today and supposed to last all weekend. You should have seen how packed the grocery store was this morning! The forecasters seem to be down playing it a bit, but they were wrong about the last two big storms they predicted so understand why they aren't calling for a snowpocalypse. Cancelled my art journaling group for tomorrow.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Gayle: 5 pounds. I lost three. Had to make up for you guys carrying the torch last week!

    Keep warm.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks for the correction Charlie, 3 pounds, not 2! That is a big difference! Great job! Now moving all that furniture today you are on your way to another stellar week! Me, I'm eating Breyer's Gelato Indulgences: Triple Chocolate. Don't worry, 1/7th is just 160 calories. This is my son's birthday dessert. He doesn't like cake, how could that be?
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I don't like cake much either. My son and I always preferred a birthday pie! Happy birthday to your son.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    My son loves pie! I didn't end up eating the gelato after all, didn't have the calories left when I got to post dinner. It will keep. Today strawberries with whipped cream, I think. Lots of snow here this weekend! Snowbound and will just do art today.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Had a great day! Worked out in the morning. Got together with my daugther for coffee and then we all went to my son's for my granddaughter, Kayla's, 5th birthday! I got her some t-shirts for summer, but I also got her several Fancy Nancy books and tickets for just her and I to get "fancy" and go to Fancy Nancy the Musical at the Children's Theater next month! She is learning to love theater as much as her grandma!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Hello everyone.I hope everyone had a good weekend.Today is my husbands birthday and fortunately he doesn't want a cake.He likes pie better too but doesn't want anything.
    Gayle,I hope your son had a fantastic birthday.Good job on keeping your calories under control.
    Marney,new week,new goal.We're only a failure if we quit trying.We aren't quitters.
    Congratulations on the weight loss ladies.I'm really trying to be in the loser group this week.
    I have to start on day 1 again but at least i'm starting over.You ladies inspire me to keep on keeping on.Thanks!!
    Have a great week.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, what a great gift for you granddaughter! There was a local theatre when I was a kid and I have fond memories. Don't get to as many plays as I'd like these days. Mary, great that you keep on working at this! It is a daily battle. My son loves Mexican food (hard for me to find anything I can eat) and he likes to go eat after I pick him up from college, around 2:30. So ended up eating two things I hadn't planned. Was able to figure out something light enough for dinner to still make it work.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited February 2015
    @gaylebodine: I feel the same way about Mexican food. I love it, but it is just so high in calories. Although far from authentic Mexican, I get my fix at Taco Bell. They have several choices within a reasonable number. I'll get their Steak Soft Taco and they offer "free senior drinks," too. You will see it as a 200 calories lunch for me sometimes. Check out their website for their nutritional values.

    Otherwise, fajitas are the best choice I imagine. But to me, Mexican food should really be about the cheese and refried beans! Yeah, the stuff that adds up the calories, big time!

    Speaking of that, a lot of restaurants that have their nutritional info on-line have them on downloadable pdfs. I download them and keep them on my smartphone. So last night when I met friends at O'Charley's and didn't want my usual, I pulled it out and found the best thing to order that sounded good. I got the Bruschetta Chicken (340 calories) with broccoli (110 - they must use a lot of EVOO or butter). My friends each got the Tuscan Chicken (1240 calories). They only ate about 1/2, but that was still more calories than mine! And, yes, they are both dieting. I never say anything, but I watch them over and over make bad choices that they think are good. They watch me look at my phone for the calorie count, but they never ask "how many calories?" I think they just want what they want.

    BTW: The Bruschetta Chicken was delicious and I'm not a chicken fan.

    I am a community theater buff. Even the high schools do great productions. I can go to a play every weekend, or even two plays, and in most cases I won't pay as much as if I went to the Broadway series. We have wonderful talent here and the only thing I ever see that is better in the Broadway series might be the glitzier costumes!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, one of the ladies in my art journaling group goes to a play several times a month. It is her favorite thing to do. I need to start going with her!

    On another note you gave me a high five about eating squash and I wanted to just take a moment to sing squash's praises. I love squash. I love butternut squash soup (just skinned and chopped butternut squash and chopped onion and water and salt), baked acorn squash (with just a little splenda/brown sugar), microwaved or baked spaghetti squash (my favorite spaghetti substitute) and of course yellow summer squash, sliced and sauteed with zucchini, onion, tomatoes over rice, and can't forget their cousin pumpkin!!. Love that there are summer, fall and winter squashes. Life is good.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Guys, hope you are having a good week. I reached a "new low" 4 days ago and the rest of the week has been all about trying to get back to it, lol. Got to have a goal, right? Anyway, fingers crossed for all of us for a great weigh in tomorrow. Go Team!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Fingers,toes,legs ,arm and eyes crossed.lol.I have worked so hard this week and hope I have a weight loss.My scales are showing a loss this week.I just hope it shows one tomorrow.At least if I gain I know I did everything I could.Good luck to everyone tomorrow.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member

    Jan 23rd-160.5
    Feb 6th -161.0
    Feb 20th-162.0
    Feb 27th-159.5
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Jan 23rd-160.5
    Feb 6th -161.0
    Feb 20th-162.0
    Feb 27th-159.5

    Mary: Boy your hardwork really paid off! 2.5 Pounds is hard to lose. And a new low!

    We too often don't look at the big picture which I, myself, must do, too. But you have lost 6 pounds in 8 weeks. That is a great loss! As we get lower and lower, it gets harder and harder. We must realize the two pounds a week, every week is no longer possible. We go up and down and then whoosh! But if we graphed this, although it would be peaks and valleys; but, one line from start to finish would be a nice steady downhill slant! And that is what counts!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    1/02/15: 187.3
    1/09/15: 186.1
    1/16/15: 184.8
    1/23/15: 183.3
    1/30/15: 182.0
    2/06/15: 181.0
    2/13/15: 180.1
    2/20/15: 179.1
    2/27/15: 178.4

    Struggled a bit this week, up and down. Ended up going to Red Lobster for dinner last night for a late birthday dinner for my son. Those cheese rolls, ate 1.5 of them. But the tilapia was good, only a small baked potato. Anyway, Great job team! Mary, that is fab!