

  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited June 2015
    @AreteAndWhimsy that is fantastic! I thought I had rosacea all these years, turns out I just had what I now call carb face. I bet you can't stop touching your skin ♡

    So, this is mid afternoon so not at my skinniest, but the old undies are so baggy now! I still have no bum and a shelf of fat over it, but my overall shape is improving even when my weight stays the same or goes up. Warning: I'm obese class 2 so still big and lumpy!

    Around 107kg:


    Around 85.5kg, usual afternoon weight this week:

  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Wow @minties82! Amazing progress!
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited June 2015
    Thank you very much! It's so hard to show a loss in just a couple of static images. From the first to second picture has been a 30cm loss around the waist. Sorry I can't think what that is in inches off the top of my head. 12" maybe? My smallest measurement is still under my bust, but my bellybutton has migrated upwards a decent amount :-)
  • lauraesh0384
    lauraesh0384 Posts: 463 Member
    My scrub pants for work are getting loose and I tie them as tight as I can. I think I'm going to be wearing medium size pants here soon. My size 12 jeans are also getting pretty big. When I sit down it looks like I have a penis because they bunch up lol. Oh, and I had to create another notch on my belt because the ones on it were too big. The notch I created is too big also now. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    minties82 wrote: »
    @AreteAndWhimsy that is fantastic! I thought I had rosacea all these years, turns out I just had what I now call carb face. I bet you can't stop touching your skin ♡

    So, this is mid afternoon so not at my skinniest, but the old undies are so baggy now! I still have no bum and a shelf of fat over it, but my overall shape is improving even when my weight stays the same or goes up. Warning: I'm obese class 2 so still big and lumpy!

    Around 107kg:

    Around 85.5kg, usual afternoon weight this week:

    @minties82 That is some killer progress right there! We're shaped similarly, so now you've inspired me to go see about taking some photos again soon...
    My scrub pants for work are getting loose and I tie them as tight as I can. I think I'm going to be wearing medium size pants here soon. My size 12 jeans are also getting pretty big. When I sit down it looks like I have a penis because they bunch up lol. Oh, and I had to create another notch on my belt because the ones on it were too big. The notch I created is too big also now. :)

    @lauraesh0384 I laughed way, way, WAY too hard at this!!!! Thanks. Needed that this morning.

    My NSV for today is that out of nowhere last night, I started thinking about ice cream and leaded chocolate and all things non-KETO friendly, and it made me angry. I had another helping of my homemade mousse as a compromise. I could have gone without anything to try to prove a point, but that usually leads me to binge in some stupid way later, so I decided I'd skip that, have a reasonable treat, and get the heck out of my head. I didn't really want the bad for me stuff, but it was a screaming/raging voice in my head... So my win is defeating the voice - eating a reasonable, Keto friendly snack, and only having a 0.2 pound difference this am...
  • nikoba
    nikoba Posts: 291 Member
    edited June 2015
    I love love love reading these! @minties82 that is awesome, good work. @gsp90x You are hilarious and I love your posts (and that you call your boy the Beast). @Soon2BeMrsSherriff painting toenails is a definite nsv that I am striving for...I may even try this weekend and see how I do :)
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    Gah. @minties82, that's an amazing difference! What a great win!
  • 35in90
    35in90 Posts: 98 Member
    I just spent an hour reading this thread. you folks are amazing. thanks for sharing.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    These are awesome to read. Very inspiring!!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    (Yes, I know I'm shouting, but this is amazingly exciting!!)

    I don't know if it's the BPC, the daily "fat fast", some kind of keto adaptation, or what... but I just noticed this week that most days it's easier to get out of bed, I don't even bother drinking coffee until I begin my commute (whereas before I *had* to have at least one cup as soon as I got out of bed), I don't feel like I need to keep refilling my coffee mug throughout the morning (and actually make less at home too), and I have energy to keep up with the kids and the husband and to get in a bit of exercise each day. This is the greatest NSV ever, because before I felt like I was going through my day half asleep and was too fatigued to enjoy my kids in the couple hours I get to spend with them between work and bedtime. I couldn't be more pleased....

    By the way, I think this is the first NSV I've posted that doesn't directly involve getting smaller.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    (Yes, I know I'm shouting, but this is amazingly exciting!!)

    I don't know if it's the BPC, the daily "fat fast", some kind of keto adaptation, or what... but I just noticed this week that most days it's easier to get out of bed, I don't even bother drinking coffee until I begin my commute (whereas before I *had* to have at least one cup as soon as I got out of bed), I don't feel like I need to keep refilling my coffee mug throughout the morning (and actually make less at home too), and I have energy to keep up with the kids and the husband and to get in a bit of exercise each day. This is the greatest NSV ever, because before I felt like I was going through my day half asleep and was too fatigued to enjoy my kids in the couple hours I get to spend with them between work and bedtime. I couldn't be more pleased....

    By the way, I think this is the first NSV I've posted that doesn't directly involve getting smaller.

    I don't know if I have posted this one here, but I'm in the same boat, D! I used to have to have a knock-off version of the 5-hour energy drink every single work day (endocrinologist approved) just to function each day. I was fine in the afternoons generally, but the mornings were absolute torture.

    I've now been about a month without them, and I don't really miss them at all, other than for the B-vitamins... And I have hypothyroidism, so this is a double or triple win to me!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    Mami1976D wrote: »
    (Yes, I know I'm shouting, but this is amazingly exciting!!)

    I don't know if it's the BPC, the daily "fat fast", some kind of keto adaptation, or what... but I just noticed this week that most days it's easier to get out of bed, I don't even bother drinking coffee until I begin my commute (whereas before I *had* to have at least one cup as soon as I got out of bed), I don't feel like I need to keep refilling my coffee mug throughout the morning (and actually make less at home too), and I have energy to keep up with the kids and the husband and to get in a bit of exercise each day. This is the greatest NSV ever, because before I felt like I was going through my day half asleep and was too fatigued to enjoy my kids in the couple hours I get to spend with them between work and bedtime. I couldn't be more pleased....

    By the way, I think this is the first NSV I've posted that doesn't directly involve getting smaller.

    I don't know if I have posted this one here, but I'm in the same boat, D! I used to have to have a knock-off version of the 5-hour energy drink every single work day (endocrinologist approved) just to function each day. I was fine in the afternoons generally, but the mornings were absolute torture.

    I've now been about a month without them, and I don't really miss them at all, other than for the B-vitamins... And I have hypothyroidism, so this is a double or triple win to me!

    That's awesome!!!
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    Waking up ready to roll was not normal for me pre LCHF either. The pain to get out of bed and get dressed would just whip me. Decreasing the risk of stroke, cancer, diabetes, heart attack, Alzheimer's, high blood pressure, etc is more important to me than my improving physical ability. Not dragging out my tracks every day all day is awesome. In fact I have to be careful now that I can move faster because the arthritis still has my spine basically totally fused from top to bottom so while my balance is better I still have physical limitations.
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    I'm able to go a couple sizes down on my lab coat for work, and a lot of my patients are complementing me on my loss.
  • CoffeeNBooze
    CoffeeNBooze Posts: 966 Member
    Soft skin, eyes look more awake, energy through the roof, no awful hunger feeling, and just feeling more in balance in general. I feel really at peace with this way of eating. I can live my life and not worry about going to restaurants or when/what I'm going to eat next! All the freedom with food is a huge nsv.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    Strange but funny NSV....noticing my undies cover most of my butt cheek now. Hehe.
  • me_ona_diet
    me_ona_diet Posts: 71 Member
    So, today the management staff at work cooked breakfast for the employees as a thank you for their hard work and dedication. This meant I had to get up at 4:30 am this morning to get in to work early. It also meant that, since we were serving pancakes, turkey bacon, eggs, fruit, chocolate, whipped cream and syrup syrup syrup, I needed to be prepared!

    Fortunately, I have a really simple recipe for low carb pancakes that also tastes great, that I got from 'I Breathe I'm Hungry' (http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/01/cream-cheese-pancakes.html) so I whipped up a batch last night to bring with me so I could participate as well. I also got some no sugar added syrup, which while a bit higher carb than I'd usually go, I figured was okay for this special occasion. I also cooked up my own bacon because I much prefer that to turkey bacon.

    So I was able to cook two boxes worth of pancakes for the staff without nary a nibble, and then heated up my bacan and my low carb pancakes with lots of butter and a little bit of the no sugar added syrup and tossed on a few blueberries and got to enjoy the breakfast with everyone else without blowing my carbs!

    And even cooler, I found out my boss - the president of the company - is doing a ketogenic diet! So I was able to share my extra pancakes with him, and he loved them! Pretty awesome to have someone else on the 'team' - especially the big boss ;)

    Anyway, I totally consider this a NSV, and wanted to share how I was able to participate but keep to my plan at the same time :) Yay!
  • DianaElena76
    DianaElena76 Posts: 1,241 Member
    So, today the management staff at work cooked breakfast for the employees as a thank you for their hard work and dedication. This meant I had to get up at 4:30 am this morning to get in to work early. It also meant that, since we were serving pancakes, turkey bacon, eggs, fruit, chocolate, whipped cream and syrup syrup syrup, I needed to be prepared!

    Fortunately, I have a really simple recipe for low carb pancakes that also tastes great, that I got from 'I Breathe I'm Hungry' (http://www.ibreatheimhungry.com/2012/01/cream-cheese-pancakes.html) so I whipped up a batch last night to bring with me so I could participate as well. I also got some no sugar added syrup, which while a bit higher carb than I'd usually go, I figured was okay for this special occasion. I also cooked up my own bacon because I much prefer that to turkey bacon.

    So I was able to cook two boxes worth of pancakes for the staff without nary a nibble, and then heated up my bacan and my low carb pancakes with lots of butter and a little bit of the no sugar added syrup and tossed on a few blueberries and got to enjoy the breakfast with everyone else without blowing my carbs!

    And even cooler, I found out my boss - the president of the company - is doing a ketogenic diet! So I was able to share my extra pancakes with him, and he loved them! Pretty awesome to have someone else on the 'team' - especially the big boss ;)

    Anyway, I totally consider this a NSV, and wanted to share how I was able to participate but keep to my plan at the same time :) Yay!

    That's fantastic! I've been craving keto pancakes this week. I think I'll make some tomorrow morning. :)
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,160 Member
    I noticed pronounced veins on my hands and wrists today.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    My body just works better.

    Simply put, carrying around that extra 100 pounds was tough.

    My daughter is very proud. She hugs me and says she wants me to be around a long time.

    That is where it all comes to focus for me. I can live again!