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Daily Chat Thread



  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I am starting this tomorrow. I have read the book, started the workout about 2-3 years ago but got sidelined by an injury. I am totally spacing on how the daily workouts go... Can someone dumb it down for me. Not understanding the logs at all!

    Oh and hi there. If you haven't, I suggest reading through the Stage 1 forum post in here. A number of stage one questions have been answered there and I think a few posts help explain the workouts. I never used the logs as I just have a little notebook I write all my lifts in and I don't even own a printer.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    2 mile jog this morning. It was a bit warm after 8:30 but the sleep was worth it though I'm still tired.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I love your regularity, DawnE!!

    I find it very motivating.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    My eye surgery has been postponed (from this friday....two days from now) to Oct 8.


    I am so, so bummed. So bummed. I have been mentally preparing for this all summer! I want to see! To read!

    Darn it!

    Anyway, beyond my control. I lifted today.....that is within my control. As is what I put in my mouth.

  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    Woke up ok and got smashed with a headache over breakfast??

    Stupid hormones.

    Gave up and got coffee with a friend after dropping the kids at school. Cramps, headache, freaking sore and couldn't care less about anything today. I've bought painkillers, promise to actually remember to take one with lunch.

    I shall get the bare basics done and pray for the day to end quickly. Which it won't because we have the school music concert tonight... 6 year olds playing violin :cry:

    Darn about the eye surgery Beeps :disappointed: Hopefully the time will go quick.

    I really, really want to curl up in bed. But I just washed the sheets so I have to make the darn thing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    It is a rest day for me, today.

    I had a job interview this morning....and, I came out of it feeling really positive - about myself!! I have NO idea if I make it any further in the interview process, but I really spoke my mind, told it like it is, did not back off my salary number, etc. I just felt completely empowered walking out of there....

    For the first time in over a year, I really feel like I can (and will!) get comfortable with waiting for the RIGHT opportunity, rather than trying to fit square-peg-into-round-hole.

    It IS a DOWN ECONOMY right where I live....it WILL take me longer to find a "fit"....and I am OKAY WITH THAT.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Also, dnamouse, I became the "squeaky wheel" yesterday and called back to my surgeon and basically got an earlier surgery date!!

    Sept. 17th

    So, not as good as Sept. 4th, but definitely better than Oct. 8th.

    Good enough.....two more weeks of lifting and that will make me feel WAAAAYYYY more "on top of my game" when I head (back) into a lifting break post-surgery.

  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Beeps - Nicely done. A upsides on both aspects. I hope it all works out for you. And thanks. I'm trying to be consistent though it's challenging at times. I still have a couple days where I go "nope" and go back to sleep instead of jogging.

    4.5 mile jog this morning. No lifting right now as needed a slight break, weird schedule because of Saturday's 5k and trying to pick new program. I'm considering either push/pull/legs or PHUL. I looked at Wendler's but, like PHUL, the minor issue is them being geared more towards 4 days a week. Until I get a gym closer to where I now live, 3 days is the max. I like the three day aspect of push/pull/legs but there are a few things I can't quite do yet, like pull ups or weighted dips. PHUL has interesting aspects to it, though again 4 day. I could do a 4 day and just have an extra rest day in between, do three lifts a week still. Just not sure yet.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Dawn I don't think it matters on the times per week. I do my workouts (A, B, C and D) in order, however many times a week I can fit it in. So sometimes 3, sometimes 4. So long as you stick to a plan you can achieve and enjoy, who cares?

    I am *kitten* this week - viral infection.... missed combat yesterday as could barely open eyes, let alone move body. Better today but rest day (aka kids off school). Hope to make up for it this weekend. Am supposed to be at work but signed off because I'm "infectious" :/
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So I have totally kicked this virus' butt! Wooohooooo

    Combat done today..... hope to lift and combat tomorrow. Might make it, might not. Rang work to cancel my sick leave but they were quite happy for me to be home and 'recover'.... so I went shopping, bought myself a new sports bra and a t-shirt I've been after for a while - http://www.lornajane.com.au/071508/Courage-Tank

    Came home, repainted the playroom wall (scuffs and grubby hand prints), sorted out the toy cupboard and now need to mop the floor. Hoping not to collapse from being too enthusiastic post illness later on!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Glad you are feeling better. Right about making them work on three day even. Just so hard to pick which one to do. I'm close to putting some on paper and drawing from a hat so I can get going. lol

    Hero Up 5k was today. It took effort getting the costume and makeup done but it was well worth it. So much fun despite the cold morning. My sister had made the hero suggestion, so I created a costume based off Huntress from Birds of Prey. Not a well known one, which was okay. One person commented that it was kind of like from the Incredibles (though I think their outfits had red and not purple but still works fine). The white duct tape around my chest did restrict breathing a tiny bit even though I made sure not to put it tight. I talked to a lady before and after the race who walked the event each year. Also met one of the founders and talked to him for a moment. Most popular hero was Batman. I ended up with a time of 28:24, which I'm very pleased about. Never thought I'd be doing mile runs under 10 minutes but i averaged just over 9 minutes per mile. Ranking wise I wasn't too bad either. 7th for my age group+gender, 15th for gender, and 39 overall for the 5k. So, yep, I am quite happy with it all. :sunglasses:
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Hurrah, awesome Dawn well done!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    No workout today. Am cooking, instead, lol.

    Tomorrow, I lift! BOOM!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    ooo food! I need to cook more.

    I lifted tonight after work, though was silly and left my packed gym bag at home. So, I had to drive all the way home, get it, stop by other store for supplies we need at work, then get to the gym It was pretty quiet hough because I tried new. I started PHUL, which is upper/lower split. Today was upper body power, which was fine except my right arm was cranky on a few lifts. Lat pull down bothered shoulder, OHP bothered wrist and skull crushers with the weird ez curl bar made my elbow unhappy. But I made it through and it's interesting so far. Next up is lower power, though I'm probably going to add good mornings on one of the lower body ones because one day is minimal and both days involve calf work and eh. Anyways, numbers...

    Bench press 4x5 @ 85 - not bad, felt heavy at first then fine so ended up 4 sets instead of 3.
    db incline bench 3x8 @ 30 - fine like before, might try increase next time
    bent row 3x5 @ 90 - heavy but used the fixed weight one cause I didn't want to find a bar to use
    lat pulldown 3x8 @ 70 - tried 80 but shoulder ached, was better by the end
    OHP 3x5 @ 65 - started with 75 but nope, wrist hurt, wasn't too bad by the end at this
    bar curl 3x10 @ 30 - eh, it's curls
    skull crusher 2x6 @ whatever the ez bar weighs - awkward. My toes barely touch the ground when using the bench and I'm using 2 plates per foot on regular bench, so that might be an issue. Elbow was a little unhappy and I was really shaky, plus I find that bar very awkward in general to hold and use. Will take some time to get used to it.

    Now it's late and I'm sleepy. Bed time.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 655 Member
    Hey girls!

    DNA-hope the headache improved and the concert was enjoyable, :pensive:
    Jo-sounds like a productive day off! Glad you're feeling better!
    Beeps-glad they moved your surgery back up again. Good job finding the silver lining.
    Dawn-great job on the run! Good times and glad it was fun too! Hope you enjoy your new program. I'm doing an upper/lower split too, and like it.
    Dou-good luck with moving etc.

    I'm doing fine. Finally got more lifting in, got to the gym Friday and Saturday - yay! Had a fun weekend and got to lift again this morning! Feeling good! Down 1.5 of the 10 lbs I picked up this summer. It's been ridiculously hard to get these new lbs to leave. Hopefully I'm heading the right way with my eating and it continues :).
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So doing back & shoulders after combat 2 days in a row was interesting. Lifts actually not compromised but heck I had knots afterwards. Thankfully hubby managed to get the worst of them out :# Just in time for Sunday's leg day to bite.... ouchy! I was concentrating a lot on using my hamstrings with RDLs as have read this could be a mental cue to stop the back rounding with regular DLs. And now my butt is sore! Not sure if this is due to that or the 1000's (or seemed like it) side kicks in combat.....

    Anyways.... today is HIIT for me but have just gotten up post night shift. Still on my to-do list but if it doesn't happen I can make it up another day.
  • dnamouse
    dnamouse Posts: 612 Member
    I'm in the after-lunch, feeling sleepy and need a nap stage...

    1.5hr meeting this morning, ran errands, and then got home only to turn around and go pick up 'sick' boy child from school. To turn around in about an hour's time to pick up the girl child... I want a nap lol

    I'm having a rest week next week. I finish up S&P3 and Supercharged on Friday, and I'm at that stage where my body needs the week off of lifting. I have a few runs and light sessions planned, but nothing strenuous. And then I'm going to start again at one of the Basic Training stages. I'll decide all that next week lol I'm happy just plodding along :smile:

    And I threw the scale. Well, under the husband's side of the bed anyway. I'm over it messing with my head. My clothes still fit, so I need to learn to love the skin I'm in (even if it's a bit saggy and wrinkled lol).

    I did, however, get a lovely compliment the other day. A friend pulled me up before the music concert and told me she'd seen me crossing the road wearing shorts (it's slowly getting warmer), and told me I had freaking amazing legs lol

    I may not have the flattest stomach, or the perkiest backside. I may not be able to lift the biggest amount of weight or have the lowest body fat %, but I enjoy being active and it's making a difference, slowly but surely.

    And I'm taking a bunch of 3rd graders for a 3 hour geo-cache excursion around our suburb on Thursday morning :open_mouth: (I never said I was sane lol).
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    dna - yeah, don't think anyone would mistake you for sane. :wink: That's awesome about the compliment. I think with lifting my legs are still my better feature since my stomach is my trouble spot, it helps balance having something that we can show off a little on those days. I might wear shorts today, still warm hear but cooling down.

    This morning was 2 mile jog near apartment. Tonight is lower body power, so heavy squats and leg press.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Dawn, congrats on the run. That's an excellent time!
    I'm falling behind on my lifting this week. My back is bothering me must of the time now, it's not really sore, just achy but I am using it as an excuse to avoid the gym. That and the fact that I'm tired from starting a new job and also the weather today was too nice to be stuck inside so we went for a walk in the beach instead (I live in Ireland, we get about 3 days of sunshine per year so we have to make the most of it! )
    Maybe tomorrow I'll manage to lift. In the meantime I'm looking for somewhere to get a back massage so I'm hoping that will ease whatever is bothering me.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I lifted, today.

    Am really, really down about not being able to find work. I did meet with a STELLAR networker today....and she gave it to me straight. So, really BAD news for me: after 20 years in this career and 25 years volunteering for this cause and that cause, I have NOT built a "strong-enough" network. And that has cost me.


    Anyway, I am licking my wounds and will have to figure out how to start back at square 1. Chilling.

    Keep up the GREAT lifting stories, ladies! Because, to add to my work woes, I DO have to lose 10 lbs, I DO have to stop lifting (post-surgery) and I DO have a LOT of personal goals that I need to get to work on.