Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    Thanks for trying, manic....now I am concerned as to what "family sickness" means for samntha. :(

    Got my lifting in. Still working on calorie deficit....it isn't really showing on the scale, even though i FEEL as if I have been eating A LOT LESS. Gaaahhhh.....I should go back to weighing my food. I just am not in that head space right now.
  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    I haven't checked in here in ages but I had to pop in to celebrate because no body else would understand - today I deadlifted 85kg!!! (that's 187 lbs). That is 10kg more that my previous best so I was thrilled! I found myself rechecking the weights repeatedly to make sure I had added it up correctly.
    I will come back later to read back and see how everyone else is doing, just wanted to boast while still feeling elated!!
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @DouMc woohooooooo!! Excellent stuff!!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Great job DouMc :D

    Can't believe I pulled up ok today after double combat yesterday... so squat day it was. All good. Love it when my body feels energised :-)
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Nice work DouMC.

    Long day since closing cashier called in. We had new person come in for a few hours but then it was just me and the store manager for the last 1.5 hours. Went to the gym afterwards and things went pretty well. Trying to type it all now but cat is on my lap and being needy so this took me a little while to get all down.

    28 - lower hyper

    front squat 3x8 @ 80 and 1x8 @ 95 - I did an extra set using a different grip, the crossed arms one because the lift is limited more by my wrists than my legs. Might keep doing it this way as it still works some on the wrist but also gives a little challenge to the legs at the end.
    bar lunge 3x8 @ 70 - eh, lunges
    good morning 3x10 @ 70 - challenging enough
    leg extension 4x8 @ 65 - nothing special
    leg curl 3x8 @ 70 - usual
    seated calves 4x10 @ 95 - meh, calves

    Now for writing.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    Great stuff in here, Doumc and jo_m....nicely done! BOOM!

    Interesting front squat set-up, Dawn! Glad you can modify it to work for you.

    I am meeting a longlost friend, sometime the week of Dec 11-13.....so, that's a great goal date for me staying "five lbs down".

    A great kick-pff to my 20-week plan!

    No lifting today....three days in a row and my body is craving rest. So, will work on keeping my calories totally in check today.

  • DouMc
    DouMc Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks guys. I was delighted with myself yesterday and really needed to tell someone. And weirdly I wasn't sore today, I thought I would be in bits.
    Dawn, I do my front squats like that as well, I just cannot get my arms into the other position to do them properly. And also, congratulations on the progress, your pictures look amazing!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Nicely done DouMc!! And you too Dawn, such consistency!

    I lifted this morning. Back today, so did single arm bb rows, inverted pull downs, rack pulls, and DB pullovers. I did 165x1 on the rack pulls, then 155 x1 then 3 sets of 135x6, not my best by any means but not too shabby for a comeback.

    Mary and Beeps, I've been in touch with Sam, she's ok. The family member is improving. She has a bunch of stuff on her plate right now but she'll be back :wink:

    Beeps, I'm trying to have 10 off by Christmas. That's my goal. There I said it outloud.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    That's funny the talk about the front squat - I was just discussing this the other day now that I've started them again. I do not like the cross arms version - the bar feels wobbly! My wrists can cope currently with the weight and since reading a few more articles on them I have managed to adjust the position so the bar rests on my delts rather than my arms taking the weight. Not sure how that'll go as the weight increases but we'll see. You do need wrist flexibility to do them this way. Shame my hips aren't so flexible!!
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    suelegal wrote: »
    Nicely done DouMc!! And you too Dawn, such consistency!

    I lifted this morning. Back today, so did single arm bb rows, inverted pull downs, rack pulls, and DB pullovers. I did 165x1 on the rack pulls, then 155 x1 then 3 sets of 135x6, not my best by any means but not too shabby for a comeback.

    Mary and Beeps, I've been in touch with Sam, she's ok. The family member is improving. She has a bunch of stuff on her plate right now but she'll be back :wink:

    Beeps, I'm trying to have 10 off by Christmas. That's my goal. There I said it outloud.

  • mmebouchon
    mmebouchon Posts: 855 Member
    edited November 2015
    Hi All
    Just jumping in here to say @DawnEmbers you look amazing.
    I have been reading along for awhile. I am still undecided about a program and just doing a dogs breakfast of stuff at the gym. I was so weak when I started, doing anything with weights caused my muscles to shake. I felt like I needed to spend a month or so just going through the motions of the different strength moves.
  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 643 Member
    Ok, I will attmpt to catch up!

    Dawn-I still can't see your pic! I'm bummed. I'm sure you look amazing!! Good workout, good job on the writing...keep it going!
    Beeps-Hope you find a good job soon! I'm sure it's frustrating, glad your lifting is going well though :).
    Manic-Hope the MRI goes well and your dr can help you.
    Dna-nice to see you! Glad you're messing about online. Enjoy tomorrow! Sounds lovely!
    Jo-2? Ouch! Go girl!
    Sue-good job..that soreness is good stuff!

    I'm doing well, lifted today. Still with SL. Going well, making progress, feels good. Did my cardio tues and Thursday, so week 2 of back to 5 workouts complete! :D

    Met a nice lady at the gym this morning. She was squatting 215 and doing it well. We chatted and I todd her she was #goals for me. Told her I was working on my forms and she said my form looked good on my squats and DLs. :) that encouraged me. I'll take it! She's been lifting a long time, and inspired me. :)

    Happy Friday! Weekend, payday, workouts done...all good stuff!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    suelegal wrote: »

    Beeps, I'm trying to have 10 off by Christmas. That's my goal. There I said it outloud.

    Holy crow!!! That is AGGRESSIVE!!!

    I am sure you can do it....I am aiming for 10 lbs down in 20 weeks, lol. You be hare. I be tortoise.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!

    I lifted today....it was a slug. But, I did 175 lbs weighted hip thrusts....would really like to close out 2015 at 200 lbs.


    No, I still can't do a pull-up, but I am getting REALLY good at WHT and even my DL's are coming along (....it'll be a few years before I hit 200 lbs with that puppy!)

  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Combat today. Glad it was mostly upper body as hamstrings are killer today. Supposed to be DLs Monday.... not at this rate.....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    MRI RESULTS: labrum tear. Will see dr who specializes in tears on Dec 16 if not sooner. I requested to be on a call list. The Dr I saw specializes in hip replacements. Thankfully I don't need that.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    @manic4titans that just stinks but better now than in summer. @Beeps2011 I'm impressed! I'll be happy to see #100 hip thrusts!
    @DawnEmbers your consistency is inspiring!

    Yesterday I didn't get to the gym - I actually left early to get to work early and was foiled every step of the way - it was the commute from hell! And I worked until 9:30 - trial exchanges with defendants and of course I had to wait for co-counsel to finish up their piece. I found 3 BIG errors so I'm the hero right now :wink: I will do stuff here today and shop for T'day. Mike and I travel to Ohio on Wednesday. My daughter-in-law and I are preparing and pre-cooking much of the meal to take to my mother-in-law's home for our family gathering next Saturday.

    I know, not all here are American or celebrate Thanksgiving but I would love to hear plans to keep eating well over the holiday.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Beeps for well over a year I have been curious about a hip thrust. I can't imagine me doing one Just what does it do.

    Thanks sue!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Got my leg day in - no max lifts today but steady work. Trying to increase reps with DLs.... meh. Single leg press - increased weight. No change with single leg DLs. Upped weight with calf raises. Came home to eat a protein bar after yesterday's macro fail.

    Looked in my diary - night shift this week and working 6 out of 7 days next week - boooooo..... working out will be challenging. Defo not going to get in 8 sessions like I did last week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,984 Member
    For me, manic, the WHT work my glutes,

    No workout this weekend. Booooooooo.