Easter Misfit Losers' chatting station



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    They are adorable Esther
  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi misfits,

    Sorry I have been mia for a few days. Hubby is doing better, got rid of wound vac and was discharged from surgeon. Dr. said it should be healed in a month. Sounds good as it has been over 3 months since surgery.
    So with his good news I bolted out of town to spend a few days with my sister. I needed a break!!!

    Hope everyone is doing good. Will be home Saturday.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member

    We just got back from dinner, Dave had the corn beef & cabbage, I had the shepared's pie. I thought all
    that sodium in the beef will not be good for weigh in tomorrow.

    Have a good evening.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Nancy here is a potato pizza i ran across today. I will definite be trying it out real soon
  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2016
    (My free outfit)
    Wed was one of those rare days when I was off work and no one was out of school or had to be picked up early because of a flex day. So, I decide to go shopping. I went to my usual spots where I could use my credit card if I needed to and I couldn't find anything I liked. Then I remembered another store that I hadn't been to in a while. I hadn't planned on spending to much and I remembered I have a $25 gift card. Well I found what I wanted including the shoes and jewelry which of course went well over $25 but when I got to the register the manager announced that the system was down and they could only accept credit and cash. :/ I asked about gift cards. She said well let's see. So when I slide the gift card she said okay go ahead and sign. I said but my card was only $25 she said well the receipt says it's paid for. I said I don't want to be stealing. So she showed me the receipt. I said okay and left the store without having to pay anything out of my pocket. :) then I went to sees candy to get my kids lollipops and they guy gave them to me as free samples. :)

  • Sunnyfarm
    Sunnyfarm Posts: 111 Member
    edited March 2016
    Sleep well ladies.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    Good morning, losers! Happy Friday!

    Sonya...you were meant to have that outfit!

    Nancy...have a restful visit with your sister. You deserve it!

    Marie...love, love the Dollar Tree, too!

    Ruthie...I do have a gym membership. I used to exercise at home and still do sometimes. I have a good library of DVDs, but needed/wanted something different. I love the pool classes at the gym and this is my second year with a personal trainer. I consider it to be a gift to myself. It's really a matter of personal preference. When I am tempted not to go, I think of the money I have invested and that gets me up and out!

    Shirley...dinner sounds good!

    Janice..still warm here but will cool off the weekend. As of today, I have lost 34.8 pounds.

    I am doing pretty well today...sneezing from the pollen, but other than that, I'm feeling good. I am down 1.6 today...it's weird because I usually drop ounces instead of pounds..but, hey, I'm taking it! I know that a slow down is surely going to come and I hope it's after I get under 200. I am at 205 right now. Gym day for me...gotta go.

    Stay strong!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    Good afternoon, another sunny day today, before the rain this weekend. Yesterday I went and got my car tags renewed and my drivers license. I am pleasantly surprised with the picture on my license. After losing over 50 pounds, you can really tell a big difference in my face, the old one my face was really big. Its little things like that, that make what we all doing worth it and can see a big difference. It made feel good, even though lately no big loses.

    Nancy-Glad your husband is healing and you got to go visit your sister, have fun.
    Sunny-It was your lucky day, getting everything free, other than the gift card.
    Connie-You are so close to onderland, you will be there soon. After I reached it the 190's went fairly fast. It was the 180's that went slow. Your 34.8 pounds loss is wonderful.
    Marie-I love the Dollar Tree and Deals, I was there last week and bought several things including 5 pair of readers .Deals has mostly 1.00 items, too. They are in the process of changing to Dollar Trees and if anything is over a dollar its 25% off now, soon it will be more off. I think I may go again soon.
    Shirley-I had cabbage and beans last night, I have never eaten shepherds pie, I need to eat some soon.
    Gotta run. Janice
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited March 2016
    Rain is returning to the Dallas FT. Worth area and cold weather too.If my Mother was still with us she would say this is the Easter Spell
    Tonight i am having green beans and new potatoes. which looks like it is about that time.

    I am getting all of my great grand kids, great great grands kid here for a Easter Egg hunt out at Kathy's house not on Easter but the Sunday after April 2 because we had to arrange to be able to get a couple of them from there Mother. You better believe I am looking forward to that.

    I did type up a post early this morning but most have forget to hit the post reply button
    So a Repeat
    Connie wow girl what a great year you have had A new house a streamlined figure So darm Proud of you.my friend.
    Time to go eat with my loving husband

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @caliecat...so glad you are going to see all of your grands!! Please take pics to share with us!!

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Marie - You must be so excited to see the grands and great grands. I am sure you will have a great
    time. Yes..pictures please.

    Connie - Congrats on the weight loss. You must be so busy with your new house you don't think about
    eating, I know I would be that way. A wonderful year for you!

    Janice - Don't you love thinner faces. That's where everyone notices you are losing weight because the
    face is thinner. I used to have a fat face too but it is staying slimmer now a days. Also the collagen
    is probably leaving my face and it is sagging more. :D Ha!

    Sunny - What a fabulous day you had shopping. You are one lucky gal!

    Today was walking around the hockey arena with hubby and now cleaning my downstairs.
    The weather here is cold but sunny and that makes me want to keep moving.
    Enjoy your day!

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi everyone,

    Glad to be home. Had a good visit with my sister.
    Got to catch up on everything. Didn't do too badly with food while not at home.

    Connie you are just doing great. Your hard work is finally paying off!!! Way to go!!!

  • janiceclark08
    janiceclark08 Posts: 1,341 Member
    I ran around today with Hubby, getting things for the car we needed to go with the things that came today from Amazon. We got fish for dinner, from the place that has the best fish in town. The weather has been cold er and rainy today. Not much else going on. See ya tommorrow. Janice
  • slw19
    slw19 Posts: 513 Member
    good morning ladies,

    hope everyone is well!! i am so ready for the next challenge, Connie, i have been reading this book that is called Eat Fat and Get thin. i think that is what you are doing. trying towrap my head around it. definitely stuck in a rut:( my problem is i can't get rid of all processed foods, i think my family would go bananas even though it is probably better for them.

    nancy, glad your hubby is better!

    janice, did you ever follow up after you fainted with a doctor?

    marie, how are your potatoes?

    sunny, did you wear your new outfit yet?

    shirley, nice to see you!

    hope everyone has a great day!

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @slw19..rave reviews on that book, Steph. I have not read it yet. Yes, it is pretty much what I am doing...low carb, high fat, moderate protein, 1500-1600 cals, and moderate exercise works for my body to lose the fat. My long search for the right combo has paid off (yes, Nancy!) and it is good for my hubs, too.

  • eyegirl777va
    eyegirl777va Posts: 1,464 Member
    Connie, Would it be too much trouble for you to share what your menus look like for one day? I just can't figure out what foods I would eat to keep it low carb, high fat and med. protein.
    It's working so good for you so I am wondering if I could do that plan. Just not too sure how low I can go on carbs and not have it interfere with my sleep??? I still have the Lyle McDonald pdf but it is so restrictive! Need help as I am not sure I will lose very much on the starch solution plan.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Spring to All!

    Dave popped over to our friend's across the border to pick up Isaac's summer swim suit, shirt and hat
    for their trip to Mexico next month it will be part of his birthday gift. We bought it on line in a store
    in Florida but have it shipped to a US address because shipping to Canada costs too much.

    We had brunch out this morning at a restaurant and then went to pick up some comfortable chairs
    with ottomans for our patio this summer. I just finished washing sheets and put on the clean ones.

    The rest of the day is free so far.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @eyegirl777va...my diary is open to friends. The Mcdonald diet is too restrictive. I did not do that very long. What I am doing is basically Adkins...remember him? You can get all the info on the Adkins website. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs and non starchy veggies. Real butter, full fat mayo, salad dressings, etc. I'll send you a PM with some other resources.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Connie My daughter Kathy is on Atkins diet and has really lost a lot in the past 2 months. over 20 lbs. But she is hardly eating anything. She is keeping them in bussiness with her diet Atkins drinks Bars and etc. and diet cokes. But she is looking great tho. I could not eat all that meat because of my Kidney.She lost real good once before on it. but like most of us gained it back.
    I am looking forward to all of my family get together after Easter.

    Jerry and I are really enjoying out Antenna TV. Would never go back to Cable or satellite. Alice has one hook up up to a spare TV Just for a back up to bad weather. I think everyone should have a back up. for 5.99 a pretty good bargain. We appreciates it more and more each day.

  • lovesretirement
    lovesretirement Posts: 2,661 Member
    @caliecat...I keep the bars/shakes and have them for emergencies only or for a needed sweet treat. They are processed and I would rather have "real" food. I still have movie popcorn when I go to the movie because that is one thing I will not give up. One reason I am determined not to gain it back is because low carb also keeps the inflammation in my knee at bay.

    So glad your antenna is working well. We have a backup tv set connected to one, too. Works great, especially before the cable/internet was up.
