OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Karla, those jars are cute. No mantra for me, just focusing on doing what I know how to do. Ate before 11 today - was ravenous so had Greek yogurt with a bit of maple syrup.

    Patti, how does you mom feel about cats? They can be very happy I does with food, water, litter, places to soak up sun, love and a few toys.

    Suzi, bet you two (and Dinky) will be happy to pile into Tulip and head for open spaces.

    Bert, hope you & Mike are getting supremely relaxed.

    Going to make it a fairly quiet day, I hope. Lots of tasks to choose from. And maybe a nap to take. Finished "Stranger Thungs" on Netflix - really good (and I generally don't care for creepy stuff either).

    Later, friends!
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, my friends!

    With a gentle breeze moving the branches, mornings have already become somewhat cooler. Some of the trees have begun to show evidence of fall on the horizon as they shift to golden tones. Memories of playing in piles of leaves as a child remind me of how much I love this season. While it remains quite dry, with the accompanying risk of forest fires, we must obey the "total fire ban" and abandon our fire-pit cookouts that we have so enjoyed this summer.

    While at his recent Men's Conference on nearby Thetis Island at the Capernwray Bible School, my hubby (Myron) enjoyed himself thoroughly as did all the attendees. The meals provided included some incredibly tasty grilled foods that were prepared using "Holland Grills". When he mentioned his interest in acquiring one, I researched them and discovered that these American-made barbeques are a cross between a barbeque, an oven and a smoker. With a bit of hunting online and contacting the Canadian distributor, turns out we have a local retailer! Yesterday we went to check them out and of course, came home with one of our very own. The pork tenderloin roast and baked potatoes from our first attempt were a huge success, so we will continue to explore our newly expanded culinary options, with different veggies and meat combinations this week. If I go on any longer, I'm going to create a huge appetite here!

    Fortunately, we find plenty of activities on a daily basis to offset our dietary indulgences. In keeping with that is the pleasant surprise of continuing to shed weight in our second week of Project Me. While the view from a "plateau" in geophysical terms can be truly breathtaking, the common "weight-loss plateau" can be truly frustrating. I've been there in the recent past. What Project Me seems to be doing is fine-tuning my approach with those strong visuals as my foundation, actually SEEING in my mind's eye the end result has really made a difference!
    Perhaps it's just me? Whatever the case may be, I've somehow convinced my brain to remain committed to that end result in a fresh way and I'll take it and run with it to my own podium.

    I am so thankful for each of you. Equally, I am thankful that I am physically able to do this. The fact that Myron encourages me and joins me is something beautiful and I thank God for these truths. Perhaps an attitude of gratitude propels us through this life with a power that is truly without rivals. While our lives may not be without trauma in one form or another, we can choose how we respond. So today, I choose joy.

    Love you all,
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good afternoon, been at a dead run since I got up. And I forgot to weigh myself so will do that tomorrow. Plus it will give time to find/decorate my jars. Had dental appointment to get my crown. Then a Walmart stop for bird food, and some unexpected finds because of the clearance sale. Everything was 50%off the clearance price. So picked some cushions for dining room chairs and bar stools for $3.50 each, a nice heavy 10 inch skillet for $3.50 (the clearance price was $15 and she marked it down twice) and a few other little, nearly free items that I "needed", LOL. 3 pints of my jelly didn't gel so will need to read how to fix that. Will make a freeze the stuffed peppers and plan to pickle the rest. I think they will work well in my crockpot Italian beef instead of the pepperocinis. So lots to do. No TRX as they are remodeling that part of the gym.

    Janet, my Mom is not opposed to cats but she doesn't want to deal with the litter box. I asked. Hope you stick to a quiet day and get a nap in. You have been running constantly it seems.msit out on your porch and enjoy this lovely weather while it lasts.

    Mary Lynn, you didn't make me hungry but you did make me curious. Now I am going to have to look up that cooker you bought.

    Karla, I bet it is a huge relief to get out from under that client. At this stage in your career and life, you don't need the hassle.

    Time to put my apron on and get these peppers done. I know there will be more this weekend.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi girls-
    Sorry - the week is flying and I'm at a dead run each day. Just not enough hours to get everything done but today I'm taking a few minutes for me.
    Karla- I love that you posted pics of your jars. I will try to do the same......... maybe we all could
    although one jar is empty- but I'm working towards success.
    I have a quote on my work computer-
    They succeed because they believe they can
    I believe I will do this just as each of you are proving each day.
    Patti- thank you for reading my blog- I read something about writers needing to reveal parts of themselves to their audience without giving out all the details- so I'm trying to let people in and still remain a private person on the internet. Makes sense?
    Janet- you should like things are going in the right direction
    MaryLynn- the cooker sounds neat.
    Suzi- welcome back to the routine. LOL
    Bert- I hope you're having a great time on vacation
    Myra- congrats on the pebble- keep up the focus and more will follow.
    I am thinking about going to a hypnotist to help with my stress eating. A girl I do business with went and lots 60 pounds. Has anyone tried this before? If I could find a way to deal with that one aspect everything would fall into place since my meals are well balanced and full of nutrition, I'm getting back into moving more and I'm working on my sugar intake. Just a thought.
    So now that summer is winding down does anyone have any thoughts about meeting up next summer? Are you thinking of a specific month yet? :) BTW- I'm a planner, no seat of the pants for this chick.
    OK- need to get going.
    Talk to you soon
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Cindy, I did a course of hypnosis sessions 20 years ago and found it helpful. I lost a lot of weight (which crept back on when I wasn't watching -- yeah, right -- it crept in through my mouth!). It was very relaxing too, and my ob at the time entailed lots of travel and stress (though it was a fun job). Worth a try! I'm a planner to and my schedule is fairly flexible. (Still no word about Thanksgiving yet but will try to get there early or stay a day or two extra so we can meet.)

    Patti, too hot to sit out. Litter is no big deal with the scoopable stuff but not everyone is cut out for that duty. I do know that having little paws running toward me and little eyes welcoming me every time I come home (well, they DO get treats pretty quickly) has been a godsend for someone who lives far from everyone she's close to.

    MaryLynn, count me in the looking-it-up camp. I envy your cooler evenings. They'll come here in several weeks but as a NOT-summer person, fall never arrives soon enough! I love your way with words. Myron sounds like such a sweetheart too, and his support gives me joy too. How are the kids doing?

    Karla, glad you dropped the bomb and of course they were floored -- they've been taking your competence for granted. I know you'll make the transition as easy as possible for them. Has Glenn's pain backed off at least a bit? Great to hear that Jason is enjoying being an Uber driver. I haven't tried Uber or Lyft yet -- not sure whether they cover my home area (I am about 20 miles from downtown Louisville) and the idea scares me a little for safety reasons. Booked a car service to/from my Friday outpatient surgery -- not cheap but very reliable and most of the drivers are retired or semiretired guys and I am very comfortable with them.

    Had a big salad with tuna for a late lunch and have calories left to have yogurt or popcorn this evening. Going for button #9. I am putting them into a little ivory resin box with an angel in relief on the top, a gift from a close friend many years ago. She's the one who lost her adult son to cancer, and she gave me the box from her and from Chris (her son), so it's a special treasure.

  • smack59
    smack59 Posts: 316 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi Gang! I'm checking in from the hotel in Rogers, AR. It's been a successful day! I brought my healthy snacks so I will have something I can safely munch while driving and didn't even break them out on the drive over this morning. I just stuck to coffee! I'm quite comfortable with my meal choices today. My buddy and I both brought our workout clothes and walking shoes and walked about 3 miles after work on the absolutely gorgeous grounds of the Chrystal Bridges art museum. The trails start about a block from the bank branch in downtown Bentonville where I'm teaching this week. It's a wonderful oasis just steps away from the town square - absolutely fabulous trail system winds all through and around the museum. I will take my workout clothes and shoes with me again tomorrow and walk again before I come back to the hotel.

    I'm doing something a little different than the jars. A while back, I made myself a poster covered with sticky notes that have a number written on them for every one-pound increment of weight between where I am and goal weight. As I lose weight, I get to tear off those little one-pound sticky notes.

  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and welcome to Mid-week!! AT&T is here switching my system over. I am so excited to get back to satelite!! I am going to add the Showtime service through the add-on service on my Amazon Prime membership for only $11 a month, cheaper than AT&T.

    Suzi- You are on a roll!! We all are and I am so glad, especially for myself!! lol. I need to get a hold of Jodi and have lunch or starbucks.

    Patti- Skinny Vibes for today!! You got this!!

    Janet - You pinged it, they were taking me for granted, and it was a bomb. I feel like it was a big relief. I am excited about the DirectTv and what it has to offer. They have their own OnDemand that has over 20K movie and Tv selections. Can't wait. I have really been binging on old shows. Between NetFlix, Amazon and OnDemand I am in heaven.

    Cindy- You are a sweetheart for sure. When is the best month for you? I think June or July would be great. I have never been to that part of the country. What city is best? I have my pretty little jars on my back dining area table. I hope to move some next Monday. I need to move this body!!

    TT: Are you interested in attending the OMG retreat in 2017? If so, what month would you be able to ateend? What city would be best suited for you? How many days would you be able to stay? Would weekdays or weekends be best?

    I am so excited!!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Love Wednesdays, it has become my gf day. We are meeting another of our circle of friends for lunch at Bravos, one of my favorite restaurants. My go to meal was always tilapia Vera Cruz, but I have stopped eating tilapia after I did some research on how they are raised. I will have to check the menu before I go. They used to serve the best homemade breads with seasoned olive oil. I could make a meal of that with a salad. They have switched to breadsticks. Sort of live Olive Garden, which I find bland, boring and tasteless. So not tempted. I cleaned and stuffed 30 peppers and then cleaned and sliced the rest. Amazing how a huge bowl reduced to a gallon zipper bag. Later today I am going to pickle my pack of peppers.

    WI and I am down 1.6 this week. I know the weekend cut into the 4 pounds I saw on Friday but I am ok with this. I at least feel in control and more focused than I have been in some time.

    Suzi, makes it easier to get your walk in when your path is so gorgeous. I know you have been following the wildfires, saw yesterday where they had closed the roads to Yellowstone. Hope the fires get contained soon. I like your sticky notes way to track your progress. It is not only visual but symbolic, tearing those notes off and throwing them away just like your body is tossing those pounds! Good job.

    Cindy, I have been hypnotized and it is the most relaxing thing ever. I was actually hypnotized by a cop friend who does it with victims when they need help visualizing a crime where they were either the victim or a witness. Part of it working for you is for you to have faith in it working. You definitely need something to help you cope with your stress. I am not a big planner. Edd and I tend to see where the wind takes us when we vacation. Mostly we know when we are leaving, the farthest point of the trip and when we are coming home. We fill in the blanks between loosely. We have great adventures. I know I style is not for most but it works for us very well.

    Karla, we have been with DirectTV since they became available in our area and that is a long time. Makes me mad that they are offering new customers so much and us old timers get nothing. I am going to do some research and then call them to reduce my bill for being a loyal customer. My sis does it all the time and always seems to be able to get a reduction, even if only for a month. May need to call her for pointers. She is the queen of getting it for free!

    TT: the only preference I would have is to meet before the 4th of July but can be flexible. I can find my way anywhere and if Janet wants to carpool that would be the bomb. I can see us "Thelma and Louiseing" it to our reunion.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Hi Everyone-
    Here's the drive by version of my post-
    I'm eating strawberry's as I type and avoiding other stuff- which I've emptied all my drawers at work.
    Everyone sounds happy and focused on PM- so glad
    I'll be back- but check out my LR page- I got picked up by a digital newspaper- my press release about the new book :) I was so excited last night could hardly stand it. LOL
    Until next time,
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - Congrats on the scale victory!! What you have to do on any service, is call and ask for the cancellation department. They do not want to lose you, always turn down their first offer to stay, they have more offers, I am not too proud to say I have done this every year on my satellite Radio in my car. LOL. They drop it from $191.00 to $89.00 when I call threatening to quit. Same with AT& T. They EXPECT people to do this, you are only paying because you are not saying you are leaving. If you call and just ask for a better rate, they will tell you no. It is totally ridiculous, but if you go straight to the cancellation department, that is where you get the discount rates. I've learned just like your sister. Remember, I am a collector. LOL. AT& have been here since 8am. Glenn came home and is driving me nuts. Sheez.

    TT: June would be fine with me. We are wanting to go the the Mitchell/Marston family reunion in Nebraska next year, which is sometime in May/June. I will ask which branch of the family has it and may be able to work it around that trip and spin over by myself. Oh how fun this will be. I know Bert said she wanted to stay with me in my condo, I can get a three bedroom, which will have double beds in two rooms and a pull out sofa in the living room. So please let me know if you are interested in bunking in with me. I need to know a city and time frame soon to see if Wyndam has the place there.


  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Lunch was wonderful. Had chicken breast with sun dried tomatoes, goat cheese, seasoned breadcrumbs (very little of those) and lemon. Severed with mashed potatoes and haricot berets that were cooked to perfection. Got the lunch portion and brought 1/2 of it home. The girl we were meeting is going to become a grandma for the first time very soon. Her DIL was induced this morning. So excited for her. She had a spare laptop with a brand new battery that she no longer needs and she gave it to me, she knew mine is on it's last legs. What a sweet friend.
    Canned 6 pints of peppers and redid the 2 pints of pepper jelly and I am burning up. Glad I don't have to rely on canning for my food. It is a lot of work. I much prefer freezing. Speaking of that, I did an experiment with freezing peaches, so I would be ready for the peach truck next year. End result was a huge success. In case you are interested (if not, skip to next paragraph) wash and dry ripe peaches, cut in half and remove pit. Lay cut side down on sheet pan lined with wax paper, freeze several hours or over night. Remove from freezer and let them set at room temp for about 5 minutes. Then, one at a time, run the peach half under water just enough to get the skin wet then rub the skin with your fingers and it will come off like paper. Slice and put them back in the freezer. This was so much easier, less mess, less time and fewer pots and pans to clean up.

    Karla, thanks for the tips. Will have to give that a try.

    TT: I am very flexible. Maybe if you check on some available Wyndham locations it would be a starting point for us.
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Patti - I need a city and State..or a few choices at least..

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Patti, great loss! You're getting back on track and that makes me smile. We are setting ourselves up for success in ways that make sense to each of us. I expect to put a tenth button into my little box tonight.

    Read somewhere that you can freeze applesauce, so I tried popping a couple of individual servings of no-sugar-added applesauce into the freezer. Had one for afternoon snack with cinnamon and it was yummy. Just needed to thaw for a few minutes and it took a long time to consume the 50 calories. Will do that again.

    House got cleaned, still need to eat. Just finished "Joy" woth Jennifer Lawrence. Liked it but it was a bit draggy. Eager to see what the new surgeon says tomorrow -- doubt there will be a definitive plan but at least it's a start. Also need to get groceries and have a late-afternoon manicure so will probably not be able to check in until late.

    Cat sitter will come Saturday throught Tuesday so I don't need to scoop litter for the first few days after this outpatient procedure. Doc says I shouldn't have much pain, which is nice. But I hope to chill this weekend and be fairly quiet for a change.
  • 68myra
    68myra Posts: 975 Member
    congratulations on all the successes, ladies! you are an inspiration :) good luck, Janet, with the new surgeon.

    Karla, i was just tickled to read your advice for asking for the cancelation department. I'm going to give that a go for satellite radio ;) For TV, we switched from cable to direct TV within the last year, so we are one of those enviable newbies...... for now. We use cable for ISP and are pleased with it, but.... at&t is laying fiberoptic out front of our house this week, so options are on the horizon.

    as for meeting up, I am not at a stage of life to have enough freedom to do so. Having two kids in early 20's, I know that "taxi mom", as exhausting as it can be, is relatively short-lived. and, last night, my only short, petite kid announced..... "i think i want to play on the school basketball team this winter". (we have a no-cut athletic policy) that was after an afternoon of school-tennis practice-soccer practice .... and she still got her homework done with enough time to produce the time-line of sports activities that her father required to continue the basketball conversation! she's an interesting kid.

    When my time becomes my own again, i'll have plenty of Cindy book reading to catch up on :smiley: I'm so happy for you, that you were picked up by a digital newspaper! as my artist friend likes to say: "it's tough out here for a pimp" lol

    have a wonderful day, everyone.
  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    Good Morning Ladies-
    I braved the scale today for the first time in, well I don't know how long. I'm very unhappy but I've turned my thinking around to realize I have a starting point and I'm not running. I now have 55 pounds to lose from the 35 I had a year ago. The first step is the hardest and facing that piece of equipment is scary too. So I'm taking a high five from you all :) and I will go back to daily weighing for the foreseeable future. I think it keeps me accountable and less likely to indulge. Oh- but Rick opened the stupid Halloween candy- I yelled at him. At least he didn't need to tell me.
    Patti- great tip on the peaches- I hate the blanching and all that goes with them. In fact I don't do it anymore for tomatoes- I whirl them up in the food processor skins and all. This is my third year and it works great for sauce and a time saver.
    Karla- Are we thinking Northeast for an adventure?
    If you want to be near a city, Portland Maine, Providence RI, Cape Cod - see I'm seeing beaches and sea food in our future weekend. If we do those places either June or Sept are best due to lower costs on hotels and such. Maine would be my first choice for us. Fairly easy to get to- from Kittery up to Portland on the coast. I can come up with more places too.
    Janet- I'm so glad you're going to get the ankle take care of- it would be wonderful to be in less pain. BTW- I feel applesauce as well as can it each season. Just depends on my space in the freezer- it is delicious.
    Myra- thank you for wanting to read my books- I'm growing as an author each book and finding my voice. As with everything creative it takes some time but I think the ladies here, who've read them have enjoyed them. Do you follow me on FB?
    Suzi- so good to have you back with us. Do you enjoy dipping your toe back into the corporate world?
    Myra- I chuckled at Old lady class- how did it go?
    Alrighty, need to run- but tomorrow I'm working from my home office as Lucinda - so can't wait loving my new compressed work week.
    Until later
    Hugs to all
  • KarlaLM58
    KarlaLM58 Posts: 1,590 Member
    Good morning ladies and hello Thursday.

    Janet - Wowzer, I just picked up some no-sugar applesauce yesterday at Target. I am going to freeze some and try your treat. Thank you. I am anxious to hear what your new Ortho says on your ankle. I will be praying for your oupatient procedure and your rest afterwards.

    Myra - You will always be with us in spirit our dear friend. Your athletic daughter sounds precious to me!! Plus, you, my dear are precious to me. <<<hugs>>>

    Cindy- Yes, we are wanting to plan a trip up your way for us all, that can, meet for our first OMG meet and greet!! I think Cape Cod would be wonderful. I have always wanted to visit there as a friend of mine has always raved about it.

    I have to run as I could not get to sleep last night and overslept. I want to get to Dr. Borcicky's early so i can leave out early enough to get myself a pediacure this afternoon. I have been trying to get there all afternoon.

    TT: How does June in Cape Cod sound to you for a OMG retreat?

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hey ya'll, up and dressed for the gym and done with my omelet. I have been alternating between omelets and smoothies. I have found that smoothies do not sit well in my tummy on the mornings I go to the gym. So save my omelets for those mornings. Have done well with my water before anything in the morning. Not so well with the moving every hour, but have been on my feet a lot doing the canning. Still having trouble getting back into tracking but working on it. Doing well weighing and measuring. Trying to stay off the scale but need that validation right now. I saw what happens when I decide the scale doesn't matter. How I wish it didn't but it is hard to break a lifetime obsession no matter how destructive. For now I will weigh periodically during the week but will only report my losses on my WI day.

    Cindy, I feel your pain. My first hop on the scale nearly made me cry, but I told myself that I would never see that number again so each step on the scale is so I can say farewell to the numbers as I go by them. Do you cook your tomatoes first or do you process them raw? I did a boat load of tomatoes last year. Some I roasted with olive oil and garlic and some I cooked down with the skins on. I puréed and then froze them in quart bags. I loved your press release, who wrote it? It captured your story so well. Hope that generates more sales for the series. I have thoroughly enjoyed them all but I think you know your latest book is my favorite so far.

    Janet, excited and nervous for you all at the same time. Keep in mind, when the time comes for your ankle/foot surgery, I am not far away and would be happy to come and help you out for a day, a few days, a week......whatever you need. I know you are very independent but you don't always have to be. I can scoop kitty litter, cook, clean and probably could pick you up and carry you if the situation called for it, lol. I am here for you and can be there for you too!

    Myra, your daughter sounds like a marvel. You must be proud and I love that you think she is interesting.

    Karla, Cape Cod in June sounds good to me.

    I have a feeling we will be picking corn this weekend. They have been finishing a block about every 3 weeks but I haven't heard anything yet. Need to get my bus rolling here. Lots to do today so we can leave after my morning gym class tomorrow
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Good morning, ladies,

    Discovered that berries were still available at the local "u-pick" farm, so off we went yesterday to pick another flat of raspberries and a second one of strawberries. SO delicious fresh from the farm! I think I ate a month's worth of them already, but most went into freezer bags and await inclusion in a smoothie down the road! It takes some time to pick, clean and package fresh produce, but we know how much we enjoy being able to reach for them at a later date.

    We enjoyed some grilled chicken, broccoli and cauliflower for dinner last night. Realized that we are consuming much smaller portions, with plates half filled with veggies these days. While we continue to enjoy an occasional ice cream indulgence (yum butter pecan), it seems that our choices about 70% of the time are typically nutrient-rich fruit, veggies and protein. Previously, when grocery shopping, I selected some baked fruit scones or blueberry bagels to eat on the way home. Lately, I just can't see myself eating them, so they stayed on the shelf.

    It was also fun to clean up our vehicles in the past two days, washing, detailing and waxing. Other than regular gardening maintenance around the place, we find ourselves looking for ways to keep active. While there is always hiking, which we both enjoy greatly, it still gets pretty "toasty" in the sun during the day and we need to get out there earlier to get a hike in.

    An OMG get together in 2017 sounds like fun! While we have traveled extensively in the past, there has been zero desire to do so in the past few years. In fact, our passports have expired and the renewals require signatures from individuals that have known you for at least 3 years. With our relocation to Vancouver Island 2 years ago, that could be a pretty tall order for us. Though I will continue to investigate the possibilities and pricing for travel to the northeast of the US, at this time it would be unwise to commit. Typically flights are rather costly from here and driving would take several long days. Some progress in finding a pet sitter has been made for us and we will meet with her in early September. If that works out to be a good fit, we would have a bit more flexibility for any travel plans. I promise to continue looking into it.

    Looking forward to another sunny day here, so it's time to get outside once more. Enjoy!

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hi -- Quick check-in. Doc was very nice and they took x-rays. He said, "I think I know what you need, and I am not the guy to do it, but I'll get you in to see the one guy in town I'd trust to do this. It might be awhile until you can get in to see him though." And it looks like I may also have rheumatoid arthritis (which I have suspected). People with Hashimoto's are more prone to other autoimmune conditions. Whee! Everyone who actually saw my feet wanted to help me up, help me walk, etc. Very kind folks -- so grateful I am still able to move on my own though. I overheard doc dictating note to his staff to get me in with the new guy, and he referred to me as "this pleasant patient." Awww. Sweet.

    So we wait and see. Hoping to see advanced doc this fall. Speaking of which, fall can't get here soon enough -- heat index is going to be well over 100 again.

    June should work for me -- no weddings or important graduations that I know of. If we're going to do Cape Cod or Maine (I love Maine!!!!), better to do it the first three weeks of June, before pre-July 4th crowds ramp up.

    Fighting the urge to eat not-great stuff right now. Have to change sheets, have mani at 1, then must get a few items of fresh produce to get me through several days at home. Actually looking forward to some serious quiet time (we introverts are like that) and also to seeing my cat sitter, who's also become a friend.

  • cindyr619
    cindyr619 Posts: 717 Member
    HI Ladies-
    I'm good for June and avoid around the 9th please- wedding anniversary and Rick wouldn't be happy if I chose to spend it with my OMG girls instead of him.
    Just a thought- depending upon who wants in- maybe a house for a long weekend rental or would you prefer hotels. Just thought I'd throw that out there too. I found our cottage on VRBO and this is the second time I've done this. Just more food for thought.
    Janet- glad the new dr isn't just taking you on but referring you to an expert. And you ARE a sweetie.
    MaryLynn- certainly understand about the cost of flights and driving- hopefully something will fall into place and you're able to join us girls.
    As I said so excited to be Lucinda tomorrow ;)
    Need to run but really just wanted to "see" you all