Phase 2 strolling thread!



  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Today's plan:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana
    L: clementine, spinach salad with hard-boiled egg, tomatoes, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, blueberries, mushrooms, Laughing Cow herb garlic cheese, radishes, carrots, roasted peppers
    Snacks: pear/skim mozzarella stick; plain FF yogurt with clementine
    Dinner: black bean soup, vegetable egg white omelet, broccoli and cauliflower, mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack walnuts and almonds

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    This site is messed up: Revised Plan:

    Today's Plan...

    Goal :
    starting weight 147
    current weight 147
    goal weight 130

    orange soda zip fizz with water, scrambled eggs
    veggie burger lettuce wrap with carrots and bothouse, sugar snap peas
    macro greens
    salmon, fresh spinach, onions
    Healthy Choice fudge bar with 32 grams PB
    sleepy time tea, two baby light bels if needed

    DAY ONE. blissysmile.gif
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member

    I thought the site was messed up too till I realized it had logged me out. Now that I've logged back in, it seems to be working OK.

    I looked at your revised plan--no snacks?
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks Silver...revised AGAIN

    b: orange soda zip fizz with water, roast beef 1.5 oz with 1 LC wedge spread
    s: three scrambled eggs (one yolk) with slight dusting of fresh parm/regg
    l: veggie burger lettuce wrap, bolthouse dip with carrots and sugar snap peas
    s: macro greens drink, Fage % with nsa maple syrup
    d: wild caught salmon, fresh spinach with onions cooked
    d: HC bar with 32 grams PB
    late night: sleepy time tea, two light baby bels if needed

    That looks a bit better.

    I did like the zip fizz this morning...(Sabine turned me on to it...hadn't had it in way over a year...I am going to try to have it late morning tomorrow).

    Goal :
    starting weight 147 August 27
    current weight 147
    goal weight 130

    Next weigh in: Sept 3rd.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Day One Final:

    b: orange soda zip fizz, roast beef-laughing cow roll up
    s: scrambled eggs with parm/regg
    l: veggie burger on lettuce, skim milk, sugar snap peas
    s: fage with sf syrup, almonds
    d: fresh spinach and onions with butter, chicken patty with wholly guaca and lettuce
    d: HC fudge bar, PB
    s: tea and light baby bel

    Slept a bit more than usual. Hoping tomorrow is better. Think I need a BIG SALAD!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Day two plan

    B. Orange Zip fizz spinach smoothie with skim milk Scrambled eggs
    S. 15 almonds. Mozzarella stick
    L. Veggie burger guacamole lettuce sugar snap peas
    S. Fage with nsa jam almonds
    D. Salmon herb salad. Bolthouse dressing
    D. HC fudge bar
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Magic--how did Day 1 go?

    Today's plan:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana
    L: clementine, spinach salad with hard-boiled egg, green beans, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, blueberries, mushrooms, Laughing Cow herb garlic cheese, radishes, carrots, roasted peppers
    Snacks: pear/skim mozzarella stick; cottage cheese
    Dinner: small salad, Chicken Gruyere, edamame, mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack walnuts and almonds
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Thanks for asking silver! B) I hung in there but was tired. Today should be better. At sprouts now. Need to hit trader joes and Costco.

    Lots of repeats coming up this week but I am mentally into this. THE HARDEST PART!

    Your salads are always dazzling!! <3
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Today (day 2 phase 1) revised:

    b zipp fizz with skim milk, water, ice, 2 cups spinach; scrambled eggs (three eggs, one yolk) with light dusting of freshly grated parm/regg
    s roast beef, laughing cow, roll up on romaine heart
    l tilapia over bed of organic herb salad with sugar snap peas, English cukes, Newman's Own lite Italian
    s fage with almonds and nsa syrup (sweetened with xylitol)
    d wild caught salmon, herb salad (same as lunch)
    d HC fudge bar with 32 grams PB

    late night: sleepy time tea with two light baby bels.

    Zipp fizz tastes better in a smoothie...too strong for me straight, in water.
    HAGD, ladies!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Everything exactly as planned except for dinner. Cooked up thawed ground beef and made taco salad minus shells or chips. Just meat onions lettuce tomatoes salsa and grated Parmesan/reggiano

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Day two is in the books. Today was easier. Sleep well everyone !
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    edited August 2016
    Hi I'm back on sbd I lost 15 kg in 2012 :) and maintained for I think 3 years anyway had a car accident and on the road to recovery but regained my 15 kg. So I'm back on the beach ps 1, i have lots of sbd books and just really love sbd, so yes here I am, would love some sbd friends too, so add if you have room for 1 more ;))
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    Sw, 77kg cw, 73.4 gw, 63
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Sorry bout your car accident c2! Welcome to our little group. I remember you! You are from Australia as I recall. B) You are a dedicated south beacher! You'll be back to your goal in no time .

    I have no excuses I gained seven back from the 17 that I lost from 2015 so that's why I'm here plus I want to lose 10 more!

    Off to get going! Back to work Monday.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Today's Plan....(after glancing at my menu, I see I need to prep the night before...ran out of time today)

    b zipp fizz, orange with water, scrambled eggs
    s almonds
    l roast beef, LC roll up, fage with nsa jam
    s macro greens, veggies and bolt house
    d salmon, herb salad with sugar snap peas and cuke, Newman's lite
    d HC fudge bar, pb
    late night, sleepy time tea two baby bels

  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Welcome, c2111. Sorry about your accident, but glad you are on the way to recovery. Despite the fact that we're nominally a Phase 2 thread, we dip in and out of Phase 1 as needed.

    Magic, I'm glad Day 2 was easier.

    Today's plan:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana
    L: clementine, spinach salad with hard-boiled egg, cucumbers, sunflower seeds, red pepper, Laughing Cow herb garlic cheese, radishes, carrots
    Snacks: pear/skim mozzarella stick; cottage cheese
    Dinner: V8 juice, Beef Burgundy, black beans, mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack walnuts and almonds
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Having lunch. Thinking this is easier during the work week. I just need to prep veggies the night before!
    Knowing I am going to have a good dessert sure helps.

    I just need to get back to exercising!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2016
    Finished dinner...still dessert to come...but first time to prep tomorrow's lunch.

    Tomorrow's menu here's the plan. Day four phase 1

    B. Orange soda zip fizz with spinach and skim milk ... Scrambled eggs
    S. Almonds and mozzarella stick
    L. Veggieburger, bell pepper strips, sugar snap peas, Romain lettuce, wholly guacamole 100 cal pack
    S. Macro greens
    D. Trader Joe's or Ganic herb salad, sugar snap peas, red onions, Paul Newman's light Italian, chicken boneless skinless roasted
    D peanut butter and healthy choice bar
    Late night. Sleepytime tea and two light baby bell the end B)

    Sleep well everyone sweet dreams
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Been traveling for work. But I've been good!
  • silvergirl33
    silvergirl33 Posts: 342 Member
    Today's plan:

    B: V8 juice, Bran Buds, skim milk, banana, raisins
    L: apple, tuna salad with onions, celery, red pepper, and honey mustard, black beans
    Sn: pear/mozzarella stick, cottage cheese
    Dinner: small salad, Pomegranate chicken, , mini whole wheat pita, Emerald 100-calorie pack walnuts and almonds