Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    7/09/16: 185.7
    7/16/16: 187.5
    8/07/16: 188.1
    8/14/16: 186.9
    8/21/16: 188.5
    I'm up again but sleeping too much (is there such a thing as too much?) and not moving enough. You are right that exercise is critical! Not there yet, don't want to make a committment that I'm not feeling. But I will, I will. Would like to to end this challenge "down" but two weeks left!!! And our next challenge is the challenge just before the holidays. Definitely want to head into Nove/Dec in better shape than I am.
    Beth, I am stuck at exactly the same weight bracket! Not a comfortable weight and shape for me. Well, have to acknowledge myself for showing up. Continue to be impressed by all of you!

    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.0
    July 22 - 188.0
    July 30 - 188.0
    Aug 5 - 186.4
    Aug 12 - 186.4
    Aug 19 - 188.0
    Aug 26 188.0

    Stayed the same again, I got to get better.. :/
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ok Ladies.

    We have all lost weight from the start. But we have all stalled. It has gotten harder obviously. At least we are not gaining.

    Ideas to break the stall?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am down! 169!!! Whoooohooo! The new decade again. I hope to stay there this time.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    7/09/16: 185.7
    7/16/16: 187.5
    8/07/16: 188.1
    8/14/16: 186.9
    8/21/16: 188.5
    8/27/16: 187.6

    Well, the big deal for me is that I am again logging daily. There's hope! I've really been off the wagon since the holidays, last year, and go to be recording again.

    Marney that is SOOOO great that you are down! Beth, staying the same is far different than a gain, to me.

    In terms of stall breakers, when I have the will to I will again do a once a week 600 calorie day. That is really what contributed greatly to my 50 pound loss (now 31 pounds since I've been struggling). All it takes is planning cause there are lots of low cal things that are satisfying. But not there yet. Check the 5:2 diet, think I've left links in this group. Since I'm already limiting myself to 1200 calories in general I only do one day 6:1. http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/blogs/suzannah-ramsdale/542291/5-2-diet-recipes-what-can-you-eat-on-the-fasting-days.html

    Marney, I think you are a saint! So many restrictions that you are adhering to. My husband developed heart problems (needed by-pass surgery) after we were on the low carb high fat diet for a while. So I'm concerned about high fat but nothing wrong with complex carbs, low fat dairy, chicken, fish, turkey and plenty vegis. Or at least that is what works for me when I am more in hand.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh, and meant to say: I would LOVE to go to Oz. It is on my travel bucket list. Just want to see the opera house and Aryer's Rock and kangaroos and koalas.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh, and the indigenous art!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    But Gayle, veggies without butter???? Not fair!!!!!

    And for the moment, dinner is high fat and sometimes higher fat than a whole days supply for me! But the high fat diet is working for Peter's blood sugar. Arrrggggghhhh!

    However, I will figure this soon. Had 63 grams of fat today and that was one egg, half an avocado and and Asian Beef on salad dinner. So tomorrow, oatmeal for breakfast, cottage cheese and salad for lunch and a modified dinner. Sigh. It is taking the fun out of life to eat complex carbs, low fat dairy (yogurt maker is on with skim milk being yogged) chicken (without skin and I like dark meat) fish, (only salmon that I really like) turkey (its OK) and veggies (with no butter?) And where is the beef???

    Oz is great and yes I have seen all that. The indigenous art is fantastic and even non indigenous art is informed by indigenous. No matter where we live, our art reflect the nature and colours we find around us.

    Don't know what I would do without this group's support.

    Thanks guys.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Friday 133.6 It has been 14.5 months of staying within 5 pounds of my original goal of 130.

    I had a couple plateaus during my way/weigh down of 50lbs. What broke it for me was several days in a row of increasing my exercise. I recall the first time was when I started watching the kdrama series Boys Over Flowers and I went for 90 minutes on the treadmill before even I knew it. In the 18 months of logging every day I never went below 1200 cal/day. I didn't want to slow my metabolism down or feel miserable.

    Other than the treadmill, and folkdancing - I advocate exercise in housecleaning. Or maybe it should be called Room Detailing. Focus on one room at a time and do everything!Vacuum books, wash curtains, get behind furniture, go through every drawer... Great burn, keeps you out of the kitchen (unless that's the room you're doing!) and a clean room as an extra reward. There is also the possible donation tax deductions, some money from some ebay items, and the surprise of finding things you thought were lost.

    A friend gave me a book to read "Under the Same Sky - From Starvation in North Korean to Salvation in America". You can see it on amazon. Hard to read while I sat there eating lunch. Telling myself to wait till dinner pales in comparison to not eating for three days or more... I don't read much non-fiction but I finished it in two days.

    Marney - congrats on the new deca-weight! It's always fun to enter a new number territory. Your dietary challenges made my head spin!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I use the land of lakes light butter, sparingly. Also butter spray (0 calories) on my popcorn. Man, I had a dinner "bowl" with brown rice, zucchini and summer squash, chicken and a little ginger-soy sauce. Heaven!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marney, I have never owned a yogurt maker but eat yogurt every day--maybe time to get one. Tell me which one to buy, and what kind of yogurt starter you use, and like that, if you will.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited August 2016
    Congratulations, Pam! Have to celebrate maintenance. As we all know it is the hardest thing because we are not dieting, we are living and temptation lurks everywhere. WELL DONE!!!! 14.5 months, going for a lifetime!

    Exercise seems to be a plateau breaker.
    Logging every day.
    Intermittent fasting.
    Fiber seems to be another for me.

    It is all so simple and so hard.

    Any other ideas? Anyone ready to commit to this and report to us? (Pam, I know you are doing it already).

    I am down another half pound today. For all my moaning, I am not hungry. (Fiber will do that!) And the weight is shifting. I looked at my reports, and although there are some targets missed on some days, on average they are met over 3 or 4 days. So I think I am OK. I have figured out dinner today. High in mono fats, but if I don't eat the chicken skin and don't have the peanut garnish, I can stay within my goals. Whew! This is tough day by day. I am hoping I will get a handle on this shortly and not have to whine and moan and detail every step with you guys.

    Never thought of butter spray on popcorn, Gayle! Thank you! Popcorn is one of my favourite foods. My go-to when I am feeling "blue" foods and without butter or coconut oil it just did not appeal. With your suggestion, it is back on the table. thanks!

    Yogurt making. A talent started 30 years ago but recently, I started making my own when I unearthed my Excalibur dehydrator from 30 years ago from the basement. Excalibur is still in the business but they have changed to a stack of small trays for dehydrating. Not good for yogurt. A friend unearthed a Salton, again 30 years old, and since it is smaller, I have been using that one. The dehydrator is in the front hall ready to be donated but sentiment is holding me back. Mailing it to you would probably be exorbitantly expensive.

    Excalibur is really just a box with a light bulb and a fan. A cardboard box with a light bulb should get the right temperature (there used to be plans on the internet) and if you wanted a fan, the dollar store had a plastic battery operated one that I used for something else.

    I did check out yogurt makers at Home Sense and they had them online but had to be ordered by the store in my area. None in stock and they treat it as a baby food maker?

    That all being said, my mum made yogurt using her oven. An oven at 115 degrees or if yours won't go that low, on lowest you can and a bowl sitting on the range to absorb some heat might work too. You can also use a heating pad. Mum's methods were less reliable than a yogurt maker, or a box with a light bulb.

    Yogurt making recipe: Scald your milk (do not boil). I use one liter of milk at a time. Cool it to baby bottle temperature. Front of the wrist test stuff. Not too hot, not too cool. Add plain yogurt to the milk and whisk in well - I use 3-4 tablespoons but they say 1 tbsp will do the whole batch. I want to be sure. I buy Greek plain yogurt as my starter. Must be plain. You can also start the next batch from your former batch for 2-3 times. It does get weaker so I buy a new starter each time.

    Pour into glass containers. Pyrex bowl or I used jam jars for individual servings. Cover with a cloth. Put them in a place where it will not be jiggled. Jiggling or moving stops the process and it won't restart, or so it seems. (Mum also used the top of the fridge but I think new fridges do not give off the heat the old ones did.) Keep warm not hot (115 degrees is the magic number) overnight. I often go close to 24 hours to remove all the lactose (that is what makes it sour). The longer, the sourer but homemade is sweeter than store bought. Should be yogged when you take them out; you can peek, just do not move them until they are done. Put them in the fridge. They will firm up more as they cool.

    Add what you want to individual servings (or not) and enjoy!

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I'm also looking for hints on yogurt making.
    It was all the rage in the 70s. I recently got an Instant Pot because it has a yogurt making setting. But I haven't given it a try yet.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Pam, 14.5 months on maitenance is really inspiring! In terms of the Instant Pot, my mom was afraid of pressure cookers, guess a friend of hers had had one explode, so I'm afraid of them too. My loss! Marney, thanks so much for the yogurt tips! What do you add to yours? Think I am going to buy the Euro Cuisine YM80 Yogurt Maker which is only 20.00 and comes with 7 lidded glass jars. They want you to buy starter but I like your idea of using plain yogurt.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited August 2016
    Starter certainly works but so does plain yogurt. Starter is simply more expensive and harder to find but it is assured to work.

    I like my yogurt plain actually but as long as you finish your yogurt first, you can add whatever you like to the finished product. It kills the culture to add things to it which is why fruit bottom etc do not claim probiotics or anything. I do add blueberries to it often and these days (I have to moan once more ;) ) I am adding oat bran, pysllium or ground flax seed.

    I also use a pressure cooker for things. It was the previous generations microwave and there is nothing like cheap cuts of meat done in a pressure cooker. Yum. Two rules, Don't fill more than half way, especially with beans or lentils. Look through the "pipe" on the lid to be sure that light can be seen through it before you put the lid on. If you do both of these, easy as pie. And the modern version has about 3 different safeguards so they don't explode.

    But my SIL wants nothing to do with them so I do understand!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.4
    July 30 - 188.0
    Aug 5 - 186.4
    Aug 12 - 186.4
    Aug 19 - 188.0

    Frustrated again this week. My body seems to like me weighing 188.0. I ate right this week, just didn't exercises as much. I could blame the heat from keeping me from walking outside, I could exercise in the house, but for some reason I just can not bring myself to do it. I have all kinds of dvr exercise tapes. My goal this week is to use them. :)

    Mary, Looks like you and I need to make ourselves watch our dvr tapes, we did take the first step and bought them, now we need to use them :D ........ I was able to kick my sweet tooth habit, with some Luna bars, Special K 100 cal snacks, and fiber one snacks, they help me a lot, now I find myself turning sweets away. If I can do it, anyone can do it. :)

    Everyone have a safe and great week. :)
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.4
    July 30 - 188.0
    Aug 5 - 186.4
    Aug 12 - 186.4
    Aug 19 - 188.0

    Frustrated again this week. My body seems to like me weighing 188.0. I ate right this week, just didn't exercises as much. I could blame the heat from keeping me from walking outside, I could exercise in the house, but for some reason I just can not bring myself to do it. I have all kinds of dvr exercise tapes. My goal this week is to use them. :)

    Mary, Looks like you and I need to make ourselves watch our dvr tapes, we did take the first step and bought them, now we need to use them :D ........ I was able to kick my sweet tooth habit, with some Luna bars, Special K 100 cal snacks, and fiber one snacks, they help me a lot, now I find myself turning sweets away. If I can do it, anyone can do it. :)

    Everyone have a safe and great week. :)

    Beth,I have my DVR working again and have started using my workout tapes.I'll know the outcome Fri. I went to a wedding yesterday and had a piece of cake,a few mixed nuts and some m&m 's.Not the best choices.I realize exercising will be the thing that will jump start me again.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well ..... lactose skim milk yogurt is pretty awful. So maybe 1% next time.

    We have Mary and Beth for exercise to jump start. Mary, you have already started, good job. I look forward to your results on Friday! Cheering you on!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Ok Ladies.

    We have all lost weight from the start. But we have all stalled. It has gotten harder obviously. At least we are not gaining.

    Ideas to break the stall?

    Marney, I am trying, In my new neighborhood, there are a few woman who walk about a mile a night, I have started to walk with them. I am also watching what I am eating, and I am forcing myself not to eat after 7:30 (not always working) Yes, we have all stalled, I am blaming on this hot weather LOL (got to blame something)..Hopefully we will all get out of this rut and back on track.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited September 2016
    July 8-188.4
    July 15-188.0
    July 22-188.0
    July 30-188.0
    Aug 5-186.4
    Aug 12-186.4
    Aug 19-188.0
    Aug 26-188.0
    Sept 2-190.0

    I did everything right this week, but I have been holding a lot of water. Dr. has me back on my water pills, and drinking nothing but water so hope that this goes away soon. I'm uncomfortable, my ankles are so swelled and my fingers are like little sausages...UGH! I am watching my sodium intake really carefully, hoping it won't take long for all of this to go away.

    Does our new challenge start next week? Hope so, I failed this challenge. :(

    Our humidity has gone away till next Tuesday, I even had to wear a light jacket this morning when sitting out on my patio. Like this weather, its just right.

    Well, I hope everyone has had a great week. Those who celebrate Labor Day, don't over do it. I'm even staying away from a cookout because of all the temping foods loaded with sodium. Be Good Everyone, and be safe. :) Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Beth, it is really hard when it is water weight. Hold the line on salt, as you are doing, and hold our hope that there will be a whoosh coming shortly.

    Yeah, the weather is beautiful! Warm enough for shorts on the golf course, but chilly at night. The stars last night were beautiful, so close and so many. My brother from 60 miles away called excitedly at 10pm to says the Northern Lights were showing. I saw them when I was about 14. Southern Ontario does not see them very often. I tried to get to a north facing place but it took until an hour later to get to my neighbour's dock. I wanted permission before I barged through with a flashlight! The lights weren't there but .... I have permission to just go over next time. So maybe tonight. There was also a huge beautiful clear rainbow in the sky earlier when I was driving home from golf even though they had been no rain on the course. So beautiful day, all in all.

    I did well this week. I am at 166! Even with a whole bag of popcorn last night.

    Enjoy the long weekend people!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited September 2016
    uly 1: 173.5
    July 15: 170.5 (-3)
    July 22: 171.5 (+1)
    July 29: 169 (-2.5)
    August 5: 169
    August 19: 170.5 (+1.5)
    August 26: 169.5 (-1)
    Sept 2: 166 (-3.5)

    Total: -7.5 this challenge

    Shows what 1 week of high fiber can do! I guess for all my gripping, I will be continuing with this high fiber, low fat and low, but not very low, carb diet.

    Did not achieve my goal of getting back to my lowest which was 163, but on my way. So I guess I failed this challenge too, Beth. But I don't think you should think that way anymore than I should.