Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5
    Fri.July 22-203.0
    Fri. July 29-201.0
    Fri.Aug 5-203.5
    Fri.Aug 12-204.0
    Aug 26-204.5

    I haven't got to exercise much this week,a bad sinus cold.I'm glad I have a 3 lb.loss though.feeling better today so have no excuse not to exercise.My goal this week is to get below 200.
    Marney,awesome on the weight loss!!
    Beth,I really have to watch the salt intake too.There are so much foods that have salt in them,especially processed foods.
    New week ,new choices to make.Everyone have a fantastic week !!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited September 2016
    Fantastic weight loss, Mary. 3 lbs in a week is hard to do. I hope it did not all come from not feeling well. That is not the way to lose weight. Good low to end with.

    Cheering you on to onderland! Let us know when you break that barrier and we can party together!

    My SIL sent me "The Obesity Code" Interesting read so far.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Correction: I am reading "The Obesity Paradox"
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Fantastic weight loss, Mary. 3 lbs in a week is hard to do. I hope it did not all come from not feeling well. That is not the way to lose weight. Good low to end with.

    Cheering you on to onderland! Let us know when you break that barrier and we can party together!

    My SIL sent me "The Obesity Code" Interesting read so far.

    Having a sinus cold didn't stop me from eating but it did put a stop to my exercise.I did exercise this morning though because I would love to get into onederland.One day at a time.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Marney and Mary, great losses, you look to be out of that rut we are all in, keep up the great work Ladies.

    Marney, those Northern Lights would be beautiful, I have never seen them, but would love to someday...
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Welcome Natelie!
    Man this week went fast!
    I was feeling i was late to weigh in for last week and realized it was friday already!
    No progress this month but at least no gain.
    Bounced up to 185 at one point but today 182.6
    Still up from my newest low of 180 way back in march.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well done Lil!

    Not far from your newest low!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    7/09/16: 185.7
    7/16/16: 187.5
    8/07/16: 188.1
    8/14/16: 186.9
    8/21/16: 188.5
    8/27/16: 187.6
    9/04/16: 191.1

    End of one challenge and the start of another. I am motivated to do well during this challenge because the next challenge (starts November 4th) includes the holidays. I've been stressed out and have done the related stress eating. I've managed to gain 5.4 pounds during this last challenge. Today I actually got my Silver Sneakers card and will begin to actually utilize it starting this week. I see that I get ebooks, classes, access to mulitple rec centers. I'm going to need all the help I can get.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Guys! Congrates on the great progress you've made during this last challenge! You continue to inspire me.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Sept 9 - 190.0

    Good Morning Ladies. I stayed the same as last week, but since this is a new challenge, I'm hoping to drop at least a little every week. Still holding the water, but still trying to eat right, exercising and YEA!! the humidity is breaking.

    Hope everyone has a great new challenge. Eat clean, get that exercise in, and everyone have a great week. :) Beth
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5
    Fri.July 22-203.0
    Fri. July 29-201.0
    Fri.Aug 5-203.5
    Fri.Aug 12-204.0
    Aug 26-204.5
    Sept 9-199.5
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yeah to @gmabethof3 and @merrygrannie! Staying the same is a win in my column. And @marrygrannie, you broke through the 200 barrier! It is such a hard dance into onderland, isnt it! Here's to you getting another distance away from it this week. And @gmabethof3 , the decade hurdle. You go ladies! Gayle, you are at that decade hurdle too. Keep up the work.

    I am at that half decade hurdle. I stayed the same at 166.

    Sept 2: 166 (-3.5)
    Sept 9: 166 (-0)

    I am struggling with low fat and moderate carbs. It is hard to find that sweet spot. But I am keeping up the struggle.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    9/04/16: 191.1
    9/11/16: 190.9
    Marney, thanks for you! Yes, the decade hurtle. My goal is to get back to the 170's before year's end. Man, I am out of my mind, I just bought around 25.00 worth of diet cookbooks (5 used) on Amazon. If only buying exercise equipment and diet cookbooks actually made the difference, lol. At least I am hip to my insanity. Keep up the great work Beth and Mary & Marney & Lill and Charlie & Pam! Forgive me if I've forgotten anyone--feel like I'm a stranger to this place. OK, one step at a time.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Late report for sept 9
    Earlier This week Got down to one pound over my lowest low of 180.8
    9/9/16 was ~ two pounds over = 182.2
    Gayle I agree,
    Being hip to our insanity is huge !
    I know im insane to not get aerobic 1/2 hr every day
    And know that particular insanity is caused by having several long term deadlines at once
    so tell myself every day i dont have time for 1/2 elliptical.
    But cant seem to get sane about that one yet.
    But at least i am aware of it!
    Otherwise life is sane
    I think ive found way of coping that works with my late onset ADD (if there is such a thing)
    After years of trying to focus on one thing for whole day in order to get it done
    which did not work, and made me feel guilty for neglecting other projects that day,
    I realized my big projects are composed of little steps.
    So for past week i've to finish a little step for each project every day
    And it is working!
    No guilt
    And its cool the way little steps accumulate.
    Im off to do a variety of little steps
    ( but alas, none of them aerobic)

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    LOL Lil.

    I went for a walk this morning, ladies! And then played 18 holes of golf. But the walk was important because it was deliberate exercise on hills.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    LOL Lil.

    I went for a walk this morning, ladies! And then played 18 holes of golf. But the walk was important because it was deliberate exercise on hills.

    Great exercise!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Mary!

    Well, Friday check in. It bounced around a great deal this week, up to 169.5 earlier. So I fought it down again and ....

    Sept 2: 166 (-3.5)
    Sept 9: 166 (-0)
    Sept 16: 166 (-0)

    Next week should be a breeze because it is my colonoscopy week! Sigh.

    Yesterday, I rode the stationary bike for 30 minutes and walked 9 holes of golf. Today, I am riding 18 holes of golf but I think I will try the road walk again today. I like the cooler weather and we are between the summer chores of pulling weeds off our shoreline and our fall chore of raking up a ton of leaves so I am enjoying the break. Got to get those bulbs planted though! Between water weeds and leaves, I have a great deal of compost for those bulbs!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Gayle, for the new members that we are trying to get in. We could make the group public, have them search and join and then make it private again. Just a thought.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Did you guys know that doing a push up relieves stress? Because ..... it is total body experience so as far a your muscles know you are fighting or flighting and your body is therefore less stressed. Huh. Who knew? (Pushups against the wall count too ..... I could hear you!)
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Sept 9-199.5
    Sept 16-200.0
    Small gain.Really didn't try as hard as I should have.The exercise kept me from having a bigger gain.I really need to get my desire for food under control.