

  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    The Spreadsheet is up and running! :)
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    So, I'm signing in very late today. I went to post my numbers, and I guess someone took the few numbers that I actually entered into MFP and entered them? I didn't enter all my figures this week into MFP (not a good week for logging)... so, I corrected what was entered.

    It is not up to anyone else to play in the race for them. This includes doctoring a post or adding "@MissionEnforcer" when required.

    Oh dear, I didn't mean for us to be scolded... I was just worried that I was going to be accused of changing my numbers (i.e., cheat). My apologies... :(

    @my_butt: What a horrible experience for you. I'm sorry to bring that memory back to the forefront of your thoughts...
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    So, I'm signing in very late today. I went to post my numbers, and I guess someone took the few numbers that I actually entered into MFP and entered them? I didn't enter all my figures this week into MFP (not a good week for logging)... so, I corrected what was entered.

    It is not up to anyone else to play in the race for them. This includes doctoring a post or adding "@MissionEnforcer" when required.

    I understand regarding the diary issue and had inquired about that the first week in, however, I don't see how it is playing the race for someone by adding the tag for you when it was obviously their intent to post it for the verification and as far as I know we are not able to "doctor" a post of someone else. This also isn't consistent with the previous race when this practice was done.
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I did each of the videos once this morning :smile: . I was thinking that the 4 mile race would be an easy one for me, so I think I am going to challenge myself and instead limit the 4 miles to extra miles outside of walking to work and my morning runs. So, I'll try to do some extra walking in the evenings.
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    rusgolden wrote: »
    2run2ski wrote: »
    So, I'm signing in very late today. I went to post my numbers, and I guess someone took the few numbers that I actually entered into MFP and entered them? I didn't enter all my figures this week into MFP (not a good week for logging)... so, I corrected what was entered.

    It is not up to anyone else to play in the race for them. This includes doctoring a post or adding "@MissionEnforcer" when required.

    I understand regarding the diary issue and had inquired about that the first week in, however, I don't see how it is playing the race for someone by adding the tag for you when it was obviously their intent to post it for the verification and as far as I know we are not able to "doctor" a post of someone else. This also isn't consistent with the previous race when this practice was done.

    I know this is all in fun, but this is getting a bit "strict". Especially, when it was NOT clear that you had to tag MissionEnforcer. I'm not an attorney (although I could play one on TV), but where in the challenge thread does it say that? Perhaps it was included in the original rules and regs for verification challenges, but it is NOT stated for the one in question.

    After completing the challenge, POST one time on your Team Thread AND put your 5 points into the Challenge Box (the "5" will be "red").

    In the post include the following:

    -List each day (1-5) along with the foods that you ate, and their corresponding colors. (Days do not have to be consecutive).

    Remember, you must consume a minimum of 2 colors per day. At least 5 different colors must be used over the span of the five days. Juice is allowable, but will only count as one color. You may not simply drink a glass of V-8 and claim you're done!

    When MissionEnforcer sees your "Red 5" he will check over your post, and change it to "Black". Only at this time, will the points add to your total. If you notice that your points have remained "Red" for over a day, go back and recheck your post, making sure it's complete.

    The part where it says when MissionEnforcer sees your Red 5 he will check your post, but it doesn't say to tag him. Sorry for being picky/snarky, but let's be clear on what is expected if you're going to hold to "rules".

    Moving on to Aloha challenge!
  • hawkins410
    hawkins410 Posts: 2,105 Member
    @RaeBeeBaby: You are correct. Tagging MissionEnforcer was not part of the challenge. No points were deducted for failure to do so. Only those who failed to follow the directions (as you quoted above) lost points. This IS intended to be a fun game to help us all become more active and healthy. We hope you enjoy Week Five. Aloha! :)
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    @RaeBeeBaby --- thanks for backing me up :smile: --- so, it looks like the points for @biketheworld were verified and granted, but not for @vanessa40 because she didn't list the corresponding colors for her meals. The biggest issue I had was that for a 5-day challenge and that she posted on Sunday, it didn't give me much of a chance to contact her to have her repost it again. I know sometimes it can be difficult to check the instructions in detail when on a mobile device and then try and post, so no blame from me on that oversight.

    @hawkins410 -- you guys do an awesome job putting this all together, so not frustrated with you all either. It's a competitive race and I understand there needs to be guidelines and I trust ME is consistent across the board.
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,092 Member
    edited November 2016
    Hey Fab Fives!! We worked hard last week, though I am shaking my fist in Team 1's general direction over the five

    So, this seems appropriate given our destination and challenges...

    I'm glad I'm with a bunch of winners that continue to work hard to get the job done! At least we're bringing the heat to Team 1...but know we can take back first place!

    I see we're running without a replacement for cadence2020, but it looks like most of the teams are down one player.

    Glad the food challenge is this week and not last week (race weeks, I often have a few days of eating over since I'm fueling up for race days and post race). Should be a good way for me to get back on track. Also, don't mind the walking since I was going to take a bit of a break from paddling, so one of my usual paddle days I'll just walk instead. We'll see about the dancing videos. I still love the Radio Taiso ones, so hopefully these will be some I can add into my regular workouts!

    Glad to see we've headed to another beautiful paddle location...though we've missed the 17 mile SUP race...

    Have a great week everyone! Keep up the great work Fab Fives!!

  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited November 2016
    I've always wanted to go to Hawaii (of course, because of the beautiful pictures and descriptions, I now want to go to every destination in the race, as well as quite a few from the introduction posts!)

    Have I mentioned doing videos are my least favorite type of challenge? :unamused: I am so uncoordinated and feel like a complete goof doing these... but I will get them done. I did the chair video twice today since it was easy to do at work (and only 3 minutes!) I'll space them out as required and do more tomorrow.

    I love the idea of walking outside! I used to take my son in his stroller every night, but since he's a bit too big for a stroller these days, I haven't been able to go. I'll have to figure out something though because it feels amazing outside at night and I know it's about to get too cold (ok, too cold for me since I'm in Texas and my cold would probably be laughed at by you Northerners. :tongue: )
  • KatKat1209
    KatKat1209 Posts: 229 Member
    MzManiak wrote: »
    Have I mentioned doing videos are my least favorite type of challenge? :unamused: I am so uncoordinated and feel like a complete goof doing these... but I will get them done. I did the chair video twice today since it was easy to do at work (and only 3 minutes!) I'll space them out as required and do more tomorrow.

    Welcome to the TEAM ... Normal workout videos are totally fine... but dancing videos??? I'm so glad I live alone and nobody can see me doing them... :smiley:

    - The walking challenge should be possible (even though it's rainy season). Will try to plan for lots of walking for sightseeing.
    - Staying under calorie goal... possible but difficult ( I got a visitor starting from Friday afternoon .. unfortunately visitors want to eat... and I mean local food aka calorie bombs if you don't be cautious... :))
    - Videos... I'm still trying to delete YouTube or at least ban dance videos from there... kidding will do them from Tuesday to Thursday
  • MzManiak
    MzManiak Posts: 1,361 Member
    Week 5 Progress

    Challenge 1: 2 of 4 miles done. Wasn't at all chilly tonight... maybe soon?

    Challenge 2: 1 of 4 videos done twice (2/8)

    Challenge 3: 1/5 Complete. Not the most healthy day... but stayed under my calories

    Monday- 85
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @MzManiak: Yeah, I hear you on the videos... (and thanks for posting an easy format to report our progress! :smile: )

    Challenge 1: 2.6 mi completed tonight. With the "super moon" out, we thought a night hike would be a fun idea. We weren't disappointed! It was relatively warm, barely any wind, and so, so bright because of the moon.

    Challenge 2: nothing yet

    Challenge 3: 1/5 complete I, too, am really glad this Challenge isn't last week! I had a problem getting things logged...

    Monday: 195

    I've lost access to the spreadsheet. Anyone else?
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    edited November 2016
    @2run2ski - Kristen, you just need to go to the Spreadsheet thread and go to the link again. It seems that after each week, the process of copying it and clearing it, then it goes away from the google drive/google sheets even though the link stays the same.

    Here is the link:
  • 2016summerfun
    2016summerfun Posts: 284 Member
    Gosh reading back the rules are getting strict .. but no matter what we think Rules are rules . so please read them .

    I was a bit gutted this week on coming 2nd zzzzzzzzz !.
    never mind this week we are heading for 1ST Place .... RIGHT TEAM 5 ????.

    Everyone one of us should be able to do this weeks 3 challenges start now we have all week split them up over the week if that helps but please do them .

    And please put a zero on the spread sheet if you haven't managed to get any miles in .

    Good Luck And Have A Fab Week :)
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    edited November 2016
    @Rus: Thanks for posting the link... I don't know why this week wouldn't work for me...
    @2016summerfun: I was a bit gutted, too. But, I'm up and at 'em for this week! :)
    @jackiep248: happy doggies!
  • Mrscanmore
    Mrscanmore Posts: 859 Member
    I finished the dance challenges this morning! Glad to be done them!
  • b3achy
    b3achy Posts: 2,092 Member
    edited November 2016
    Channel the frustration...we did it once, we can do it again to get first place! We ARE the Fab Five!!

    (From Team 1's comments it sounded like no one beat them last race, so we're already one step ahead...we can get it done again, and again, and again!)


    It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters. ~ Epictetus