Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So this week has been epic. Down about 14 hours of sleep in total so training has been tough. Still, got it done all except for one cardio session.

    Births, assignments, house hunting, kids (and their activities), a 6 day training routine and oh yeah, my husband and I are separating.

    Fun times :s
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Sounds like all kinds of craziness. Good luck with getting through the mess of it all.

    Had morning shift, which went okay as did get a fair amount done and didn't get too many tasks to distract from my main focus. Almost got a nap but sister was watching tv when we got home and I hate to admit it but I don't care for the office and it's kinda annoying to listen to when don't want to be watching it. My room is the dining room which has no door or anything so can't block it out unless I put in earbuds, which bother my ears. I was hungry after work so had dinner then. Made it to the gym and it went decent. Got the squat rack/cage right away instead of having to wait, which was a nice change of pace for this location.

    deadlift - 2x10 @ 135, 1x8 @ 175 and with belt 1x8 @ 195
    stiff leg deadlift on step - 2x8 @ 145
    yates row - 2x8 @ 75
    cleans - 2x8 @ 55
    one arm db row - 2x12 @ 30
    wide grip lat pulldown - 2x10 @ 60

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    edited March 2017
    Jo - Oh goodness, how stressful! I hope you and your kids are getting through it ok and that it's the best thing in the long run :(

    Dawn - What's a yates row?

    For me, nothing. Gah. My back had been sore on the left side after my squats on Wednesday, then during the fall on Thursday I think I twisted it or something. I can't open a door, carry a lunchbag, or bend over to open the dishwasher without pain, even though I took the weekend completely off (no lifting, no running). I'm going a little insane, feeling like I'm watching my muscles waste away in atrophy. On top of that, the scale is up.

    So I decided I'm going to cut. Goal is under 130. Trying out the Fitgenie app and seeing how that goes.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I had to look it up before doing this program as hadn't heard of it before either. Mostly just another type of barbell row.


    Good luck on your cut. So far I'm not having progress on mine. Pesky scale.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Interesting, Dawn, I can't even really tell how that's different than a regular BB row. Always more to learn!

    Back still killing me, but did 2.75 miles on the treadmill this morning while watching "real housewives of orange county". Hoping this feels better soon, I really miss lifting!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    I did Chest day of TLS today

    Incline BB BP: 3 x 5 @ 35kg
    Flat BB BP: 3 x 6 @ 35kg
    Incline DB chest press: 3 x 8 @ 10kg DB's
    Flat DB chest press: 3 x 8 @ 12.5kg DB's

    My triceps are DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD. Chest feels fine, so I'm guessing I've found out why my bench press is so crappy. Haha.

    Jo - I am sorry to hear your news. I hope it is the best for you and your family, and just remember that even this stressful situation will have an end

    Aigre - Sorry that your back is still causing troubles, I hope it improves enough to lift again soon

    Dawn - glad you're back in some kind of routine, I hadn't heard of yates row's either, looks like a bit more of an upright bent-over row to me?
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre & Steph - Yeah, not sure if there is that much of a difference. Just know you aren't completely bent over and guess it depends where you pull in with your rows as this is supposed to be more towards stomach than the chest.

    Well the gym was packed tonight. Should have known just from the parking situation as it was hard to find a parking spot. On the plus side, it didn't take me that long to get a squat rack despite the packed nature, so that was good. On the other hand, I had a few things I just didn't get to because I didn't know how long I'd have to wait for each one and that's even with skipping around to other things out of order. Getting a flat bench was near impossible. No idea how long the guy was going to continue to use the leg press either. Even leg extension was hard to get to as always had someone using it. So, I'll do some of the stuff tomorrow since I'll be done at work by 3:30 but sister won't be done with her internship until 7. Good part = squats are now in 5 rep range. Yay!

    squats - 2x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 95, 1x10 @ 135 and belt 2x5 @ 165
    overload - 235 at count of 20
    single leg curl - 2x10 @ 40
    tricep overhead extension - 2x12 @ 30
    tricep pushdown with rope - 3x12 @ 50

    And that was it. So tomorrow will be a bit random with wide grip bench press, single leg press, leg extensions, bicep curls and if I feel like doing them, calf raises using the hack squat.
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Working out here - squats done this week. Went well
    Bench was *kitten*, so weak. Am tired. Weight down almost 3kg in a week with stress - must all be pecs lol
    Supposed to be DL tomorrow - another birth on the cards though. Will see how the sleep turns out......
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - hope you get some decent sleep.

    Finished the accessories from yesterday even though had a headache, worked all morning and hadn't eaten much. It went okay at least. Well, I struggled with preacher curls but those suck anyways. I had to set up some plates for me to stand on and still have to be on my toes to reach the curl bar. Pesky shortness getting in the way as usual. It was also tough to get the hack squat set up because it was at the top position and I struggled to get it down lower. Managed and now spending time at Starbucks with some cold brew. I should write but still have headache so we'll see.

    single leg press 3x12 @ 20
    hack squat calf raise 2x20 @ 90
    wide grip bench 2x10 @ 45 paused 1x10 @ 50 and regular 1x10 @ 50 (think I like pause better on wgb than cgb)
    preacher curl 2x10 @ 10
    leg extension 2x10 @ 60
    cable kickback 3x12 @ 22.5
    walk treadmill 4 incline 3 speed for about 25 minutes then bit of a cool down
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Hello all,

    Dawn - Nice workout! How do you like the plan so far?

    Jo - Hope you got your deadlifts like you wanted. 3kg in a week is a lot for someone as tiny as you...hope you are doing ok!

    Stephie - how are you liking TLS?

    Anyway, I'm still out for a bit longer. I can finally lay down on my left side and breath at the same time, so that's progress. I think the run on Tuesday actually aggravated things though, so I am going to really take it easy at least until Monday and see where I am then. It's really hard to find any exercise I can do without my core/back :(

    On the bright side, with the lower calories the scale has gone down a bit, and with reduced activity I haven't been super hungry. Now at about 133 as of this morning. Hoping to get down to about 130 in the next couple weeks, then go back into maintenance.

    With the time off I've been plotting my return. I was all set to jump into the Candito strength template, but I think I may hold off on that and do the Candito linear one, starting with lightish weights, for a few weeks just to make sure I don't re injure myself. That will give me time to practice form anyway, which I always need.
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Aigre - I'm liking TLS, I keep forgetting to update what I've done on here. It's hard, but in a much more manageable way than the full body or partial split routines I've done before. Today my quads hurt, and my abs a bit, but everything else feels super.

    I'm excited that you're trying out Candito! I liked the linear progression a lot, and it's definitely something I will go back to. Smart not jumping straight back in too, you don't want to injure yourself more!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - Thanks. It's different. Experimenting a little with it as 5 days a week can be crazy and tried to combine some. Found out that upper accessory doesn't combine well with squat day so probably won't do that again. We'll see how the results go since it's hard to increase when eating in a deficit too. Good luck with the healing and those pesky calories.

    Scale finally showed change for me and it's about time. Yesterday was also a little too low on the calories but know that single days aren't the real changers in things. I've had deficit all week so that is more of the factor. I had a headache for at least 4 hours yesterday before I got home to take anything, so just had some veggies for dinner and couldn't get myself interested in any more food. Only had about 1200 calories, definitely not the norm or desired amount. Will get enough today. Had hoped the scale would be lower by the end of the month for goal but oh well. Came in this morning at 134. Before when I didn't focus I weighed 132-136 when maintaining. Now that I'm weighing regularly, the scale is being stubborn.

    Went to gym before work for bench day. I have the 3-11 shift tonight and need to take pre-test as part of the class, so we'll see how that goes. Need to get a 60% or higher on that before registering for the actual certification test.

    band pull aparts 3x15
    bench 2x10 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65 and 2x8 @ 85 (tried one set with plates on floor for feet)
    cgbp 2x8 @ 70 - challenging and didn't do pause ones
    incline bench 1x10 @ 45 and 2x8 @ 60
    abs ish, leg raises from the chair thing 2x8
    walked 30 minutes on treadmill on a 4 incline and 3 speed

    Now to see if I can be a little productive before work. Also, not sure what to eat for lunch since Shop House is closed. Plus don't want to spend a lot of money. Got paid but need most of it for rent. hmmm
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Thanks all.

    I finally got my lifting in this morning - will be skipping a cardio this week. Got all my reps too which is quite amazing considering how little sleep I've had. Scales are still down, but I'm sure it's short lived :D
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Jo - Nicely done on the lifting. Same here with the scale. Took 3 weeks to see progress, we'll see how long that stays.

    Today was an odd kind of day as worked at the other store. Pharmacist had to go home sick so we had a temp. I put out the freight for the week then later discovered no one had scanned it in the day before and the boxes with labels were all thrown out already. Called my regular store and manager told me what to do to at least get it registered that we got things but slight hassle of not having me there more than one day a week is stuff not always done when needed. Had a struggle at the end too with customer because since it's a specialty pharmacy so not a same day turn around but people really don't like hearing that. Made it through though to something else unusual. Went to gym only to have the 24 hour fitness close at 6 for a fire safety test thing. Got shoulder work done but nothing else. Had to find some place to waste time but luckily there is actually a coffee bean a few blocks away.

    db shoulder press 2x12 @ 20
    side lateral raise 2x8 @ 12.5
    front plate raise 2x8 @ 25
    bent over raises 2x8 @10
    assisted pullup 2x5 @ 7

    Nothing else which is sad cause wanted to use the dry sauna. Should write as I've finished chapter 3 in List 13 and need to get 4 going but am sleepy. Should have time tomorrow as have day off, then work Sunday 7 am then Monday off (still have a weird schedule that will change a bit soon to get exposure to pharmacy on a different day).

  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Dawn - sauna sounds awesome! Just what I would need on a cold dreary day like we've got here.

    Jo - glad you got your lifting in! Hope the stress calms down soon.

    Stephie - glad you're liking TLS! You're doing the 5 day program?

    Anyway, back is still not 100% and not even sure what I did to it. Some weird combination of too tight belt, snow shoveling, and falling on it, I guess. But it's definitely better so I decided to try a light workout this morning.

    I started Candito Linear progression
    "Heavy" lower day - heavy in quotes since I started pretty light due to my stupid back and all
    Squats - 1x5@33 lbs, 1x5@55 lbs, 3x6@66 lbs
    Deadlifts - 2x6@83 lbs I actually had picked 83 as my warm up weight but then it felt heavy, I felt twinges in my back, and it felt weird deadlifting after squatting.
    Hip thrusts - 3x12@83 lbs
    Back extensions - 3x12@BW

    So all in all a pretty light workout. On the plus side, it only took 40 minutes! Will go with this for a bit and see if I can make some progress.

    Happy Monday everyone!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Trained Saturday, pretty happy. More progress with squat form. "nothing to fault" with my DLs - hurrah!

    Bench today

    In other news, we are in the path of Cyclone Debbie here in Nth QLD. Thankfully the eye won't be passing near us but it's causing some excitement
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Jo - good luck with the storm! The worst part of those for me is always losing power.

    Woke up with sore legs this AM. Seems so unfair since I had only 1.5 weeks off, and started back at 3x6@50% that I should have DOMS!

    Candito linear Heavy Upper day today:
    Bench - 3x6@25 kg
    DB row - 3x6@20 lbs, could have definitely gone heavier on these
    OHP - 1x6@20 kg
    Chin ups - 6x1@~50 lbs of assist
    Lateral raise - 3x12@8 lbs dbs
    Rear lateral raise - 3x12@8 lbs dbs

    All done again in about 45 minutes. Hope everyone is doing well!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Aigre - The dry sauna is awesome. Wish I could have used it last week. Oh well, maybe this Friday can get to use it.

    Did deadlifts yesterday and going to bench today. Internet isn't working at home so I'll post updates later. Supposed to get it fixed tomorrow so we'll see.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Internet is back up so time to update.

    Deadlift - 3/27
    deadlift 1x10 @ 95, 1x10 @ 135 belt 1x8 @ 185 and 1x8 @ 205 (last rep was a challenge)
    sdl on a 35 plate 1x8 @ 145
    yates row on 35 plate 2x10 @ 75 (am getting better at these)
    clean 1x8 @ 45, 1x8 @ 65, 1x5 @ 75
    one arm db row 2x12 @ 32.5
    wide grip pause bench 1x10 @ 45 and 2x8 @ 55
    dip machine 2x8 @ 75

    Bench - 3/28
    band pull 3x15 (still on light but might upgrade)
    bench 2x10 @ 45 1x8 @ 75 and 2x8 @ 90
    closed grip bench 1x8 @ 45, 1x7 (failed 8th rep) and 1x8 @ 75
    incline bench 1x10 @ 45, 2x8 @ 65
    hack squat calf raise 2x25 @ 90
    tricep pushdown 3x10 @ 55
    face pull 2x10 @ 70
    overhead tricep extension 2x10 @ 40

    Squat - 3/29
    squat 2x10 @ 45, 1x10 @ 90, 1x8 @ 135, belt 2x5 @ 175 (tough)
    overload 245 hold for 20 count
    single leg curl 2x8 @ 30
    leg extension 2x10 @ 60
    single leg press 3x8 @ 30 (increased and quite a challenge)
    attempted a couple ab machines

    All caught up and tomorrow is rest day. Working afternoon and going to use computer and maybe study beforehand.
  • AigreDoux
    AigreDoux Posts: 594 Member
    Nice workouts, Dawn! Still so impressed with your numbers!

    Candito Linear Program, Control Lower Day
    Paused Squats - 6x4@66 lbs
    Paused Deadlifts - 3x4@83 lbs - these were hard!!
    Front squats - 3x8@33 lbs Had somewhat of a breakthrough on the front rack position and these felt great.
    RDL - 3x8@66 lbs

    Short and to the point. Now time to get the weights up!