What does your low carb meals look like??



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,757 Member
    Full of great ideas, bumpty-bump for newbies.
  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    nadiaha7 wrote: »
    Here are a few of my keto meals and snacks. Features a lot of romaine lettuce, spinach, meat, cream and eggs.

    LOL @ "Deener"!

    I also sometimes eat my scrambled egg breakfast out of a mini skillet!

  • bjwoodzy
    bjwoodzy Posts: 593 Member
    Filet mignon with Roquefort mousse, had them hold the mashed potatoes

    You had me at Roquefort + mousse. Holy chit

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Steph_Maks wrote: »
    @AlexandraCarlyle I think it still depends on whomever entered the nutritional information into MFP originally.

    If it was someone in north america, then odds are the carb numbers are total, including fibre. If the person was from the UK or perhaps other parts of europe, then odds are the carbs are net, with fibre separate. That's on an item-by-item basis, so overall if you're filling your food diary with items from all over the place, I think the answer is, nobody knows?

    Though if you're in the UK and the food items you're entering are all predominantly based in the UK then I would think your results are going to be mostly the UK style of counting, with carbs being net. That's just a guess though.

    Yes, I suppose what I'm relying on is guesswork.... The food items I'm entering are from the MFP database for the most part. I don't get to decide where they come from... Mostly, because I use fresh stuff or home-made things, the contents tend to be 'generic'

    And even if they did come from the UK, how the database works out the carbs, net or otherwise, is not under my control, either.
    kpk54 wrote: »
    What @Steph_Maks said. How could you possibly know unless the entry happens to read something like USDA.
    Well, that's kind of why I'm asking...if anyone can shed any light on it.
    On another topic I am wondering what you could possibly eat that would be so high fiber yet so low in carbs. Without pondering too long, every food I think of that is high fiber is also generally high carb or at least highish carb. Vegetables, Fruit, legumes, nuts. Seeds.
    I hve no idea. I set my macros but I didn't touch the choice panel on the right, other than to set the different fat ratios. That's all I adjusted....
    Help me out here @AlexandraCarlyle. If not from a bottle of some sort of supplement, how are you getting so much fiber and so low carb? Have you had days where you hit the fiber goal without going over 15 carbs? What did you eat? I can see 25 carbs and 15 fiber possibly but not the opposite. I'm clearly drawing a blank.

    You and me both. I can't explain it either. I can't set a carb AND fibre tally. I tried but the system won't let me. I haven't opted for a subscription, if that's what's stopping me....

    @AlexandraCarlyle Fat Secret (www.fatsecret.com) is one of the sites I find to be reliable. I don't remember if there is a way to get UK values, but otherwise, by default, it counts the US way, with fiber included in the carb number... I like that it's really simple to calculation portions - and to get less common info like other nutrients.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    bjwoodzy wrote: »
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    bjwoodzy wrote: »
    Butterflied center cut pork chop w/peppers and onions, creamed spinach with dill Jack cheese



    @bjwoodzy - Apologies if someone asked later in the thread, but please share the recipe for your creamed spinach!

    @KnitOrMiss - Sorry I just saw this comment from you from FEBRUARY lol.

    I got the recipe from here, but I used pepper jack cheese instead of cheddar

    @bjwoodzy Well, luckily I'm still here, and I hadn't gotten wacky enough to go look for myself, so this was a welcome response! Goodness, I'm lazy, though!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited September 2017
    nadiaha7 wrote: »
    Here are a few of my keto meals and snacks. Features a lot of romaine lettuce, spinach, meat, cream and eggs.

    I do not know what this glorious looking dish of some creamy sauce, broccoli, mushrooms, and zoodles is, but I would absolutely love to know, @nadiaha

    It looks like some kind of variation of stroganoff ... maybe without the beef??

    Or are those clams? Like some kind of chowder? Either way, you have me primed for lunch! <3
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    They look an awful lot like Mussels, to me..... *licks lips*..... :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    They look an awful lot like Mussels, to me..... *licks lips*..... :)

    @AlexandraCarlyle - I've never eaten Mussels, so that would explain a lot of why there was not a recognition for me. I grew up US American "white trash" food assistance type foods...then as a broke adult without much food options, etc. I'm just now getting to where I can overcome food aversion enough to try new foods. It's amazing what eating low carb did for my palate.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    @KnitOrMiss you're so right - not so much in my case, because I have always had very eclectic and diverse tastes - I'll try anything once! - but my H has been astonished at the foods he now finds tasty and appealing. He would often refuse to eat some foods because he had an aversion to them, but now finds them a welcome addition to his meals.

    I will say many foods fall into the category of 'acquired taste' and maybe mussels may be one of those.

    Certain foods also fit the 'you'll either love it or hate it'.... and again, shellfish don't appeal to all....

  • mfr0125
    mfr0125 Posts: 33 Member
    Where can I find some recipes to all these delicious recipes?
  • MyriiStorm
    MyriiStorm Posts: 609 Member
    mfr0125 wrote: »
    Where can I find some recipes to all these delicious recipes?

    @mfr0125 try our Recipes group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/112055-the-low-carb-high-fat-recipes-group-lchf
  • kpk54
    kpk54 Posts: 4,474 Member
    mfr0125 wrote: »
    Where can I find some recipes to all these delicious recipes?

    The "stickies" at the top of the page. Click on "Start here Launch Pad". Scroll down to recipes and click There are numerous websites listed with low carb/keto recipes totaling hundreds if not thousands of recipes. Have fun!
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited September 2017
    I grew my own ginger plants this year, from a store-bought rhyzome, which had one or two green growing sprouts on it. People: Until you've tried your own home-grown ginger, you haven't LIVED!! OMG it's so good - crunchy, with a good peppery bite but not overpowering - it's an experience!

    I froze a meaty salmon fillet for 24 hours, then removed it from the freezer, and while still semi-frozen firm, sliced it very finely, laid it on kitchen paper to get rid of the excess moisture, then laid it on a dish. I dug up a piece of new ginger root, rinsed it, peeled it with the edge of a teaspoon (it barely needed scraping at all) sliced it very finely all over the fish slices and then used a simple dressing of soy sauce, lemon juice and sesame oil.


    (ETA: No pics. My phone is totally FU. You'll just have to go by the descriptions for a while - sorry! )
  • mrslmartin1001
    mrslmartin1001 Posts: 23 Member
    Y'all!!!! This is amazing!! I found the recipe last night on The Keto Dad's FB page and decided today I would try it out. His called for berries of your choice, but I opted for a cream cheese filling. This is a before I cooked and after I cooked pic. 2NC and so good! Great for a quick breakfast or snack!
  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,611 Member
    I think my meals are not so photogenic. I had two chicken leg quarters tonight with a cup of steamed kale and a quarter cup of sautéed broccoli. It may not have looked like much, but it was tasty...
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Y'all!!!! This is amazing!! I found the recipe last night on The Keto Dad's FB page and decided today I would try it out. His called for berries of your choice, but I opted for a cream cheese filling. This is a before I cooked and after I cooked pic. 2NC and so good! Great for a quick breakfast or snack!

    could you pst the recipe please...?
  • swezeytba
    swezeytba Posts: 624 Member
    People: Until you've tried your own home-grown ginger, you haven't LIVED!! OMG it's so good - crunchy, with a good peppery bite but not overpowering - it's an experience! sorry! )

    @AlexandraCarlyle I love ginger....How long did it take to grow a root large enough to use?
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    edited September 2017
    swezeytba wrote: »
    People: Until you've tried your own home-grown ginger, you haven't LIVED!! OMG it's so good - crunchy, with a good peppery bite but not overpowering - it's an experience! sorry! )

    @AlexandraCarlyle I love ginger....How long did it take to grow a root large enough to use?

    In all, about 3 months, maybe 3-and-a-half....
    I had an ordinary store-bought piece of ginger that had a couple of good, green bulbil/sprouts on it, and filled a good, large pot with free-draining, good-quality compost, with a bit more grit thrown in for good measure. I cut the Ginger into pieces, each one with a side-shoot and let the cut side dry out for a day, then laid them about one-third buried, on top of the compost. Pretty soon, the shoots got longer. And longer. And longer, (!) until i had a couple of good, longs sprouts each about 3 foot high.... This took a couple of weeks.

    TbH, I just let the ginger do its thing on my kitchen windowsill (it faces east, first-floor apartment) which got good daylight/sunshine until about 11am. It doesn't like hot, constant sunshine, and I watered it whenever the compost felt light, but not bone dry.
    Once you see the rhyzomes have spread across the top of the pot, and you've grown 5 or 6 good long shoots from them, you can cut bits off, and use as required, leaving the remainder to carry on spreading.... I also use the stiff, green shoots to make tea, or give rice a subtle ginger flavour, without too much punch. You can add the shoot (cut into lengths, leaves removed) to stews and casseroles, or water for vegetables, too. The leaves also make a nice tea.
    So it is a bit of a wait, but honestly worth it!