TEAM: The Big Butt Theory (July)



    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    Wednesday, July 11
    Logged: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercised: Yes, Stairs and walking

    Sun: Yes
    Mon: Yes
    Tue: Yes
    Wed: Yes

    Nice streak you've got going on!
  • CCzMini
    CCzMini Posts: 99 Member
    HASWLRS wrote: »
    Oh, team!!! I fell into the rabbit hole again!! All it takes is for a couple of the right things to collide!! Monday was a good day of eating and exercise, but an otherwise unproductive day. So, I was already feeling unsettled and then I had forgotten that my husband and son were going to the movies that night. So an evening alone, with no plans and a big box of cookies on the counter that my husband brought home form the grocery store on Sunday afternoon! (Why couldn't he just stick to the five things on the list?!!) When I stuff my face before bed, I don't sleep well at all and the next day is even worse than the night before!! I am trying to regroup today....but it is hard to crawl back out of that hole!!! I would appreciate any positive vibes sent my way!!!

    I have done the same thing, but find it can be a good reminder that if I choose healthier foods that I feel better. I did the same thing last weekend with a bag of m&m’s that happened to be staring me down. I quickly remembered that the short lived joy of indulging in them did not feel so good later when I had a stomach ache and crashed from the sugar. No worries, that darn rabbit hole will be in your rear view mirror in no time!!!
  • CCzMini
    CCzMini Posts: 99 Member
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes.
    Just got back home this evening & hit the treadmill right away. Can’t wait to get back to normal, or at least less chaotic!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    priiiiiska wrote: »
    Username : priiiiiska
    July week 2
    Last weigh in : 176.3
    Today : 174.1

    Another fine week, Priska! You are doing so well...keep it going!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    txmaryk99 wrote: »
    July 11

    Tracking Yes
    Calories Yes Met some friends we haven't seen in a long time for pizza and I pre-planned so it would fit in my calorie budget.
    Exercise Yes After shopping till I dropped the puppy brought me her leash so out for a walk/run we went.

    Good job on pre-planning for the pizza so it would fit into your calories!! Pizza and friends....a win/win!!!
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    CCzMini wrote: »
    Tracking: yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: yes.
    Just got back home this evening & hit the treadmill right away. Can’t wait to get back to normal, or at least less chaotic!!!

    Great job getting on the treadmill as soon as you got home....nothing like trying to banish that "I am on a holiday" mindset right away!!!

    And yes, you'd think I would remember how I feel after I eat certain foods, especially in the evening! Maybe it's like quitting smoking, where some people have to "quit" about twenty times before it finally sticks!!!
  • erikNJ
    erikNJ Posts: 1,009 Member
    July 12
    Weigh in day - Thursday
    Previous- 253.1
    Current- 249.8

    Yes! Later 250s, hope to never see ya again! Even if it was just barely out of the 250s, if you guys have been reading my posts you can imagine how happy I am!

    Also, in one week I burned off that July 4th BBQ/grad party weight, and another 0.6 lbs
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    erikNJ wrote: »
    July 12
    Weigh in day - Thursday
    Previous- 253.1
    Current- 249.8

    Yes! Later 250s, hope to never see ya again! Even if it was just barely out of the 250s, if you guys have been reading my posts you can imagine how happy I am!

    Also, in one week I burned off that July 4th BBQ/grad party weight, and another 0.6 lbs

    Great job, Erik! I am so happy for you!! You put you head down and worked really hard since July 4th and your hard work has paid off!!! Bye bye, 50's!!
  • allison8668
    allison8668 Posts: 885 Member
    So, on the off chance this question hasn't been asked and answered before, What exactly is the Big Butt Theory? (I know, it's a play on The Big Bang Theory - but, just wondered if anyone could think of anything funny?) I'm trying real hard, but just can't come up with anything.
    HASWLRS Posts: 7,999 Member
    So, on the off chance this question hasn't been asked and answered before, What exactly is the Big Butt Theory? (I know, it's a play on The Big Bang Theory - but, just wondered if anyone could think of anything funny?) I'm trying real hard, but just can't come up with anything.

    That's all it is....a play on The Big Bang Theory! I think most of the team names are based on television or movies.
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