WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - April 2020



  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    edited April 2020

    The coaching virtual meeting sounds like it was a lot of fun for your boys.

    Yes, that compliment was really a nice surprise.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    We all understand about getting our heads straight and back on track. With everything such an unknown in the world it's hard to do that. We all just need to do the best we can.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    You have a lot you're dealing with right now, just do what you can. I'm glad to hear that Jim is improving every day and even working a little.

    It is hard not knowing about work for the next night. This week we didn't think we would be working much but we ended up working 4 nights. We don't go back until Sunday night now.

    The exercise is a big part of my life and I do miss the gym. Not sure when they will be able to reopen.

    This sure is a one day at a time thing with the food.

    I heard that about the shaving cream but I don't really want to do that to my regular prescription glasses. Not sure what that would do to the lenses. I wore the disposable mask for the last two nights and didn't have much of an issue with the glasses fogging up. I need to try one of my fabric masks again, maybe wear it a little differently. I'm going to have to experiment a little.
  • Zumba_Luvah
    Zumba_Luvah Posts: 416 Member

    I started Zumba back in 2010 and was religiously going to a class. The past 6 months or so I haven't been, plus with the Corona there is no classes. I do plan on getting back to it though once it is safe to do so. And yes, concentrating on calories really is the main way to lose. I'm glad I reminded you of the way you used to count calories
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    I just got an update from work. It was pretty long as they all have been. They said they didn't get enough hourly employees take voluntary layoff so this week they're going to do involuntary layoffs, they haven't had to do that in a long time. I know they won't find it easy but I wonder how they'll decide who. It's going to be stressful not knowing. I've always been a good employee so hopefully that will help me. Also, hoping that those of us who have been volunteering onsite will be safe from this round of layoffs.

    Hourly employees have the option this week:
    Volunteer to work onsite at OT rate
    Select voluntary layoff
    Not work onsite and receive 16 hours of pay

    The following week we have the same options except those staying home will not be paid.

    Since I've been volunteering for the last 3 weeks I'm going to continue to do so.

    Salaried employees have a whole different set of options that don't apply to me but my brother-in-law also works for the company so some of those things will apply to him. He is 10 years older than I am so I don't know if he will choose early retirement that's being offered to salaried employees. He's been thinking about it but I don't think he is ready to do that for a few years yet.
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 930 Member
    It is hard having a mask on for the whole shift. I know it's not just me since others have said something about it too. One lady said she gets dizzy and nauseous and one of the guys said it's hard to breathe with it on. I don't find the mask irritating to my skin but it is very hot, the disposable ones and the cloth even more.

    Yes, I've been trying to keep it off as long as possible at breaks. Everyone adjusts their masks all the time, pulling them away from the face to get a little air in.

    It's hard just to have it on for 30 minutes when I go for a walk. I find my glasses fog up. I'm fairly good at not adjusting it but don't know how I would cope for a whole shift.

    Here's a great tip for anyone using the pleated surgical masks. You can make them fit more like the N95 mask with a few adjustments: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhbdFm3cnGI
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    That video looks interesting but I think that would make the mask even more uncomfortable.

    Also, with the disposable ones we get them about 2 minutes before our shift starts so I wouldn't have the time to mess with it. I have just enough time to take off the one from the previous night and put on the new one and get to my workstation to start my shift.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thursday 4/30
    Food: good
    Water: 32 oz
    Exercise: 60 minutes low intensity and 30 minute walk

    I'm not working tonight so I only slept half of the day. After I got up, I washed my work smock and got in 60 minutes low intensity bodyweight exercise. Normally I wouldn't wash my work smock often but now am taking it home every week to wash it.

    My neighbor and I walked around our condo complex today. It's her grandson's birthday today and they were going to have a social distance party for him. He's only 3 so I'm sure he has no idea what's going on in the world.

    I got takeout for supper today and even with the peanut butter pie I still stayed within my calorie range. Several good days in a row. Now to keep going.

    I spent the rest of the evening texting, Facebook messaging and phone calls.
  • CassieGetsFit2013
    CassieGetsFit2013 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi fam...Today was a MAJOR over eating day! I had 1,123 extra calories!! I just don't kniw what came over me! Not sure if it's TOM, emotions...Or what, but it was bad! I just couldn't stop from smacking all day! I wanted to do good the next few days til my weigh in since I'm already on TOM, it might be a bad weigh in, but I didn't want to mess up horribly to make it even worse of a weigh in! 😫😫 BACK on track tomorrow though, we'll see what happens...UGH!
  • annliz23
    annliz23 Posts: 3,423 Member
    Aiming to eat more fruit to stop meme snacking and hoping to start exercising again as back and hip are nearly better but must do it gradually so starting with yoga and a but if gardening.
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    04/30 steps 10582
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 5
    PW (2 weeks ago) - 151.2
    CW - 156

    I knew this was coming as I weighed myself earlier this week and that number was a bit higher. It’s been a tough month and it’s ok because I got through it. I really was thrown by everything, not moving, not planning eating/snacking on foods that I don’t usually eat. I have been making small changes in the past few days to get back on track, and that’s what I am doing for May. Yesterday was a really good day. I went through my closets, tidied and also went for walk in the evening. I walked 9,782 steps which has been my highest in a while. So it’s time to get my mojo back now that it is May!

    @lennoncpa - Nice loss and you are doing fantastic!

    @annliz23 - Hope that you feel better soon and really good idea to get back to exercise gradually.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 - You are not alone in the eating category. Today is a new day (and a new month too), so you can put tomorrow behind you and focus on now.

    @mrsbell8well - We will get you moved back on the weight loss team. I hope that your stressful time is over soon.

    @tryingagain5 - Congratulations on have a streak of good day! I cannot find that peanut butter pie recipe, but sounds like you have a good supply from your take out place!

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - I love your reflections and thanks for doing that exercise. Even though I posted it, I forgot about it because I had to focus on opening the May threads. I hope that you feel better in May and that the seeds you planted blossom into wonderful, positive things for you!

    @1theresamcvean - Thanks for posting that mask video! I find them so irritating. Not sure if you heard, but our mayor said that they may make mask wearing mandatory in certain areas of the city as things open again. I am thinking places like the TTC and GOtrains for sure. I like to sew, but have not had the energy to make masks, so I ordered some cute cloth masks on Etsy for the entire family.

    @GingerPwr - You are doing so great! I love the idea of the smashed avocado in your sandwich.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I am back at the office and so very tired. It's May 1st! I am ready for a new month. I have done IF now for 6 days. I really appreciate the discipline it gives me. My weight has stayed steady and not going down but not going up. I don't feel like I am eating much so I am surprised it's not budging down. But it has been very beneficial to stop eating when I set that timer. It makes me aware of how much mindless eating I do. This could be a great future tool for maintenance as well. My plan is to lose 1 pound a week to get back to my goal that I hit last July of 142. I think the weigh ins will help me with that. I did great in April with 100% success to my exercise program of daily yoga and 5 days a week of walking.
    I have been cooking and baking like crazy. The most delicious Spring meals, desserts and snacks. Using fresh local in season produce. I don't think I have done too bad with portions. I write out a menu board to help me use up all the fresh CSA produce in my fridge. Today I made a sweet potato power bowl for my lunch. It includes lettuce, almonds, cranberries, vegan feta, garbanzo beans, avocado, fresh scallion, roasted sweet potato and a maple balsamic dressing. For a snack a slice of vegan cheesecake with fresh rhubarb strawberry sauce. See how yummy? Maybe a little high on calories but I am honoring the 16:8 window daily. Sometimes it's 19:5.

    Roses-exercise routine and IF
    Thorns-lots of gluten and sugar products. Crazy work schedule
    Seeds-Following consistent actions to hit weekly goal. Limiting calories a few days before weigh in.

    A crazy energy for us is this deep desire to move to North Carolina. I booked an AirBnB for mom, dad, Molly and Skylynn and myself. Mom decided it would be too tiring for her so we canceled our plans. But for some reason that energy is still there compelling Molly and I to keep moving forward. So we booked a place for just the 2 of us. It will also be to celebrate Molly's 60th birthday. It's crazy to be doing all of this during the virus concerns, we do understand that, but something is causing us to take action. We have some homes we will be looking at during the visit. I would ask for a job transfer. During our trip we plan to practice social distancing and will wear face masks and order take out food. We are going for 2 nights. It's about 3 1/2 hours from where we live. The cost of living is sooooo much cheaper there and the homes are so very cute. We would rent out our current home and my job would pay for the transfer. Especially with my wanting to retire in the next year and a half it seems like a good idea to take action now. Plus another concern is being able to afford the home we are in currently if the old folks pass away. They help with the mortgage payment. It's a large house and would be a strain to keep up the payments. I am pretty optimistic that I can get it rented out. And I have already called my mortgage agent and we have already been prequalified. crazy huh?

    Good luck this month everyone. We are in it together!!!
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    PW 177.9
    CW 177.7
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    PW 201.6
    CW 204.2

    Thursday 4/30
    Food: not good
    Water: 64 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk, PT, stretching and strength

    I didn't want to weigh in today but I have to face the facts and I think a new month is a good time to do that. I am going to give myself a break about gaining. I made it through a scary time, unfortunately I coped by eating so I need to deal with that now. I am 8 pounds up from when this started so time to bring it back down.

    Roses-I wasn't consistent but I did try to get water, exercise and sleep in. I did do better with that as the month progressed and Jim got better.
    Thorns-so many thorns...I guess that I gave into urges and actually had food in the house that I normally wouldn't. I over ate and ate when I wasn't hungry.
    Seeds-Now that I am back with water, exercise and sleep, I need to focus on eating. I need to get back to paying attention to hunger, making a realistic plan and sticking to it. I also want to get back to the 14:10 IF and hopefully go from there.

    I am already having a good day. I walked while the nurse was here so my exercise is almost done. I still have PT but it is a light day today. Hope to have a productive day. I also have a virtual happy hour with my sister in law. I am not telling her but I am having diet green tea Iced tea. It looks like white wine.

    @Cafelelia It is hard to believe May is here already. I am not sorry to see April go Lol! I am with you, small changes to get back on track. That weight will come back down. :)
    @Zumba_Luvah I know people who do zumba love it. I am so uncoordinated. I should maybe start with a class on line and get comfortable. It would be nice to have an exercise I enjoy.
    @tryingagain5 Let me know if you figure out anything with the fogging. I am guessing you are off for the weekend now that you are washing your smock for next week. I hope the weather is as nice there as it is supposed to be here this weekend.
    @GingerPwr Thanks for the tip about the water. I am going to try that. I also think I am going to have the BLT with avocado for lunch too! Lol! You really have had a great month! I am sure May will be just as good for you!
    @1theresamcvean Thanks for posting the video with the mask. I am going to have to try that.
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx Thank you for sharing your Roses, thorns and seeds. You really have a lot to deal with physically and it is inspiring to see how you continue to move forward no matter what life throws you.
    @CassieGetsFit2013 You got this! One day isn't going to set you back. Just get right back. It could be the TOM messing with you.
    @annliz23 Glad your back and hip are starting to feel better. Good idea to start back slowly with exercise so you don't end up going backwards. I also need to increase the fruit and veggies and decrease the snacking. Let's have a great May!
    @lennoncpa Nice loss! You also have had a great April! I am sure you will keep it going in May!
    @Mrsbell8well Sounds like you are doing well even with the crazy work schedule. You do find joy in creating and preparing such yummy healthy meals, it is nice that it is a win/win for you. Good luck with your trip to North Carolina. I am guessing your parents would be moving with you? It is a big decision, I know you and your family does a lot together.
    @hope002 Still moving in the right direction! You have been doing so well, it must be nice to have to get a new wardrobe for the warmer weather!
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