Downsizers - November 2020 Team Chat



  • eaturpasta
    eaturpasta Posts: 84 Member
    11/11 check in
    drank water...yes
    3760 steps plus 30 min yoga
    Close rings... yes

    11/12 check in
    drank water...yes
    5969 steps plus 20 min bike ride and 30 min HIIT
    Close rings... yes

    November Goals
    LTG 155.0
    Lose 1lb/week
    Drink 90 ounces of water daily
    7,500 steps/day
    Close rings every day this month

    Weigh in Day: Tuesday
    CW:172.4 !
    SW 197.0
    LTD(loss to date) 24.6
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for 11/12

    Steps (goal=8K): ✅
    Water (goal= 80oz):✅
    Carb goal= 145g: ❌ over
    Fat goal= 40g: ✅
    Protein= 105g: ❌ under
    Fiber= 28g: ✅
    Exercise: ✅

    Under calories but not quite close on macros. My weekly average isn't bad though. I still have a headache but it's manageable. I was happy with the scale today and hope it continues to trend down for weigh-in day on Sunday

    Goal for today is to get my resistance band workout in.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 11/12 steps= 8885
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Tracked Yes
    Under calories No
    Steps 10721 tracked
    Exercise 10 rounds boxing workout & shoulder strength workout

    When I don’t post in the am I forget about the day before. Got both my workouts done back to back and not as bad as I thought it would be. Basically spent the rest of the day at home being lazy. I did track but when over calories.
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Hi big family!
    I hit my 5 points today.
    -1 for sitting while eating (it's a really difficult one for me) I usually eat while cleaning or doing something. My girlfriend made me a tofu with a spicy sauce and rice.
    -1 point for making a list. I made a grocery list with food I need to buy for my hypothyroidism.
    I also continued with my November list.
    - 1 point for my song workout. I did zumba😁
    - -1 point for my 2 L water.
    - 1 point for tracking everything.

    11 November 24.687 steps
    12 November 12.399 steps
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    1 point for each item completed for a possible 5 points a day


    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat. This prevents mindless eating!

    Just about to have a late brekkie and will eat at the table!

    2. Gratitude list!

    * My sobriety and abstinence (being binge-free)
    * Having new friends on here to support me on my weight loss journey
    * Accountability
    * Good, clean, healthy food in my fridge
    * Money to buy groceries
    * My job
    * My fitbit
    * Pedicures
    * Healthcare
    * New clothes
    * My kitties
    * My wife
    * Hot showers
    * The fact that I asked my wife to pick a number and she picked 14 so I have to be grateful for 14 things every damn day hahaha

    4. One song workout


    4. Set a water goal and meet it. I know I find it harder to stay hydrated on weekends.

    2L target, nearly half way there already!

    5. Track! Track! Track! The good, the bad and the ugly!

    Hopefully just GOOD for me this weekend! Determined to stay in the 330's this week.... Weighed myself today as a "half way" point and already 2lb down... I wanna keep that off!

    Look at you go! I love your gratitude list. I am glad you enjoyed the one song workout. That is so funny about your boobs.
    Steps 11/12 14,805

    I'm going to get moving a little more and actually hit my step goal of 15,000 today!

    You were so close yesterday. I have faith you will hit it today.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,585 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for 11/12

    Steps (goal=8K): ✅
    Water (goal= 80oz):✅
    Carb goal= 145g: ❌ over
    Fat goal= 40g: ✅
    Protein= 105g: ❌ under
    Fiber= 28g: ✅
    Exercise: ✅

    Under calories but not quite close on macros. My weekly average isn't bad though. I still have a headache but it's manageable. I was happy with the scale today and hope it continues to trend down for weigh-in day on Sunday

    Goal for today is to get my resistance band workout in.

    @Megan_smartiepants1970 - 11/12 steps= 8885

    I have never counted macros but I would think it is hard to juggle trying to hit them all. I am glad your headache is getting better.

    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    Tracked Yes
    Under calories No
    Steps 10721 tracked
    Exercise 10 rounds boxing workout & shoulder strength workout

    When I don’t post in the am I forget about the day before. Got both my workouts done back to back and not as bad as I thought it would be. Basically spent the rest of the day at home being lazy. I did track but when over calories.

    I can’t imagine doing two workouts in a row. Very awesome! Great job on the tracking!

    Z10Rtza wrote: »
    Hi big family!
    I hit my 5 points today.
    -1 for sitting while eating (it's a really difficult one for me) I usually eat while cleaning or doing something. My girlfriend made me a tofu with a spicy sauce and rice.
    -1 point for making a list. I made a grocery list with food I need to buy for my hypothyroidism.
    I also continued with my November list.
    - 1 point for my song workout. I did zumba😁
    - -1 point for my 2 L water.
    - 1 point for tracking everything.

    11 November 24.687 steps
    12 November 12.399 steps

    Awesome job!
  • GottaDUMPmyRUMP
    GottaDUMPmyRUMP Posts: 270 Member
    edited November 2020
    Weekend Challenge: Friday

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ✔️
    2. Make a list each day: ✔️
    - things that make me happy
    * My children
    * A good workout (mostly afterwards)
    * End of the week cheat meal
    * Snuggling with my pets at the end of a tough week
    * A Friday night movie with the family
    * Sleeping in on Saturday morning! Zzzzzzz

    - words of wisdom when things get tough

    3. One song workout: I did one hour of cardio set to music ✔️
    4. Set a water goal : 128 oz a day ✔️
    5. Track everything I eat! ✔️

    Points: 5/5
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post November 12
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Water 128oz
    Steps 9081
    Exercise 30min walking video & 30min treadmill

    I did a couple short walking videos in the morning and didn't really like them. Slowly weeding through them haha. Wasn't happy with my steps at the end of the day so hopped on the treadmill after putting the kids to bed and watched my husband play a game on the tv. Nervous about weigh in tomorrow like usual. Not for any specific reason, just nerves.
    Been staying away from the Halloween candy no problem. Thanksgiving coming up makes me nervous. I remember last year having a healthy Thanksgiving (we host every year) and doing so well. Then right after the holiday, fell apart and ate bad for the next 5 months. Maybe I was a little too restrictive, I didn't feel satisfied. This year I want to be healthy but also maybe enjoy a bite or 2 of things I don't usually eat. Just relax a little for a holiday. It only has to be one day.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    363days wrote: »
    @ScorpioGirl70 Dang, that is frustrating for you. I don't know if it is ok to post info about natural medication, let me know if not, but I took 5HTP when I was trying to quit smoking and I can't believe how well it worked for me. I only took it for a month, but I had been trying for years to quit and couldn't believe when it took away that desire...somehow I didn't want the taste. I did have to adjust my life a little, don't have my morning coffee at the same time (this was a trigger for me). Good luck with all of your goals!

    5HTP? never heard of it, please let me know more about it. You can friend request me if you want for I am not sure about discussing it in the group either. I take Wellbutrin to help me with quitting and it worked for a bit, but not any longer. I tried Chantix and took myself off of it because I lacked the enthusiasm to even get out of bed, I believe it was throwing me into a depressed state.

    I could really kick myself in the bootie for this. I felt so much better when I was on the verge of quitting. I need to put reminders around the house I guess on why I don't want that cancer stick in my mouth. I know it is mind over matter situation, I am just frustrated at myself for giving up, giving IT up. But a new week is approaching so, I will be at it again.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    checkin 11/13
    weigh in day is Friday
    Past weight: 211
    Present 212

    Steps 2443
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Why is it that when i get my mind set to do something and mess it up, I mess it up big time?
    Example not smoking... I was doing so good for 3 weeks then gave up and now am smoking more then I ever have. It's like I have this self destruction issue.

    We all have our vices that we struggle with. Don’t be too hard on yourself and just do a little better each day until you get back to where you were. We are here for you ❤️

    Thank you for the kind words.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member

    thank you for those workout ideas. I am going to print them out and get at least that done. I have been doing miserable at eating and working out and the not smoking.... sigh.

    Why is it that when i get my mind set to do something and mess it up, I mess it up big time?
    Example not smoking... I was doing so good for 3 weeks then gave up and now am smoking more then I ever have. It's like I have this self destruction issue.

    My dietitian told me I need to have some compassion for myself when it comes to binge eating. I think you need to do the same with smoking. I know these two things are totally different. I think it is so easy to have compassion for someone else but we forget to do the same with ourselves.

    Thank you Linda. You are right about compassion. I actually think binge eating and smoking are the same, if for no other reason, when I don't smoke I am stuffing my face with everything in the house. Which I guess is one reason I started up again. The scale wasn't budging. It is such an evil circle I am at the moment.
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member
    Nov 13th Check in

    * Track food ✅
    * Stay under calorie goal ✅
    * Not restrict ✅
    * Drink 2L water minimum ✅
    Walks this week- 1 (goal of 3)

    Steps 10,317

    Weekend Challenge - Friday

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ✅
    2. Make a list each day: ✅
    3. One song workout: ✅
    4. Set a water goal : 2L ✅
    5. Track everything I eat! ✅

    Points for Friday 5/5

    I am feeling pooped. Work was really busy today, finished a bit late and got home around 11.30pm. Just had a glass of water to make up my 2L and sitting here figuring out my food for the next day at least.

    Tomorrow I was meant to spend a couple of hours at a friend's place but because covid is getting really serious again, she is reluctant to sit inside together. So she is coming over to mine and we are going for a walk. I have a nice few routes to take around my house. Lots of side streets with lovely houses to look at. So will prob do a 2 mile walk with her. I still have 2 walks to do this week.... I am in work later on Sunday (12 rather than 9.30am) So I might make the most of that by going on a shorter walk :) We shall see.

    Hope everyone had a lovely day! I can't believe we are nearing the end of week 2 already!
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Weekend Challenge: 2 points

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat: ❌
    2. Make a list each day: ❌
    3. One song workout: ❌
    4. Set a water goal (80oz): ✅
    5. Track everything I eat: ✅

    Does the coffee table count 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited November 2020
    Weekly Weigh-in:

    Username: mari_moulin
    Weigh-in Day: Saturday
    Weigh-in Week: 2
    Previous Weight: 192.8
    Today’s Weight: 188.2🔻
    LTD: 150.6 Lbs 🔻

    Weekend Challenge: Friday 13

    1. Sit at the table whenever you eat. This prevents mindless eating!
    My goal: Breakfast Lunch and Dinner

    2. Make a list each day and tell us each day what your list was about.
    Todays list : My top 5 go to recipes...

    3. One song workout
    My goal: Music during my walks minimum 30 min. Zumba radio used rhythm for pace.

    4. Set a water goal and meet it.
    My goal: Minimum 2L

    5. Track! Track! Track! The good, the bad and the ugly!
    My goal: track it all!

    5 POINTS

    Check-in: Friday Nov 13

    • 30 active minutes - 98 min ✔️
    • Water 2L - 2.5 ✔️
    • 10,000 steps - 14,444 ✔️
    • no carbs for dinner - fail ✖️

    Happy Saturday Team!

    I’m up early this morning and heading out for a long walk with my doggo Jaxon. Let’s see how long I can go this morning 🤞🏻

    Today I plan on doing a bit of shopping, some laundry, and try to just enjoy my day with the kids here at home. May do some light cleaning but it depends on how I’m feeling. I’ve got a little pain in my back so I don’t want to over do it.

    I’m happy I see that drop on the scale this week although my lowest this week was on Wednesday at 185.8. Sadly I had a couple of bad days Thursday and Friday so it came back up. Gotta get it back in control. Still happy with this loss this week.

    Wishing you all a blessed day team!

    November goals:

    •Achieve at least 30 active minutes daily.
    •Drink at least 2L water daily.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps daily.
    •No Carbs for dinner.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    363days wrote: »
    How are you copying and pasting what others have written so it shows up how it does? I can't figure this out.

    Hi! Were you able to figure this out? All you have to do is click on the “quote” feature under the post you want to reply to and start typing your reply directly under it. Let us know if you need any more help 👍🏻
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    lelbarou wrote: »
    My stomach hasn't been great. Unfortunately, I am really sensitive that way.
    I am sending out a lot of applications for teaching work. Fingers crossed.
    I'm doing some supply teaching, but it's not regular enough.
    I hope everyone is well.
    Happy Friday!

    I hope your tummy is better today. 🙏🏻 Keeping my fingers crossed for a good teaching job for you 🤞🏻
    Good Morning ........Happy FriYAY to you all ........Well this morning I go in to have my bone density test done ...I am hoping it will tell me why I have had so many fractures in my feet ....Will be walking after I get back from the test ...I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend :)

    Hope your Friday was fantastic Megan. Fingers crossed they can figure out why so many fractures. Maybe all that walking? 🤔
    I am still finding my hunger levels are high. I ended up being over calories. I was so hungry I had to get a second snack last night. I am famished again this morning. I am still trying to do intermittent fasting with a reduced fasting time but this week it has been really hard to not eat until noon. I just don’t get why I am so hungry.

    I made a big mistake and looked up the results of my ultrasound and hip X-ray. I have moderate arthritis in my hip which is no surprise and is probably why my hips hurt. I don’t have a blood clot which is really good. The other 2 findings I don’t understand and I shouldn’t have googled them. I am going to call the doctors office and have the results explained to me rather than relying on Dr. Google. I ended up so worried last night that even though I got my 7.5 hours sleep I kept walking up and had bad dreams when I was asleep.

    I missed my walk yesterday but I am meeting my granddaughter for a coffee today so I will get a walk in.

    Happy FriYAY!

    Ahh I do the same thing when I get results. Instead of just waiting to speak to my doctor I always try to decipher the result mused and wind up worrying for nothing. Be patient Linda and just wait until you speak to your doctor and figure out a plan for whatever it is you actually have. Easier said than done I know. Hugs GF.
    I am pleasantly surprised with my loss this week. It is nice that I am actually able to see weight predictions on Happy Scale again.

    Excellent Linda! It’s going down down down! Another one bites the dust!
    lcfa5317 wrote: »
    Made a dinner for another family that is going through a difficult time - then ate a lot of it. Ugh.
    Hips are hurting- can’t walk a lot
    Rode stationery bike in basement for 55 minutes- that’s a win.

    It was such a nice gesture on your behalf to cook for a family going through tough times. My old neighbor was like this and she was the absolute best. Such a life saver during difficult times. Forgive yourself the little mishap and just do the best you can today. You have such a big heart ❤️

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    azkunk wrote: »

    Under calories but not quite close on macros. My weekly average isn't bad though. I still have a headache but it's manageable. I was happy with the scale today and hope it continues to trend down for weigh-in day on Sunday

    Goal for today is to get my resistance band workout in.

    Eeesh. Sorry you are still struggling with that headache. I wish I could recommend something helpful but I’ve got nothing 😕 I’m glad the scale is cooperating at least and that you continue to remain active despite the headaches. You are doing great ❤️
    rlaskey2 wrote: »
    When I don’t post in the am I forget about the day before. Got both my workouts done back to back and not as bad as I thought it would be. Basically spent the rest of the day at home being lazy. I did track but when over calories.

    Same for me yesterday. Tracked it all but went way over. As long as we are keeping accountable to ourselves it’s a win. We need to face where we are not meeting our expectations and try to improve there. We’ve got this.
    Tazaria87 wrote: »

    I did a couple short walking videos in the morning and didn't really like them. Slowly weeding through them haha. Wasn't happy with my steps at the end of the day so hopped on the treadmill after putting the kids to bed and watched my husband play a game on the tv. Nervous about weigh in tomorrow like usual. Not for any specific reason, just nerves.
    Been staying away from the Halloween candy no problem. Thanksgiving coming up makes me nervous. I remember last year having a healthy Thanksgiving (we host every year) and doing so well. Then right after the holiday, fell apart and ate bad for the next 5 months. Maybe I was a little too restrictive, I didn't feel satisfied. This year I want to be healthy but also maybe enjoy a bite or 2 of things I don't usually eat. Just relax a little for a holiday. It only has to be one day.

    Well done staying away from the Halloween candy. I completely failed at this and had a huge binge on them on Thursday. At least they are gone now 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I hope you can figure something out for the upcoming holidays. It’s not easy to stay healthy and reasonable but totally doable. I can’t wait to see what you decide to prepare👍🏻
    I am feeling pooped. Work was really busy today, finished a bit late and got home around 11.30pm. Just had a glass of water to make up my 2L and sitting here figuring out my food for the next day at least.

    Tomorrow I was meant to spend a couple of hours at a friend's place but because covid is getting really serious again, she is reluctant to sit inside together. So she is coming over to mine and we are going for a walk. I have a nice few routes to take around my house. Lots of side streets with lovely houses to look at. So will prob do a 2 mile walk with her. I still have 2 walks to do this week.... I am in work later on Sunday (12 rather than 9.30am) So I might make the most of that by going on a shorter walk :) We shall see.

    Hope everyone had a lovely day! I can't believe we are nearing the end of week 2 already!

    I think it a great idea to go out for a walk rather than sitting indoors. Not only do you get to catch up with her but you also get a workout in and get some nice fresh air. Enjoy your time with your friend ❤️

  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    check in for Nov. 13
    Track -yes (under)
    exercise - no
    steps - 2241 ( getting fitbit today so should have more accurate results)

    Challenge -
    1. sit at table - yes
    2. list - no
    3. song workout - no
    4. water goal - no
    5. track -yes

    Oops! A not great result yesterday! I did my laundry and sent in a bunch of applications
    and then just slept and slept!!! My stomach is a bit better today thought which is good!
    I wonder if I should be eating grains? I haven't been eating any grains and I'm getting a bit
    uninspired about what to eat! Hmmm....

    I think I will do a gratitude list today. My water goal will be 8 cups. and song... a beautiful day by U2. Does chair dancing count? LOL

    Have a great weekend!
  • lelbarou
    lelbarou Posts: 312 Member
    Thursday’s check in
    Calories: over
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 2,503
    DBF: 2

    I am still finding my hunger levels are high. I ended up being over calories. I was so hungry I had to get a second snack last night. I am famished again this morning. I am still trying to do intermittent fasting with a reduced fasting time but this week it has been really hard to not eat until noon. I just don’t get why I am so hungry.

    I made a big mistake and looked up the results of my ultrasound and hip X-ray. I have moderate arthritis in my hip which is no surprise and is probably why my hips hurt. I don’t have a blood clot which is really good. The other 2 findings I don’t understand and I shouldn’t have googled them. I am going to call the doctors office and have the results explained to me rather than relying on Dr. Google. I ended up so worried last night that even though I got my 7.5 hours sleep I kept walking up and had bad dreams when I was asleep.

    I missed my walk yesterday but I am meeting my granddaughter for a coffee today so I will get a walk in.

    Happy FriYAY!

    Weekly goals
    1. Stay within calorie goal
    2. Drink 70 ounces of water
    3. Sleep 7.5 hours daily
    4. No binge eating/late night snacking

    Despite what you mention about hunger, you are doing great! you are losing weight in a consistent way. I wonder if eating a high protein and/or high fiber snack would help elongate the sense of fullness... something like half cup cottage cheese and a few carrots before bed.

    I agree. Don't use Mr. google as a doctor! It's full of scary stuff and a lot of it is wrong!
    Have fun with your granddaughter today!
This discussion has been closed.