WaistAways - Team Chat SEPTEMBER 2021



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    My exercise for tonight is to catch up on weigh-in reminders!

    Sunday and Monday :smile:
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    WOW! Just wow. That is spectacular and you made it! Hot tub for sure. Ahhhhhh. What is the name of the rock/mountain/amazing hiking place?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    09/05 exercise:

    81 minutes road cycling + 6082 steps

    Took our bikes out again and did a road ride from the lake and back.. lots of fun! The weather this long weekend has been fantastic.

    @Kali225 you and @YinxFed definitely inspire me with your Epic workouts... I still haven't taken the plunge and tried one yet.

    @conleywoods BEAUTIFUL! Looks like an amazing day.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,076 Member
    Happy Monday, Friends!

    Today's a bit topsy turvey for me as I have moved my morning workout to this afternoon. So this morning, we took loads of stuff to our local household recycling centre, then we dropped our car off for its annual MOT and a full service. Then on our way home we stopped at McDonalds for Breakfast Rolls. Very naughty, I know, but I will mitigate the damage with an hour-long Epic workout!

    Back to some work before my lunch-time workout!

    Enjoy the rest of your day, Team!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    @jugar The hike is at Mt. Spokane State Park and the hike and the Rock is called Ragged Ridge. There was one part of the rock where a bunch of rocks formed into a 40 foot long tube or chute. When you look down the chute you see tops of trees. We still had some smoke hanging around which blocked the view a little.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    You win the wild rock'n'roll workout of the day award! Beach Barre (Boys?) Pilates, hula hoop, Rock Lobster - you hit all the coasts and probably had a blast. I substituted a different one for the beach barre thing today - I am not fond of that one. I went back to my fave "fun pilates" one with the lunge-flamingo-airplane-lunge series and all the silly rolling exercises, including the one where you clap your feet like the flippers of a seal. So you were rockin' and I was rolling! What a pair. I hope it keeps you out of the pandemic doldrums for at least a little while. Fall walking weather must be on the way, right? Hugs to you.

    Quick catch-up -
    still due today:

    heads up for Tuesday:

    Off to bike my way through an episode of something fun. I haven't been on the exercise bike for a while, but the weather is all coooool again!
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member
    @conleywoods Hope his test comes back negative.. sounds so stressful what all you parents and grandparents are going through right now in terms of worries for the little ones... tough times

    Exercise 09/06 - 8286 steps and 30 mins yoga

    Night all! Tomorrow would have been the return to office date had it not been postponed... can't say I'm all that disappointed (minus the obvious fact that it means the world is still in shambles and so many people are having a rough time for a variety of reasons)... my wake up call would be MUCH earlier if I was commuting in.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,170 Member


    # of participants – 5

    Starting us off strong!
    #1 @Kali225 100,535
    #2 @ashleycarole86 83,415
    #3 @KellyBgetsfit 77,360

    Days meeting daily step pledge
    Tied for #1 with 7/7

    Biggest day of fitness for the week:
    @YinxFed on 08/29 with 27,101 steps

    Together, the 5 of us walked 392,051 steps.
    This equates to 186 miles or roughly the distance of York to Edinburgh.
    That would have been some nice countryside to traverse!

    We have all set a baseline for September… let’s see what we can do for the rest of the month. I will be looking for things to celebrate as we move through the month.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 615 Member
    Tuesday Weigh-In
    PW: 210.6
    CW: 210.8

    That's pretty frustrating. I added in evening walks the last 2-3 days so I guess I was really hoping to overcome my bad eating days on Wed/Thurs - but like they say, you really can't out-exercise poor food choices. Alas. Onto next week!

    @jugar your Willy Wonka meme made me laugh. Today's Epic workout is ENTIRELY bulgarian squats for 49 min! If you all never hear from me again, the chair did me in.

    @conleywoods awesome pics!! what an accomplishment.

    @happimess01 you inspired me to try to find my vain side this weekend - I still don't excel at selfies but it is incredible when you get into a mood where you look at a mirror and think, "hey. looking good. B) " hahaha
  • kellie_erin
    kellie_erin Posts: 212 Member
    @conleywoods I'm so relieved for you!

    This week has already been stressful and I didn't even work yesterday 😖. My work contract got extended to the end of October but I also start evening classes for my master's (online) and it's been an ordeal to get that bureaucratic BS sorted out. So I'm worried about keeping those balls in the air, plus maintaining my gym routine (which is necessary for both my physical and mental health).

    Anyways, I'm not anticipating the greatest weigh-in this week.
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