Senior Golden Sneakers



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    What a lovely table setting amongst the flowers Jackie! So English! I plan a lovely day in English spring-like weather as well.

    My veggie plot isn't all that big but it sort of satisfies my aging knees to do a bit of gardening! Today I will try for a bit of weeding amongst the tulips rather than the heavy digging my knees didn't like one bit. Mary Jo some time back remarked I could have their old garden table, chairs and umbrella. I do hope she meant it because otherwise I will have to use my small cedar round table and two none too safe garden chairs. I'd like to use this small table to keep things away from our little rabbit. Or as a flower pot holder near the garage side door. We are promised much hotter weather in a week or so time. so I'm doing what I can before the heat drives me inside!

    Good news for Britain. The old gal finally pays off the debt she owes Canada and the USA this month for money borrowed during the Second World War! All these years paying back by instalment!

    All's well with our little worlds at least. We have the "pound a week club", the "pet discussion group", the "home gardeners club" all together in our lovely friendly "Sneakers Group". What could be more perfect!

    Like Jackie above, I hope everybody enjoys the day,

  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    No for sale sign on house next door, but they've sold for $1,380,000 quietly. Just found out.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Wow Anne! I wonder if they fixed all the faults. Got to hope so if that’s the price! I found out today a small bungalow at the end of our track leading to the road is up for sale less than 2 years after a couple bought it and for a lot more money. Local knowledge has it a family living next door in the home I used to visit when a housebound lady lived there, is involved in drug dealing. Here we are in the middle of nowhere but midnight deals going on, police visits during the day and sad looking kids who would be better off in care. Thankfully it’s all going on far enough away from me!

    My veggie area is small so the plan is to plant everything close together and under netting to keep squirrels and pigeons off. I’ll have to train Brady to sit on guard because although George barks at the pigeons, they take no notice! 🐦🐦

    I’ve just enjoyed a basil and black pepper omelette, courtesy of my hens, with mixed salad so now time to relax.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Partly cloudy and showers today. I am still surprised at our cold late spring. Our rhododendrons are still in bud and only the large early one is in full bloom. The other spring harbingers are acting like it is early April. No! Wake up flowers. Time to start to grow and flower. The scotch broom is not confused. There are fields and gardens full of these hardy yellow blooms. The air is full of pollen from their blossoms. Allergies have me sneezing and coughing! But I still find a reason to get outside and toss Katie’s ball.

    Jackie: of my! That lovely scene in your garden has me almost swooning. That is so romantic.. I hope you can enlarge a copy to frame. The furry children are enjoying the walk and so are you. What a perfect day. Thanks for sharing that beautiful day.

    Sandy: I know first communion was emotional for your family. I certainly remember mine. My cousins and I enjoyed a sort of Irish celebration afterwards. I remember a huge family gathering. the event itself was indescribable for me. I get choked up thinking about it. Safe travels, my friend.

    Lin: hope you are feeling better. I know this time of year is a misery. The pollen count is so high there is no escape.

    As for me, having a bit of time with our children means so much. I suspect that it isn’t the same for fathers. Although John dearly loves seeing Damon and Andrea. He has trouble showing affection toward them, but if you look close enough, you can see it. I am a kissy-huggy kind of person. I was raised in the south. Of course I kiss and hug at the drop of a hat. It is in my DNA.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited May 2022
    It would have cost a bit to fix JACKIE but they bought for $1,090,000 so they didn't lose out. It appears that is their business as a family group, parents with 6 sons and daughters, buying and selling for a profit. Pays well judging by the cars they all drive. Mike wonders why he is struggling to make a living after 30 odd years in the same job! Hasn't the world changed since we ventured forth to buy our first cherished homes!

    Maria and myself are now wondering who my next neighbours will be. Mary Jo said when she was in my front an Indian chap went into the house. Well, if he is the buyer he can't be worse than Harry. I must say the Afghans have made a huge improvement since Harry resided there with his junk and this morning they were mowing the lawns which is a tad early but maybe they will be gone soon! Here today and gone tomorrow sort of thing.

    This morning I woke up to bare tree branches and now at 4 o'clock everything is turning green with a hint of pear and apple blossom showing. Life moves on like the "Moving Finger" poem from the Middle East.

    Lovely day here as promised at breakfast time.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,497 Member
    edited May 2022
    Good afternoon. Please just move along if my droning on is a bore.

    I did pick up my order yesterday at the coop and the bags of greens and young kale look quite nice as do the few organic potatoes. Now I have an idea of what is available in the store (nothing for me) so will just shop via the online cart and will pickup in person. While in that part of town, I stopped by my old favorite health food store to pick up a couple of things. One thing called to me, a tiny container of salad that the store prepares. I have purchased it one or two times before and all was well. I got home and later ate the salad but it didn’t taste the same at all. Stupidly, I finished it anyway. Huge mistake. I spent hours last night with the horrendous sinus headache coupled with stabbing stomach pain and nausea. I tried to wander around a bit to rid myself of the pain a bit. I could barely breathe. Found a pan, just in case I was suddenly ill. Sat on a chair in the bathroom for a while. Oh ladies, it was so bad and the headache was pounding. I fired up a heating pad for my stomach and just endured. Later, I took a Tylenol for the headache and was able to get some sleep.

    Still recovering today but much better. I did get my recycling and shredding dropped off. They were so nice and organized. I was thankful. I have some bags of potting soil near the door to the deck. Just contemplating the weather—rain tomorrow and then a bit of temperatures at or near 90 with the possibility of storms. If I was just planting seeds it wouldn’t matter but the poor plants need a bit more love.

    Remember when I was breaking up sticks and twigs and cut my palm? It was healed up but I had pieces of the bark still stuck in my hand. I have just carefully removed them with a very sharp set of tweezers.

    I think I will move bags of potting soil out on the deck so I will be ready to fill containers and plant at a moment’s notice.

    Anne, good grief! The house is sold already? Wow, what a hot housing market! I heard the farm adjoining mine is going on auction in the next month. I am curious about how the sale goes. Hope I can find out. Another farm about 2 miles away did sell and made quite a fine price but that location is more amenable to development which likely ratcheted up the price. Hey, I hope you get the patio furniture. Would it be be acceptable to remind MJ about her promise? Fingers crossed that your garden will thrive this year.

    Jackie, what a beautiful place you have to sit with a meal or tea. I hope you were able to trim the bay tree to an acceptable size and shape. So we shall call it your lollipop tree? Have you found the necessary netting for your garden spots? Good for you. I hate to share my garden produce with the critters!

    Patsy, I hope you are enjoying the weekend with your son.

    Sandy, I hope you enjoying your time with the family. Big occasion.

    Barbie, Diane, Connie, Joy. Hello! I hope you are having a good weekend.


  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited May 2022
    Oh LIN what a horrid time you have just been through. When one is feeling really ill it helps to share doesn't it. It works for me anyway. SO glad you are more like our Lin again today.

    I don't think I dare drop a hint about the patio furniture because the Ms are so good to me in all respects. However there is nothing to stop me hauling out my pathetic little table, covering it with plant pots and just leave a little space for my cup of tea which I will sit sipping when they come over tomorrow. They are bringing us a take out meal from the posh restaurant {they are friends with the owner who always pops in a little extra dessert] for Moms Day and I can look pathetic and say "such a beautiful day for eating outside, but we all can't fit around my little OLD patio table". You could say I haven't reached 86 without learning a trick or two! Mike will be over and is bringing me Jilly's treats which to be honest both the Bean and I will appreciate more than flowers judging by the price of dog treats these days.

    So, dear Lin, take care of yourself and please keep well.

    PS. I repotted my three tomato plants grown from seed in 3 tiny pots. They are already sitting up and perkily looking out the front door window. They can't go outside until the 20th.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Good morning. What a change in our weather as one of Patsy’s sea mists drifts over us, bringing a gloomy coldness with it. When I closed up my greenhouse yesterday evening I came close to leaving a lemon tree outside but a slight nip in the air changed my mind… thank goodness!
    I’m having a lazy start to my morning with extra mugs of coffee with my breakfast. Has anyone else watched the Netflix adaptation of Stephen King’s short story 1408? That was how I spent my evening. It was still daylight outside when I began to watch so wasn’t ever terrified but goodness, I was soon wondering how much more the main character could endure! 😳

    Anne, I think it’s sad that so many now look at property as a money spinner rather than a home. I hate to think how much I’ve invested financially in my little home and I’m sure Mark and MJ have done the same with yours but most important is the joy we get from living in them.
    Years ago I was advised by a serious gardener to keep young plants under cover until our football Cup Final weekend which is May 14 this year. I’ll probably stick with that old saying, Ne’er cast a clout ‘til May be out, but appreciate your season is short so you must take your advice from Mother Nature.

    What an adorable teapot Lin. It made me laugh out loud when I scrolled the page down to find it smiling out at me! What a ghastly day you had after eating that salad. We are often warned just how dangerous salads become when left in bags or containers too long but how would you have known? If I was you I’d give that store a wide berth from now on.
    I’m contemplating a special weekend offer from the organic seed company I buy from. Seed sweet potatoes to pot in compost for a couple of months then move to a larger container to produce an Autumn crop. Sounds like fun!

    Is today your N.American Mother’s Day? May you mums out there have a delightfully pampered day! ❤️

    I’d better be a good mum and get my pooches out for a walk in the gloom.
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited May 2022
    Hello and good morning dear friends with the sun peeping in as Jilly and I eat our breakfast.

    We ladies are all mothers for sure, whether with children, pets of all descriptions, feeding the wild birds, or looking after tender seedlings. SO:
    My Mom of course is now gone but I think that was the 8th March in Britain and Europe?

    Doing very little today with family over, IF I can resist that is. I've just watered the happy repotted toms.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,400 Member
    edited May 2022

    Robby's Communion was wonderful, grandma teared up as he received his First Communion.

    Today we are going to Lisa's Mom's to celebrate Mother's Day. It is a beautiful sunny warm day so I am grateful.

    Enjoy your Sunday no matter what you do and know that you are loved.

    One Day at a Time

    Sorry, thought I made them all smaller didn't mean to take up the whole page. lol
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dearest sneaker Moms. I am wishing you all a glorious day, if not a sunny warm day, at least a lovely warm feeling in your heart remembering your beautiful babes, puppies, chicks, kittens, or baby plants. We all need a bit of mothering.

    Our day is high thin clouds with a bit of chill. Katie has been reluctant to go out for some reason. I suspect I need to brush her and she might have a stone wedged in her furry paw. I will be a good mom and investigate. It will not be easy!

    Damon is returning next week with a video of his new tv series. I have nagged relentlessly about wanting to see an episode. So our Mother’s Day was slightly delayed but I I am never dominated by the calendar. Spending years on a cattle ranch one learns to adjust to the needs of the moment. Celebrations come when the work allows, unfortunately. Damon texts and calls throughout the day to let me know he is thinking of me and let’s me in on the drama of the moment on the production. Andrea will be dropping by in a few minutes. Talk about drama Queen! We have our own family deva!

    Sandy: I had a huge rush of memories and a small sniffle and tears remembering my first communion and the communion of our kids. A very special time. I don’t think that happens as much now days. So happy for you and your family. I keep hearing that old quote in my head…it takes a village to raise a child. I believe it also takes an entire family to raise a child. Your grands are very lucky to have a devoted family, especially you as their grandmother.

    Anne: sounds like you have a wonderful day ahead. Seeing your family and having them bring the food. Will you be telling jokes and remembering family events and listening to happy music all the while?

    Jackie: there is nothing quite as chilling as Stephen King and a marine layer with an icy mist. That’s why there is heavy wool sweaters and warm wool socks over your soothing cotton socks.

    Lin: hope you are recovering. John and I got food poisoning at a favorite restaurant. We had 10 days of misery. We had to go on the BART diet to recover. Recommended for food poisoning. Thinking of you dear friend!

    Love to all you sneakers. Be safe my friends. I fear there is still work to be done to be over this pandemic.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,497 Member
    Good afternoon. We have had a day of intermittent showers complete with very dark skies, lightning, thunder and wind. It is in the low 60’s today. Tomorrow— 90 degrees F! A hot week on the way I guess.

    I watched online church, wrote checks for those never ending bills. And then tackled a upcoming change in one of my credit cards. It seems a cumbersome process with the change in administering banks. Get the new card activated and put it aside as it cannot be used until noon on May 22nd. No payments, online access or phone assistance will be available for 3 days prior to the changeover date. You cannot set up a new online access until after noon on the activation date. Any recurrent payments will be refused when the new card is active if the old card number is used but if you provide the new number ahead of time you need to assure the merchant will not try to process anything until after activation.

    Good Lord. Walk a tightrope! The new bank administrator is an organization I did not like when decades ago I had a card they administered. I hope this goes much better. I will try to not use my Visa card until the switch has been made. I paid my bill online today. This means though that I cannot get any groceries delivered or shop at Costco.

    Then I spent about an hour crushing boxes. What excitement.

    I hope everyone is having a lovely day.

    Sandy, very nice photos. Glad you are having good weather.

    Anne, any progress on the table situation? I hope you didn’t plant your tomatoes today. 😊

    Jackie, I didn’t explain my salad purchase well. It wasn’t greens, they have a little kitchen and sell ‘to go’ servings of different salads such as potato, macaroni, beet and apple, broccoli, rice noodle as well as hummus, sandwiches and a few desserts. I just wasn’t thinking well when I brought it home and put it in a bowl. There were items included that weren’t on the printed ingredient list. Someone made an error. I believe there were several ingredients that I cannot tolerate. The gluten free noodles in particular may well have been regular noodles. I guess I should pass on those attractive little containers. 😁

    I hope you had a good day with George and Betty.

    Be well everyone.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    BaratsAndBareta …Mother’s Day on YouTube! This is a very silly but funny Mother’s Day video that is our kids favorite. Damon and Andrea used to fuss like this when they were teens.
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I had a most lovely day! Except Mike didn't make it with Jilly's treats. There was a huge to-do on the highway near his condo and having set off he turned back in frustration. No matter, I had a lovely time with Mark and Mary Jo who came bearing the restaurant delicious meal with wine for them and sherry for me because I get migraines with wine.

    Jilly was beside herself with excitement, I swear that little tail will fall off one of these days it gets wagged so often. All to do with Mary Jo's salmon. Mark saying she had better pack it in with the food intake because her legs are short and her tum could hit the ground. But best of all was what I didn't expect. A beautiful bowl of geraniums with trailing greenery. I love flowers and especially unexpected ones. After that we took Jilly for a walk and examined my veg plot. The broccoli plants survived but no seeds through yet after one day, lol. The tomato plants have to wait until May 20th LIN before outside planting here.

    Then PATSY we came inside and just like you surmised, spent time reminiscing about all the funny things that have happened to us. The wine and sherry helped in this hilarious process. So despite no Michael a most enjoyable afternoon spent with my youngest and Mary Jo who I love dearly.

    I didn't get the table Lin because it was too big for their car and in truth for my lawn! But the little teak coffee table looked very nice with the geraniums perched on top.

    The family about to depart had 7 cars over filled with 6 "children" and all the grands and Maria on my other side had her two sons and family over. A lovely time was had by all! And I hope by all you friends.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,497 Member
    Hello, it looks like a hot stormy day is in store for us. The forecast was for a hot day with storms in the evening. We will see. It is definitely dry much an overcast day with some wind. I made a trip to the mailbox with my outgoing mail and talked to the neighbors. The power went out this morning and everyone was wondering when it would come on again. I am the only one with a generator that kicks in automatically so I just had to reset some devices that lose their settings with even a little power hiccup. About 1900 houses were without power. I wonder what happened.

    Power is on again so I guess it is time to carry on with some household chores.

    Anne, your Sunday sounds quite lovely. All humans and one doggy had such a good time. 😁 I just asked about your tomatoes Anne because a friend of mine says she is going to wait to plant things and next thing I know, she has already plopped things in the ground! She says she just cannot resist.

    Patsy, I will have to look that up. It is new to me!

    Take care everyone.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Hello sneakers. Yesterday’s sea fog lifted so we had a lovely day and I got lots done outside. I have to admit the pruned Bay tree is looking more bad hair day than lollipop but at least the new beds are now seeing more sun than shade. This morning it was even colder as we walked on the moors but again the fog has mostly burned off so it’s now lovely and warm. We expect a little rain this evening so I am gradually cutting the lawns from top to bottom although paused while the noisy neighbour ran a loud petrol strimmer across their garden, sounding like an extremely angry hornet! Pak Choi seedlings have been singled out into plug trays and another container of mixed salad leaves started so I’m thinking that’s enough to be going on with. Neighbour Debs offered me tomato plants but I explained I’ve more than enough, which was her response to my courgette plants offer!

    The angry hornet has gone so I will continue with grass cutting then it will be cup of tea time! That teapot looks familiar Lin but then I have lived long enough to have seen plenty. Sorry I misunderstood the salad story! Hooray for your generator!

    Oh-oh, now a loud hedge trimmer just where blackbirds are nesting but I’d better remain tight lipped! Perhaps I’ll make that cup of tea now and cut grass after. My lawnmower purrs, just in case you’re wondering! 😁

    Happy Monday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,400 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It is going to be a beautiful week here just as I am leaving. lol Today I am getting everything that needs to be done for the next two weeks such as bills and stuff. I filled my prescription trays with pills for two weeks to find out I don't have enough of my cholesterol pills. They come by mail order and would have been delivered Thursday but I put my mail on hold until I return. I did call my doctor's office to see if they can give me 7 pills that are needed. My doctor is no longer there so they are trying to find someone to send the prescription to CVS so I can pick it up today. If not I will just not take the pills for a week. Bryanna was going to drive me to the airport tomorrow but work scheduled her early so now she is not available. I will take a Lyft but it is going to cost me $70 do to the high cost of gas.
    I don't usually fly out of this airport but it was the only one that I could use my credit from Southwest and get a direct flight. I don't have to pay for luggage so I guess it works itself out. I wish I could stay home but I am committed. I am sure I will relax once I get there and settle in.

    I am picking Babe up after lunch since he won't see me for two weeks and says he will miss me.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,497 Member
    It sounds as if you have things all worked out. I wonder why things always seem to go a bit off the rails just before a trip? Safe travels.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    I have a sunny day here! Wow! Isn’t this nice! Being a true Oregonian, I am now worrying about wild fires from California coming our way. We have only had one day of sun, so it might be a bit premature.

    We did have a very nice Mother’s Day. Maybe next week will be as nice. John gave me flowers and cards. Damon called and texted as well as Andrea. We plan to get together next week.

    I am wondering about the new variant but realize we are doing fine here so far.

    Grooming Katie tomorrow and still hunting for a good new bed for her. I keep researching options but so far I have not found the perfect choice.

    I hope everyone’s garden plans are progressing. I will satisfy myself with produce from the organic grocery as well as the farmers market when they start up again this summer. I will do well to grow weeds at this point. We used to rent a houseboat on Lake Mead for a week each summer. In the past, My family would join in and we would swim and boat and fish and play cards and sing to guitar each evening. I fear that is over now. Lake Mead is Mead mud puddle now. Eeeeeck! With dead bodies showing up.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Lost my post but let’s start again. Of course it won’t be the same 2nd time round!

    Change of plan as the battery is about to die…. Back later.
    Happy Tuesday!!
    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Morning all!
    Quickie because Mark just showed up. He's misting the concrete in the basement. This has to be done three times a day for 3 days apparently. Presumably to stop the outside drying too quickly before the bottom in a basement floor. Then I'm expecting Michael any minute before he carries on to work. Out of his way, but Jilly must have her treats, lol. A portion of which is my mothers day gift. Its 8:44 here and it's all go before the day has hardly begun.
    Oh PATSY, reading your post I had to look up your remarks about Lake Mead. Oh my goodness not a pleasant read just before bedtime! I wonder if the Great Lakes are the same!!!!! Drinking water as well! But there again in a way we are drinking dinosaur pee! Definitely breathing recycled oxygen. Doesn't that put one off ones morning cup of tea!
    It will be awfully quiet when both sons depart although I expect Mark will be back after his back therapy to re-mist.
    Have a good day! but don't read about Lake Mead, lol.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,497 Member
    Hello friends!

    The sun is out, the temperature is climbing….it is expected to be even warmer than yesterday. We had quite a few storms overnight. Actually, I took out a tiny bag of trash to add to my cart at the curb last evening around 8:30 or so. OMG, such odd lightning cutting through the clouds at odd angles as the clouds seemed to be drifting slowly closer. During the wee hours, rain pounded down.

    I have laundry to do today and I am debating whether to try to get my second Covid booster today. I don’t have an appointment. We will see.

    Nothing much new otherwise. Trying to take care of my seedlings. Started cleaning out another cabinet yesterday. 👀

    Anne, enjoy the time with the boys and thank goodness Michael is bringing dear Jilly her treats. Oh, and I have read the story about Lake Mead. That is why water plants treat our water before we receive it. 😁

    Jackie, sorry about the low battery. That happens to me too from time to time.

    Patsy, I watched a video or two of those silly boys! 😂🤣😂

    Be safe everyone.



  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    I am so blessed! Mike rolled up with Jilly's dog treats and a bottle of port from her and a bottle of sherry from him. AND his friend Sandy sent me a straw hat with a blue ribbon! Unbelievable Mothers Day!

    Anne, still pretty shocked, but in a very nice way!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,400 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) "Leaving on a jet plane, don't know when I'll be back again." I will be posting from Jacksonville, Florida, the sunshine state although it is hot and humid here and I had to put on my air even though I didn't want too. My daughter posted this morning: She arrived safely in Alaska.

    24 hours of travel time, 4 flights, including one diversion to Edmonton Canada, one death on the airplane, a four hour wait in Edmonton while we waited for a new flight crew and four weary travelers! Hopefully the rest of our Alaskan adventure goes off without a hitch. And our condolences to the woman on the loss of her companion of 7 years, who had a heart attack in the seat across the aisle. Our friend, Norm, was one of the men that rotated giving chest compressions for over an hour until our plane landed.

    I hope I never experience that trauma. I don't have time to post to each of you but I will when I am in Florida.
    Enjoy your day and keep staying healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    End of another day gardening 👩🏻‍🌾. Our walk on the moors first thing was cold but luckily, as I was locking the door to head off with the pooches, I felt a nip in the air so popped back indoors to change into a warmer jacket. At least it meant I walked quickly as we climbed so both legs and lungs were exercised! I drove into town before coming home to buy treats for the pets and had a mutter to myself as I waited in a queue while the customer in front was persuaded to pay via the latest all singing method using her Bluetooth and phone. Hardly progress if it takes so long another assistant has to be found to serve the ever increasing line of customers! Moan over. 🙃
    This afternoon the sun appeared and warmed us so I’ve planted out dwarf French beans in neat rows and covered them by extending the netting protecting kale from pigeons. We are promised heavy rain tomorrow but it should remain mild.

    I’ve just purchased a pair of Polaroid sunglasses online because both pairs I’ve been using are getting tired. One falls off my nose while the other doesn’t do a good job of protecting my eyes but I was amused to see how much Gucci and Pravda designs cost.., way out of my league!

    Everyone sounds cheerful and I think we can safely say Winter has finally disappeared. A Song thrush has spent most of the day sitting on the top of the highest tree singing his heart out so he definitely knows Spring has sprung!

    Yesterday evening I made a rather rushed soya chilli with chopped tomatoes and butter beans that turned out to be delicious. Leftovers tonight!

    Hooray Anne, you’ve got the straw hat you wanted! 👩🏻‍🌾

    Bon voyage Sandy (again! 😆)

    Goodness Lin, you do experience wild weather don’t you. 😯 Are you in Iowa? I’ve been sipping my afternoon cuppa and reading about the loss of topsoil in that State, or what was called black gold at the start of the 20th century when it was 14-18” deep. By the end of the century there was only 6-8” and a lot of that’s due to storms in 2014 that washed so much away because deep ploughing exposes the soil. I’m contemplating what’s called a No Dig strategy because apparently every little bit helps but that might need more weeding!

    Stay safe everyone. Of course, I will now have to look up Lake Mead Patsy! 🥴

    Jackie 🥰
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    edited May 2022
    Our Sandy found the hat and it is a bit large as in drop down to your eyes, but a hair grip should anchor it and I was never one to look a gift horse in the mouth JACKIE! Very Grateful! Wasn't she kind picking it up on one of her shopping trips and thinking of me, bless her.
    Are you really going to look up Lake Mead? At your [pink] peril. I noticed BBC have taken up the story. Anne.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,976 Member
    Hmmm, yes Anne, found the Lake Mead story on the BBC App. Goes to prove there are so many things wrong with Las Vegas! More barrels to be found! What a shame your straw hat is a bit too large as you won’t want it across your eyes when nurturing your veggies. Sounds like the two wide brimmed hats I bought from a supplier in Australia after my melanoma diagnosis. Big brims mean big heads!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I'm glad you enjoyed the picture of the dogs. Sadie, our collie, came to us as a puppy. She had been struck by a vehicle and left to die on the side of a highway. A patrolman spotted her, scooped her up and took her to my vet and then on to a rescue where I was a volunteer. I fell in love with the wee thing and after a stay in hospital and surgery to repair broken bones took her home as a foster. That was over six years ago. We simply couldn't let her go. I mislabeled the other dog - his name is Gus, not Max. His owners picked him up and took him home, but he doesn't want to stay there. We've discovered him back at our door two days in a row. The owners are a young couple who really don't have time for a dog, and they are now trying to rehome him.

    Reading resent posts, I've realized how out of touch I am with the folks in the group, so I clicked and clicked and went back to December 2021 and read forward. Some of you have had major changes in your lives, both good and not so good but most of what was shared over the past five or six months has passed. Time goes on and, overall, doesn't have much of an impact.

    What did stand out to me are the people who are not here. In the beginning, I kept a log of the people who came and went including their names, their locations and a line or two about their personalities. There were as many as forty individuals. I looked through the hundreds of documents I have on this laptop only to realize the log is probably on my office computer downstairs. Two that stand out in my mind are Marie, and Buzz.

    I may not become a regular here but will certainly pop in from time to time.

    Connie, Pomona, MO
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,400 Member
    edited May 2022
    Happy Wednesday from Florida. :) Had a wonderful flight here with my niece, her husband and her brother. The flight attendants were so funny and so friendly, one even bought us a drink. It is beautiful here and the weather is perfect. h31opgu1yq9r.jpeg
    Dexter slept with me last night and I loved every minute.g1yfw1ga4rqj.jpeg

    I will be sitting by the pool soon and enjoying the peace and quiet.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

    Connie, you do know both Marie and Buzz passed, don’t you?
  • JillyBurg7
    JillyBurg7 Posts: 473 Member
    Gorgeous day here. 68 degrees and very sheltered and warm in the back garden. I'm having home grown asparagus for supper. I've never cut it for eating before, - rather liking the lovely foliage for cut flowers, but here goes. No pool SANDY but I am sitting in the garden enjoying the peace and quiet in my new sun hat. All is quiet next door. The daughter of the house told me they move out at the end of July. Exactly one year since moving in. Who are the new people? She could only tell me she thought it was a family which of course it would be with 4 bedrooms.
    Jilly has chased two squirrels so far.
    And thats all from me, lazy Anne.