Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Oh rats! I lost my post…..darn!

    Wishing everyone a good day and Jackie, I hope you get a plumber to quickly fix that problem leak.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Storming here as I write and will be storming off and on all day. I have no errands so will be happy staying home as long as the power doesn't go off.

    Lin, sorry you lost your post, I hate when that happens.

    Jackie, oh no, a leak? I hope the plumber gets back to you soon so you can turn your water back on.

    I hope Anne's doctor got her x-ray results and that she has no side effects from vaccination.

    Hello to everyone else and have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    The plumber has been, gone through everything and made the shut off valve upstairs easier to get ahold of because I no longer had enough strength in my fingers to close it. He cut a larger access hole so I won’t have to go without water downstairs if a similar problem arises. A simple replacement fuse has given me hot water and he is sure a tiny piece of rust clogged up the macerator so confident there was nothing major happening. I missed my trip to the supermarket this morning and was contemplating going this evening but the rain is getting worse so why put myself through a horrible journey?

    Sandy, I do hope that storm doesn’t cut off your power so you can maybe catch up on some tv programmes. Enjoy a relaxing day.

    Drat Lin, nothing worse than losing a post but thanks for giving us a pretty teapot. 😁

    Thinking of Anne being poked and jabbed. 🫤. Let us know how you get on.

    Jackie 🥰
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    I dont know if you will see thus as its 10 pm my time.
    Just want to say sorry for the plumbing issues you have.
    But fingers crossed it can be fixed quickly and cheaply. I am a dreamer 😍
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) No meeting today as I am getting my injection in back at one, then going out for a late lunch/early dinner with friends. No rain today and I pray for no rain tomorrow for Robby and Charlie's outside birthday party. I am sure Lisa has a backup plan but all those kids inside will be hectic.

    Jackie, glad the plumbing problem was fixed and I hope reasonable. The storm only came in the morning and no power outage. I did catch up on my shows the night before so spent most of my time on the computer playing catch up.

    Hello to everyone and I wish you all a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Here I am again, gone midnight and ready for bed. What have I done today? Well, I was enjoying coffee and cake with Sheila in a small cafe next to our local reservoir when dog walkers arrived with the noisiest pooches imaginable. One small Jack Russell jumped on to a table and literally howled like a wolf while its owner sat perusing a menu. We quickly left!
    I finally managed some grocery shopping then watched Escape to the Country following a couple from Australia looking for a new home in Derbyshire. All those gorgeous historical, stone properties full of character and they chose ultra modern, sparkly white!
    It has been a muggy, misty day so again, no activity outside. Hopefully tomorrow!

    Sandy, enjoy your lunch/dinner with friends and I do hope the injection helps with your back problems.

    Thank you Joy. Hopefully the plumbing issues are resolved but I am still a bit apprehensive in case I discover another pool of water at the bottom of the stairs!

    Nite, nite 🥱😴
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :)Jackie, I enjoy watching "Escape to the Country" in all the villages that look like they've been plucked out of old British movies. I am usually surprised at the choices the buyers make. I am so USA modern home spoiled that I always wonder where is the second bathroom and the furnace.

    :) We went to an indoor social gathering for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. It was odd to be so close to so many people but we had a good time. Jake thoroughly enjoyed all the food and I ate none of it. We had pleasant conversations with a few people but I was glad to get out. I don't do well sitting that long.

    :) I finally remembered during business hours to call and make an appointment with the eye doctor.

    :)Sandy, I hope the back injection works for you so you can enjoy your active life with less pain.

    :)Anne, Best wishes for success in your medical procedures.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023

    Barbie, wow, a social gathering. Amazing! I still haven’t been to one. Just tiny gatherings of 3 or 4, just a couple of times and outdoors rather than inside. And I like that show too! Any time I can find it, I will watch. I too am always shocked when an extremely old house built so long ago is featured. One show included a frame house and the people put in an offer but I swear they said they could not get the loan due to fire issues. It was difficult to get to the house, I believe they had to cross water to get to it.

    Sandy, I hope you are feeling okay after your injection. And I hope it provides some relief.

    Anne, how is your week going?

    Jackie, I am glad you got your groceries and settled in for some good television programs. I am incredibly clueless about the rooms in many of these homes. Why would any home have 3 reception rooms? Is that like our living room/family room? And is a snug a smaller room for a cozy space? Just color me uninformed.

    Joy, I hope you have had a good day. It was very hot once again and the power company warned me there would be periodic power cutoffs to my air conditioner. Many of us have an extra switch on our air conditioner unit where the power company can control us on high usage days.

    Hello Diane, Jeri, and anyone else I have missed.



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2023
    Oh dear, raining when we walked so we were soaked! Never mind, I spent my morning watching England play in Women’s football World Cup in Australia. It was an edgy game so not comfortable to watch but we won…. Just!
    Housework this afternoon so I don’t have to bother over the weekend.

    Barbie, modern properties usually have a 2nd bathroom or en suite but older places didn’t get indoor plumbing until the 20th century, like my cottage when the piggery was converted and outhouse demolished! I think because our climate is quite temperate, furnaces haven’t been necessary so our heating systems are fuelled by either gas that’s piped in, electricity or oil and they only require boilers like this.zs81dbn3os9x.jpeg
    Air conditioning is rare too which is why we struggle now temperatures are rising.

    Lin, the older properties have extra reception rooms because one was used by middle classes to entertain visitors and it was all about social status! When I was a child it was called the parlour but the more affluent used the term drawing room. I remember some homes where a new sofa delivered from the store wrapped in plastic would still be covered a year later to protect it. We kids would giggle but I expect to that family it was a luxury.
    Banks were extremely strict about offering mortgages on timber framed houses until our recent housing shortage and developers began to build more and more. Generally a buyer had to be in a position to pay cash to obtain one. I think that might be a 1940’s teapot sitting in a parlour!

    A quick snack then I must get that housework done.
    Happy Friday.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    Jackie, thanks for the information! It is nice to have a friend who will explain things to the uninformed. Our climate is harsh in comparison to yours and developers over the years have built neighborhoods in a fell swoop. Cookie cutter homes!

    And we have people who keep the plastic on their furniture or least we did have in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Keeping it for good! And the kids couldn’t ruin it. ☺️ My grandma crocheted all sorts of doilies that were put on upholstered furniture. On the arms of chair and sofas as well as bigger ones that covered the area where one would rest their head. Those helped prevent wear and some soil or men’s hair cream. My dad called them man traps. ☺️

    Well, another extremely hot day with the power company cutting off the air conditioning periodically.

    Be safe everyone.


    I love these artsy teapots. Not to use, just to look at!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    P.S. I love those red boots!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) The ejection went well, didn't even feel it. The doctor said it could take a few days before I feel relief and I go back in a month to let him know how I am feeling. Our dinner was excellent and we had a wonderful time as we have not seen each other for a while. I can't go to the pool until tomorrow as I am not to get my ejection spot soaked so I am going to take a ride to the cemetery to bring Babe some flowers. Today is Robby's 9th birthday and we are celebration movie night for him and Charlie who was 5 on the 16th. I just pray it doesn't rain or storm.
    I guess I am too spoiled with A/C and a furnace and two baths to live in a beautiful cottage like Jackie does. We didn't have A/C when I was a kid and we managed but not so sure I could do that today.
    And yes many of my relatives had plastic on their couches and it was so uncomfortable because you stuck to it.

    Jackie, I do like your heater though and if it keeps your cottage warm it is perfect. But you have no A/C?
    What do you do to keep cool? Glad you had indoor plumbing when you moved in, I am not a fan of outhouses. lol When my parents rented little cottages on the lake when I was little we had to use them and I hated them especially if it was dark outside.

    Thanks Barbie, that is my plan since I have so many more plans this summer and would like to be pain free.

    Didn't sleep that well with thunderstorms during the night so will be tired today and movie doesn't start until dark.

    Have a great day and wonderful weekend!
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Well, the party got rained out so we moved inside. I felt bad for Lisa because she had everything set up so nice outside. The kids still had fun with singing and birthday cake and ice cream. Then their own little holder for drinks, popcorn and candy. There were about 10 kids total and six adults and all had a good time. Many wonderful presents so both birthday kids were happy.
    It was like a monsoon when I drove home, just horrible but I made it home safe and sound.
    I was hoping for a pool day today but looks very cloudy as of now. If not I will just stay in and chill and possibly take a nap since I didn't sleep well with all the rain.

    Have a great day, hoping to hear from Anne today.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) It is unlikely that I will go to another indoor social gathering any time soon. i am connected to a group of wonderful people via a regular meeting on Zoom, I walk with two different friends each week, and I speak to an occasional friend on the phone. I am glad to be my more solitary self.

    :) It's time to start trimming back some of the flowers. Jake started yesterday and I'll do more today.

    :) Jake took a friend for a drive in the new car yesterday and the friend diagnosed a noise we'd been hearing. Jake made an appointment to get it fixed. The bad news is that he has to drive to Seattle for the repair. The good news is that I don't have to go with him.

    <3 Barbie
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Everyone....

    Finally have a bit of time to catch up with everyone. So much has gone on while I have been away from here.

    Anne....It sounds as if your new place to live will be wonderful for you. Really nice that you can give it a trial too, so that you will know whether it is the perfect place for you. My mom enjoyed living at the one she lived in and she was legally blind at that point though I suspect she still had a bit of sight. Nothing stopped her even going on the hot air balloon ride that she took.

    Jackie....I was quite concerned when you had a plumbing issue recently. Glad your plumber was able to resolve the problem
    quickly. Rain, rain and more rain for you. It doesn't get humid there does it ? Thank you for describing what all of those rooms in the older houses are. I suspected a snug was a small sitting room, which often included a fireplace. Perfect for the small cottages found many years ago.

    Lin.... Still sorting thru miscellaneous items, which seem to accumulate quickly especially if you are into crafting. It seems as if that chore never comes to an end. You have been having some awful weather recently. Just hope that you are safe there. I follow the weather stations now with our son and family now back in Tennessee. Stay dry....

    Barbie....Enjoy your new Tesla. They are very popular here. Enjoyed reading about them as you described some of the insides of one. Now maybe you can go for an occasional drive again.

    Sandy....Wonderful photo of your family that you posted while you were up at the lake house. That house sounds like it was the perfect find to accommodate everyone. Hoping you are home long enough to give your back a rest before you are off on your next trip. Take care....

    Joy.... Goodness another houseful of people shortly. Nice that it is all family and you have lots of helping hands, so that it is enjoyed by all. Crazy hot temps here too. Enjoy the pool and ac when you can.

    As for me I have been quite busy too. First off to the endodontist to have a tooth removed, plus a partial made. The healing took a bit longer than expected, but all is well now. We had our painting job approved by the compliance company. This past week we have been dealing with the roof getting cleaned, the house exterior being prepped for the painting job and now 2 coats of paint applied to our metal patio cover, which we doubt has been done at all during the 20 yrs it has been since its installation. Once that is done the windows will get washed, the patio power washed and the interior carpets cleaned. Glad when all of this is done and our time is ours again. Oh yes I have an appointment to have 3 thorns removed...ones that found me during my pruning this spring. I love roses, but this isn't the first time for me. Long pants next time for sure. No guarantees though....

    Well that is about it with me. Hello to Patsy if she sees this and to Jeri too. Thinking of all of you.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 2023
    Good morning and happy Sunday. No need to report on my weather because it is doing what it’s done all of July. I walked George and Betty locally wearing their raincoats and have been into town to buy food for Brady. The young man that served me suggested I use their App but I informed him I’m barely used to using my iPhone as a phone to talk to people never mind apps!

    There was a short reprieve yesterday afternoon so I was able to pick a bowlful of Italian style French beans. Once I’ve finished my morning coffee I will blanch and freeze them. The mange tout are horribly stringy so perhaps they needed picking earlier although that shouldn’t make a difference. Never mind, more beans and peas still to come! I also tried to put my 2nd wooden chair together thinking it would be easy as I could look at the one I completed weeks ago as a reminder but discovered whoever made the sections to be screwed together hadn’t always lined up the holes or drilled deep enough so I spent more time making adjustments with a borrowed power drill. I’m so glad that as a child I was always interested in watching father make furniture, a rabbit hutch and go-carts so that with some common sense I can fix such errors.

    Sandy, air conditioning isn’t something that’s been necessary in the past and my thick old cottage walls, built with granite stone, mean it’s always cool in the summer months and heat retained in the winter. I do hope your back improves. Sheila might be offered similar treatment down the line but has to wait for more scans and technicians are currently on strike, along with doctors, nurses and cleaners in our NHS!

    Hello Diane, it’s always lovely to hear from you. Gosh, you do have a lot of maintenance to be carried out and I empathise with you wanting it finished so you get your home back. After the 3 months I lived with major building work indoors 2 years ago, I hesitate to call anyone in unless it’s an emergency. It’s going to be bad enough when the repointing work is carried out on the front and I become encased in scaffolding!

    Coffee finished so beans to be blanched, then I will see if I can finish putting the garden chair together if I set it up in the dining room. A depressing forecast gives rain for the next 9 days but that does mean I’ve no excuses for not finishing painting my kitchen!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited July 2023
    Not much from me because I have been boringly busy, packing up for the move. Or chucking stuff out for the move. Then of course I stubbed my toe on Saturday doing all this which means I’ve got a bright red foot which is twice its size. A little better today, but Michael bless him drove over, did some shopping and cooked us dinner as the pain was so bad I had trouble standing cooking at the stove. Hey ho. Next Wednesday Mark and I go to the home to finalize paperwork, get the key and measure to decide what will fit in.

    So, I’m washing today after finding forgotten stuff lurking in dark cupboard corners.

    Maybe more news worthy stuff later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, nothing interesting here. The rain continues to miss us. Lots of wind from time to time but it is very dry. Thankfully the high temperatures are in the 80’s rather than 100+. Very nice in comparison. I have done my laundry, spent quite a bit of time at the end of the week trying to sort out my state income tax withholding. I received an email yesterday from my accountant saying she would be in touch Monday or Tuesday but indicated I would need to send in more money with the last 2 quarterly estimates.

    My church had a Christmas in July service this morning. Unfortunately they cut off the video before my favorites, the Christmas carols.

    A friend called this afternoon and we whiled away the time with all sorts of topics.

    Anne, I am sorry you hurt your poor toe.

    Jackie, while you get much too much rain, I continue to be impressed with all the chores and tasks you tackle! I hope the second chair is assembled.

    Diane, oh my goodness, so many things to tend to. You seem to have everything in hand right now. I hope everything is done to your satisfaction.

    Sandy, sorry about the party being moved indoors. The weather is always a wildcard.

    Barbie, how lovely to have friend who can diagnose car issues. Excellent!

    Joy, August is drawing close. I hope you enjoy having company once again.

    Must move along. I may have to water my poor thirty plants again.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day. Will probably go to pool as the days are getting shorter before we have abbreviated hours. The guards go back to school soon so the pool will only be open from 4-8 during the week and all day on weekends until Labor Day.
    I have been missing Babe a lot lately, it just seems so lonely without him. I think because I was so busy and now I am not it is just hitting me. I will again be busy starting next week with Babe's daughter coming in and other activities and trips in the near future. I guess that's why I like the pool where it is just relaxing to sit and float.

    Lin, I don't even want to think about taxes for next year. It will be the first time in over30 years that I will be filing alone since Babe and I filed jointly all these years. I have been told I will pay estimated taxes quarterly and I am not looking forward to that.

    Anne, sorry you hurt your toe and hope it is better today. You must be excited to get to your new place, I hope it is everything you hope. It does sound wonderful to me.

    Jackie, it seems to be less painful everyday so I am happy I did get the injection. That makes sense with the granite that it should be cooler inside. I know you make it works no matter what the weather is.

    Diane, yes we were very impressed with the house. It was a historic house and was just beautiful.
    My next trip is to visit my son four hours away in a few weeks, so by then my shot should kick in and I should be pain free, at least I hope so.

    Barbie, glad your friend was able to pinpoint the problem and Jake can get it fixed.

    I have the windows open with fresh air and it feels wonderful. The A/C will probably go on later but for now I am enjoying. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 2023
    No rain once again. It was cloudy all morning but the showers missed us once again.

    Chasing down another oddball email. Got that sorted out.

    I apparently won a book from an author who held an online book party yesterday and I attended. I sent my email address. I will be happy with any book I receive. I like all of the different book series she writes.

    Still do not have my state income tax problem resolved. The State of Iowa has exempted pension payments from state income tax. My former employer had continued to withhold tax and there was quite a ruckus from retirees who live in this state. They said they would make the change at the end of the tax year. That was fine with me. But all of a sudden they said they would make the change in the second half of the year, no date given or details. So I contacted them and said I did not want my withholding returned and I wanted to continue state withholding. I filled out the paperwork that was forwarded to me however, they did not follow my instructions. They returned every penny of state withholding to date. I called again and got a totally clueless lady. Anyway, since they cannot help me, my accountant is calculating how much I will have to send in on these last 2 quarterly payments to avoid penalty for under withholding tax. While no state tax is owed on the pension payments, it is still due on Social Security, interest and dividends, and rent received. I am sure it will get resolved as long as I pull more $$ out of my savings. I think I can estimate what to send but I don’t have accurate payment stubs to accompany the payments.

    Aren’t we thrilled by my tortuous explanation?

    Well, I am starting on August birthday cards. Wahoo! I need to get one of those mailed soon.

    I hope everyone is doing okay. Best wishes all round.


  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello. Well Mary Jo and Mark showed up yesterday and were somewhat shocked at the size of my foot and interesting shade of red. Why didn’t you tell us they scolded but I explained they’ve done so much for me that I wanted them to have a weekend free from miserable old ladies. Any way, Michael had turned up to feed me with disastrous results I might add. Food unsuitable for IBS and me being a pig couldn’t resist. However we will keep that to ourselves because his intentions were so kind. I’ve woken up with my left foot reduced in size but doubt I can get a shoe on and I’m supposed to be at the Home tomorrow for sign up and the measuring of the apartment. Wish me luck.

    Meanwhile someone was persistently knocking on my door last evening accompanied by much barking from Bean, No way could I totter to the door at dusk so whoever it was got ignored by me if not by Jilly Bean.
    Old age does have interesting moments.

    Now, more importantly what do you girls with dogs feed them? Jilly is used to home cooked chicken and turns her black nose up at all attempts to feed her various commercial dog food. And I can’t cook chicken in a mini kitchen designed to prevent old ladies reducing the other residents to ashes. And I love Jilly so much I don’t want her ending up with Michael who’s at work all day, or at least not yet. Suggestions appreciated to try in our remaining two weeks here.

    Finally, I’m beginning to wonder if the house has a spirit who doesn’t want me to leave. I’ve never had so many stupid accidents before I decided it was time for me to leave gardening, cooking and cleaning behind.

    Off to try and climb over the bath side for a shower and hair wash before I become the likes of a bag lady.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello sneakers. I’m sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. My day ran away with me then in the evening I watched a new BBC TV drama called Wolf that’s just a bit scary so I’m not sure I will get through 6 episodes. It’s an adaptation of a novel by Mo Hayder and alarming while drawing you in!
    I had spent an enjoyable morning with Sheila visiting a store that had everything from clothes, to candles, bedding to food. We were only there for cotton socks for Sheila but both ended up buying some colourful summer tops plus new pillows! In the afternoon I finally finished putting the 2nd garden chair together with a bit of frustrated swearing and replacement screws, once I had rummaged in the garden shed for the correct size! Of course, it rained all day.
    Today I was ready to hang out washed laundry when along came the rain again. At least I managed a walk on the moors with the pooches beforehand. The sun is trying to break through but it’s nearly 4pm so not worth starting gardening because more rain forecast. Instead I’m catching up with housework.

    Anne, I’ve mentioned before that George eats specially produced raw food that is bought in the freezer section at the pet store. It is very popular because there are no additives and includes ground down bones that apparently assist digestion. He loves it but with him eating raw meat, I have to wash his face after each meal!

    I imagine something similar is available in Canada but will you have a freezer section in your kitchenette?
    These days all sorts of silly accidents happen to me when preoccupied, everything from bashing a swinging hand as I walk through a door to tripping over an item I just placed on the floor! You have a lot to think about so easy to stub a toe but hopefully it’s on the mend.

    Taxes are beyond me Lin and when I contact our government revenue department their explanations are beyond me so I think you are extremely patient to deal with yours!

    Sandy, it sounds promising that your back pain will go once the injection kicks in which is good news.

    Back to housework!
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Jake is gone to take the new Tesla to Seattle to have a minor repair done to the suspension system. The biggest downside to our new car is that no one in our remote rural area is able to do repairs and thus the need to drive to Seattle. The appointment is at 9:15. The trip is about two and half hours including a ferry ride. Since it is summer and he went at commuter time, he left extra early to allow for contingencies like the bridge closed for marine traffic or long lines at the ferry. He could get to appointment easily from the 7:55 ferry, but he aimed for the 7:00 ferry and got there in time to get on the 6:25 ferry. He will be early to the appointment. Fortunately he has his phone and a book with him so he'll pass the time comfortably. I am looking forward to a rare day at home alone. I have several projects planned that I can do accompanied by the loud music of my choice.

    :)Anne, maybe the little injuries at your house are a message from the universe to get out of the house and go somewhere safer. How about talking to the new residence and finding out if someone in the kitchen can cook chicken for you every few days? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) Our air is filled with Canadian smoke again making it hazy outside. I was hoping to go to pool but it doesn't look like the sun is coming out any time soon. I am sitting tonight for volleyball so might run some errands instead.

    Barbie, a long way to go for car repairs but it seems you don't have a choice. At least Jake knows how to pass the time with a good book and/or phone.

    Jackie, when will your rain ever let up? I would be so depressed since I love summer so much. My back seems to be getting a little better everyday, the test is walking up my stairs to my unit which I only do about once a day. The other test will be when we go to Renaissance Fair on Saturday when I will be walking all day. It is Pirates weekend and we are dressing up as pirates, pictures to follow.

    Anne, your foot sounds painful, I do hope it gets better soon. You might have to wear a slipper tomorrow to the new place or the boys have to carry you. lol Can you have a crock pot in your new place to cook Jilly's chicken? Or maybe MJ can cook it for you and you can store it in refrigerator. BTW, I did find a place in my area that sounds much like yours and might be a place I would consider in the future. It is pricey but so is living by myself. There at least everything is included so will have to check it out one day.

    Lin, your taxes sound very complicated but I know you will figure it all out eventually.

    Still missing Patsy and wonder what happened. I did find their phone number on google but hate to invade their privacy.

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Hi. I did think about taking my crockpot SANDY but not sure if I’m allowed. And I did find a recipe for micro waving chicken breast. By the way amongst all the activities that this home offers is gambling night! That I won’t be participating in. I’m no gambler and have to watch the cash flow, but I did think of you! Actually if this home is as good as it sounds I think somewhere similar would suit you very well with your outgoing personality. Once I’ve signed my life away I’ll tell you the name and you can check it out. I am rather looking forward to the meals. Hope they are as good as they sound.

    I’m resting my foot. It isn’t the toe, it’s just below and down to the instep. Bl…y painful to put it mildly.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandy, I did call them. No answer and no return call later in response to my voicemail message.

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Marks cancelled our visit to the home tomorrow. We are going on Friday instead, because my foot is still horribly swollen but not quite so painful. You are right BARBIE the universe IS telling me it’s time to move on. I do hope Jake gets everything sorted out today with the new Tesla and you enjoyed a rare day of solitude.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Thank you Sandy and Lin for your continued efforts to discover what has happened to dear Patsy, John and Katie. It’s horrible not knowing. ❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,166 Member
    :) Jake's trip to Seattle was successful for him. He arrived early, they fixed the problem with the suspension as soon as he got there and he was finished and ready to come home an hour earlier than his scheduled appointment. He arrived at the ferry dock just in time to be the last car on the ferry and he was home before 10:30. I was delighted that he was home safely and early but disappointed that I didn't have my long day to putter with my projects while listening to my music.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful pool day. Great to see the kiddos yesterday and enjoyed my time with them. Charlie is a little pistol but can't help laugh at some of her antics.

    Barbie, glad Jake was able to get the car repaired in a timely matter but sorry you didn't get to putter.

    Jackie, I agree, it is horrible not knowing what is going on with Patsy, John and Katie. I do hope she comes back one day to let us know.

    Anne, probably a good idea as you don't want to aggravate your foot. I hope it is better today. Ask about the crock pot although the microwave will work.

    Lin, I tried another email this morning and hope to get an answer.

    Another lazy day for me but what the heck I deserve it. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time