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Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi. Had an interesting weekend. We had a tropical storm land in San Diego. First one in about 80 yrs or something like that. We had about 12 to 14 hours of rain but not much wind so it didn't really affect us much. Most of it went toward the desert and mountains. We had a rain gutter malfunction in front during the hardest rain fall though so there we were in the rain with Dan on a ladder clearing out the gutter. But God protected us so all is well. Glad the land got rain and the plants and shrubs got washed.

    Not much else going on. Had lunch at the senior center today and neighborhood ladies lunch will be Thursday. The gal who is supposed to be in charge really dropped the ball so I finally emailed the invite to everyone. Our bible study is on hiatus till Sept 28th so we have been meeting Thursday mornings for coffee. I went last week and will go this week. It is nice to have leisurely fellowship with everyone. This will probably be the last coffee for a couple weeks because we have some other activities planned.

    Debora, Glad things are going well where you are. Hope they find someone to be caregiver soon so you won't have to travel so far. I really wish we were closer so I could have some of those home raised eggs!! :) Oh well, enjoy some for me!

    Have a blessed week!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Not much new here. Did my shopping on Friday instead of Saturday because we had another new landscaper come Saturday morning. We had to call someone new because the other guy we really liked said he was too busy for us and to get someone else. The new guy did a good job but was twice what the other guy charged.

    I have lab work scheduled Tuesday then a dr appt the following week. Looking forward to seeing what my blood sugar numbers are like.

    I sent Sheryl an email but did not get a response which makes me worried.

    Our bible study is on hiatus so we have been meeting for coffee Thursday mornings instead. Our study will resume on 9/28.

    My brother is going to come for a visit the first 2 weeks of October. I'm really looking forward to seeing him. It has been at least 4 or 5 years since we were last together. He will stay in a hotel instead of with us but at least he will be here so we can spend time together.

    Debora, hope you found someone to take the caregiver job so you don't have to keep traveling so far. Happy birthday in a couple weeks in case I don't get back here before then.

    Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Hi, my three week job ended. It was only to last while Bill’s brother was in Alaska visiting his daughter. It was enjoyable and it paid very well, but I don’t mind not doing it now. What they have learned is no agency in town will let anyone do eye drops or put his pill in a pill case, so they’ve made the hard decision to put him in the nursing home out here. Bill seems agreeable as long as he gets to take his TV and chair and have his nightly pop. He might even get to take his cat. He will miss the church he goes too but this home has a service on Sunday morning, a vesper Sunday afternoon but it will be with different people. We know how hard change is to do so I’m praying he makes a good adjustment.
    Sadly, we’ve been to a couple of memorial service although they were all older people and all Christians. My sister moved to a nursing home. Biggest problem we’ve had is trying to call her. She never seems to be by her phone and I got each of the siblings to take a week and so far I’m the only that hat has gotten through. My two sisters here always get together in September and since Barb is “just” four hours away, we’re going to do a day trip to go see her.
    We had Derek’s kids here Saturday to Sunday. It was different cause Taryn, the oldest, drove them out and home. We had to use her car and ours for church since there were seven of us. I let them vote on whether I should make dinner rolls or breadsticks and the one looked so disappointed when dinner rolls won that I made both – did’t take that much longer.
    We have several sports we’re trying to get to at least once. Almost all of them has something this Thursday and I also have a meeting so working on that. We have high school cross country, jr. high cross country, jr high volleyball and tennis and 4 different schools. So far we’ve seen two of them and working on a couple more for tomorrow. Maybe. Cause I also have Willing Workers and we have a meal with it. Need to make my dessert today.
    A week ago, Ralph right leg started hurting – bad enough he’s using a cane. We saw our PA who said if it didn’t get better, he could get a shot. We were disappointed she didn’t even look at his leg – move it or anything. It got a tad better in that it doesn’t hurt when he’s sitting but it’s not getting any better past that so emailed the doctor last night and will see when they can set up an appointment.
    We started a new book in Bible study – it’s on Mary.
    Ralph’s chickens are still busy laying. Wish I could share some with you. And right now, we’d five them to you. At least that’s what he’s doing at the school he takes them too.
    Life is busy but life is good.

    Isabella, so cool that your brother is coming. I think it had been that long since I had seen my brother when he came this summer. But we only had a day with a big group. Two weeks will be great. Enjoy every minute.
    Glad the tropical storm was not too bad for you. We need rain too. Not fun on the gutters though - but it was just water.
    Yikes on the cost but glad you liked the new landscape guy.
    Fun that you Bible study gals continue to meat - keeps the connection.
    I don't like that you didn't hear from Sheryl either. I think I used to have a phone number. Maybe I'll have to hunt.

    Need to get my dessert made for tomorrow - doing a cream puff dessert.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Temps have been in the mid to high 80's and will go down to mid to high 70's in the next few days. It has been a bit humid though. It is usually hotter in Sept so we are happy for the lower temps.

    I finally used the last gift card I was given for my retirement last year. Dan didn't want to go for various reasons so my friend Mona and I went. She drove which was very nice. The restaurant is on the coast so we had a full view of the ocean while we enjoyed our lunch. Spent the full $100 so that is all done.

    Dan has decided that we have to do a MAJOR de-cluttering in preparation for possibly moving some time in the next few months. This is fine with me. It is just stuff and not very important at this age. It is making him feel better so God is good!

    Debora, very happy to hear the job is done and that all went well. Enjoy your visit with your sisters. I will check to see if I have a phone number for Sheryl as well. Crazy that the Dr didn't even look at Ralph's leg. Hopefully they will check it this time before they decide on a treatment plan. It could be coming from an issue with his back. Hope they figure it out and that it is better soon.

    Take care and have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member

    Went to look and I’m glad it hasn’t been as long as I thought since I checked in. Time flies. We had a good Willing workers meeting with a meal beforehand. I took a dessert and had just enough left to use with the grandkids here the next day. We had Alan’s kids for all morning and part of the afternoon. So Ralph went to grandparents day for Maggie and went to a book discussion at the library and got his knee x-rayed (have an appointment now in October for it) It is not in as good of shape as it was. And his kidney function had worsened so had to quit taking celebrex and he can tell it but understands why. At least he doesn’t have to depend on a cane and it went back to “normal” when he was with Maggie and having to do a lot of walking. :) We’ve watched cross country, tennis and volleyball. Have one doing some soccer so will add that to the mix. It’s all fun – just have to decide which ones to do which day,
    Ralph’s class on Menno Simons started up again. This time they are using google meet so I had to figure it out but we did it. I also have learned how to change the wallpaper on my phone and we know know how we did it but we got Paige’s phone usable again after her sister messed with it. We had 4-H and had elections so have all our new officers for the next year.
    Last week I turned 70 – I do not feel as old as I thought my mother was at that time. :) Got together with some of my flylady friends in the morning (although none of them realized it was my birthday). Then Ralph and I ate at Chick-Fil-A and I got a free brownie. I had an email from Panera for a free bakery item there so were close so grabbed it, got groceries and came home. I quickly put everything away and headed for Lori’s so be with the three girls. Jim and Lori went to Colorado and Saturday Jim ran up Pike’s Peak. I helped Maggie and Lucy work on their rooms. Then the 4 of his and Thomas (their brother) ate at McDonald’s. Maggie went home with Thomas for the night and then to the State Fair. Lucy went with a friend on Saturday. Paige had cross country and play practice so did not get to go. I think she was disappointed but that’s happens sometimes.
    Yesterday all but two were here for Sunday dinner and we did the two September birthdays. I had not made salsa chicken and rice for a long time so made that but 13 cups of rice was not enough. Owen (one of Alan’s) made the dessert so I didn’t have to and we had turtle cheesecake – very good. Took a nap after that and then went to church in the evening. And after walking with friend this morning, I have the entire day at home – doesn’t not happen often and I’m sure I won’t get as much as I hoped done but everything helps. Most of the sports activities are away so think we’ll skip most. So it’s mostly just my usual activities. Tomorrow night we are going to Derek’s for a bit – it has been three years since Deacon passed away and they still like to do something. Life is busy but life is good.

    Isabella, we are up to the 90s today but the mornings now start up in the 50s or 60s so a warmer afternoon is not as bad (and I’m inside a lot of it). Glad Mona went with you. Sounds like a beautiful view while you ate. Yay on the decluttering. Wonderful that you are doing it together. I stopped what I was working on when I started caring for Bill. I am going through a container of 4-h stuff so guess that counts but it’s slow going as it’s all paper.
    Bill is moved to the nursing home. They are having a community dinner this Thursday so we might go and get to see him too. My younger sister is not being as cooperative but hope the visit happens as planned. I have been able to talk to Barb and she sounds content there.
    Keep me posted on the decluttering – it might give me the push I need.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not much new. Temps in the 70's this week. wonderful! Did the usual shopping otherwise Working on decluttering. Going thru picture albums (we have 30!). Will keep a few and have them digitized then toss the rest.

    My brother is coming to visit for 12 days on the 29th. Really looking forward to it. He will stay in a hotel but spend the days with us at the house or doing stuff.

    Debora, Happy Birthday again. Glad your birthday was nice. Good that Bill and your sister are all settled. Hope your younger sister will go along as planned.

    Have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Life has been continuing on. I had a colonoscopy this past Monday. Prep went well. They did find a polyp (last one was In 1999) so will wait and see if the letter says 5 or 10 years for the next one. We went to cross country and got to watch two granddaughters. One was in the second race and the other in the last race. We watched a grandson’s soccer game. Good News Club started this week. We had 13 come which was more than I thought might come. There was a cheer camp so might have more next week. Tonight our Wednesday nights at church begin so I will be in the nursery. We’ve had some very warm days and then it cools down a bit. We got a little bit of rain last night – praying for more but it all helps. We did not end up going to see my oldest sister cause sometime came up with Verla. She told us she is in love and her boyfriend’s dad passed away. Don’t know when we’ll hear more about him. So now looking at the last half of October but it’s beginning to look like just Donna and I will go and I’m to the point that I’m fine with that. No big stuff but enough to keep me out of trouble (maybe)
    But my big news is I talked to Sheryl. I found a number and tried once and no luck but then I realized it was like 9 there and she might have still been sleeping. So I waited a couple of days and tried during the afternoon and she answered. It was so good to hear her voice. She said she just doesn’t seem to make it to the computer. She has been in the hospital a couple of time – one time to stretch her esophgus cause swallowing was hard and I forgot the other one. She is still doing chemo. She thanked us for our prayers and I said we would continue and if she doesn’t get on the computer, I’ll call again in a month or two.
    It will be so fun when your brother comes. Will you do touristy things or just spend time together at the house and take him to your favorite eating spots.
    Yay on the decluttering. I brought home about 15 albums from my oldest sister so have them to go through sometime. I still have not gotten back to any decluttering but keep plugging away. We had trouble with our washing machine again. Ralph, with all his internet searching, says I’m am overloading it when it acts up. A load is not supposed to weight over 11 pounds so tossing in an extra towel, etc can just be too much. So, I’ll use my scale and weigh my loads for a bit. Never had this problem before. I’ve just gone by how full the machine looks but no more.
    Need to clean up around the computer so Ralph will be ready for his class on Menno Simmons tonight I’ll get him going and head off for church. Take care.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Temps are in the low to mid 80's and even some in the high 70's this coming week. Very nice.

    My visit with my brother was good. We didn't do any touristy things cuz he has done them all before and Dan wanted me to stay local so we went to the senior center for lunch, played bingo one day, went to a play which was a murder mystery comedy, went to the movies to see Big Fat Greek Wedding 3, went to a local winery, a little festival, played pool at the clubhouse, and otherwise out to eat. We enjoyed our time together.

    It was a bit difficult in that my husband's anxiety came out so he didn't want my brother around as much as I would have liked, so after the first couple days I spent the day with my brother until about 6pm. Also Dan got upset because I promised him that I would continue to work on pictures while my brother was here but I couldn't figure out how to work it in and Dan didn't bring it up so I thought it was OK but it wasn't. Dan felt like I chose my brother over him and I guess I did. Hopefully Dan will get past it soon.

    Debora, glad to hear that you were able to get in touch with Sheryl. I was going to try to call her then got side tracked when my brother came. Sorry you didn't get a chance to visit your sister yet. It will happen in God's timing. Interesting about having to weigh your loads of wash. Our loads are usually pretty small except when I do the sheets so I've never had that issue. I still feel that old machines are better because they just don't make them like they used to so it may be worth getting it fixed if/when it comes time.

    Take care and Have a great week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member

    Last Thursday we went to Paige’s last close cross country race. Looked like she got 16th place. Mollys’s school had their league meet yesterday (we didn’t go) and team places first in the league. We went to Brecken’s last volleyball game for this year. They lost but she had some good hits. Now she wants to try basketball. After Paige’s race we went to Trader Joe’s to get some lip balm and found out it has been discontinued. Grabbed a bit a McDonald’s and then on to Willing Workers for a fun evening. Friday was town and then do what I could for Sunday.
    Saturday we were gone most of the day at the Whitewater Fall Festival. We started at the library book sale. I ended with about 4 boxes of books by the end of the day and Ralph got one box. Then it was parade time. We didn’t have many 4-Hers but they had fun decorating and riding on the float and tossing candy. I found Ralph and we went to the cafe to eat. Then we went out own ways. I watched some of the hay bale toss, some of the kiddie tractor pull and then the turtle races – quite entertaining. Then we went to the melodrama. Our son Alan and grandson Owen were both in it. All the actors did a good job. When it was done, we grabbed Molly and Clark and headed home. Katie dropped off Ava so she could go see the play and I came up with supper. When they left, I finished up some food stuff.
    Sunday two of the kids were here and I invited my sister. When they all left, I took a nap and then we went to a fellowship meal. I took cream puff dessert. We had a really good meal and lots of good visiting. It was a nice evening so we ate out on the couple’s deck.
    Monday night was 4-H. It is also the start of the new 4-H year so there are always more things to get ready so spent the day getting ready. Then I had Ralph drop me off and he went on to a meeting about school trips the Whitewater High School used to take. Then he came by and picked me up afterwards and he didn’t have to wait too long on me so that worked out well.
    Tuesday I worked at church. We counted all the necklaces our women’s group made during the year (355) and bagged them up. Next time we’ll get the jump ropes labeled. We put a picture of someone jump roping in case whoever gets the shoebox doesn’t know. We had Good News Club in the afternoon – we have a good bunch of kids coming.
    Wednesday was the usual. I went to Bible Study. Ralph went to the senior one in the afternoon. In the evening, he had his zoom class and I worked in the nursery. The five kids we have keep us busy – especially as they get tired. I also got the crustless pumpkin pie baked for my sister. I cut it in pieces and froze it so we’ll take it when we go see her next Monday.
    Thursday I babysat for the women’s Bible study that meet then. We had two adults and about 12 kids and it seemed easier than that the five the night before. Serveral were her grandchildren but part of it was being the morning, I think. Today got our eye checkups done. We can both keep wearing the same glasses and neither of us need cataract surgery yet – although he thinks I’ll need it before Ralph. Then did the rest of our shopping and hope. Been working here. I’m making Happy Fall bags for everyone (rather than Halloween bags) since all that can come this week. There some candy and a granola bar, cheese its, and stuff like that. Just something for fun. The last few days have been more windy and more fall like – highs around 60 so that’s nice.

    Isabella, so glad for the time you had with your brother. You found lots of things to do close to home. Glad Dan waited till your brother left to say anything about the pictures. In my mind, it was fine to let them wait when it didn't work out cause you don't see your brother often. I'm sure you'll work it out with Dan and be back to the pictures full force.
    I didn't weigh my load this week - just was careful what I put in. Ralph was just about ready to call a repairman but thinks it's okay now. I'm not sure but we'll show it goes next week. And I'm still not sure that the weight is the total problem cause I have a hard time believing that I went two year before I overloaded it. But I'll go with the flow. He as spent a lot of time researching on the computer to save having to pay a bill.
    Your weather sounds nice. Enjoy and take care.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! Temps have been in the mid 70's. Wonderful! Love this time of year. They will get to the low to mid 80's this coming week but that is nice too. May be getting high winds in a couple days and that is always a concern for wildfires.

    Dan and I have been spending a lot of time working on the pictures and finally got them all sorted. We probably tossed around 3000 pics and sent 1500 to be digitized. It will be expensive but considering he never spends money on anything, I am more than fine with getting this taken care of. We are also working on the decluttering and took another load to the resale shop that supports the senior center. I also sent an email to my bible study girls to see if they want 3 large pieces of art that we have. One of them is a Thomas Kinkade lithograph so I am hoping someone will at least take that one.

    Debora, you are very busy as always! :) The White Water festival sounds like fun. How was your visit with your sister? Did you hear anything more about the guy your other sister is in love with?

    Take care and have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Hi, we are all very excited around here because we got rain. It was very dry. I don’t know for sure how much we got, but one at Bible study said they got 2 ½ inches overnight and it rained more today. So very needed. It has also made the day cooler with no sunshine but they are talking cold for next week. We’ve had so much hot weather and now it will go cold. But that’s how weather is.
    My sister, Donna, and I drove to Ulysses on the 16. We left at 6 in the morning. We got there about 10:30 and found our sister, Barb, waiting for us. The care home she is in seems very nice. The meal we ate there was good. She is now using a wheelchair and so then they have to use the lift to move her around and I’m sure that’s not fun but when she moved there, they wanted to do PT but she wanted it on her terms so…. We spent about 4 ½ hours with her and then we headed home. We got home around 8:30. I got to do all the driving that was in the dark and was willing to do more but Donna did most of it. So we found out we could do it in one day. But we probably won’t head out again till spring since the driving in the dark is not a lot of fun so we’ll wait till days are getting longer again. I took Barb the crustless pumpkin pie she likes, cut into pieces and she ate 2/3 of the pie. The rest we put in the home kitchen but I’m sure she ate it the next day.
    The rest of the week was pretty normal. Just did the usual stuff. Saturday was busy with food for Sunday. Got a call mid-morning from Derek asking if we could keep the boys mid-afternoon to late as they had free tickets to a football games for 5 of them. I had planned to go with Ralph to a memorial service so had the food stuff done so it worked out well. The boys came. We fixed pigs in a blanket for supper, played outside and I put them to bed on the two couches in the living room so it was easy for their parents to grab them a little before midnight.
    Sunday was our one day Fall conference – 2 services in the morning and two in the evening. It was good and doing it all in one day was nice. Then Monday (the 23rd) I had the whole day at home. I even am starting back to the six minutes on my official decluttering when I have a morning or afternoon all at home so did 3 or 4 of those this week. Did Good News Club and Bible study – which I led when leader couldn’t come at last minute. Thursday I gathered up toys and all on my list for the Missions Banquet. I’m in charge of lining up babysitters and having things ready for the 0 to 4 year olds of those that come. We had 25 sic month through 2 years old so set up a separate for the two year olds. Thursday evening was 4-H council so Ralph and I went early and ate at McDonalds. A girl from our church (now living in town and attending church there) came in and visited with Ralph while I went to the meeting. She says a lot of good things but sadly, I know she not living a good lifestyle so a good reminder to pray. Council meeting was elections and the two that came from our club for the first time did a good job.
    Friday was our usual trip to town. I bought more lunchables and stuff since I got the final list of kids (54 on the list). We also voted early and Ralph renewed his driver’s license. When we got home, we had a message that they were ready to start the research study we had agreed too. They wanted us to come at 1 and said it would be a two hour visit. Ok. We could make that work even with the banquet in the evening. Well, they were having internet problems and the visit went closer to 4. We hung in there and I tried not to complain too much cause I don’t usually run late for things I’m in charge of. (study is a emboli vaccine study and also got our flu shot). So when we left we ran home, grabbed what was there (didn’t even change clothes) and got to church with kids ready and waiting. I pulled out the name tags and we got started. It all worked out – was just hectic for a bit. A number of families didn’t come so there weren’t as many kids and the 14 girls did a great job watching the kids. And I got to eat with the adults and hear the speaker. Afterwards we got kids back with their parents, cleaned up and loaded up my car with my stuff. Food stuff got carried in but the rest is still in the trunk since it rained most of today.
    This morning we went to the 4-H County Achievement Celebration. Ralph and I were the only ones from our club. It was cold so I pulled my heavy coat out. They served small cinnamon rolls. I was good and just ate one. It was good but glad we got home before the rain started again. It’s been raining the rest of the day. And even with it happening, Derek and Matthew changed out three of our sofas today. One had broken and Derek was selling some older model home furniture and game me some. So things got updated. I also sent two lamps which we don’t use cause they aren’t in great condition. It did make us get the living room picked up (Ralph had been boxing up books to ship) but Matthew moved the boxes to the hall which was a huge help too. We are invited out to dinner tomorrow so didn’t have to prepare any food so before something else interrupts, I’ll get this missive sent off.

    Wow, Isabella. You did go though a lot of photographs How nice to have that done. And digitalized will be nice. Your weather is way warmer than ours. Ralph put the car in the garage in case it freezes since it's still raining. Great on the decluttering too. Is saying let it go getting easier?
    No, have heard nothing more on the boyfriend but we are having lunch next Saturday so hopefully, will learn something then.

    Have a great week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Weather has been wonderful! I love this time of year. We got some Santa Ana winds last week but fortunately just 1 small brush fire that was put out very quickly. Thank you Lord!!

    Still decluttering. Getting rid of a LOT of stuff! Feels good. No one took our large artwork so we donated it to goodwill. Oh well.

    Not much else going on. I will be going to the farmer's market and another store tomorrow in addition to my usual shopping. I think I'm going to make a london broil in the crock pot for Thanksgiving. We don't really care for turkey anymore. Haven't made it for years. I will have a holiday meal at the senior center so that will satisfy any cravings. :)

    Debora, wow, you have so much going on. Glad the drive and visit with your sister went well. Hopefully you are feeling OK after the vaccine study. Glad you got to your event on time. Also happy to hear that you got some rain. We are supposed to bet some next week. How was lunch with your sister?

    Well, take care and have a blessed week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    How time flies. Today is a pretty and into the 60s. Yesterday was much cooler. We’ll have a couple of warm days and then cool off. But I am wearing my coat much more. I got the MRI done and will be seeing an orthopedic doctor – hopefully nothing big needs to be done. I have been careful and it’s feeling much better but I know that’s not everything. The mri results don’t sound good.
    Nov 2-4 I was with Derek’s kids. It went really well. The kids got up well, ate breakfast and headed off to school. A neighbor with kids going to some of the same schools did most of the transportation. Madden’s team lost his last soccer game and it wasn’t too cold sitting there. I enjoyed not having the usual household things to do and worked on a couple of projects I took along. I did a little shopping when Lindsey’s parents came on Saturday and then met my sisters. The food was good (and Verla paid). We had a three hour lunch. We learned about the guy she plans to marry. She gave us a first name and what he does for a job, told us he is younger. He knows how long our parents were married but he does not know how many siblings she has and she didn’t suggest us meeting him. I’m hoping he’ll come at Thanksgiving. She said they’ll have a very small wedding and it will be between Christmas and Lent. Just seems soon maybe cause we haven’t met him. I also did some sleuthing on my own and found out he is 24 years younger (he is 44, she is 68). Ralph and I are 14 years apart but that is several more and she is around the age of his dad.
    Good News Club is going well. We had 3 in the nursery Wednesday evening and I was a last minute sub on Thursday morning and we had 9 kids – keeps you hopping a bit more. Thursday afternoon we did our weekly shopping. We did it then cause of other activities but glad we did cause Walmart was starting Black Friday sales the next day and the Ext. Office would have been closed. Friday Ralph had a luncheon to go to and he dropped me off for a visit with Flylady Friends – not that we talked about our houses much. The one who hosted us is happy at the progress she had made so feels like she can have us come. In the evening we went to see the Wizard of Oz – junior high play at Sunrise – Paige had 4 small parts. It was very well done. We sure don’t enjoy night driving as much but have to do it sometimes. Today Ralph went to Bible study, a funeral and then some bookstores that are celebrating their 30th birthday and all books are 20% off. I’m enjoying the day at home and working on a few projects – especially 4-H since we have our achievement program on Monday. No dinner her tomorrow as it’s Youth Group Sunday and they will do the service and then feed us all.

    Isabella, sorry no one wanted your artwork. Size might have been part of it – you have to have a place put them but I’m sure Goodwill will appreciate what they make off them and they are out of your house. The Senior Dinner is a good way to get your fix. I don’t think I’ve ever had a london boil but it sounds good. I’m hearing back on what different families will bring. I hope hams go on sale at least a bit. One niece is bring a smoked turkey but we’ll need plenty of ham too – will probably have 35 here – a full house.
    Yay on no big fire.
    Doing fine after the study. We go back in two weeks for the next step. But I have nothing scheduled that evening so the time it takes won't matter. :)

    Oh yeah, some decluttering progress here. I’m ready to vacuum the floor in the closet I’ve been working on. Then to put things back in place. That might be hard. I also was hunting for some 4-H stuff and found where some boxes to go through so hope the papers I’m looking for will be in them. Just in case they aren’t, I’ve been working on new ones since we have to turn copies in by the end of the year.

    Have a good week.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, I'm just popping in real quick to give you a copy of an email I received from Sheryl today. I'll come back in the next couple of days to read your post and post my own comments.

    Here is Sheryl's email:
    Hello Isabella, I apologize so deeply for leaving you hanging for so long without a word. I've been in and out of the hospital 4 times in the last 3 months (each hospital stay was more than a week at a time) with several different diagnoses and this last time, I was left so weak that my oncologist and pain management doctor team discussed no more chemo treatments. I've been placed in hospice care. God is continuing to send Blessings through each step of the way.

    I will get you and Debora more info as I feel up to it to type. Even talking takes so much out of me that I put off phone calls also.

    Love Sheryl
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Youth Sunday went well. The two senior boys did the message – each took half of the passage. Then we all enjoyed a delicious meal – pulled pork, a combination of means, fruit salad, potato chips a roll, and vanilla ice cream with a chocolate chip cookie. We sat with a couple we don’t visit with often so that was fun too. From there we went to Brecken’s concert with the Wichita Youth Symphony. It was a group of junior high kids from a lot of different school. All the music (from some other small groups) and then two bigger groups was very good but they have been practicing every week. Then we hurried home so Ralph could chore and we could go hear a man from Kenya at church.
    Monday I spent getting ready for 4-H. I got things ready, went to church and set up and then went for the evening. We all ate pizza first and then had our program. It was a nice time and I had a lot less to bring home then I took. Tuesday I worked at church and then had Good News Club. After Good News Club, Ralph came and met me and after we dropped the 4 girls home, we went on to town and had our McRib. Wednesday morning our Bible study went to a place called Rhubarb Market – not sure where they got their name but it’s a coffee shop. I had a frittata and a chocolate chip scone and hot tea (I don’t drink coffee). It was a fun outing. It was also Ralph’s 85th birthday so I had someone get refreshments to senior Bible study to celebrate. Rather than buying something, she made raisin bun – she knows he likes them. So he enjoyed that. Thursday I was in the nursery again – we had 8 kids. I had one on my lap most of the time but she would let me put her down when I needed to help with someone else. The other helper was down on the floor and I don’t do that much now. Thursday I started my Thanksgiving cleaning. A little more dusting and straightening is done than usual. I took the plunge and boxed up the stuff on the main level of the desk – piles were so high I could add anything more and on one kitchen counter. I filled 7 smallish boxes. I figure (in 2024) I can grab a handful and go through it. I saw stuff back to 2014 so I’m sure a lot will be trash. A new pile has already begun.
    Friday we went to town. Then we went to a music concert in the evening. First of the ones we have grandkids in and so far none of them conflict which is amazing with four different schools represented. The band was large and the choir was small but both were good. Today was our family shoebox packing party. We had pizza and ice cream sandwiches. And then got set up. We had to put the shoeboxes together, get all the supplies out (Lori gathers most of them) and then the actual packing of them all probably only took 20 minutes. There were 23 of us there. I got to meet Jeremiah’s girlfriend. Lori had two girls for respite care over the weekend (and 4 were missing). So we were home by three. My legs and feet were tired from lots of standing but they are fine again now. Since we were all together today, no one is coming tomorrow.

    Thank you for sharing the email from Sheryl. Sad news but I can be okay about it since I know she’s a Christian. I hope the hospice comes and helps her enough. I was thinking about calling her again but I won’t do that.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Are you on the group email that Sheryl has sent updates at times with several others from NM? Would it be okay to share this info on it so others would know what's going on with her. If you aren't on it (I can't remember who all is), I could do it.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Not much new going on. Doing the usual shopping and more decluttering. Not much left to declutter. We will probably take another pass thru the house at some point and thin things out a bit more. Disabled vets are coming on Saturday to take our large entertainment center and some electronics. Then we can breathe easier.

    Debora, I am not on the group update email. I would guess it is OK for you to pass this info on to the group. I too am sad but OK with the hospice situation since Sheryl is a Christian and we will see her again in heaven.

    God bless and Happy Thanksgiving!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    The 19th was a quiet Sunday with no one here. We enjoyed it. During the week I finished the cleaning and started working on food. I also had my appointment with the orthopedic doctor and was happy to learn I don’t need surgery at this time. I learned I have arthritis in my knee (which I did not know) and some is bone on bone. The tears are from the arthritis and I still don’t know what the pop was but am thankful it is still getting better and I can walk as much as I want. I am still slower on stairs and at night I can’t straighten that leg out straight for very long but I can live with that.
    Tuesday we did have Good News Club but we didn’t have Bible study or Wednesday night activities and friend and I didn’t work together. Wednesday I did two batches of dinner rolls, deviled eggs, and one pie. I set up tables and chairs and put the tablecloths on. Thursday morning I put on silverware and napkins, put the ham on to heat, etc. We had our Thanksgiving service at church – it’s congregation led and such a blessing. We came home and waited for everyone to come. There were about 30 here. Everyone brought something and the kitchen table was covered with delicious food. I think I tried pretty much everything. Kids (ages 8 – 21 ate in the basement) and the rest of us were upstairs. After we ate, we cleared the tables, put food away and after a bit set out all the desserts – didn’t quite cover the table top. I did not stuff myself like I often do – remember to enjoy but also I’m working on taking off a few pounds again. This year we did not start a puzzle or get stuff out for supper and all were gone by 6.
    Friday we went to town and did out usual shopping, went to a used bookstore with all on sale and a thrift store (plus donated some stuff to the thrift store). We also enjoyed another McRib. Got the house straightened up and ready for Sunday. We had lots of leftover ham so decided to do potatoes and ham for Sunday dinner. Saturday we got a beautiful snow – 8 inches – with no wind. Enjoyed from my window. But Jim and Lori were on their way home from Branson and it took a lot longer to get home.
    Even with all the snow we had church this morning (takes a lot for us to cancel. And a lot of us were there. We traveled 4 miles on one road with just two tracks and were thankful we didn’t meet anyone. Trustees did a wonderful job of clearing the parking lot and sidewalks at church and the sun came out. Highway was better going home but same two tracks with a little drifting were till how we got home. Alan’s did stop at here to eat. I had lots of food since Lori’s did not come so sent some home with Alan. My freezers have plenty. Will have easy microwave meals all week.
    Tomorrow afternoon we have our second appointment for our research study – nothing going on in the evening so the length of it won’t matter this time and will take a book along.

    Isabella, how was your Thanksgiving? I love hearing that you are essentially decluttered. I cannot even imagine. So what’s the next step – just to enjoy it.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Hi Isabella,
    Our second appoint with our research didn’t even last two hours. Doing an appointment the first day was not great but they’ve going the computer system going much better. Our snow lasted until Thursday when we got a rain and it disappeared. Then today we had beautiful frost on the trees and fog so it was an interesting week of weather. I did all the usual things. I babysat during the Thursday morning Bible studies and finally had a small number – just 4. I also finally got my treasurer book caught up for the year so it will be ready to turn in with just a bit more work. Now I’m ready to hit the program book for 4-H. Then I’ll be able to think Christmas. :)
    We like being early for programs so we get a good seat so Thursday night we headed out early. The rain slowed us down so we ended up only being 10 minutes late since the program I thought started at 7 really started at 6:30. Afterwards we wet to Braum’s for ice cream with out son and family so that was fun. This morning I went to a bridal shower. Many of the showers are on Sunday and I have a harder time getting there so it was fun to go. Yummy refreshments. I didn’t overeat. I’m down a few pounds so trying to keep them off. I didn’t realize you had lost 35 pounds. That’s fantastic.
    Tomorrow we are having hamburgers and hot dogs. No baking since I buy the buns and easy to fix. Ralph and I will take off shortly after we eat for a recital one granddaughter is in. Then some of the 4-H members will do the Christmas story at the Whitewater tree lighting and then we have a Christmas music program at church. A full day but all will be good.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora,
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was just the 2 of us. I put a small 1lb rump roast in the crockpot for 4 hours on high and served with mashed potatoes and green beans. Came out very good.

    Not much new here. I'll go to the farmer's market before I do my usual shopping tomorrow. We are working on scanning some docs into the computer so we can get rid of paper files. It is going well.

    Enjoy your Christmas programs! Keep up the good work losing some weight. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Sunday was a full day. We went to Sunday School and church. We hurried home and had the food ready when the last family game. We ate, cleared the table and Ralph and took off. The recital was nice. The kids did ensembles this year so was a shorter recital. Brecken played in two groups and did an excellent job. We enjoyed refreshments and then went to Whitewater and I had my annual smore, visited, watched our 4-Hers do the Christmas story and then grandson Owen got to plug in the lights for the town’s lrge Christmas tree. He was quite excited to be the person to do it. From there we went on to our church. We were an hour early but could sit there as wel as at home. It was a good evening and we had a whole day of Christmas activites all pointing us to Jesus.
    Monday was all day at home and I got going on the 4-H program book, treasurer stuff for our Women’s group and other things I need to do at home. In the evening we went to the local school Christmas program. Again we went early for the parking. The girls I take home from Good News Club did not see me but were pleased I came. There were lots of kids singing but I had a hard time understanding the words but was still fun. The one riddle I cause was how much did Santa’s sleigh cost? Nothing, it was on the house. Gave me a chuckle.
    Tuesday morning I took my strawberries and went and helped Bible study friend get dessert mised and in bowls – Greek yougurt, cream and strawberries. Then Ralph and I went to the Fesper at church. It’s for those 70 and older. Nice decoration (we got to take a set home), good program, And a wonderful meal. It’s We had Good News Club in the afternoon and then went to watch my great-niece play basketball.
    Wednesday was our Bible study brunch. Everyone brings something. The one who hosts it loves to decorate so the table was set all pretty and there was so much food. I ate plenty so haven’t crept back up over the one number I’m trying to stay under now. The evening I was at church and we watched 4 kids. Thursday afternoon was Willing Workers. This month, everyone brings goodies so enjoyed lots of things. When I got home, Ralph was ready to head to town to get gas, eat at McDonalds (couldn’t say no to that) and then go to Madden’s program (which lasted 20 minutes but was very cute). Friday was our usual trip to town and then another Christmas program in the evening with two of the grands.
    Today I didn’t go anywhere but Alan’s kids were here to help put up the Christmas decorations. Just have to put the containers away now. It looks festive. (Owen saw a snake skin in the basement so guess they are still around but all I usually see are the skins. I try not to be too nervous when I’m down there.)
    Tomorrow starts a new week. It has plenty going on too so you’ll have to check in next week to hear about it. Ha.

    Isabelle, your meal sounds good. What a smart idea to scan the paper stuff. We both do different things and enjoy what we do.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Last Sunday was fun. The Sunday School class Ralph teaches once a month had a potluck after church. Lots of good food and visiting. And then the rest of the day was relaxing. Monday was 4-H. I got the program book finished up so our secretary ran off the copies for me and I handed them out in the evening. We didn’t have a large group and only one talk (which was good) but the gift exchange was fun. Tuesday morning friend and I started working on doing ballots for out annual meeting. Will continue on it next week. The afternoon was out Good New Club party. The kids enjoyed the activities, refreshments (Little Debbie Christmas Trees and capri sun) and their gifts (small flashlight and candy and bookmark). Hubby came in and rode with the three girls and I to their house and then we went on to town to get gas and eat and then to a band concert which was very good.
    Thursday I picked my sister up at 6 to take her in for her first cataract and we were back home by 9:30. Then Ralph and I had doctor appointments in the afternoon so we did them and a couple of errands and headed home. It was nice to have the evening at home. It started raining during the night and off and on most of Friday so a little messy but not too bad. Rain is good. We did our usual errands. I paid the taxes and things took longer so we ate at Burger King (have a gift card) before going home. In the evening we went to the visitation for a woman in our church. She had turned 103 in September. Her mind was good to the end. One daughter told me that three days before she died, she solved two of the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune before the contestants did and she liked doing that. This morning was the night the Youth Group went caroling for those 70 and over. They divide into three groups and then a set of sponsor goes with both. There were a total of 13 in our group. They sing about 3 songs but we have them come inside and visit a bit too. Tomorrow most everyone will be here – one is sick so he and mom will stay home and one has to go to work so won’t come. I figured out the seating with the Christmas taking one of the tables so it will work.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Did my usual shopping this week except went a bit later in the day because the landscaper was coming and I wanted to be here to supervise. They are forcasting rain this week. We'll see how much we actually get.

    We have been experimenting with different types of folding chairs in an effort to replace our old kitchen chairs. The first pair we got didn't work because Dan kept stubbing his toe on the rear legs. We gave those to a friend. We are waiting for 2 different types to be delivered in the next week or so. Hopefully one of them will be good. Stay tuned for further details. :)

    I decided that I'm going to make a "mexican lasagna" casserole for Christmas this year. It is basically unrolled beef enchilada casserole but it has beans and cheese in it too. Then I'm going to make my shrimp broccoli fettucini alfredo for New Years day.

    We are taking a short break from working on the house. We are going to start a puzzle for the week. That will be relaxing.

    Debora, you are even busier than usual which seems impossible! I don't know where you find the energy to do everything! The the Christmas activities sound lovely.

    In case I don't get back here before then, Have a wonderful blessed Christmas!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    I taught the lesson in our class last week. It was the angels going to the shepherds. This week the shepherds go see baby Jesus. They are short lessons but we do have two year olds. For church we hurried to a near by town and went to Alan’s church where their kids were in the Christmas program. Then in the evening our church had their program. Our kids did okay with Away In a Manger.
    Monday we went to town in the afternoon and I got most of what was left for Christmas shopping. Each person gets a little candy with their gift so had to get and picked up two gifts I had ordered and got a couple more things. We grabbed a bit at Burger King and then on to bigger town for the last music program. Tuesday morning was baking peppernuts. Got them all done. In the evening we went and watched a basketball game. Out team won so that was fun. Wednesday I worked on the house and opened packages as they arrived. Wednesday evening and Thursday I wrapped. Turned out I forgot two items so still had two to wrap on Friday.
    Friday morning we got an early Christmas gift. Jordan was officially adopted. Since school is our for Christmas break, there was a good group of us attending. They gave him the middle name of Christian. It was Ralph’s dad’s middle name and gave him the initials of JC which was what my dad was called. From there we went and did our regular shopping.
    Everyone came over around 6 for our Christmas. Until they got here, we did not know how foggy it was but everyone made it safely both ways. We had Pizza Hut pizza – 6 was barely enough and one person was not here. Then we all went downstairs. Ralph read the Christmas story and then the gift wrapping began. We do one gift at a time so all can watch so it take awhile. Everyone seemed to like what they got. Around 9 they headed home – not a long time here but the younger ones were getting tired.
    Today I had no where to go. I straightened up from last night and did food stuff getting ready for tomorrow. The regular crew will be here.

    Isabella, Are you needing the rain? Glad the landscaper came before it. We have gotten more rain and temps have been in the 50s – not typical winter weather but nicer to get around in. Hope it doesn’t take too many tries to find the right chair. Your Christmas and New Year meals sound good. A couple of women at church invited anyone who doesn’t have family to get together to get at church on Christmas Day. We are going there and I’ll help if they need some. All they asked us to bring was a salad. It’s a first time doing it so they’ll see how it goes.
    A break from the house will be good. Enjoy the puzzle. I thought about starting one but thought I should work on the house while things are slower. We’ll see how it goes. I’m going to be going thrugh paper stuff and it’s just not a fast process.
    It was sad to hear about Sheryl but I’m glad her sister let us know. I’m glad she didn’t suffer a long time and now is in a much better place. She was a special friend to this group.

    Time to head for bed and gear up for the new week.
    Merry Christmas to you and Dan.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member
    Here we are with one more day left at 2023. Sunday was good. Kids were here – plenty to eat and plenty left for us. The left at 2 so enjoyed a quiet day. Christmas morning we went to our Christmas Day service and then stayed to eat dinner at church. Two women extended an invitation to anyone who wasn’t getting together with family that day to stay at eat – from church or the community. It’s an idea they talked about and finally decided to do it. There were about 40 who ate. Families from the church brought a salad but the two fixed all the rest of the meal. They also had games for us to play and some had prizes. We headed home about 2:30 and again had a quiet day. Tuesday and Wednesday I mostly had at home and plugged away. I’m going through all the paper stuff on the desk (before doing the boxes I loaded up before Christmas. Lots has gotten tossed and a bunch has gotten filed. Most everything before 2017 has been tossed. Tuesday evening was the big Claassen cousin gathering. Lots of visiting and good food. At the end of the evening we learned that one of the cousins had passed away (she fell about 3 weeks ago and had an infection and got sepis). She just turned 92 and was still driving.
    Thursday we had an appointment for the research study we are in and then went to some thrift stores and bookstores ending. We got the hot dog meal at Sam’s. We were going to stop by a friend’s house but the husband was not feeling good. We’re glad we didn’t even do a quick stop cause the next day he learned he had covid. Friday was our regular shopping. I again managed to lose my shopping list. Someone has suggested I take a picture in case that happens so might try that. I like my paper though. Friday evening we went to the visitation for the cousin that died Monday. Today was her memorial service and we stayed for the lunch. Then later in the afternoon we went to another cousin’s 98th party and tooks stuff to the church for the get-together on my side tomorrow. I enjoyed this slower week but will also enjoy things starting up again next week. Life is good.

    Hope all is going well for you Isabella. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, we had a nice quiet week. My Mexican casserole came out good. We will get 4 meals out of it. got all my grocery shopping done and bought all the items for the shrimp broccoli fettuccini alfredo. I bought the shrimp at Trader Joe's this time. Wild caught from Argentina. Hopefully it will be as good as it looks.

    We had a guest speaker at church today. I don't know if you've ever heard of Megan Fate Marshman? She is really gifted and the message was wonderful. You should look her up if you get a chance.

    We do need the rain. We haven't been getting as much as we usually do. Got some yesterday though not as much as usual.

    All your activities sound wonderful. Glad all went well. Sounds like everyone in your family is long lived. must be all that clean living! :)

    Yes, very sad about Sheryl but we have peace in the knowledge that we will see her again some day. She was so special. Very good of Norma to reach out to all of us.

    We liked one set of chairs OK and the 2nd set pretty well so we will keep them. Yay!

    Well God's blessings to you and yours for a healthy happy properous New Year in 2024.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member

    Hi. Made it through another week. Our McCullough Christmas was fun. We ate pizza and had lots of good snacks. Our food gift exchange was fun and six of us put together a 300 piece puzzle in a short amount of time. The group was ¾ my family and ¼ my sister’s but it’s fun to watch them together. Went home and managed to stay up till 11 and the new year came in just fine without me.
    Monday we were at home all day. I worked thought some more papers and just the normal stuff. Ralph had thrown up during the night so he took it easy and ate lightly. Tuesday morning when I got up I just felt tired. I cancelled on working with friend and took a nap. Woke up in the afternoon. And later took another nap. I wondered if I’d be able to sleep that night. Temp went to 99.4 and then started back down. I did sleep and Wednesday morning felt just fine. So I worked on things like getting the treasurer report ready for Willing Workers and stuff I had meant to do Tuesday.
    Thursday morning I had three of Alan’s kids here. They did their school work and then we watched a lego masters. Their parents were running late but got here just before I needed to leave for Willing Workers. They would have been fine with Ralph for a bit. We had a good women’s meeting – speaker was challenging. We had fresh apple cake for refreshments and a better turnout that we thought we would have. Friday we woke up to snow. Our local schools closed but Ralph thought we’d be ok to go to town. We went a half mile and and came back home. The snow was collecting on the windshield. This morning our oldest grandson talked about going to work that day. I’m thankful he made it safely. So I had the whole day to work on my list. I opened one of the boxes of paper I boxed up. Thankfully, one paper I was hoping to find was toward the top. I’m trashing quite a bit still. But it’s getting harder to decide where to put what I do keep. Will keep working.
    Saturday morning Ralph went to Bible study and then we went to town. My list wasn’t too long and we ate at McDonald’s. I know it’s not your style but we enjoy it and now they have a buy one get one for $1 on several sandwiches so we had Big Macs for fun. While Ralph was at Bible study, I straightened the house. I put the vacuum on the charger (it’s new and I forgot to do that). When we got home, I baked the dinner rolls, mixed up the meatloaf, cut up the pineapples and ran the vacuum. I wasn’t paying any attention as I went and overfilled the dirt cup and then couldn’t figure out how to take it off so I set it aside to ask Clark today (cause I thought he used the vacuum at their house).
    Today I taught our class – I reviewed all the Christmas story but the part for today was the wisemen giving Jesus their presents. I was in the nursery during church. We only had 4 kids so not too hard. Everyone seemed to enjoy dinner – down to the Oreo cookies. All were gone by 2:30 and I had a nap. We have a missionary speaking at church tonight and then we’ll be off to a new week.

    Isabella, glad the casserole turned out good. I love getting several meals. I think I have enough leftovers for most of the week. I’m sure your shrimp dish will be delicious. Glad you liked the second set of chairs and can quit shopping. Now on to your next project.
    I looked up Megan Marshman. She looks like she is full of life. I read part of her blog and it was good. She speaks nowhere close to here. Glad you got a chance to hear her.
    Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member

    Hi, had an interesting week. Monday night was supposed to be 4-H so I got started on things to eat. Got a couple of emails asking if we going to have 4-H cause snow was coming. Shortly after lunch we postponed the meeting to the next Monday (15th). And it was raining and snowing when we would have met and been driving home. We got enough snow overnight to cancel most area schools on Tuesday. I did not work with friend – the weather would have stopped us but she also fell at the basketball game the night before so was at her son’s. We did see the road grader clearing the road in the afternoon so I did go walk Wednesday morning. The church parking was still a mess. I drove up close to the front of the church to see if there was less ice there and got stuck. It wasn’t the amount of snow – just could not get traction. Another woman was there walking also so she took my friend home and I stayed at the church and waited for friend’s son to come pull me out which wasn’t hard to do. Then I was back for Bible. We celebrated the December/January birthdays so some of us brought snacks. We hadn’t met for a month so had lots to catch up on too. Then Wednesday nights started back up so I was in the nursery. We just had two kids but the one was teething so had a hard evening. :)
    Thursday morning I took the farm books in, got a haircut and had lunch with a friend. I picked up Quarter Pounders at McDonalds and took them to her house. Then at 4 we went to the junior high basketball games. Sadly we had to leave for a memorial service before granddaughter got to play. The local public school was playing the local private school so I knew kids on both sides so that was fun.
    It got up close to 40 Thursday but temps have been cold since. We still went to town on Friday but you aren’t outside too much. And at home unloading, the house blocked the wind. Today we had a high of 7 and the cold temps are supposed to last 2 or 3 more days. Today I fixed taco meat and baked cookies. We’ll see if the cold keeps anyone away. Our church is still being held (quite a few churches have canceled). But the roads are fine – just very very cold. We went to church tonight to hear about a ministry in Alaska. The turnout was better than I thought it would be and it was interesting – they teach missionary aviation. Guess this is the end since you haven’t popped in yet. Hope all is going well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! How time flies! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Sorry about that! Having a good 2024 so far. Did my usual shopping Saturday plus went to Ralph's for a few extra things like hamburger buns because Dan only likes Ball Park brand buns. Didn't go as early as I usually do because we had the gardener here. He trimmed our rose bushes and our 2 magnolia trees. Did a good job.

    It has been colder than usual here very low 40's at night and mid 60's during the day. Not bad considering what most of the rest of the country - especially the midwest - is getting! Should be warming up a tad by the end of the week.

    Got some upsetting news right before Christmas. My friend Jami found out that she has a large brain Aneurysm. They said they need to operate ASAP. She had the surgery this morning to put in a coil and stent so the aneurysm won't burst. They were able to go in thru an artery in her arm instead of having to perform a craniotomy so God has been blessing this situation from the start. Her husband texted me about an hour ago to say that things went great and he was on his way to the ICU to see her. Praise you Heavenly Father!!!

    Our bible study is on hiatus but we had a couple of fun gatherings at the home of one of the ladies. On the 4th we had breakfast and watched an old movie, Sleepless in Seattle with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. We all enjoyed it. Then on the 11th we had breakfast and bunco. I don't know if you've ever played bunco. It is a fun dice game that is played with groups of 4 at each table. So much fun! We may start a regular monthly group if enough are interested. I will definitely join if they have it at a time Dan can deal with me being gone. I'm not participating in this week's activity since they are going to a winery in the late afternoon and it is outside. Brrrr!!

    On the 25th the neighborhood ladies lunch group starts up again. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. The woman who is organizing this one chose BJ's restaurant for the luncheon. I don't know if you have those out your way. They serve basic American food sort of like Applebees, etc.

    Funny story - we haven't been watching football since they "went woke" but thought we'd check to see if there were any interesting playoff games yesterday. They were showing a game between Kansas City and Cincinatti. Great game! At the end we realized it was last year's game and they were showing it because the Bills game was postponed until today due to the weather! Oh well, it was still a great game!! :)

    Debora, sounds like the rest of your holidays went well. Glad you and Ralph are feeling better. Hope it has warmed up some out your way. Stay warm and have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,016 Member

    Hi, Sunday a week ago was very cold. We still had church and Lori’s came over to eat since they had already driven out to church. Alan’s elected to stay home so just had 7 here but they all enjoyed the taco meal. We did have enough leftovers for the week which I enjoyed. Monday morning I took my sister in for her cataract check. It’s been way over a month and she still doesn’t see well out of it so not scheduling the other one yet. Doctor said hers was the worst cataract he has done so there is still a lot of swelling so she goes back in 8 weeks. From what she told the doctor, he’s hopeful it will get better. We did some shopping she wanted to do in town. It started snowing so we hurried and got home shortly after 12 and Ralph and I just had a late lunch. Then I finished getting ready for 4-h while listening to the weather reports which did not sound nice for the evening. One person talked about icy corners and there was some snow. So around 4 we decided we would do a zoom meeting. Took time to make sure everyone knew the new plan but we had a good turnout via zoom and good talks. Hearing was hard at times but t least we were able to do it. We also ended up with Akan’s kids at our house so they watched a DVD in the basement while I had 4-H.
    Tuesday was very cold so I was glad to stay home. Friend couldn’t work as she went in to get the staples out of the back of her head. I enjoyed having the whole day at home and plugged along on things. Wednesday morning was Bible study and then my walking friend and I went to have lunch with another friend for her birthday. We picked up food at the cafe and took to her house as it was warmer and walking friend made a cake. Got Ralph set up for his class in the evening and then I headed off for 4-H council. Where we met was not the warmest so I kept my coat on but it was a good meeting.
    Thursday morning I babysat for the Ladies’ Bible study – we had 5 kids and it went well. I had an appointment in the afternoon so we went to town for it and some errands and then on to another town to watch some junior high basketball. The A and B girls games were quite exciting and we won. The C team did their best but no win. Granddaughter played most of the time.
    Friday was the usual trip to town, lunch, a little work and off to one more evening of basketball. C team is done for the year so now we move on to bowling and biddy ball for some other grandkids. Saturday was getting stuff ready for Sunday. We finally got the Christmas stuff packed up and I carried it all downstairs. I browned the sausage, cut up oranges and kiwi, mixed up egg casseroles and premeasured the pancake mix along with straightening the house. In the afternoon we had a nice break with a wedding. It was very nice and God honoring and the reception was fun. We had a taco flavored dip with chips, fruit kabobs and then had cinnamon rolls. When we got home, I finished up what still needed to be done.
    Sunday started our Bible Conference so have a guest speaker for 4 days (will speak 8 times). Then all but one (at college) were here for dinner. We did the two January birthdays. They both like pancakes so we do a pancake meal with sausage, egg casserole, fruit plate and donuts for dessert. Then at 5 we were invited to a home that was having the speaker over and enjoyed lasagna, crockpot corn, rolls, salad and a cinnamon roll. In the course of conversation the speaker and our hostess found out they were second cousins once removed. Very interesting. Then it was church and home.
    Won’t get a lot done at home this week with church morning and evening but that’s how this week goes unless we get the freezing rain that’s being talked about and we don’t go out as much. This morning was a bit slick but we got safely back and forth.

    Isabella, glad you like the work your gardener does. Keeps the yard looking nice. Do you use the hamburger buns for hamburgers or sandwiches? Your colder would be quite warm for us. We did get up to 32 today but with wind that’s not real warm. Yes, it has been cold here in the midwest.
    So thankful to hear how God has guided the doctors with Jami’s surgery. Prayers that recovery is going smoothly.
    What fun gatherings you’ve had. Time together is special. I have not played bunco but have heard is fun. They do it at one of the local libraries at times but I’ve enough going on, I don’t go.
    Good morning! How time flies! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Sorry about that! Having a good 2024 so far. Did my usual shopping Saturday plus went to Ralph's for a few extra things like hamburger buns because Dan only likes Ball Park brand buns. Didn't go as early as I usually do because we had the gardener here. He trimmed our rose bushes and our 2 magnolia trees. Did a good job.
    I have heard of BJ’s but we don't have it around here. Have a great time.

    About time to pull out the leftover pancakes and get supper on before we head for church. Have a great week.