Chat room - what's on your mind?



  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,429 Member
    We all make mistakes, don't we? But if you can't forgive yourself, you'll always be an exile in your own life. -Curtis Sittenfeld (American writer)
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    I should also do that kind of class again. I am trained as a pharmacist but I work in a pharma company so I never practice and in the meantime, I have forgotten most of it.

    What is your goal for 2024 then, 80 days on the water ?
    I would like to swim 200km this year (in addition to completing an half ironman but both goals go hand in hand)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,429 Member
    I haven't set an on-water goal for this year. I may or may not. I do want to get back out.

    The class we take is a much higher level than what most people take, but it's far less intensive than the Wilderness First Aid class I have taken in the distant past, and even that is way less intensive than Wilderness First Responder. One of these days I'd like to take that class. I get really stressed in these classes. In the few times I've needed to call on my training though, I seem to get past that and do what I've been trained. I find it's very interesting that after doing it enough times, it just clicks. When we do rescue scenarios, I get all shaky. If we talk about shoulder injuries, I sometimes have to put my head between my knees to keep from passing out. Yeah. That bad. I hope I never have to use my skills again.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    Oh I get it. I have trouble with blood too.

    Another topic, back to my never-ending reflection on eating o:)
    Since the beginning of January, I've been rather indecisive about the way I eat. I don't want to go on a restriction that would take me back to my old binge habits, but at the same time I want to lose 2-3kg.

    For a long time I fasted in the morning and I really liked the feeling, I was used to it. But I stopped in order to be "off restriction".
    At the beginning of the year, I first thought of "kitchen closed" at 7.30pm (and keeping a breakfast), but I have to admit that I have a lot of trouble respecting this rule.

    Last night I had an epiphany: since I find it hard not to snack in the evening, I'm going to plan ahead and allow myself to do so. 4 meals a day: 12:30, 15:30, 18:30 and 21:00.
    I will only keep a breakfast on Sundays (family time) and on Mondays (bike in the morning).

    My evening snack will be one of my recurring cravings, 40g of cereals / 20g nuts and 20g chocolate... I eat healthily the rest of the day (and these foods always end up in my stomach anyway, so I might as well plan ahead).

    Trial for 30 days, then conclusions!

    Does anyone else also plan a snack time in the evening?
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,429 Member
    I eat in the evening if I want. I have never thought it's a problem, although lately I've tried to minimize going to bed with a full belly. For sleep though, not for eating management. Sometimes, if I'm hungry and have room in my allowance, I'll make a batch of popcorn with nutritional yeast. Snacky, crunchy, salty, and with fiber and a little protein. More of both from the yeast.

    I have six "meals" named, but only some are time-based. They are labeled:
    • Coffee Time
    • Daytime Foods
    • Good Evening
    • How to Categorize
    • Intentionally Left Blank
    • Mine Goes to Eleven

    These names only mean something to me, but it works for me. I am almost never hungry first thing in the morning. I eat a first "meal" later in the morning. Lately it's been raw oats that "soak" for an hour in plain yogurt with something added. Today it's just cinnamon. It's often cacao nibs or apples.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    I was eating a lot of overnight oats when I started being vegan but I don’t anymore.
    I am often frustrated because it is high in calories for a small bowl.

    I love the category “good evening” 🥰
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 789 Member
    @AnnPT77 thanks for the link to the NIH data. I used to use a site other than MFP to track my food/exercise, but they shut down so I moved to this one. The old one would let you track a whole bunch of things with your food diary, here you have to pay a premium to track more than a few :( .
    I had a great yoga class today and felt energized when I got home. Straightened up my desk and put all the Christmas decorations back into the attic (the boxes and tree have been sitting in my hallway for about 2 weeks now, but dragging them up the pull-down stairs is a pain so we've been procrastinating :# )
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 789 Member
    I don't tend to snack after dinner too often. The only time I find I want to munch is if I'm drinking wine. Yet another reason to give up the wine!!
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,598 Member
    @SparkSpringtime69, I don't think premium (which I have) tracks any more nutrients than free MFP (which I used during all of weight loss and early maintenance).

    Premium does let you dig a little more into details (like more details of which foods gave you most of a specific nutrients recently); and you can set macro goals to the gram instead of 5% increments: Stuff like that.

    But it doesn't track any micronutrients that free MFP doesn't (extra vitamins or minerals), in terms of what one can see on the logging page or on reports.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 959 Member
    I also have premium, mainly because it eliminates ads and allows me to use time stamps (Helpful when I was timing meds and supplements, now I use them to pre track). For actual weight loss and nutrition tracking, I also don’t think it makes a difference
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 789 Member
    Thanks for the info on premium ladies, I guess I'll stick with the free version.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    edited January 28
    Same here I have the premium version but it is mainly to get rid of the ads.
    I like to have different calorie goals depending on the days of the week as well. And the weekly summary.

    Happy Sunday dear herbivores friends !
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 959 Member
    edited January 28
    @Maya440 ah yes, I also
    sometimes change my calorie goals for the day and think it’s useful, but the ads was what made me renew it. I tried a few days without in November and they really got on my nerves. I don’t think the additional insights are really worth it (they tell me that I really like coffee 😉, for example). Although it is nice to know where most of my protein for the week came from, it’s usually from the foods I eat consistently (oats) rather than varied foods that have lots of protein.

    Happy Sunday, herbivores :-)
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,429 Member
    I forget how much disdain I have for the ads until/unless I go off premium and they come back. But yeah - that's a big deal.

    For me one of the really great advantages to premium is the bar-code scanner. Until a year ago or so, it was available for all. It has quirks, and you still have to make sure the data that gets pulled up is accurate (apparently Trader Joe's likes to reuse bar-codes when they discontinue products and add new ones), but it really helps me scads.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello dear friends !

    How are you doing ?

    It is already the last day of January. Time flies.

    This week started great with a long ride on Monday and a very nice evening with friends yesterday.
    I thought I managed the food quite well but the scale is up (both yesterday morning and confirmed this morning). Having long rides is always tricky. I eat more and I almost always put on weight...

    There is nothing to do then continue eating healthy and see what that brings me.
    Let's go for a healthy great day.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    Hello there,

    Didn't post anything for a while.
    Starting from a discussion on another forum on processed food that I wanted to decrease I am now reading "bad sugar" from Allen Carr. I am at the middle of the book and he has me almost convinced to stop bad sugar altogether (well except rice, potatoes and pasta). I still think it is going to be difficult tough.

    Now that I am almost ready to give it a try, my brain wonders about snacks. I have always eaten a consequent snack in the afternoon. It is always sugary... Be it healthy (oats or raw protein bar) or less healthy (ice cream and cookies). I am wondering what I could have. Savory oats are fine from time to time (in winter especially) and I like nuts, fruits and avocado but it seems the options are limited. I don't see myself cooking for 3 meals a day. I like snacking to be easy and quick.

    Any idea ?
  • enlightenme3
    enlightenme3 Posts: 2,592 Member
    Maya440 wrote: »
    Hello there,

    Didn't post anything for a while.
    Starting from a discussion on another forum on processed food that I wanted to decrease I am now reading "bad sugar" from Allen Carr. I am at the middle of the book and he has me almost convinced to stop bad sugar altogether (well except rice, potatoes and pasta). I still think it is going to be difficult tough.

    Now that I am almost ready to give it a try, my brain wonders about snacks. I have always eaten a consequent snack in the afternoon. It is always sugary... Be it healthy (oats or raw protein bar) or less healthy (ice cream and cookies). I am wondering what I could have. Savory oats are fine from time to time (in winter especially) and I like nuts, fruits and avocado but it seems the options are limited. I don't see myself cooking for 3 meals a day. I like snacking to be easy and quick.

    Any idea ?

    I'll stop here. Can you tell I like to cook (and eat)? :-)

  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 919 Member
    Thank you so much.
    I will print the recipes and look into adapting my snacks.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 959 Member
    edited February 25
    How is everyone doing? I’ve been pushing very hard at work and have been cooking very simply (sheetpans, oats…)…so I’ve been a bit quiet.

    My weight is now at a point I can be ok with, although I plan to lose up to 9-11 more lbs eventually. I probably mentioned before that I struggle with PMS (it started either after my thyroidectomy last spring or due to eating at a deficit). My symptoms aren’t terrible, but I’m hungry and irritable in the second (luteal) phase of my cycle. I learned to not schedule meetings at work right around when my period starts, because I might regret how they go.

    Anyhow, since my weight is more under control, I decided to try alternating between cutting calories for 20 days and eating near maintenance during some or much of the luteal phase of my cycle. I also cut down on coffee, since my PMS feels a bit like I had too much coffee (which I probably did in the past). I’m curious to see how it goes!

    The other thing I noticed is that I feel weirdest (irritable, like over caffeinated) right after lunch, whether I had coffee after lunch or not. I love the awareness consistent tracking builds and will have a look at the nutritional breakdown of my lunch.

    It’s almost March, and I can’t wait to start running outside (probably in the mornings after Spring forward)!
  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey there everyone! @henridw2095 i struggle with pms too! Though I have a very regular cycle, the pms is awful. Though I’m curious to see if my switch from less processed foods help with any of my symptoms. I’m in my ovulation week now.

    I have about 50-60 lbs to lose. I am at almost my heaviest I’ve been in 7 years. But I feel confident I will be back on track for good. It’s amazing what getting out of a depression, stressful time can do for your motivation.

    I’ve been going for walks in my neighborhood daily now for 2 weeks, and walks at my favorite park 3 times a week. I live in the Pacific Northwest but I go for walks rain or shine.

    I hope to start running soon but I have a foot injury from a year ago I’m still healing from.

    Anyway as far as emotionally goes I’m in a really great place. My schedule is super busy but I was able to step away from my full time job into a part-time job I feel great about. I’m also a full time college student and a mom so I think I was just in full burn out mode trying to work full time and that’s why the weight came on.