Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Heading home today after a fun but exhausting time having with college kids!
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    edited April 14
    Finally, I have a moment with an afternoon cup of tea to catch up. It was just as well on Friday I left George and Betty with Sheila because the friends I was meeting in Plymouth to travel on to the memorial together, contacted me Thursday evening to let me know they had driven to the church to check the journey time and discovered the road into the village closed for roadworks. That meant me leaving home half an hour earlier and a longer time to get home so I let Sheila know but Friday morning another message from Plymouth that they had checked the route again and roadworks were finished! Rather than change my plans again I left the pooches with Sheila and took my time driving to my friends. The church service was very moving and although the family were naturally devastated, we managed to enjoy the celebration of our friend Karen’s life. It was wonderful to catch up in person with friends and colleagues from 35 years ago and a few of us have promised we won’t wait for another funeral to do it again. Driving home was a different story with the build up of commuter traffic doubling the journey time. It made me grateful I don’t have to do that journey on a daily basis anymore.

    George’s groomer visited us yesterday to clip off his Winter coat which took a long time but he’s now looking tiny and wears a knitted jumper in the evenings and on our walk. Spring arrived on Friday so we’ve enjoyed lovely sunny days and today I’ve been busy planting more seeds and clearing out the greenhouse, a job I started weeks ago! Wind and rain back with us tomorrow but at least I know it is possible for the sun to appear occasionally.

    Sounds as if Sandy has had a ball but Lin, are you still waiting for your furnace to be fitted? I’m guessing there’s no rush and air conditioning was more important. Sandy, the latest Call the Midwife series has finished here after lots going on!

    It’s time for me to prepare an evening meal; probably salad!
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    Hello friends.

    Sandy, safe trip home! You have been going full steam this weekend.

    Jackie, wow, driving places these days seems to involve road construction and/or detours. Little George is really little George now. Spring has arrived. Wonderful change in weather. Sorry wind and rain is expected tomorrow. As far as your memorial gathering, it would be lovely to see some of your former colleagues again if you still get along well. Someone will have to make suggestions about when and where to get together periodically.

    As far as my heating /cooling installation, no, it is not finished. There are problems and I am quite sad about the situation. Enough said. Hoping things will straighten out in the next week.

    Wishing everyone the best.
    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Bee teapot


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day before the rain comes tomorrow. I sure hope it doesn't rain hard while my son and DIL are driving here or Wednesday when we go to the White Sox Baseball game.
    We had a great time for mom's weekend at Marisa's college but came home exhausted trying to keep up with the young ones. My cleaning lady is coming soon and I must order groceries for my son's visit.
    Time to jump in the shower and get moving.

    Have a wonderful day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Hello friends. Crazy weather is still affecting internet and tv signals and yesterday it was wind nearly knocking me over at times. At least I was in my garden trying to catch up on so much work needing to be done, plus my roof stayed on so lucky compared to some homes in the Midlands. It’s back to cold and drizzly so I will have a housework day then a trip to the podiatrist this afternoon.
    My friend Charmaine, who was my older brother’s girlfriend 40 years ago, messaged last night to check if she can stay with me at the end of the month for a couple of overnights so that will be a treat.

    This morning I’m waiting for a break in the showers to walk George and Betty. George is still missing his winter coat although enjoyed lying in a sheltered part of the garden in yesterday’s sunshine. Raincoat weather today!

    Happy Tuesday. Halfway through April already! Where is the time going?

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I have spent most of my morning on the phone with my prescription drug company.
    They did not deduct my April payment from my checking account and the automatic system said I had a credit since I sent a check. I did no such thing so talked to an agent who was dumbfounded how this happened. I told him I never send checks so either it was posted wrong or someone had the wrong account number. I did not want my insurance cancelled for a non payment but this must have never happened to this young man because I was on the phone for over an hour while he tried to fix this. It ended with him saying just wait this out and they are trying to send a refund, hopefully not to me. All I was doing was being honest so hopefully they figure this all out.
    John and Laurie should arrive around 3:30 and tonight they are taking me out for a late birthday dinner.
    Busy days ahead.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    edited April 16
    Hello. Where did my post land yesterday? Well, I am stopping by as I don’t know what will work later on. We are under a storm watch and a brief tornado sighting just happened not that far from here. Very unsettled weather is forecast the remainder of the day and evening.

    Since my Internet connection is always iffy, I decided I would say hello, I am here and wishing everyone well.

    Sandy, I hope that representative documented your account with this call. I cannot believe they did not take the usual money from your account even if they had a check in hand. Best wishes that your account stays in good standing. Have a great time with John and Laurie. At least there will be no college type partying right!

    Jackie, how lovely to hear you will have a guest for a couple of days and someone you are happy to see! I am very glad to hear your roof is still in place. I hope to say the same thing tomorrow morning. Stay warm little George. Rainy, windy and stormy here with intermittent hail….eeck.

    Yesterday several of my online classes went wonky and never straightened out so I was fairly short of my planned exercise.

    Time for lunch, more classes this afternoon and another card is needed.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) John and Laurie have arrived and we went for a nice dinner and came home and played Settlers of Catan. We are getting ready to go to White Sox game even though the weather is iffy.
    Tonight game night with Cheryl.

    Enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member

    Sandy, looks like you are enjoying the game. We have sunshine today with strong winds. It should get up to 60 degrees F.

    Jackie, I hope you have decent weather.

    I am doing laundry and Zoom classes including one this evening on strategies for the 2024 card.

    No calls from the installers. The think this is a bad sign. 👀

    Well, wishing everyone health and joy.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    It’s been cold today which put me off doing much outdoors. My iPhone has locked me out and I’m at a point where if I continue to try to find my way in, it will shut down forever! I’m considering purchasing a cheap refurbished phone! I’m meeting Linda in the morning for one of our coffee shop outings and have used WhatsApp on an old computer to let her know not to message but use the landline if needed. Crazy that we store so much of our daily lives in one small contraption!
    One good thing; I have noticed the pile of rubbish that was in front of my garage has finally been removed!

    No news from installers Lin? That’s not good. I feel your frustration. Pretty teapots though!

    Have fun Sandy.

    Stay safe and warm ladies.
    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) The weather cooperated and we had a good time at ballgame. Sox lost the first of the doubleheader but won the second. We didn't stay for the second as we were having game night which was also fun.
    Laurie has appointment downtown with her migraine doctor so I will probably go to my meeting if not raining too hard and later sitting for kids for an hour while Rob goes to doctor. We might go out to dinner if I get back early enough but will see.

    Jackie, are you locked out because you can't find your password to unlock it?

    Lin, we did enjoy the game. I had like 3 shirts on so I did get warm when the sun came out every now and then. Did you guys show up today?

    Have a good day everyone and enjoy your day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    edited April 18
    Hi, cold and wet here today. Staying home, might go to the store tomorrow.

    More laundry today. Sorting out some towels that might not be suitable for much of anything. Other misc. things!

    I just cleaned out almost all of my Gmail folders. One left! Yippee!

    I got out both of my electric heaters. My house is warmer now. I was going to try to turn the heat on but found the thermostat is not attached to the wall, it is sort of precariously attached by a couple of electrical wires and moving the little lever from cool to off to heat is tougher than I thought. I have it turned off right now.

    And no, no contact with the company yet. Thank heavens it isn’t the dead of winter.

    Jackie, I hope you find a replacement phone. I wish I had purchased an iPad that had phone capability. Do they still make those? Best wishes! I am glad the huge stack of junk is finally gone.

    Enjoy your day everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    edited April 18
    Good news for Kerry!


    Angela has posted quite a number of photos on Instagram the last few days. She is a wonderful photographer. I am enjoying her photos of the newest litter of puppies. Descendants of Paddy I believe.

    I went for it and I did get the furnace going. I would hate to do that often. 👀

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    edited April 18
    Finally a beautiful day. No wind and lots of sunshine so an early walk with George and Betty then Linda picked me up and we decided to head to the coast which is just 20 minutes away. There we sat for over an hour on the low wall of the cafe, which they cover with scatter cushions, enjoying slices of bread pudding and carrot cake with coffee. It was very busy along the seafront, as if hibernating bears had woken up and were out looking for food! We walked off the cakes before heading home and this afternoon, in between trying to find a decent phone to purchase, then discovering Visa credit cards now require a personal verification code, I did some gardening chores. By the time I found a phone number to call about the Visa code it was past 6pm when their office shuts!

    Sandy, I’ve always used the finger recognition system to open up my iPhone and replace passwords although every password is kept in a book in case, but for some reason, when I switched on my phone it didn’t display the finger button but instead asked for a 6 number digits code that I don’t have! I was silly and tried a few family birthdays just in case I had come up with a numbers code years ago and forgot to write it down and of course it locked me out! A Google search found a site that explained how to get back to the beginning by plugging the phone into my computer but I still require those numbers to get in. I’ve also searched for a phone technical business to get in for me but that will cost more than a refurbished phone! I just hope I’m not missing appointments. More luck tomorrow.

    Lin, you just popped in ahead of me so I will read what’s going on with Kerry. Oh good, your furnace is on, clever you! My iPad should make phone calls through WhatsApp but not regular numbers. That would be a Godsend but I’m guessing iPhones took over so calls through a pad weren’t required.

    I must eat and put a heater on in the snug as I can feel the temperature dropping!
    Let’s all keep warm!
    Jackie 🥰

    PS. Biggest disaster, I’ve run out of teabags! 😳😫
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Friday! :) John and Laurie left a little while ago, a day early. Since we had plans to visit the kids today and Rob needed me to sit while he went to doctor we went yesterday instead. John wanted to get home to play tennis in a league tomorrow so they decided to leave today. It was a fun visit and he helped fixed a few things on my computer so all is good.
    Laundry is going and I am trying to catch up on computer so a stay at home day. Marisa is home for the weekend so I am not sure if we are having game night with her and her friend but kind of hoping not as I would like to catch up on some of my recorded TV shows.
    Another busy weekend with going to see Cathy's friend perform tomorrow night and Sunday possibly going to see Cheryl's mother's wedding gown that she volunteered to put on display at her park district.
    It is just on loan so she will get it back after the weekend.

    Jackie, I am sure you probably tried this but thought I would pass on what google said.
    Ensure your display is clean and without dirt or smudges. If you're having trouble scanning your fingerprint in bright, outdoor sunlight, make sure your fingerprint covers the entire sensor when you scan it. If you have excessively dry fingers, moisturize before scanning your fingerprint.
    Sorry about running out of tea bags, what did you do?

    Lin, I do hope they come to finish the job with your furnace. I had to turn my heat on yesterday and it is still on today.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    Hello, I don’t have time to try to recreate my post. It just plain disappeared!

    Wishing everyone well.

    Chilly nights here. Down to freezing again tonight.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    edited April 19
    It’s been bitterly cold again but after grocery shopping first thing, I took George and Betty to a lower section of the moors. Even lower down, a freezing strong wind was blowing so it wasn’t a pleasant walk but at least the dogs could run free for half an hour. I phoned Sheila because we had mentioned walking together on the moors tomorrow but suggested we put it off until it warms up. She had phoned the GP practice to book the new Covid vaccination and the receptionist told her she sounded like she already had the virus. A couple of hours later a GP made a surprise visit to her at home and although didn’t test her, confirmed her symptoms are the same. She has been prescribed strong medication that might make her physically sick so when we spoke she was putting off taking it!

    Thanks Sandy, I had wiped the face of the phone when I switched it off for an overnight update but that could have affected it. I phoned Visa and was advised there was a more than 20 minutes wait to speak to an agent so went on to Amazon and bought a cheap iPhone, reconditioned by them and with a long warranty. It should be delivered by Monday. I also ordered a fleece jumper for George that looks like it will be a better fit than Betty’s stretched knitted one.

    Sorry you lost another post Lin. How annoying. A pretty teapot!

    Keep warm and safe. I’m off to bed!
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,129 Member
    edited April 21
    Another cold and windy day. Brrrrr. We did have a freeze overnight and another one is forecast for tonight. It should warm up next week.

    Meanwhile, I had a sort of domestic day. I cleaned vegetables, cooked a batch of beans and also cooked quinoa. I did some straightening up and I finished a birthday card. Ready to mail. Talked to a friend for a while and attended a few Zoom classes. One was going on when a storm hit the instructor’s area and she lost her power. Smart cookie, she connected using the hotspot on her phone and we finished the class!

    I hope everyone is well today.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,083 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had fun last night listening to Gary Todd perform. He is a friend of Cheryl's SIL who she has known for over 50 years. He performs locally around the area and she is sort of a groupie. lol
    Today we are going to a park district museum where Cheryl has donated her mother's wedding gown to be displayed with others this weekend. She will get it back after the exhibit is done.
    Tomorrow I am scheduled for my second shingles shot.

    Lin, it was cold here last night as well but today is going to be in the 50's. Those domestic days are needed occasionally, but today should be a relaxing day for you. Enjoy!

    Jackie, sorry about your weather and sorry Shelia is not well. Not sure I would take a diagnoses for Covid without being tested, too many other virus's going around. I do hope she feels better soon.

    This day seems to be slipping away from me. Have a good one and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,720 Member
    I’m sorry I didn’t post yesterday. I intended to but after a long walk in the morning and lots of gardening I fell asleep in the evening then crawled to bed! I’ve enjoyed 2 walks in sunshine as that cold wind has finally gone, for now! I stopped at Sheila’s with George and Betty and can see she is feeling better, although still coughing. I agree Sandy that without a test no one can say she has Covid so she decided not to take the medication that might make her physically sick. Who would? 😳. I scrounged a few teabags from her because I had forgotten my bank card to buy a box. I’ve been drinking fruit tea that is pleasant but not quite as satisfying!

    I managed to mess up the new iPhone that arrived yesterday by leaving it too close to the locked phone. When I switched it on It decided to take information from the locked one so after my finger ID was taken it asked for the dreaded Passcode! I stopped right there and tomorrow will contact the local man who repairs and unlocks phones! 😡

    Still cold where you are Lin! It’s certainly unusually erratic here so different from morning to night.
    A domestic afternoon for me too, getting prepared for Charmaine’s visit. The bedding, including duvet for the spare bed, has been washed and hung in the sunshine and the carpet had a quick Vax shampoo, mostly because the months of rain and damp air left the room needing to be freshened.

    Time for my evening meal. Happy Sunday ladies.
    Jackie 🥰