Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Sounds like this will be a good work week for you...only 2 more days till the weekend. I think it is great that you can take the class online at home.

    Today was a good eating day for me. I included a good amount of veggies (cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots) in our evening meal. I stayed away from snacking too. I was a bit achy today and didn't do as well when trying to get in the van with my physical therapist. I was able to do it eventually, but it was much more difficult today and much more painful. I am disappointed but not giving up. My PT thinks that with more work and progress this will get easier for me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I finally got to see the scale move downward instead of upward! I really hope that I can continue this trend and get back to a reasonable weight once again. It's the first sign in a very long time that I can do this.

    Only two more days of my course, and to be honest, I will miss it. I am so surprised at how much I am enjoying it and I am learning so much that I don't even know where to start to implement things on my job.

    Keep working Paula. You will get to the point where getting into the van will be done with much less effort. You are in the training phase, and not every day gives any of us the same energy to be able to accomplish the same tasks. But you will break through that barrier where it will be significantly easier. That will be a milestone to celebrate!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Congrats on your good news at the scale Shari! So happy for you. I am happy too that your course is beneficial and helpful. A winning week for you.
    Thank you for your encouraging words about my therapies. It means a lot to me. I had OT today and was able to get into the van twice, after about 40 minutes of therapy before going to the garage. I felt great afterward too. The therapies do tire me out however and I napped a while after supper. No therapies till Monday, but both John and I have exercises to do on our "days off."
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    One more day of my course and I am really excited for the material that we will be covering today. I will need to figure out a strategy on how to implement everything. That part won't be easy since I don't have the authority to make all of the decisions that I would like to. I wish I had more strength to influence people.

    Getting into the van twice is a huge win Paula. You will continue to build up your endurance and I expect that you won't be as tired following therapy, or at least you will recover quicker.

    So happy it is Friday and that it is a long weekend!!!! I hope to put some seeds in the ground and a few other things out in my greenhouse. I should have the time, it all depends on whether the weather cooperates.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Happy Friday, although it's almost over! Shari, congrats on your success on the scale! Also congrats on your coursework!! Paula, congrats on all your progress with your therapies and with getting into your van!! I've been taking an American Sign Language course during work and it will finish in a few weeks. It has been challenging trying to coordinate facial expressions, head movement and finger movement-too many moving parts all at once!
    My weight loss has stalled this week but I am hoping to get some momentum going again! This weekend I am shopping with my DD tomorrow morning, then a hair appointment, then Costco with DD, and somewhere I need to find a red top to wear for church Sunday. I am the liturgist again this week and then have to go to an art opening Sunday afternoon-no rest again this weekend and no cleaning time. I've been so tired for the last few weeks that I'm not keeping up with the house at all. I manage dishes and laundry and that's about it.....I still need to get rid of stuff in the worst way! I think I'm feeling the weight of my possessions... Have an awesome weekend!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, You are such a busy lady. I don't know how you do it all. No wonder you are tired. I applaud you for getting to laundry and dishes. With all you are doing, that alone is amazing. I hope you get some down time soon to take care of yourself!

    Enjoy your long weekend Shari! Our long weekend is next weekend. I suspect you will be able to implement some of your new knowledge and skills from you course. You wouldn't have been given the opportunity to take the class if they didn't want you to apply it, right?

    I had a good day today. Since I didn't have any therapies today, I did some of the exercises on my own. I plan to do more tomorrow. This weekend a Greek Orthodox church in our area is having a food fest with delivery. I am a big fan of Greek food. So today John and I had Greek salads delivered. Delicious!We plan to get another delivery tomorrow and maybe even Sunday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    DW- that is a lot of things on your schedule, but all good stuff! I hope you find time for the housework. That is something that I always let fall off the rails when I am busy. My least favourite thing to do by far.

    Paula- I will be implementing what I learned, some I can accomplish on my own, other things I may have to really push for. We have a big staff and it is really hard to get everyone moving in the same direction. A food fest with delivery sounds so good and fun!

    I have a question regarding being a God Mother. My cousin's family was raised Ukrainian Catholic although my baba was Greek Orthodox. I had a God Father, but not a God Mother. I didn't even know that I had one until I was 17. Anyways, my cousin, who is an only child named me her first son's God Mother. I didn't do much apart from go to his infant baptism. I was close with my cousin when we were kids, but then we grew apart. I didn't do anything as a God Mother. I guess I didn't have it modelled and let it slide. My Godson is getting married and I have been invited. I wasn't going to go, but DH said that we should. So we are and I am really nervous. I haven't seen my cousin or Godson in many many years. Are there any customs that I need to be aware of or responsibilities? If you know, any help would be appreciated. I sent an email to my cousin inviting them all over for dinner knowing they will be busy wedding planning so I offered before or after the wedding. She said after would be better. I will follow up with that. I feel like I can take this wedding invitation to grow back a relationship, even after all of these years. Being an only child and having lost both of her parents, she doesn't have much in the way of extended family on our side. There are cousins, but we never get together or connect in anyway. That ended up being a lot of words.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    edited May 19
    Shari, I am surprised you had a Godfather but not a Godmother. Usually the practice is if having only one Godparent, the person is of the same sex as the child. It is nice that your cousin honored you to be her son's Godmother. Being a Godparent is a special honor and with it come essentially a lifetime of responsibilities. Most of the responsibilities after the actual baptism itself (at least in my church) focus on raising the child in the beliefs and practices of the church. It is never too late to reestablish a relationship with your Godson or his mother. As an only child myself, I see the potential value it could hold for your cousin. Of course praying for your Godchild and his family and his so-to-be wife is important as well. It is a good way to nurture and grow these relationships. I would hope they are or will pray for you too. As far as customs for the wedding, I am not aware of any special practices but this could vary from church to church. If you would feel more comfortable, you could perhaps ask your cousin. When my Godson got married I didn't have anything special to do. I did attend his 1st wedding and enjoyed it. (He eventually got divorced and remarried, but because of my health I wasn't able to attend his 2nd wedding.) I am delighted that you are planning to go to the wedding.

    We had more Greek food today with enough for tomorrow. I am enjoying a weekend without cooking. Today we had chicken kabobs and pork kabobs, low fat and low carbs. Tomorrow we will have Athenian chicken, chicken breasts filled with spinach and feta, a fairly healthy choice too. We had a nice evening visit from our neighbors Jane and Blaine. They are always so kind and helpful to us. It was great to catch up with them tonight.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    A very restful and relaxing day for me. A bonus was not having to cook thanks to the Greek food!

    Happy Victoria Day Shari! John holds a high interest in Queen Victoria and the British monarchy in general. He is quite knowledgeable about such things. I learn a lot from him!
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Victoria Day. I didn't learn much about the Royals until the last few years. With Netflix releasing some dramas as well as some documentaries, it raised my interest. I ended up reading a book and researching a bit too.

    Thanks for the information about Godparents. I agree, it's not too late to build relationships. I am sorry that I didn't keep it up, but I can only change going forward. I will make that effort. I am such an introvert and although I enjoy people I find it so much easier to spend evenings on my own at home. I will need to schedule wisely.

    No more weight loss to report... yet. I hope it's coming soon. I have been working at it, so we shall see.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Paula, your Greek food weekend sounds amazing! Shari, I am also an introvert inspite of all the stuff I do. I am most comfortable at home without any social engagements! I learned a great deal about God parenting from you both-thank you! I was not at all familiar with it-just aware that it is a special honor.
    I am going into work a little later tomorrow and I might get off work early -I'm looking forward to that! I also think I have the entire evening free, so some progress on cleaning is a possibility! My weight has been stuck for most of this week and it is getting frustrating. I know that I need to be patient and keep going forward but it is so hard sometimes! I hope you both have a wonderful Tuesday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    edited May 21
    DW, I hope you were able to get off work early. I think you deserve some "me" time, if you can squeeze it in. Enjoy the free evening if you get it, without stressing over the cleaning too much.
    Shari, I find you and DW to be very warm and caring. So even with introvert tendencies, if you have them, your warmth and kindness shines through and likely attract others to you.
    It was an odd day for me today. I wasn't myself but feel a little better now. I had a PT review today and showed good progress by her measurements (as did John too). But by the time it was time to try to get in the van I wasn't able to even walk to the garage due to pain in both knees. I will try again on Wednesday and perhaps even tomorrow with my OT. My stomach was also out of sorts so maybe I am fighting off some kind of bug.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    It's Tuesday and I will be going in to the office today. I sure enjoyed my whole week at home. I have some catch up to do, but I will chip away at things and not worry if not everything gets done. I need better balance for work and my personal life.

    Paula- Not everyday moves in the positive direction, but that doesn't mean you are not making progress. It is good listen to our bodies and take it easy if necessary. I have no doubt you will find it easier to get into the van again. You have been doing so well.

    DW- Hope you got just enough housework done and found time to do something that is relaxing too. Me time, as Paula said, is a good thing!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, finding a balance with work and personal life is indeed a challenge. I had to work hard at that when I was employed because my hours were demanding and the job was just about always stressful. Of course I needed time to take care of John's needs too. I think I did a lot of stress eating in those days which only made the issues worse.

    Today I got into the van and did pretty well. Even walking to the garage was much easier. I did much better today with eating than I have been lately. I think I am getting back on track, very much needed.
    Today we had the annual maintenance done on our air conditioning system. It turns out the technician is a member of my church. He came to the church from another local Orthodox church after Covid, and by that time John and I were no longer attending in person. The tech noticed the icons in our home and started talking to me about them. I asked if he is Orthodox and then found out that he is at my church. He is very kind and sweet and has offered to help me with some other issues in the crawl space attic where the AC system is. What a small world, but even more so how God works in our lives never ceases to amaze me.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula!!!! You made it into the van. This is such good news!!!! And your technician is a church member. God has been blessing you in so many ways over the last months. So encouraging.

    I have a gym membership. I know that I need to work on building up my muscles and so after getting our tax refund, I got the membership. The gym is only 10 minutes from the farm and I think it will be really good. I have a workout to follow, which helps a lot. I can take a guest whenever I want so DH will accompany me once a week. My plan is to go three times/week. I am hoping that this will help me to see some weight loss at long last. I know it can't hurt!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Congrats on your gym membership! Its convenient location is terrific as is the bonus of being able to take your DH with you. I applaud you for taking this important step for your health...additional weight loss is a plus too.

    I had another very good day, getting into the van again, this time with my PT after having doing my regular exercises with her. She said she is noticing an increase in my confidence with the van and observed that this time I struggled less to get in. So happy about all of this. I wasn't very hungry today so staying on track went well too.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I was really expecting to be sore from my workout on Tuesday, but so far so good. I plan to go again today. I met my friend for dinner last night and we had Vietnamese. Not a great choice, but otherwise, I have been eating quite well. I hope to progress on the scale soon. Still waiting.

    Paula- it is super encouraging that PT is helping you with getting in and out of the van and seeing improvement. A big win!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! My goodness!! Congrats to you both!! Paula, your progress with your therapies and getting in the van are so exciting! Shari, that is great news about your gym membership! I've been considering getting one again for the same reason-build muscles/strength. So far I haven't found time to go join. DH wondered when I would find time to workout. I need to get that done! Have a great Friday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    edited May 24
    DW, You have such a busy schedule but I bet you could eventually find a little time to go to the gym, perhaps when some of your current commitments wind down. The more you do it, the more you might want to do it.
    Shari, Congrats on your Tuesday workout. I am looking forward to learning how you do and how you enjoy it.

    I had another really good day. I didn't even need a nap today after my OT session, which included another successful trip to the garage to get in the van. After today's session I had a good amount of energy and tackled 2 big items on my "to do" list, including a task I had been dreading for our inter-church group. So glad that is checked off my list. On another bright note, the climbing roses in our back yard are in bloom. This is big news because for some reason (unknown to me) none of them bloomed last year. I thought perhaps they'd never bloom again. But they came back this year and are beautiful. Some of them bloom and climb right outside one of our kitchen windows, while others are right outside of John's bedroom windows. Such a beautiful sight! It was another good day of food choices for me too, turkey burgers for supper, healthy and satisfying
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I am really hoping that building muscle will help reshape my body and I can also lose some weight. I didn't know how I would fit it more things into my schedule, by going to the gym, I have not kept up with other things. I hope the trade off will be worth it! It is intimidating and a bit uncomfortable going alone, but I think that the more that I go, the more comfortable I will get.

    We don't have blossoms yet but I imagine we will start to see colour outside more and more.

    We made it to Friday. I have a lot of things I want to get done this weekend. I hope that I can a lot accomplished!