Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I have read many times that muscle burns fat. So as you build your muscles, you likely will burn more fat (though I doubt that you have much fat to burn!). I felt good again today even though it was a day without any of my therapies. I did a few of my exercises and plan to do more tomorrow. Craig was taken to the hospital Thursday evening. Please keep him in your prayers. He has an infection in his mouth/tooth that he said is affecting his heart. He called me from the hospital and was kind of vague about the heart issue. He is scheduled for mouth/tooth surgery in the hospital on Sunday. I called his mom who is in her 80s an very sweet. She was unsure of much more than I learned from Craig.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- believe me, I have fat to burn. These last three years have seen me put on weight rather than lose it. It came on slowly, and now I have to lose it. I am okay to lose it slowly. As long as I can lose it!!!

    I was a dental assistant in the first half of my career life. I can try and help explain the connection between teeth and the heart. Once our hearts have had surgery, or we have a condition it is really important to take antibiotics pre and post dental work. It's not a strong dose or the regular, take it for 10 days. The reason is that there are bacteria in our mouths, that if they get into the bloodstream, can damage that compromised heart. Since Craig had an infection and there most likely was an open wound, the bacteria must found their way into his bloodstream and that impacted his heart. My dad has to take antibiotics before all dental appts. Even a cleaning, because there is potential for bleeding. My dad had heart surgery years and years ago, but this is still the protocol. The bacteria stick to scar tissue or something- Endocarditis.

    Most of my garden is in. I have more to work on today. I hope to get to the gym too. I may go in the evening when the hockey game is on. The Oilers play the Stars so I am hoping the gym will be quieter. I have to try some new lifts and I am not that comfortable in the gym yet.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Thank you for the explanation about the teeth and heart. It makes sense to me and helps me understand Craig's situation. I had a pretty full day today. I did some "to do" list items. Later I made a leg of lamb that I purchased on sale around my Easter time but didn't make it till today because had too much other Easter food. It turned out very well and much better than the last time I made a leg of lamb some years ago. I will freeze some of it for future meals as it was a 7 lb leg. The day went by very quickly for some reason. I am not sure why. I didn't have any naps again but did sleep in and felt well rested through most of the day. I am expecting a visit from a friend on Sunday, though not sure what time she will drop by. I am planning on an easy restful Sunday over all and wish the same for everyone.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I missed checking in yesterday. Not sure how that happened!

    Still at the same weight despite all of my efforts. I am quite committed to my new habits but I must still not be doing enough. I am really hoping that this week will see some progress. It will be so much more motivating if I can see some sort of weight loss. I would be happy with a half pound per week.

    I love lamb Paula. Yum!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    I haven't stepped on the scale in quite a while. I need to do so soon because I feel like I have gained weight. I am hoping to drop a few pounds (at least in my mind) before I brave the scale however.
    We are still enjoying the lamb. It was a relaxing and enjoyable Memorial Day for us. And I still managed to take care of a reasonable to do list too. I also created my Tuesday to do list and feel confident I can handle it. I spoke with Craig's mother today. He is home from the hospital and doing ok. His tooth was extracted on Sunday in the hospital. I probably will find out more when I talk to him as I am not sure how much he actually tells his mom.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I am weighing daily again. Today I saw a loss and I am so happy. Now to make it stick or go down. I can't afford to go up anymore!!!!

    I forgot it was Memorial Day Paula. Glad you were able to relax and enjoy it. I trust Craig will improve over the coming days. He seems to be an active guy, so it will be hard for him to rest while he is recovering.

    It looks like a beautiful sunny day again. I am so thankful for that. I can take a short walk on my coffee breaks. All steps throughout the day are good. I will be off to the gym again after work. I am getting a bit more confident, but it's still a bit intimidating.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Congrats on your weigh-in good news Shari! That should be quite motivating. So happy for you!

    I started out doing well today with food choices but caved when I had a sweet craving in the evening. I am really trying to avoid sugar as much as possible. I am focusing on healthy choices, but those darn cravings sometimes win out. I need to add more fruit when this happens. I have some beautiful organic strawberries but was too lazy to wash and prep them when the craving hit. We had OT today and did very well again, including my getting into the van. I got a platform from Amazon that my OT approved, and it helped me a lot to get in to the van.ydicb2y3ognl.jpg The platform is about 4 inches high, is sturdy, and allows me to step on it safely, making it easier for me to step on the running board on the van. It made a huge difference for me today. I will use it tomorrow when I have PT.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Great purchase Paula! So good to have the extra assistance. I have read that when our body craves sugar, it's because it needs it. Just like when we get thirsty means we need water. Of course it matters what kind of sugar we end up eating, so fruit is the best choice. I totally relate to being too lazy to prepare the fruit, but lately I have been making the effort. It's a lot different than grabbing chocolate or a cookie.

    Last year we had a Robin that would fly into the window day after day and hour after hour. It drove me nuts. This year, it's a sparrow. Not as bad, but I just don't get it! How can it not figure out that flying into the window repeatedly is not a good way to spend the day!
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Shari, congrats on the loss!! Paula, I love the platform for getting in the van-what a great idea!! I'm happy that Craig is doing better and pray that his progress continues!!
    I had a 3 day weekend, which I really appreciated. I did quite a few things around the house that have been put off and am still working on some of the projects that didn't get completed. Saturday was my youngest grandson's birthday and he was ill for his birthday. He tested negative for Covid and the flu and ended up with eye drops. They all left today to visit the village that my DIL grew up in. They will be gone for about a week. We are trying to make plans to visit them for my BIG birthday in September. I'm waiting on vacation approval at work-it is not guaranteed, and I can't do anything else toward that trip without the approval. I haven't yet made a move to obtain the gym membership but hope to do it in the near future. I do think that I will get there once I purchase the membership. Nothing else new here and it is past my bedtime. Have a great Thursday!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, My friend in Louisiana had a similar bird problem. His was a red male cardinal. He was advised to try putting blinds on the window or removable decals (decorative or hawk silhouettes) spaced 4 inches apart up and down and 2 inches apart left to right. He said the bird's behavior could be attempt to protect its territory and it usually happens during mating season. My friend said no guarantees about the success of the suggestions, but eventually his cardinal stopped bouncing off the window.

    DW, glad you had the 3 day weekend. They mean a lot especially when juggling work and family commitments. Hope you are able to get the approval to take the time to visit your grandson.

    I had a good PT session today and did well again with getting into the van using the platform. My eating was better but still so much room for improvement. I have noticed my motivation is improved so I am aiming to keep doing better
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Oh! That explains the persistency, the little guy is protecting his territory and sees his reflection. I thought he was trying to get inside or simple off his rocker. I will try the decals or maybe window markers. That could stop the reflection.

    Long weekends are the best! Glad you were able to enjoy one DW. Now to pray that you can get the time off you have requested in September.

    I lost a wee bit more of weight, but not quite enough to see a new whole number on the scale. Just .2 shy, so I guess that is a fifth of a pound to go. That will feel like success!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, all those little wee bits add up to success. Congrats again. Keep the momentum going.

    I had a busy day today because a friend called me in the morning as she needed to talk. Her husband is losing his job after over 30 years in the same position and always doing well. It boils down to new management taking over slowly over the last few years and targeting the older experienced people in a way that makes it look not like age discrimination. There is essentially nothing to be done to fight this. We are sure he will find another position (and probably a better one), but it undoubtedly will require moving and sort of starting over again. My friend asked me to call a few of our mutual friends to tell them this news so she wouldn't have to tell them herself. She just wasn't ready to talk to the others yet. She knows our group of friends will pray for her and her husband. I am just heart broken for this couple. I feel confident that things will work out well for them in the long run, but seeing them go through this is just heartbreaking.

    I still had my OT today despite spending so much on the phone. OT went well again. I must admit the stress from the news sent me to the refrigerator more than once. Some of my choices were good (hard boiled eggs, fruit) but others weren't as healthy (cheese, peanut butter crackers,etc.). I stopped tracking and ate too much for sure. I will do better tomorrow.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- That news about your friend and her husband is so sad! That is an amazing 30 year commitment and it is too bad that we don't value loyalty to a company anymore. I said a prayer for them. Today is a new day for them to process and for you too. You are an amazing support for your friends. I love that!

    It's Friday and since I had to go in to the office yesterday, I worked it out so that I don't have to go in today. I am still behind and when I work at home, I can get so much more work done. That's a win for me!

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Thank you for praying for my friend and her DH. It is such a tough thing to go through, especially as her 89 year old mother will also have to relocate with them when they do. She lives alone, just a few miles from my friends who are the only family living nearby and who see her just about every day and do all her shopping, cleaning, etc. Always nice for you to have an at home work day Shari. And now a weekend for you to enjoy I hope!

    I had a much more normal day today, no food cravings and only good healthy food choices. The news from my friend yesterday really threw me off balance (food choice balance that is). Craig stopped by today, not really to work as he is working another job now, but to talk with our PT about installing a railing at the back of our patio going to our backyard where there are 2 steps. A railing will help John navigate up and down the steps better. That will be a welcome addition. Craig seems to be taking his medical incident seriously and has a follow up doctor appointment next week.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Thank you for the update Paula!

    Today is my Godson's wedding. It will be a very weird event since we won't know anyone there, not even my Godson. But, maybe this will be a start to something. I am trying to stay positive. I didn't have the best night last night with DH. That happens now and again. I just wish the timing was different since we will be together most of the day. He isn't really good at comforting me when I am struggling with hurt.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, I am interested in how things went for you at the wedding. I hope you had a pleasant time, perhaps reconnecting with some family members. Was the wedding in a church? Hope your DH gets better with providing support. Some men seem to be avoidant when we need them the most.

    I did pretty well today considering I was fairly tired all day. I had to get up several hours earlier than usual because John had an early Miracle League game (a friend drove him). I tried to rest off and on during the day, but kept getting interrupted by phone calls, texts, etc., and then I didn't do too well with today's to do list. It didn't impact my food choices however, so I am well within my points and feel good about that.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    I had a good day for my food choices. John and I made chocolate dipped strawberries. It was a very delicious treat for us....healthy sort of, especially since we used dark chocolate for the dipping. I spent some time resting and reading so overall a pretty good day. A friend of mine (the retired nurse practitioner) had to put her 15 year old dog down this weekend. We all know how tough that is. She and I talked by phone today, reminiscing about many of our past dogs.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I was up so late on Saturday night that my routine on Sunday was off since I slept late.

    The wedding turned out to be okay. The wedding was in a church. It was Ukrainian Catholic, so some English and some Ukrainian. It was very traditional with crowns, a liturgist and lots of standing. It was very nice. My cousin and Godson were very warm and welcoming. More that I could have imagined. I think it was a stepping stone to reconnect. I am so thankful for that.

    It is so hard to say goodbye to our dogs. I still miss Moe! I planted some flower seeds on his grave. I can't wait for them to bloom. I have also left the hole he dug under a tree as a reminder of him and seeing it makes me smile. We always asked him if he was digging to China. The hole was getting so deep!

    I am down 2 pounds and hoping for the next one to come off this week.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    edited June 4
    Celebrating your 2 pound drop Shari! Congrats! And seeing such progress after attending a wedding is really terrific. Sounds like the wedding was very similar to an Orthodox wedding. We do stand most of the time for all of our church services and worship. Ukrainian Catholic practices are very close to Orthodox, with the exception that we do not have a pope, among other differences. Good to see that you might be reconnecting with that portion of your family.

    A good day for me again, also my name day...St. Paula, a 3rd century martyr is commemorated by the Orthodox church on June 3. So just like on John's name day, we got delivery. I got a grilled chicken sandwich with roasted peppers and tomatoes and stayed well on track. It was another good day for PT as I got in the van again, fairly smoothly. I will practice again tomorrow and then on Wednesday will go to get my hair cut. My PT will be with me as I get in to the van at home, and my hair stylist will be there if I need assistance after we get our haircuts.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- does your post mean that you will be driving to get your haircut? That is so good. And that's great that you got to celebrate your name day. Making special moments is so good for our souls.

    I bought liver and today will be the second time that I am cooking it. I disliked it as a child and now as an adult, it's not as bad as I remember. It's high in protein so I am trying to eat more often to help with my muscle strength. Liver is a cheap meat too, so I am hoping I can get used to eating it and get over the mind block I have when I do eat it.