Daily Check In: Are You On Track Today?



  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Yes I will be driving to the haircut. My plan is to stop on the way there at the drive thru bank and at the grocery store to do a grocery pick up (will be nice to not have a delivery fee). I ordered mostly non perishables because John and I won't be able to take the groceries from the van to the house, except I for a 3 small items we can carry in. I suspect all of this could tire me out but I am willing to give this a try. Tomorrow will be the first time I've driven since March 11.

    I am not a fan of liver, but I know it is nutrient dense. When one of my dogs was very sick (1994) the vet suggested I cook liver for him to try to heal him. I did so but the dog was too sick and died young. My mother loved liver and even used to order it when out in a restaurant. Ugh! I could never understand that, but she really enjoyed it. And I think she recognized it was nutrient dense too.

    It was another good day for me all around. I had a good OT session, once again getting in the van as well as doing my other exercises with the OT. I had an ambitious to do list and, after my post-OT nap, I accomplished quite a bit. I made good food choices but didn't bother to track today.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    I am so happy for you Paula! It will be so good for you and John to be able to get out and about in the van when necessary. PT and OT has been so helpful.

    My goal is to have a very small piece of liver twice a week until I can tolerate one bigger piece. I think I will get used to the flavor as long as there are onions to go along with it.

    I head to Guatemala on June 29 for our little church trip. Today I am picking up some currency. It's coming too fast! I really need to buckle down and look after my needs as well as the group needs.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Shari, congrats on your weight loss!! And a trip to Guatemala! That is wonderful!! Paula, I hope your day went well!! Your progress with OT and PT is amazing!!
    Last night I wrote on here while nodding off at the computer (as I often do). I fought off sleep to finish what I wanted to say and thought I posted it but alas, it was gone when I checked. So here I am tonight trying again quite a bit earlier.
    Work has been going well as far as I can tell....Tuesday I shadowed someone to learn a new job at my place of employment. It is a summer youth work experience program and I was at a discount retail store where the young people will do various jobs. The teens are in groups of four. Tomorrow I go to a different job site and shadow a different person with four different young people. If I like it, I will be a substitute for the program.
    I am trying to learn more about whole foods. I know it involves fruits and veggies but there has to be more to it, so I got books and am trying to learn about it. Several months ago, a health professional suggested that I try to eat that way and it's been bugging me ever since.
    Have a great Thursday!!
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    DW, It sounds like your potential new job could be quite interesting and rewarding. Helping young people with employment opportunities is a worthy endeavor! Is whole foods similar to clean eating? It sounds like it could be...avoiding processed foods, etc.

    Shari, I suspect that June will fly by for you with your trip on the horizon. You, too, are helping youth in a wonderful way. I detest onions even more than liver LOL! My mother was this way about onions too. I consider our home an onion-free zone.

    I did well with my big excursion today, no problem getting in the van at home and after my hair appointment. It feels great to have my hair cut again. I was really tired by the time we got home (I left the house around 2:30 and got home around 6 pm). I didn't do a lot of walking, but my legs got tired. I will talk to my OT and PT about this.

  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    DW-I hope you get a clear sense of job by shadowing and it works out, of course that it, if you like it.

    June is flying by! I have so much to do and I hope that I can still slow down enough to be intentional and enjoy the moments of each day. I have a bit too much jammed into my calendar before the trip!

    So good to hear that you were able to get your haircut and getting into and out of the van went well Paula. That is a big win! I look forward to getting my haircut on Friday.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, You are wise to recognize how important it is to enjoy the moments of each day. I appreciate that you wrote that because it is a good reminder for me too.

    I had another full day today and stayed on track with points, though I was tempted to stray. As luck would have it, I got distracted and didn't reach the snack I was considering. My cleaning service comes tomorrow so I had a lot of what I call house prep to do today. I tend to keep many things in arm's reach for myself because of my physical challenges, but I like to get things back to somewhat normal in advance of the cleaning service's arrival. It was easier to do this time because I have been keeping up better and keeping things neater since I have been feeling better and having less pain. I had a fairly ambitious to do list and am quite pleased with today's accomplishments. Oh, and I also had another hour of OT today and so did John.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    It's Friday!!!! I am so thankful, even though it will be a busy weekend. We are pouring cement for a pad outback. I can try and take some photos before and after. It's DH's project. Something he wanted to build and I hope that we can get some use out of it. More exciting for me is that the laundry room counter will be lifted into place.

    I will be getting a haircut today and I am quite excited about that. It has been a very long time. The only other thing that would be wonderful, is if the wind would die down. It has been relentless.

    Two pounds down and holding. I didn't get an extra one to fall off.

  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, Holding those 2 pounds off is terrific! Yay for you!

    I had another full and productive day. But it had some drama from the "prez" again. Our inter-church group is meeting here on Sunday afternoon as they voted at the last meeting that all meetings will now be at my home with various member providing cake/pie etc. and I will provide the coffee. It sounded reasonable and manageable to me, especially since the prez and a few of the other women offered to help me with the set up an clean up. Earlier in the week the prez told me to serve chips and pretzels too. I agreed with that. Well today she told me I should also be serving soft drinks and alcohol! When I told her I had some soft drinks on hand but really no alcohol to speak of, she said, "Well then my husband isn't coming!" Ugh! I told her he could bring his own alcohol if he wanted to, but I am not providing that. She mentioned another member and said he said will also expect alcohol. Honestly, I never paid attention to who drank what, but I have no plans to get or serve alcohol. I guess the men in the group enjoy served drinks, but that is not our purpose nor is it needed. Then she told me it will be too late in the day for her to drink coffee. I said I will have decaf too. No response. Again, I told her I have some bottled water, seltzer, diet soda, and regular soda on hand. Of course she doesn't like any of the kinds I have. Just when I thought we had turned the corner and she was being cooperative based on our recent discussions (until today). Now we are back to her trying to push me around and criticizing all I do. Sorry for this long post, but I just had to vent.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- I am in such disbelief that this woman acts the way she does. The agreement was to serve coffee! How is it, that she can place new expectations as demands and not via a conversation. If she wants anything additional served, she can supply it. Adding on that you need to serve alcohol is ridiculous!!! I will be praying that you can be bold and that she backs down.

    No budge on the scale this morning, we shall see what tomorrow brings. I will focus on what I have achieved with my new habits and hope that at some point, I will see the results I am working towards.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, thank you for allowing me to vent and for understanding my situation so well. Your prayers were heard as the prez called me again today in a much nicer tone. We didn't discuss yesterday's conversation, and today's conversation was shorter and somewhat pleasant. I suspect she might regret some of her words from the day before but is not the type to apologize. I worked hard today with Craig prepping for Sunday's meeting. With Craig's help I was able to organize and de-clutter things in the kitchen and to set up for the meeting which will be in the living room/dining (it's all one big room). I could not have done it without Craig. He is worth every dollar I pay him. And he is always so pleasant no matter what the chore. I ate well today but once again neglected to track my food. I probably won't track tomorrow either because of the sweets being served. Back to strong program efforts on Monday.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- I am glad that things have improved with the situation and that with Craig's help you are prepared for the meeting today. With all of the prep done, you can focus on hosting and the meeting agenda.

    DH and his friends poured the concrete and DH is very sore. The finishing was a big job. I take a photo today. It's been somewhat covered with tarps as it rained off and on yesterday. Thankfully not a heavy rain that would impact the concrete too much. It was a cool day, and that is best for curing concrete.

    I hit a new number on the scale and that is so very exciting. If I can hold on to this number for the week, I can make a new goal for the following week. I have been taking measurements for the last couple of weeks, and I have lost a couple of inches, that is encouraging. My pants should feel start to feel less tight and that will be wonderful.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, woo hoo for you with your scale success again!!! What you are doing is sure working. So happy for you. And such good timing with your trip on the horizon. Nice that the cement work was completed before the rain arrived. Will look forward to seeing your pictures of the project.

    Today's meeting was ok but felt odd to me in a way. One of the men John and I really enjoy didn't come today because he was under the weather. His wife (whom I adore) and his grandson came which was good, especially having the grandson here as he and John enjoy talking. The prez was mostly in a good mood, but I caught her in a lie about the vote to have all future meetings at my home. The vote was not in the minutes of the last meeting, and the other members said no such vote was taken. Prez denied telling me that in March they voted to have all future meetings at my home. I think I looked pretty stupid, and she steadfastly denied telling me that. Why on earth would I make something like that up?? I pushed a bit about this a bit but decided to let it go. I offered to have the next meeting here but I think they might just have the next meeting at the Prez's church. That is fine with me. In fact I think I prefer that. Prez did help me a lot with setting up and cleaning up. For that I was graciously thankful to her.

    I didn't over eat but did indulge in sweet treats that I typically don't eat. I am not worried about getting back on track as the treats were good but not to the point that I won't get back on track. I think I no longer have that all or nothing mentally that used to derail me for long periods of time.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    Paula- Probably best to let things go where the President is concerned. She has been a thorn in your side for a long time. You know what was communicated to you, and if there was a misunderstanding, that isn't all on you. It's on the communicator as well. She could have been gracious and said she must not have been clear during your last conversation. I don't think you would have looked stupid at all, everyone knows what she is like. Good to move on! Just like moving on from the treats. You don't need to let anything derail you. That is a good mind set for all of us.

    I didn't take a sabbath yesterday as we needed to prepare for week long guests. I worked pretty hard and I am already excited for next Sunday, when I can take enjoy a day of rest. It is a full week. And I have less than three weeks until my trip! I have so much to do still.
  • DW2022
    DW2022 Posts: 331 Member
    Hello! Just a quick note since I need to get to sleep... Shari, congrats on your weight loss!! Whatever you are doing is working!! Paula, congrats on taking the high road with the Prez! Her antics are beyond rude!! Also congrats on driving!! You are making great progress!!
    Tomorrow, 6/11, is my 50th wedding anniversary. I work during the day and plan to take doughnuts to work to share the celebration. We will go out to dinner tomorrow night but plan to save for our trip to AK in September, which will be the real celebration! It is our gift to ourselves for the anniversary and for our BIG birthdays this year. I joined Planet Fitness over the weekend and went for a free session tonight with a trainer to set up my program based on my goals. It was very helpful and the young man was very nice and patient! He said that I could have another session with him to make adjustments to the program as needed. That's all the news -I plan to not think about making good choices at the restaurant tomorrow -LOL!! Have a great Tuesday!1
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Happy Anniversary DW! Such a wonderful milestone for you and your DH to celebrate. And so kind of you taking donuts to work to celebrate. Enjoy your special dinner too! Congrats on joining Planet Fitness. There is one not too far from where I live. Both my OT and my PT gals work out there faithfully.

    Oh Shari, having guests for a week is not easy, at least it wouldn't be for me. I guess when I was younger it wouldn't have been too bad, but that is a long time for guests now in my mind. Hope it isn't too stressful for you and that you enjoy their company.

    Today flew by for me. I had a small to do list before it was time for PT. I got most of it done. PT was good and tiring at the same time. Our Bible class was really good tonight. I always gain from these classes, but today's sort of really hit home. Part of the discussion was about venting. One thing I took away from the discussion was that venting actually helps us work out our concerns/issues. I think I previously saw venting as a release, but now I recognize it too as even more helpful. So once again Shari and DW thanks for being here for me to vent.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    So funny DW! The gym I joined was also a Planet Fitness. I was so intimidated the first few times, but I am getting more confident each trip. I think going to the gym has been a big contributor to my weight loss.

    Day one with the guests went well. We made hamburgers. It helped that I could work from home yesterday and I will again today. DH and the guests will be on their own for Wednesday.

    I agree with you Paula- sharing our frustrations in a safe place is very helpful. I have a few places to do that, this group being one of them. Thank you both for being a sounding board and encouragement during difficult times and frustrating situations.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    I admire you having your guests this week Shari, especially with so much you have going on to get ready for you trip and working too. You must be a very organized and good manager.

    I had a good day in term of my OT session today. I felt strong and able to do well with the therapy. I know I have a long way to go, but today I was quite aware of my progress. My therapist gave me a lot of positive feedback too. I was a little hungrier than usual and struggled to stay on plan. I was over my points today but I think I can undo the damage with a few consecutive good days.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    It seems so crazy to have so much going on! I am pretty organized, but I will hit my limit and will need my down time without people. I am an introvert at heart for sure.

    Our company really wanted to go out for dinner, so in the end we did. I have been trying so hard to stick to my diet plan, but like you Paula, that didn't happen. I hope that things bounce back quickly so I am not discouraged.

    It's my long day today at work. I am really looking forward to the two hours I have carved out with a close friend. It will be so good to have our check in with each other.
  • Paulawilldo
    Paulawilldo Posts: 1,044 Member
    Shari, So good that you planned some time with your close friend. Such relationships mean so much to our overall well being. They need to be both treasured and nurtured. They are true blessings.

    I did well today. I got a delivery from my organic vendor, including meats and veggies. We got some beautiful cucumbers and grape tomatoes among other healthy foods. I made a Greek salad for supper with feta, olives, cucumbers, tomatoes, chick peas, etc. It turned out so well. John says he could eat that every day. I will plan to make it again some day next week as it is filling and healthy. I wasn't terribly productive today as we had a 4 pm church service and an hour of PT for each of us. I also had a couple phone calls, including one from the Prez asking me to do more work for the church group. She couldn't have been nicer. I agreed to help because it is something I can do well and won't mind doing it.
  • shariletts
    shariletts Posts: 892 Member
    My friend and I went out to a new Mexican restaurant last night and it was awful! The decor was so amazing but I won't ever go back. Sad to have gone out for a meal and not enjoy it at all.

    Your food delivery sounds wonderful Paula. And the Prez being nice while making a request is a win too.

    Today I will book a meeting with an executive pastor to bring forward a concern about not being to print at work. I haven't for months. The stress of not being able to print has brought me close to tears and I do not feel supported by IT at all. I like the guy who looks after the printers, but I am not sure why he isn't being helpful. I hate to take this up a level, but I believe that is the next step for me.