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Metazoick Member


  • Under 1200 is low, it's pretty unlikely you're going to be getting all the vitamins/macros you need to stay healthy with that little food. How long has it been since the scale moved? Sometimes it can take a while even though you're doing everything correctly, and weight fluctuations happen regardless of how much you're…
  • Spirits with a no calorie mixer are your friend, but whatever you drink will probably have a good few calories in it - on days you know you'll be drinking try and be a bit under before you go out so you don't go over your goals by the end of the night (or consume a bit less over the week and make it a weekly average which…
  • But that's still calories in vs calories out, your numbers simply changed. If your Dr thinks it's menopausal that probably means that your 'calories out' has been reduced naturally due to menopause, while as you say yourself you kept eating the same amount as you were when your 'calories out' was higher. The number of…
  • You need to mix together free range lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper with some water and put your arm in that - it'll draw out all the chemicals. Is it possible you lost your arm due to undereating and being in starvation mode? If your metabolism stops from only eating 1199 calories a day your body isn't going…
  • Drinking water doesn't do very much of anything in regards to weight unless it's at an extreme end, or your salt intake is high leading to water weight. Are you weighing yourself at the same time every week? Eg on sunday at 9am before breakfast?
  • Your intake is very low and if you're working out on top of it and gaining weight *something* is wrong. I'm inclined to believe your diary is correct, it seems fairly accurate. Have you considered whether the scales you weigh yourself are off? If they're at an angle or uneven floor they can give the wrong number, try a…
  • I just had a quick look and it honestly doesn't seem to be worth the money. One bottle nets you 15g protein and 70 calories (marketed as '70 "Good-For-You" Calories' which instantly makes me dbious of the company), but you can get more protein than that in a drink with protein powder for less money and you can pick more…
  • Would it be possible for you to make your food diary public? Little mistakes can cause issues, and I just want to double check everything looks accurate
  • I really do hope it was a fake account now. She wasn't exactly being nice but I wouldn't want somebody to quit the site over a disagreement here.
  • And just after I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and figured we were all on the same page (roughly), just with the kind of miscommunication that tends to happen when you only have text to go off. We're not saying to 'eat 5 pizzas'. Not everybody vouching for moderation is overweight, and even if they were that…
  • I agree with all of those points completely, and as nobody has said anything disagreeing with those things in this thread I guess that means we're all on the same page now. Eat what you like in moderation, make sure to have a diverse varied diet and that you're not deficient in anything, and keep track of calorie…
  • The thing is not a single person here has said that you can be nutritionally balanced while only eating junk food. The only thing that has been said is that fast foods and the like aren't automatically unhealthy and are fine in moderation (aka within a nutritionally balanced diet), and that you could lose weight just on…
  • Add in a little hot chocolate powder (although if it's already milk chocolate flavour I imagine it'd be fine), mix with a bit of cold water to get the consistency right and then top up with (not boiling) hot water - you just made hot chocolate made up almost entirely from protein (add in a bit of milk too to make it…
  • I eat takeout. I order in probably once every week or two and I'm fine with going to subway/costa/greggs whatever if I'm out and need lunch, or my calories are low and I need to hurry some high cal foods up. Today I went to mcdonalds and had some chicken and some breaded cheese bites and they were delicious. Today I also…
  • I guess a takeout burger must have 0 carbs, fats or proteins if it has no nutritional value then.
  • I once saw on some myth debunking show that I can't remember the name of that it's actually worse; It (due to the increased pressure I think) causes more nasties to float around the bathroom than if you just left the lid up :s I've had my fair share of male and female flatmates but the one that gets the most hair in the…
  • First off nobody in this thread has said that you *have to* eat junk food, or that it's the most nutrient dense thing ever, but it certainly isn't 'bad' for you to the extent you're making out. If the choice was between a cheeseburger and nothing you would literally die picking the latter option, 'junk' food has the…
  • If you have vitamin/mineral deficiencies then yes, they can help, but unless you have a very restricted diet or a relevant medical issue it's pretty unlikely. I used to take them just incase too, but certain vitamins (such as vitamin A) don't simply flush out if you don't need them and instead can accumulate leading to…
  • There's no such thing as going overboard on weighing food - the more you do it the more accurate you can be. As for sodium I really wouldn't worry about it. The current guidelines are based on the minimum you need to function and it's very necessary for your body. If you're very serious about getting your abs to stand out…
  • Adding together calories you burn just by living and those burnt by exercising is one of the big reasons a lot of calculators can be so... off. Working it out manually for each workout would take a while, and would only be useful if the number it gives you is accurate to start with, when it's probably overestimating…
  • Fat goes away from generally burning off more calories than you take in. It doesn't matter what body part you move to burn off the calories, the only thing your body cares about is that it's now in a deficit so you'll then lose fat from wherever your body wants to lose it from - you can't change the order in where fat is…
  • If you don't weigh your food you don't know how much you're eating. If you don't know how much you're eating you can't work out your calorie intake. If you can't work that out the best you have to lose weight is luck and guesswork, and my health deserves a bit better than that.
  • Eh, I'm not emotionally invested, I'm just pretty rambly when I talk (it's useful for dissertations at least) and I feel kinda rude when I don't reply back to somebody, even if that's a bit silly. If you have no issue with using the stuff like you just said we're probably pretty much on the same page anyway, I just didn't…
  • It can't just be me who already knew about the myths being untrue, right? I don't know what decade they got their 'what the line is' bits but it's not exactly groundbreaking stuff. The link between processing (not simply eating meat which happens to have been processed) and health problems is an interesting one though -…
  • You told somebody asking about ways to have protein powder to eliminate it, talked about how you can hit your goals daily without it, when I pointed out it can be useful for some people you then pointed out that technically you never said you never use it... even though you don't, and that was never my point. I don't care…
  • The scandal was kind of just the tip of the iceberg with Nestle. Really not a nice company at all... None of my previous schools or my current university even sell the stuff on campus. The issues may have faded from the public eye but it's nice to see boycotts for such things still sticking around - maybe fixing the public…
  • I'd really go to a doctor, if you keep having drops like that something is probably not going right. I assume you've already been to one due to the tests, but I'd go again and try and get them to find the root cause. As for what to do to control it have something sugary on hand to eat when you feel it dropping to lift it…
  • If you were maintaining on 1700-1900 a couple pounds lower weight shouldn't make a difference. You should still be maintaining on that, or worst case scenario you'll put the 2lb back on, which if you were at a happy weight for you back then really isn't the end of the world.
  • Well, you did initially tell somebody to 'eliminate protein powder' in response to them asking how to make it taste nicer, my statements have simply been in defense of using it when needed, and pointing out that there are plenty of people who it's useful and practically a requirement for. Including you, apparently.