Help/advice - stopped losing weight.



  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
    You don't need to loose weight! You need to lift weights!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I was 124.6 two weeks ago, 125.6 one week ago and now I'm 126.6 after cutting my calories by 100 a day. I'm trying to drink lots of water!

    You do realise water weighs? Thats not me saying dont drink, just the fact your weight fluctuates daily by 1-4lbs its natural and healthy. You arent eating really eating enough.
    At your weight then lifting weights makes more sense for body recomposition.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Lift heavy things and put them down again
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Or ice cream fitness

    Or strong curves

    Or new rules of lifting for women
  • sheldonklein
    sheldonklein Posts: 854 Member
    OP-you say that your husband does all the cooking. How carefully is he measuring what he prepares? If he's not accurately using recipe builder, how do you know the calories of his food? IOW, it's probably his fault!☺
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    It is definitely not down to my husband, he is incredibly good at weighing everything exactly - to the point that it does get a little annoying (although I know he is doing it to help me as much as he can).

    It has to be something I'm doing - like the wrong kinds of exercise and my water intake. Whenever I drink more than a litre of water, I have to pee so much it puts me off!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    At 5'4", your current weight is well within normal BMI range. If you're working out a lot, you might want to look at NSV (NonScale Victories),such as whether your waist and hip measurements are smaller. You could weigh 124-125, but actually be more fit and muscular than you were at 117. I have plateau'd myself but lost an inch in my waist and hips and dropped a jean size.
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Start lifting, as you're already at an ideal weight.

  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Ok, I'm going to start doing some weights this week and cut my calories to 1050 hopefully this will kick start me. I have already filled in my food diary for the week.

    The weird thing is my husband (who is around 5"8) eats around 2400-2600 cals a day and he weighs less than me, 122lb!
  • sugaraddict4321
    sugaraddict4321 Posts: 15,765 MFP Moderator
    OP, may I recommend you see a doctor and a nutritionist? Your math is just not adding up. At your age, height and weight your BMR (that's the calories your body needs if you're in a coma) is around 1375. You say you're eating 1050 and then exercising on top of it - giving you a net of something like 700 calories. If your diary is accurate, you are starving yourself and you should be dropping weight like crazy (along with doing some damage to your metabolism). Since that's not happening, and to be frank you should not lose weight this way, you need to get checked for any underlying health issues.

    At the same time, I also suggest you see a counselor. You are smack in the middle of ideal/normal weight for your height and you are doing extreme things in your obsession over the scale. How are your clothes fitting? Are you stronger? Better endurance when you work out? Perhaps with all your working out you are replacing some of your fat with muscle? See rabbitjb's photo above for a comparison of the volume of fat vs muscle for the same weight. Also do not look at your husband for an ideal weight. He's at the bottom end of healthy weight for his height and he should not worry if he gains few pounds. ;)

    You are young. If you're so set on losing another 7 pounds, please do this the right way and don't wreck your body for the long-term.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Ok, I'm going to start doing some weights this week and cut my calories to 1050 hopefully this will kick start me. I have already filled in my food diary for the week.

    The weird thing is my husband (who is around 5"8) eats around 2400-2600 cals a day and he weighs less than me, 122lb!

    Nobody said to cut your calories further

    That's not a good plan IMO

    Lift heavy things and put them down again
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Ok, I'm going to start doing some weights this week and cut my calories to 1050 hopefully this will kick start me. I have already filled in my food diary for the week.

    The weird thing is my husband (who is around 5"8) eats around 2400-2600 cals a day and he weighs less than me, 122lb!

    Don't cut calories further while lifting. You will not build muscle.
    Also, it is completely unnecessary to cut your calories so low.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    ^That's exactly what I was thinking!
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Put on another pound 127.6lb now. That's a pound a week since the 31st January when I was 124.6lb. Oops, not sure what's going on really...
  • Metazoick
    Metazoick Posts: 96 Member
    Your intake is very low and if you're working out on top of it and gaining weight *something* is wrong. I'm inclined to believe your diary is correct, it seems fairly accurate. Have you considered whether the scales you weigh yourself are off? If they're at an angle or uneven floor they can give the wrong number, try a different/use that scale in different places in your house to check how consistent it is. If it checks out I'd second going to see a doctor, eating 1000 calories and working out that much and gaining weight really doesn't add up.
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    edited February 2015
    Hi, it can't be my scales as my husband uses them to weigh himself and he's always around the same weight. We use them on a flat even surface. My body is just weird or I'm putting on weight from drinking more water or something?
  • Metazoick
    Metazoick Posts: 96 Member
    Hi, it can't be my scales as my husband uses them to weigh himself and he's always around the same weight. We use them on a flat even surface. My body is just weird or I'm putting on weight from drinking more water or something?

    Drinking water doesn't do very much of anything in regards to weight unless it's at an extreme end, or your salt intake is high leading to water weight. Are you weighing yourself at the same time every week? Eg on sunday at 9am before breakfast?
  • ceasingfeline
    ceasingfeline Posts: 26 Member
    Metazoick wrote: »
    Hi, it can't be my scales as my husband uses them to weigh himself and he's always around the same weight. We use them on a flat even surface. My body is just weird or I'm putting on weight from drinking more water or something?

    Drinking water doesn't do very much of anything in regards to weight unless it's at an extreme end, or your salt intake is high leading to water weight. Are you weighing yourself at the same time every week? Eg on sunday at 9am before breakfast?

    Yes that's I do. At the weekend before breakfast!
  • mo7882
    mo7882 Posts: 12 Member
    I've had a look at your meal plan and exercise routine - you are probably in a state of starvation - your body is cannibalizing muscle as a fuel source at the expense of fat - your food intake is simply replenishing broken down muscle.

    Secondly you may simply be higher up on the insulin intollerace scale (like myself). a portion of carbs can stop any fat loss no matter how much exercise you do. Do a bit of reading on Keto diets I think it may work for you.

    You should increase your calories over all - double your protein to about 140g per day and cut your carbs to down 20-30grams per day - the rest of your calories should come from good fats.

    Check out this talk on nutrition and fat loss -
  • Ellaskat
    Ellaskat Posts: 386 Member
    OP I'm guessing you're young, though i can't see your stats,so this is just a guess. When I read your post, it reminds me so much of me from 20-25. I was a model and was so focused on the scale. I'm 5'6, and thought I needed to get down to 112-113 before any photo shoot to look 'right'. I was obsessed with making this happen- it was my livelihood, and so important. Eventually, I left the profession, thank God, and found a career where I am not paid to have people judge my body. At some point, I also realized THE SCALE DOES NOT MATTER.

    I would ask, why do you want to be that specific weight? I'm guessing it's because you believe your body will look a certain way you like at that weight. I would ask you to consider the idea you could have that look, but at a completely different weight. As other posters have noted, muscle weighs more than fat.

    Though I do have a rough idea of the weight I'd like to be (122-130) I've switched my goals to the measurements I'd like to have: 36-25-37.

    I hope for your sake, that you can free yourself from the scale. It really has nothing to do with how you look - your body composition does that- and you would be so much happier if you focused on this, than I the arbitrary scale.