flightybird Member


  • I go to my local rec center at 5 AM, so I don't really have a lot of woes with my own gym, HOWEVER.... I work in a hotel, in the executive offices. Our office shares a wall with the hotel gym. The INSANE noises that people make in there can get to be a bit much. From sounding like a wounded t-rex, to sounding like they are…
  • I worked in quickservice restaurants for around 10 years, and can say that it is definitely not easy to keep yourself away from all the junk you're constantly surrounded by. You do, like many have said above, get sick of the food eventually, but sometimes, for some people, it being there is enough to still tempt you,…
  • Tahini sauce, blueberry chevre, and they sell this peanut butter & jelly Greek yogurt that sounds ridiculous, but is AMAZING!
  • You are absolutely gorgeous - both before, and after! I need to get myself a sense of style like yours, seriously! xD Congratulations on the loss! 50 pounds is amazing!
  • I got a great little digital food scale that I use religiously to control my portions, and make sure to take in a LOT of water. I also got a membership to our local rec center and go there every single day - even if it's just to splash around for half an hour with my daughter.
  • I am not a doctor, by any means, but struggled with this type of behavior for YEARS. I would hide in my room and eat, and even hide the trash afterwards until my roommate was gone and wouldn't see me sneak it out. For me, it was a symptom of Binge Eating Disorder. It may not be that, for you, but regardless, it is…
  • These are the criteria that classify B.E.D, per the DSM-V (2013): Criteria include frequent overeating—at least once a week for three months— combined with lack of control, marked feelings of distress, and are associated with three or more of the following: eating much more rapidly than normal eating until feeling…
  • Research actually has proven that coconut oil does not help you lose fat. http://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-living/weight-loss/expert-answers/coconut-oil-and-weight-loss/faq-20058081 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/04/22/coconut-oil-healthy_n_5167057.html
  • Height: 5'2" (and a half!) SW: 279 CW: 248 GW: 120 GD: I haven't really set a "goal date." I'd like to be in "ONEderland" again by the first of next year at the very latest. I've got a long way to go, so smaller, short-term goals are my best friends, right now. MFP gives me 1300 calories/day, which I usually try to stay…
  • No family photos because just thinking about seeing myself in them makes me burst into tears. Shopping for clothing is an expensive nightmare. Feeling unsexy & unfeminine. Feeling like any time someone compliments me, it's out of pity. Also, one thing that upsets me now, about being fat, is that, although I count my…
  • Lovely in both, but amazing transformation! I hope to be able to do this same comparison someday! How long has it taken you so far? Any advice for getting there?
  • Heyhey! I've lost about 28 and have about 131 to go. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • I went from an extremely active job to a complete sedentary one, so I get what you're going through. It is SO easy to mindlessly eat (especially in my office, where someone ALWAYS brings decadent snacks) I drink a TON of water/hot tea like people have mentioned above, always plan all my meals & snacks the night before and…
  • This is the fridge/freezer for our family of 3 (myself, husband, and 9 year old kiddo) Got a lottt of miscellany...prepped fruits & veggies and leftovers/pre-prepped lunches for the husband/myself to grab on our way out to work. A couple Lunchables for the kiddo on mornings we're running behind and she doesn't like what's…
  • A 100-calorie bag of kettle corn, for a treat!
  • I can really only echo the sentiments of everyone above. Things like nuts, cheese, and protein bars/shakes are a great option when you're on the run. I love Babybel cheese and always bring some with me to work. As an aside, a big huge thank you to all the nurses who bust their butt to make sure that all of us that aren't…
  • As someone who finds themselves now needing to lose around 130 pounds because they tricked themselves into blaming everything and everyone but herself, I have to say thank you for this post. It's honestly probably the most true thing I've ever seen posted. I suffered from undiagnosed depression for years. Worked in…
  • I totally agree with WalkingAlong. I'm usually not too invested in the "numbers" aspect when it comes to calories as the "oh my gosh, I only took 2500 steps today, I need to go for a walk" aspect.
  • Rather than a standard protein shake, I've been using the Garden of Life RAW Meal with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and half a banana every morning. Super filling, and it's made to be a meal, rather than just a protein shake. It doesn't taste great on it's own, but with the half a banana and some ice, mixed up in the…
  • My FitBit has helped me really know how much I'm burning through daily activity. I used to WAY overestimate the amount of walking I was actually doing. It helps me a lot to be more mindful of how much I'm moving. I do have mine set to auto-calculate calorie burn, and some days I will burn 500-600 calories over my BMR just…
  • If you have a Sam's Club membership, they have something called Anytime Bites in the snacky-stuff section (near the nuts). They may sell them elsewhere, but I buy mine there. They are little bite-sized snacks made with fruit, seeds, and nuts. 140 calories for 3, but they are really filling and delicious. Seeds and nuts on…
  • I worked at Sonic for 6 and a half years and at Chick-fil-A for 3 and a half years, so I definitely know what it's like to be constantly surrounded by food and temptation. My best piece of advice is to bring your own food from home, if you can. If you can't, see if it's possible for you to prepare your own food at work…
  • Being prepared has been the BIGGEST help for me. My motto is "failing to prepare is preparing to fail." I portion out snacks on my days off to prepare me for my work week (no excuses of "well, I was running late!") I also no longer keep foods in the house that I know I'm bound to binge on. I keep those FAR away (if I'm…
  • Definitely, definitely talk to your doctor before going off any sort of medication like that. My ex was on Paxil and also gained a LOT of weight (uncontrollable cravings/insatiability and exhaustion that made him want to do ANYTHING but move his body) and was eventually switched off of that (along with 2 other drugs) for…
  • I'm going to echo the sentiments of a few previous posters. Get yourself a food scale, for sure. You can find them pretty cheap just about anywhere (I believe I got mine from Wal-Mart, actually) and measure and portion everything. It actually helps me to pre-portion things for the week on one of my days off. Then, I have…
  • Really into Greek mythology OR gas-powered music machines. eta: "gas" as in air. Not fossil fuel.
  • To get to my UGW, I have to lose 134.4 pounds total. Of course, that's if I'm not happier with my weight/health before I make it all the way there. Only time will tell!