Things people do that annoys you in the gym.



  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I get annoyed when 1) there is an entire row of not in use cardio machines and someone gets on the one on either side of the one I am on. Gym etiquette 101 leave some sweat space, at least every other machine when it is not a crowded time at the gym! 2)People who don't wipe down their equipment 3) I get grossed out when people use the industrial equipment spray to wipe down their faces!

    I completely get this, but I think part of it is that people are creatures of habit. There are certain machines that they prefer. For instance, I will use any of the treadmills that don't have a tv attached, but I will only use 2 of 4 treadmills that do have tvs attached because they have better audio than the other two. So it could be something like that... still annoying either way. ;-)

    It always makes me cringe when my BFF are on the treadmills and "Mr. Hot Runner" hops on the machine next to mine. Like seriously? Go run next to my long-legged running lovely friend, not my jiggly butt!
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited February 2017
    PMSL......i would start making some of my own noises and see how they react.

  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    People who don't clean the machines down after their workout :s and slightly off topic but people who stop for a chat in the middle of the small swimming pool the gym I used to go to had, the pool is for swimming not chatting aaargh

    I remember when I use to go swimming. Group of old men use to form a circle and chit chat. They use to giggle like girls lol they were causing an obstruction since they were in my lane.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    kwph wrote: »
    Agreed!!!!(Now ya got me going!) This same guy loves 2 yell at the gym ....I mean yell ,like across the room 2 his buddies...Now I go at 430am & this guy is yelling *kitten* like "Yoooo Bro let's do Triceps now! Yeah!!! Feeling the pump bro! Wooooooo!!!" ....Now meanwhile I've got my headphones on & they're pretty loud & I can hear him through my music....We got some new people working out there & u can see their look of shock like I think they think someone is arguing & they're staring like "what is wrong with that guy" (every morning)

    Screaming kitten? Hahaha. Here I thought I had it rough. So many people leave their stuff in machine for reservation lol I wouldn't touch their sweaty towel.

    I know this guy who joined recently, doesn't know how to train. Goes on any random. Machine do random reps then finish. Once he told me, he was there for over 4hours. He wasn't sweating like he had a workout or anything but told me he has a shower before he goes home.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2017
    Saw a guy training, but was drench in sweat like he just came out of a shower. The worst part is, he doesn't have a towel to wipe it off. Dripping everywhere. He probably thinks women digs a guy who is working out with sweat dripping off his head and face :neutral:
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    Jayco141 wrote: »
    People who love to leave their GALLON of water next to a machine or bench they walk away from. They love to dominate two machines even when its busy.

    Yea, I seen that happen a lot. Reserving the machines. Plus they do that with the free weights too putting their jacket and phone so no one can touch the weights.
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited March 2017
    Today I saw a guy put his jacket on barbell like a coat hanger. The barbell was on the stand. I don't mind if anyone grunts, moans and groans. Hell, last time I saw a guy laying on the reverse Hamstring machine whilst making sex noises. Uurrgghh Uurrgghh :smiley:
  • kaizaku
    kaizaku Posts: 1,039 Member
    There is this lady that hogs the big fan during Zumba class. She points it right at her, leaving those of us on the other side without any moving air. *kitten* needs to take her waistband out from directly under her boobs and share the air.

    You would always find one annoying person. Turn the fan off hahaha lol :smiley:
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    edited April 2017
    Turning OFF the Air conditioning!! Yes, I get it, you like to sweat. But come on - it makes my workout SUPER uncomfortable when it's 88 degrees outside and 90 INSIDE the gym. Leave the damn AC alone!

    Ah, yup. There are some people who turn off the fan just before the hardest track, and the instructor just lets them! Eh it doesn't matter - I'm finding a different class. It's getting really annoying for many reasons so it's just time.
  • Mike_take2
    Mike_take2 Posts: 2,150 Member
    Asking " are you almost done?"
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    People having so many weights and not even using most of them !
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    Definitely people who don't wipe down the machines after they use them! There was a guy in the gym I go to who was visibly dripping of sweat and had covered a machine I wanted to use with it and hadn't bothered to clean it up. No way was I going to do it for him.

    Or when people stand around 1 machine and just chat. None of them use it. They just stand their and talk for about 15 minutes. I got so annoyed when a group of kids came in and that's all they did. Barely used any of the machines and just stood around talking.
  • rahimlj
    rahimlj Posts: 239 Member
    LOL OMG thats nasty yea.. a lot of people just use the machines and just leave .. like ew..