Help! I'm under eating! Not intentionally!



  • flightybird
    flightybird Posts: 32 Member
    I can really only echo the sentiments of everyone above. Things like nuts, cheese, and protein bars/shakes are a great option when you're on the run. I love Babybel cheese and always bring some with me to work.

    As an aside, a big huge thank you to all the nurses who bust their butt to make sure that all of us that aren't so medically-inclined stay in one piece. Y'all are pretty amazing!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    What is your daily caloric goal? What do you eat before and/or after work?
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Try a small container of nuts for your pockets? Baby Carrots? Or some dried figs or dates? You can nibble as you go thru charts or between room checks. I have an office job that requires my fingers to be constantly on the keys so my snacks are usually finger foods.
  • themintyone81
    themintyone81 Posts: 5 Member
    @flightybird‌ thank you and you're welcome!! @brianpperkins‌ before work typically oatmeal or eggs and toast and coffee... After work? When I'm trying not to binge it's usually a fairly healthy dinner.... Can you see my food log? . It's the in between that's no good.. I feel like I unintentionally am putting my body is starvation mode. @CorlissaEats‌ pocket snacks! I need to do this!!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Your diary is closed and you still haven't said what your goal is. Starvation mode as normally referred to on MFP just doesn't exist.
  • themintyone81
    themintyone81 Posts: 5 Member
    @brianpperkins‌ my goal is 2030 a day... And starvation mode doesn't exist? Since when? How do you mean?
  • karen_fitzgibbon
    karen_fitzgibbon Posts: 736 Member
    I also work similar to a nurse, in a carer in a highneeds aged care residential facility. Breaks although required by law are difficult to get - especially when it's the choice between helping the patient go to the loo so they don't poo their pants (which I'll have to clean up later) or having a cup of tea....
    I keep a handful of nuts in my pouch along with the 75 million other things I carry lol...
    Keep a stash of protein bars and nuts etc in a cupboard at the nurses station or your document room.
    Good luck!!!!

    Ps you nurses are awesome!!!!!
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Since always. Eating too little doesn't result in the body holding onto anything ... it results in the body suffering from malnutrition and robbing bone, muscle, and other organs for the nutrients it needs to keep more vital systems running. If starvation mode in the way it is usually describe on MFP actually existed then those with eating disorders, stuck in POW camps, or actually starving in sub-Saharan Africa would undergo a much different experience.

    A goal of 2030 ... grossing somewhere in the 1200ish range if the 800 calorie shortfall is accurate. Troublesome, but rectifiable with the advice already given. Snacks are your friend. Calorie dense meals before and/or after work are your friend. Pre-planning is your friend.

  • mparker3kids
    Keep a few Kind Plus bars with you - they are made from all-natural whole nuts, fruits and whole grains (non-GMO, gluten free). I order them from Amazon for about $1 a bar. They have a pretty good website that lists the different kinds of bars and the ingredients.

    I totally agree. I have a gluten intolerance so I noticed these bars. I eat one mid-morning. They're 200 calories and I LOVE them. They're the highlight of my food intake!