Food I can store at work?

Hi all I'm looking for some food I can keep at work in my desk that I can munch on during the day because I generally forget to grab something in the morning or if I do it's something small for lunch. I know I should be eating small quantities of food throughout the day so what are some healthy foods I can just store in a bag in my desk to munch on?


  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    I make up snack back with various nuts on the weekends and keep those. You could get individual servings of jerky, nuts, crackers, granola bars, or you could take fruit that doesn't need to be refrigerated. I also take single servings of cheese, and yogurt and keep in the fridge at work.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    my wife keep keeps a bag of flax seeds that she nibbles through the day.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Nuts, seeds, dried fruit, granola, Fiber One bars. An apple should last long enough for you to eat it.

    I assumed you were looking for things other than Ho-Hos and candy bars, lol.
  • flightybird
    flightybird Posts: 32 Member
    If you have a Sam's Club membership, they have something called Anytime Bites in the snacky-stuff section (near the nuts). They may sell them elsewhere, but I buy mine there. They are little bite-sized snacks made with fruit, seeds, and nuts. 140 calories for 3, but they are really filling and delicious. Seeds and nuts on their own are also a great thing to have around, but it's important to keep in mind the serving sizes of nuts, because they are pretty calorie-dense (though, for good reason!)

    Also, if you have a fridge in your office, it's nice to keep yogurt on-hand, fruits, and string cheese. I also keep gum at my desk because I've found that a lot of times, I'm feeling snacky because I'm bored and want to do something else, rather than really being hungry. I keep a water bottle at my desk all day every day and keep hydrated. I usually do an apple & string cheese for my AM snack and then Anytime Bites or yogurt for my PM snack.

    For lunches, I typically make a batch of the Cinnamon Pistachio Chicken Salad from Skinnytaste on Sunday and bring some each workday (stored in the fridge, of course.) I also have "emergency desk soup" in my drawer just in case I forget. I get the low sodium soups with the pull-tab that you don't need to add water to and eat them at my desk if I've forgotten my usual lunch.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    Cream of wheat
    Granola Bars
    Protein Bars
    Protein Powder
    100 cal snack packs
    Barilla pasta meals (they are actually really good)
    Can soups
    Dried fruit