Small But Super Helpful Habits



  • amoynoodle
    amoynoodle Posts: 46 Member
    schafmom wrote: »
    Along with weighing and measuring everything, I also slowed down when I eat. I could whip through a meal in record time. I find that when I eat slower I consume a lot less. Made a huge difference for me.

    This!! I actually use chopsticks to eat most of my meals,even big tuna salads or whatever. It makes it soooo much better for me.... it takes a lot longer to eat, so feels like youve had more, and it also gives your stomach enough time to actually feel full before youre finished.
  • aSaltandBattery
    aSaltandBattery Posts: 82 Member
    Undertwo wrote: »
    I've taken to doing twelve bodyweight squats each time I use the bathroom at home. Two weeks ago I could barely keep my balance with arms extended now I do deep squats with arms folded against my chest.

    Small steps in a greater journey toward fitness.

    I do this too! Since I have a desk job and I'm self conscious about doing it in my area when I go to the bathroom I will take the time to do squats and since it's a one person bathroom I'll do jumping jacks or something too :) It all adds up!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I switched from regular Coke to Coke Zero, full-fat cheese to half-fat and I get lower-calorie snacks for days when I know I'm going to be mostly inactive. Just weighing everything makes such a difference! Since joining MFP, I realised that when I used to have pasta, I was having a ridiculously massive portion every time, but now I eat a smaller portion that fits into my daily calories. I'm still struggling to increase my water intake but having Zero instead of normal Coke saves me essentially wasting 500 or so calories a day (I know I have a bottle of Coke logged for lunch today but it's a once in a blue moon treat, lol.)
  • All1971
    All1971 Posts: 89 Member
    I cut up fruits and veggies as soon as I get home from the grocery store. Having precut fruits and veggies displayed in clear Tupperware at eye level in my fridge makes it so much easier and more likely that I make a smart choice when I'm hungry.
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    edited October 2014
    Log everything without judgement. Review the logs. Move to being plant ( fruit and vegetable forward), in other words, eat as many fresh vegetables and fresh fruits as possible. This means even if it is a doughnut, cookies, burgers, or candy this Friday, the first course should be fresh fruit and/or vegetables! Everything else, everything else is a condiment!
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member

    I don't recommend eating apples everyday as they are very high in sugars. They are actually a 'useless' fruit nutrition wise. They are reportedly more efficient at waking you up in the morning than a cup of coffee.

    Apples have both fiber and pectic that help you feel fuller. There are worse foods oust there.

    For me, paying attention to portion size is key. We generally eat dinner from salad plates (which are still fairly large) just so there is not as much white space around the food--it tricks your mind to think the portion is larger. Also, I make sure that vegetables are at least half of the plate, protein 2/3 of what remains, and the remaining bit for rice/potatoes/pasta.

    At restaurants, if I'm not specifically eating something that is low calorie, I will ask for a to-go box right away and split my portion so that I don't over-indulge.
  • Flookbird
    Flookbird Posts: 81 Member
    Since I got my fitbit I'm moving a lot more when I'm chilling out at home. Right now I'm on holiday from work so wrapped in a blanket watching TV and messing around on my iPad. Every time the adverts come on I get up and jog on the spot, do some star jumps or some dancing etc. I can get an extra couple of thousand steps in during an hour of watching TV.
  • draco25000
    draco25000 Posts: 28 Member
    Recording what I eat and trying to be as accurate as I can - not "oh but I think this meal is 500 calories"
    Walking at least 10,000 steps a day because every little helps :smiley:
    Realising that I don't have to give up chocolate, sweets, and things I like - I just need to make sure I save up calories for treats every now and again
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    If I get hunger pangs between meals and snacks I ask myself I bored? I stressed? I tired? or just plain thirsty.

    Rather than reach for something to eat I usually try to address the emotion with an activity or sleep when I'm tired.

    I've actually caught myself staying up into the wee hours of the morning, watching some stupid telly show and mindlessly munching. Now I just go to bed. :)
  • xhecate
    xhecate Posts: 17
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Pre-log every morning.

  • d6melanie
    d6melanie Posts: 84 Member
    This helps me: I choose not to snack.
    *I plan 3 filling meals a day (You have to be conscientious about not underfeeding yourself.)
    *Drink water and tea throughout the day
    *Become comfortable feeling a bit hungry about an hour before a meal

    I find living like this I lose weight consistently and don't focus on eating/dieting/calories all day long.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    mgcarrillo wrote: »
    GothyFaery wrote: »
    Went from whole fat milk to fat free

    Funny, I went from skim to whole fat milk :pensive:

    Having supplies of nuts and coconut chips - they are a very easy form of a snack and very satisfying.
    Getting some tools for work, I have some salt-free seasoning, a microwave steamer tray, and knife, and now a food scale. This way i can just bring some fresh produce and keep in work fridge and prepare on the spot. Everything tastes better fresh :)

    I have a weird thing with milk, where if I drink low fat or skim, my brain thinks of it as a "drink" (i.e., not a big deal) and I consume more without even thinking about it, whereas whole milk registers to me as a "food" and I'm careful about only drinking a reasonable amount. But that may be just my personal oddness.

    I also switched from 1% milk to whole ... it has more fat so it keeps me full far longer, and I do have to cut other fats to meet my macros, but it's worth it for the 8 ounces I drink a day.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Something I heard Dr Deepak Chopra advise ... Deepak encourages everyone to put their hand over their stomach. He said people should gauge where they are right now. If you’re totally famished, you’re a 1. If you’re totally stuffed like after Thanksgiving dinner, that’s a 10. Deepak said people should only eat when they’re a 2 or 3 and stop when they’re a 5 or 6. Practice body awareness. Don’t fill up your stomach, leave about one third for digestion.
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    teaching myself how to cook more varieties of foods, so that I don't eat too many pre-packaged, chemically ridden foods.

    packing a lunch of healthy 'left-overs' instead of eating frozen dinners.

    Learning difference between satisfied vs. full and knowing when to stop eating

  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    keeping healthy treats in the house for when cravings get out of hand. example: fruit, 85% dark chocolate, nuts. (but knowing what is considered appropriate portion size and not reaching for more).
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    edited October 2014
    if it's reasonable to walk there and still be on time, do it. you can burn an extra hundred calories daily just by adding up 20 minutes' worth of reasons to walk.
  • flightybird
    flightybird Posts: 32 Member
    Being prepared has been the BIGGEST help for me. My motto is "failing to prepare is preparing to fail." I portion out snacks on my days off to prepare me for my work week (no excuses of "well, I was running late!") I also no longer keep foods in the house that I know I'm bound to binge on. I keep those FAR away (if I'm going to indulge on something, like decadent ice cream, I will get enough for ONE serving - like going to Braum's or something, rather than getting a whole container to keep around the house.) Also, I drink TONS of water. I've realized over time that a lot of times I felt "hungry" I was really just thirsty!
  • eatsleepmeow
    eatsleepmeow Posts: 1 Member
    pairs4life wrote: »
    Log everything without judgement. Review the logs. Move to being plant ( fruit and vegetable forward), in other words, eat as many fresh vegetables and fresh fruits as possible. This means even if it is a doughnut, cookies, burgers, or candy this Friday, the first course should be fresh fruit and/or vegetables! Everything else, everything else is a condiment!

    I was "trained" to do this as a kid. I still feel guilty if I don't eat my fruit/veggie first before having a snack.

  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    Always eat breakfast even if it is just a banana. Always carry healthy snacks and water with you. Easy such snacks are carrot sticks, nuts or fruit. Get a water bottle and take it with you everywhere. If you are never STARVING you will never need to fill up on unhealthy and fattening foods.

    Never take an elevator or escalator always take the stairs. Park at the outer edge of the parking lot or a block away from your destination so that you can add those extra steps in.

    Plan your meals in advance so you know how much time you have to spend at the gym to balance everything out.

    If you have a bad day or two, do NOT beat yourself up. Just get back on track as soon as possible.

    And just keep at it. Do not give up because it is slow and frustrating. Just keep on tracking, keep on working out and KEEP ON GOING!!!!
  • I started looking at food and thinking about what it would do for my body instead of what it tastes like. For example candy does nothing for the body where an apple is good fuel to keep your body going.

    Also it's been said before but do something every hour i personally like to use the bathroom on the first floor and then walk up the six flights of stairs back to my floor, it's small but anything that gets your heart pumping a little bit is good.