Small But Super Helpful Habits



  • pudd24
    pudd24 Posts: 2 Member
    drabbits3 wrote: »
    Eat as many fresh raw veggies as you can get down your throat! Every day I pack a baggie or tupperware with 3 cups of veggies--baby cucumber slices, cherry tomatoes, carrot slices, celery bites, raw green beans, raw broccoli or cauliflower. Not all of that in the same day, but a few things in the bag/container. That sits on my desk and I nibble on that throughout the day instead of the cookies/pastry/snacks that seem to appear in our teacher's lounge all day every day! Also water and unsweetened tea only--NEVER drink your calories. Also deciding what's worth spending your calories on--a poster above talked about not really liking donuts but eating them if they were "there"--stop doing that. Pick a few things you really love and would really miss and give up the rest of the crap. I LOVE cookies--love them--any and all cookies, so I give myself enough calories to have one at night with my tea. ONE, not five, ONE and really enjoy it!

    Very good advice, Thank you!
  • MaryBBMary
    MaryBBMary Posts: 3 Member
    Don't buy unhealthy food - that avoids temptation!
    Clean out your cupboards of unhealthy stuff.
    If others in your home want to eat unhealthy food, ensure they do so outside the house ( except for occasions like birthdays...then have low cal meringue /ice-cream cream cakes and plenty of people to share it...)
    If you do plan a treat - exercise BEFORE you eat it!
    Be gentle with yourself - you are a human being, you will give in to temptation occasionally. But when you do remember, it takes a lot of over-eating to put on all the weight you lost. One slip up will not make you fat, any more than one good diet day will make you thin! So, when you fall, be gentle and get back on is not the end of the world - don't let negative thoughts lead you to continue falling....
  • EmmaFitzwilliam
    EmmaFitzwilliam Posts: 482 Member
    Proceed carefully with respect to any advice which includes the words "always", "never" or "trick".

    See also, variations such as "only" and "every".
  • Lawllawllawlz917
    Lawllawllawlz917 Posts: 2 Member
    As mentioned before drink LOTS of water. Make sure you are hydrated. Drink a cup of water before each meal.

    Another thing that helps is making sure you eat slowly and enjoy your food. Give your brain some time to catch up to your stomach because if you eat too quickly right away, after being very hungry, you will still be hungry and want more. Another way to avoid hunger and overeating is making sure you keep your glucose levels are maintained through out the day. Eating healthy snacks at multiple times throughout the day will help. In addition eating proper protein portions at larger meal times will help keep you fuller longer. These small steps definitely helped me out (:
  • mumidebba
    mumidebba Posts: 7 Member
    Planning ahead (& logging ahead) keeps me on track.
    Flavoured rice cakes
    Lots of fruit & veg available as snacks
    The willpower to say no
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »

    All I can think of is the puppeteer towards the end...

  • elcollins24
    elcollins24 Posts: 42 Member
    I try to only buy treats that are pre-portioned. I never buy share size crisps or chocolate bars because personally i struggle to only eat 1 serving! I find it so much easier if the tempation to over eat isnt even there :-)
  • justforme555
    justforme555 Posts: 5 Member
    What has really helped me is figuring out if I am actually hungry. Sometimes I want to eat and I stop and think about how I really feel and if I my body is actually hungry. I never really thought it about it too much but many of the times when I stop and gauge my food needs I find I am not really hungry so I wait awhile before eating. I also started eating away from the TV and eat slowly and think about what it taste like. It really makes the food more satisfying and helps me to eat less.
  • justforme555
    justforme555 Posts: 5 Member
    What has really helped me is figuring out if I am actually hungry. Sometimes I want to eat and I stop and think about how I really feel and if I my body is actually hungry. I never really thought it about it too much but many of the times when I stop and gauge my food needs I find I am not really hungry so I wait awhile before eating. I also started eating away from the TV and eat slowly and think about what it taste like. It really makes the food more satisfying and helps me to eat less.
  • mylifestylechanges644
    no patatos/bread/pasta and rice

  • mylifestylechanges644
    Eliminating those truly helps
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I find all of those foods fit well into a healthy, balanced, calorie-appropriate diet, so that would not have been a helpful hint for me.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Cutting out bread potato pasta and rice would have made me crash and burn and fail

    Instead I eat them all, and everything else, consciously as part of a rounded healthy diet with treats and no bad foods and I've lost more than my original goal and been in maintenance since February
  • GreenValli
    GreenValli Posts: 1,054 Member
    What a great collection of helpful tips! I love them! I have not read all the pages yet, so I hope my helpful tips are not all redundant.

    I have a system to get all 8 glasses of water easily every day. I use 2 large plastic cups I saved from convenience store when I bought fountain drinks that are each 32 oz cups. I fill them both up with filtered water from my Britta filter pitcher each morning. I leave one out on the counter to drink from first and put the second in the refrigerator. I have a cup of coffee with breakfast but after that I will not drink anything else until those cups are empty. They do fit in the cup holders in my car and I take them with me when I go out. It has gotten so easy to finish the water when the cup is right there where you can see it.

    Secondly, there are very few things I love that I have eliminated completely. Tracking really has helped a lot with this. I do stay very tight to my calorie allowance, weigh food, and log everything, but I will still eat things I like ice cream, have an occasional beer, dessert, or even potato chips..... however, I do eat a smaller portion when I do. I measure out 1/3 cup of ice cream, always eat half a restaurant meal and take the rest for the next day, refrain from drinking a second beer, share a cookie with my grandson. If I want more than 1/3 cup of ice cream, I tell myself, I can have it tomorrow if I want it then. Sometimes I actually say that out loud. For some reason that helps.

    Yes, eat a lot of vegetables! I view a few of MFP member's diaries and notice that many of them do not eat vegetables at all. They are so good for you and low calorie. Try some new ones and you will probably find you like some you have never tried before.

  • sarah2801
    sarah2801 Posts: 1 Member
    RaceB wrote: »
    Flavored seltzer water. Lime or lemon (obviously no sugar or fake sugar added). Zero calories... you quickly get used to it, and it's a lot better than plain old water. A 12 pack is about $4 bucks.

    I mention it specifically because you said you were a bit of a sodahead. I've seen this as a successful switch for a few different people (including me) and a soda-centric family of it does work!

    I find I can do soda water with lemon or lime slices and im usually happy I just have to make it. Sometimes I'm really looking for the cold caffeine hit of a Pepsi max or diet coke. But I really need to cut back on the bubbles
  • Eri0515
    Eri0515 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't leave the house without some type of healthy snack pre-portioned out. My favorites are string cheese, grapes or apples, greek yogurt, and nuts.

    It makes eating right a lot easier when you are ready for battle.[/quote]

    What a great idea!
  • jessiebethx
    jessiebethx Posts: 2 Member
    Make a distinction between foods you WANT to eat, and foods that you eat just because they're lying around. It's amazing how many calories I saved doing that.

    I'm not a big fan of doughnuts for example. I don't mind them but I don't crave them or think they're particularly tasty. In the past when someone would bring doughnuts I would take one (or two) just because it's right there sitting on the table and I happen to be passing by. Now I rarely, if ever, eat them. The other day I forgot, took a bite, and the taste instantly reminded me that I would much rather spend my calories on something else.

    What a fantastic idea!
  • jessiebethx
    jessiebethx Posts: 2 Member
    What a fantastic idea!
  • lisa_roberts
    lisa_roberts Posts: 176 Member
    no patatos/bread/pasta and rice

    So what did you eat for meals and stuff??