sharkmomtn Member


  • I would like to join in if it's not to late - Lisa
  • Just wanted to check in and say I haven't fell off the face of the earth. :) Dropped my phone in the pond on the 20th AND my hard drive crashed last Monday. Can you say Murphy's law >:) Have finally got everything put back, installed and looking like it should look. ARGH Just completed Fire 45EZ - yeah. Boy I missed you…
  • BeLight, I once called Comcast and inquired if I could get it and they laughed - out loud - when I gave then my address!! Coach - I'm sure you will do fine on spring break. All things in moderation (with exercise) is my life mantra now. You know if you walk higher up on the beach, where the sand is not packed by the water,…
  • WooHoo - I did a workout early!!! (earlier than most days but not earlier than you all :D Week 9 done - Fire 45, check. See you all in class tomorrow
  • Fire 55 today with the karate kids.... some days they are quite annoying. (Come on Mommy - get those kicks up..... You are dogging it and I'm telling Dad when he gets home... Mommy, you are not OLD so you don't need a water PAUSE..." Lexi, I feel your pain. Someone needs to invent a real freeze ray gun - we could zap them…
  • It was really a "I don't want to gain any weight while on this trip, it takes too long to get it back off" mindset. My weight loss has been really slow and I have really worked hard for every pound I have taken off. I promise I really didn't want to work out everyday while there - but after I was in it for 5 minutes I was…
  • Hi to everyone. Back from a customer service training class in Dallas, was gone all last week, but I took Fire 30 with me and did it every night in my room. I'm sure the people below me enjoyed that. o:) Your friend is correct with T25, it is no joke - however if you modify and go at your pace it is great! There is no way…
  • Guilty as charged! (I brought an infomercial :) He doesn't yell in any of the videos we have done so far (the Alpha's) that I can remember. I've heard he yells in Insanity and I absolutely could not do that for my life. He does try to motivate you to stick with it, modify if you need to, focus - it's only 25 minutes...…
  • Fire 45EZ done and in the books!
  • Oh, I am not a beach body coach or anything like that. I just like the workout. About half way through the video is where they go into the "call now..." just shut it off or fast forward past that. The first 15 minutes is where they show some of the workouts. o:)
  • Amy - here is a youtube link that you can watch a better infomercial than what is on the beachbody site. If the link doesn't work, it's the youtube video by Jose Sanchez. I actually like the program. It's not near as dancy or have the awesome music like turbo fire, but the time…
  • You guys are up so gosh darn early! :p Just kidding - I am in central time and it looks like most of you are in eastern time - hence and hour ahead of me. Today was okay. I threw up the stupid iron pill :s Yuck!! I did Fire 30 and Core 20 today at about a 6. It's ok, I'll hit it harder tomorrow. See you all in class. B)
  • I'm here - sorry I haven't posted much. I've been keeping up with my workouts, it was just a super busy week last week. We had snow and ice from Monday late afternoon on which basically shut down the state. They don't handle snow and ice here in the south very well. Amy - I know what you mean about the cold. I do not miss…
  • It is so much better with a support group! Lexi, I think the same way. If Amy can do it with her ankle than I have no excuses!! It has been great hanging out with you all - even though I haven't posted much. I'm going to do better about that. :smile: I am on week 19 and did Fire 45 today. I have officially found out why I…
  • Fire 45 today - done and in the books! Today is bitter cold here - but nothing like you have Amy. The kids are still enjoying the snow. We are suppose to get rain on Friday and 47 so the snow should be gone...
  • The weather in TN is like that of SC - if you don't like it wait and it will change :smile: We had snow and ice late Sunday evening and all day Monday. That kind of weather coupled with southerners who have no idea how to drive in it is a recipe for disaster! All the schools are closed today and will most likely be closed…
  • Finally able to get back at it after food poisoning. I just added last week onto this week - so I'll just be one week behind you guys. Today I did Fire 30 and Tone 30. My DH bought Focus T25 so I am kind of doing that with him in the mornings. :wink: My legs feel like rubber.... but so glad to be back. - I'm not sure I…
  • calebandevansmom and Lexi- that is funny... I know not to you :D Kids are something else! Just think of the great memories they will have and the stories they will tell their kids about their mom exercising. I am going to set a goal to do 3 early morning workouts this coming week and see how it goes. I really like the idea…
  • Yes, no frosting on twinkies... before my Aunt brought them it had been 20 years since I had one. WOW, I am old! :o Just kidding. Coach have a great time - indulge just don't OVER indulge. I will have to check out the TF60 and see if I like it better, thank you for that suggestion. I posted on the other check in that I may…
  • Howdy everyone. I attempted Fire 55 this morning and didn't do so hot. I am going to give it another go round later this evening. I think I am going to start working out at night when I have more energy. I really like the idea of getting up early and getting my workout out of the way, it just seems like I don't have the…
  • Amy and jms are correct. You are doing fabulous! It takes time. I am 5'1" and I am at 169 lbs. I was dropping about 1lb a week but had a visit from Tom last Friday and my scale has not budged and I am going into week 6 of Turbo Fire. grrrrr But when I measured I am down in various places by 3/4 inches!! The scale is not…
  • Fire 55EZ done and in the books. Wow, by the end of that my legs feel like rubber and I can barely lift them to do the kicks. It will get easier, I know. :p
  • Hi Amy, the Bodymedia is absolutely accurate. I have the UP24 and I have worn it with a body media link at the same time. They are within 10-15 steps of each other and within 15-25 calories burned of each other. Some days the UP24 was lower and other days it was higher, just for comparison. I loved my Bodymedia link and…
  • jms14letgo - you can do this! Not sure if this helps but when I get the insane craving for chips I bake a bunch of Kale with olive oil sprayed on it and sea salt. Just like chips, satisfies the crunchy/salt fix and I don't totally mess myself up with calories and carbs. Just don't try to dip them - doesn't work out to…
  • HIIT 20 done and a 45 minute walk/run. I'm looking forward to a slow rest day tomorrow. :) Have a great rest of the weekend
  • Hope everyone's day is going well. Finished Fire 45 and I must say - wow, legs on fire!! Andrea, you are an awesome teacher, you are being rewarded for that and perhaps your principal is a bit envious? I know it sounds silly - but you never know what sets other people's envy off. :\ When I was teaching I was the youngest…
  • Good to see you Coach - I'm checking in late as well. I did the Core 20 this morning and then did a 30 minute walk/run this evening to help up my calorie burn. I am looking forward to 55EZ too. I'm not sure which one I like better - Fire 45EZ or Fire 55EZ. :smile: It really feels good to be moving consistently.
  • I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's workout as well. I may have to add a late evening walk to amp it up a bit.
  • No 3 day weekend for me either :'( But I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in class on Monday. :smiley:
  • You all are so encouraging!! I enjoy checking in and seeing what everyone is up to. Amy - I think I'm going to add in something else when we do the HIIT workouts as well, I don't jump either and I'm with you, I don't feel like I've worked hard enough and the burn isn't where I want it. I have Turbo Jam, I think I will use…