Six weeks ago I was working overtime and I took a look at the company snack store. There were candy bars of every type, chips, cookies, muffins, sugary candies, and so much more. I had been trying to get back into eating healthy after the holidays. This place looked like heaven. I was so close to diving in, until I…
When I was 380 I started hitting the treadmill hard. By 330, my feet were in so much pain I could barely walk. I'm at 265 now, and my feet are no better. I swim now. Anyway, if you do decide to do something, make sure you take into account the kind of stresses you'll be putting on your body.
I went to catholic school as a kid forever ago. It was good except for all that wasted time teaching religion in a noncritical way. It's bizarre that we teach our kids this backwards way of thinking. For lent, I am giving up lent.
I have found that setting very specific low level goals work against me. I focus on just that little goal and ignore other aspects. This time, I set a broad life goal and have done well so far. I'm losing weight, exercising, buying a house, and applying for an MBA. I'm focused on the big picture and letting the plan stem…
Animals are delicious.
Drug side effects are a real thing. Pump yourself full of prednisone for a few years and see how your diet is working out for you. It's a great way to see just how much control you really have over your eating...
Thanks. Saying I'm unhappy is a confession because I don't feel like I have a reason to be? Things aren't that difficult, I just just feel like something's missing. I don't understand where people find joy. I decided to buy a house, and put an offer in today for a great one. I'm not excited at all about it, and I don't…
This New England Journal of Medicine article seems to dispute the slow weight loss mantra, at least for the obese.
Is there science behind it or just opinion?
Where'd you get these numbers?
I was down 30 pounds this month. Yay new year's resolutions! Homer: Do you want the job done right or do you want it done fast? Marge: Well, like all Americans... fast!
I'm unhappy. I determined that if I'm busy, I don't notice. I started working 75+ hours a week so I'm always busy and don't have time to think about anything. I don't know where the last 6 years went. They are a blur, and I'm still unhappy.
1.5 ounce pack of nuts and a banana
I weigh every morning and put the value into excel. I have it plotted with a trendline so I can see the overall progress and see the noise. It makes "plateaus" easier to ignore.
First 3 days are always the worst, and it gets gradually better after that.
mmmmmm....dooooooonuuuuuuuuts -homer
- seems to be a decent resource if you actually care about the science, and not the BS spewed by random internet people.
No, but it displays its sources, and many of those are peer reviewed. There are several references to Yale papers, along with others.
Pretty sure I trust Yale and the scientists doing the studies over your meaningless reply.
Food addiction is a real thing... It feels good to eat sugar, fats, and salt because your brain will release dopamine in response to it...just like with cocaine and heroin. I try to stay away from foods that will trigger a high response by the brain.
Bagged lunch! Don't go out to eat everyday, even if your coworkers do. It's hard on the pocketbook and waistline :P Exercise before or after work - or possibly during lunch, if you're able. Come up with a consistent plan.
I work 70 hours a week, and spend an hour and a half at the gym (including transit time) everyday. It leaves me with very little time to be bored. The rest of my time is spent completing tasks on my todo list. If you're bored, you need to find more stuff to do.
It's just a noisy data point. Put your data into excel and add a trendline. It'll give you a much better understanding of where your weight is headed with the noise removed. The more data points the better.
Food filled with sugar, fat, and salt!
Some foods are actually addictive. A study showed oreos to be more addictive than cocaine in rats. I know this happens to me, and once I've gone through withdrawal cutting these foods out, it will do me more harm than good giving myself a "cheat" meal.
Yeah, I guess the internet is wrong. Whodathunkit? I think the more it resembles a raw ingredient the better. Banana versus a Dorito?
"Breakfast cereals and commercial orange juice can be considered processed foods. The definition of what constitutes a processed food can vary slightly, but it usually refers to foods that are packaged in boxes, cans or bags." I stole that from the internet.