Thanks for this and I agree. I think I was just looking for validation that it's ok to move on. Typically when I start a program I really try to finish but this one just isn't a fit for me. That's ok!
Dumb question. I’ve requested to join the group( maybe a week or so ago) but I can’t seem to get to the page. If I follow the link it just says to join but there’s no other links on the page. Maybe I’m doing something wrong or it wasn’t approved?
I’m actually a little surprised at how many here say they do wear underwear. I thought it was the norm to go without. I guess the makes me a free spirit
This is true. I made my abs and a really thick protective coating for my abs all in the kitchen.
Nope! Not for me. I wear Lucy leggings and no underwear. Seems to me like wearing anything under your leggings would be really uncomfortable...
I don't see any difference in wearing waist trainers than wearing Spanx. It's a marketing gimmick. However, I couldn't see myself downing an entire pizza while wearing a corset so maybe there's something to it! J/k
My motto is the best way to keep your drawers in place during a workout is to leave them in the drawer.
Not trying be argumentative, actual question. If you're not gaining muscle then why do your legs get bigger (assuming you're not putting on fat)? I'm not talking about strength gains. I get increased strength does not equate to muscle gains and I get fat loss makes muscles appear bigger and more defined. I'm talking…
I gain muscle pretty easily on my lower body and I am female. I don't think this is all that abnormal.
I have the same problem some days and the the next day it's fine. I don't understand why it comes and goes.
Lots of good suggestions here. You might try to get an activity tracker (Fitbit, Garman, jawbone etc...) and focus on increasing your daily step average. It's a good way to make sure you are increasing your overall activity level. Small changes like parking a little farther away or going for a short walk after dinner can…
Are you talking about oil pulling? I read an article a while back that says you get most of the benefits in the first 3-5 minutes. I don't buy into all the claims however I've been doing this for a while (using the 3-5 min). Teeth are definitely whiter and I no longer have morning breathe (at all)! I still brush and floss,…
I just posted this in the "how many times a day do you weigh yourself thred"...I weigh myself twice a day, once in the morning and then again before I go to bed. I found that weighing myself in the evening made me much more conscience about the pre bedtime snacks. Just the thought of facing the scale right before bed makes…
Twice a day. I have noticed the better I am eating the less my weight fluctuates throughout the day. Also knowing I have to face the scale before I go to bed makes me much more conscience of what I eat at dinner and prevents me eating myself into a coma at dinner.
Do it!! I always have some goal pants or dress that I love at home to try on every once in a while. Trying it on once a week or so helps keep me motivated and finally fitting into something is such a good feeling. An even better feeling is when what was once a goal piece is now too big!
Congratulations on the progress! Don't let the size discourage you. It will happen. I can't speak for the OP but I feel like a lot of weight loss journeys begin when your clothes are getting too tight. This was definitely the case with me! I refused to buy a bigger size! The size I was wearing was a little too tight and my…
I had it for about a year and recently it seems to be fading away. The only thing that really helped me was a good deep tissue massage. By good I mean quite painful! That would ease the pain for a few weeks so I started getting more regular massages. Fingers crossed but the last month or so it's almost non existent.
I swear by Lucy perfect core leggings. They're pricey but they have 30% off days fairly often and they last for a long time. I used to wear Gap and then lululemon but they would always slide down. I tried Nike and Under Armor but none have compared to Lucy.
I have had the original UP, the UP24 and now I've had my UP3 for about 3 weeks. I was very happy with my previous bands but not impressed at all by the UP3. The clasp comes loose way too easy. When I try to put it in sleep mode I can tap away and nothing happens but several times I have brushed up against something and it…
I have no idea why but drinking hot water with lemon helps me go to sleep. I drink it about 30 minutes before I go to bed and I'm out like a light. I have seen no article saying this is a benefit but it seems to make a big difference with me.
Boobs are the first to go on me :'( Just a heads up to the ladies wanting to lose theirs, for me weight loss is different with the boobs. It's more like balloons deflating than "firming and toning"!!!
I'm assuming with lower carbs you're eating more fat? When I increase my fat intake my face ways breaks out. Your body will probably adjust. If you're working out make sure you wash your face right after or use some of those cleansing wipes. If all else fails, pure tea tree oil does wonders. It's harsh on your skin so I…
I weigh myself twice a day. When I do I stay on track, when I don't I gain weight. If my diet is consistent and I'm working out my weight doesn't fluctuate much all. Large fluctuations from morning to night generally mean something is off, big meal, too much sodium, dehydrated etc...and I can correct sooner than later. It…
I worked out with a trainer for 3 years. I was in the best shape of my life, strongest I have ever been and smallest I have ever been. I don't think you need to workout with a trainer forever but the longer you are with them the more you'll learn. Learning good form is huge and 6 sessions should be plenty of time to get…
I agree with hiring a trainer. For me correct form was very unnatural in the beginning and having someone there to correct me was huge. Do your research and find someone that has educated themselves, is certified and has been successfully training for a while. I also read and recommend the New Rules of Lifting for Women.…