

  • You need to talk to your doctor about your prescription medications, not ask people on the internet. Seriously, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!
  • That's a good reminder! When I first started with MFP I pulled 8 (1/2 liter) water bottles out first thing in the morning. This helped me keep track of my water intake. Been slacking lately and I know I haven't had as much water... time to start again. Thanks for the post!
  • I would say if it makes your workout time more pleasant, then you will be more apt to stay with it. So... yes, it does have a benefit... sounds great too :-)
  • I know what you mean... my weight has stalled for the last 3 weeks. Very deflating, but on the other hand if you are continuing to work out and eat right it HAS TO BE doing good things for you. For me, I can do 4 times the reps in weight training than when I started 5 weeks ago, same with cardio. Even if there is no weight…
  • Another thought.... check with your city or county parks department. Many have low to no cost facilities. Worth a look!
  • I have the same problem here in Afghanistan or home in Arizona lol You are doing the right thing, early morning is the very best time. Remember, it will only be hot for a while longer and will cool down all fall. Even here or AZ in the winter you will need a coat as far as that goes. Hang in there, my body also complains…
  • There is a VAST difference in maturity level between a 20yo and a 30yo.
  • Keep going! I'm thankful that you brought this forward, we all have good days and bad, and some weeks are better than others. This reminds me that we all will go through this. I asked one of the muscle bound knuckle dragging gorillas that I work with about this and he suggested that your body may be used to whatever your…
  • This isn't the third grade. Good idea, tell her to go confront someone you don't know anything about. Sorry but this is (I will be nicer than usual here) not wise at all. Wisdom says this is the leasing agent's responsibility... enforcing the terms of the lease, let them deal with it. They don't even have to know who…
  • Go to the leasing agent. If they can't get it to stop you will have to call your city Animal Control... there are ordinances about this
  • Garlic butter? OOooooohhhh.... That is so cruel :bigsmile:
  • I agree you are doing the right thing for the right reasons, good for you! Your boyfriend is clearly insecure. Very difficult for an insecure person to change, hope you realize that. In the end, you are making your choices for YOU! If he doesn't like your decision to be healthy, perhaps your life would be healthier without…
  • Shrimp trucks! Oh yum! You'll find them on the east and north sides... fresh grilled shrimp and fish... oh so good. If you can afford it go fishing on one of the charter boats. We caught mahi mahi and had a blast. Much to see, other than shopping, eating and drinking not much in Waikiki... drive around, lots to see. Avoid…
  • Well, parents... the mature responsible adults that we all know they are, have the unfathomable ability to influence their children to a higher degree than mass marketing... if they actually care to. I don't know where you're going with this... so you are blaming marketing for the obese masses? THAT"S IT!!! TAX…
  • Goodnight!?! It's 1pm here :-)
  • Honestly, I agree with you and couldn't care less about junk food or the companies that make it. But the people, you cannot change behavior by simply punishing (tax). We grow a good bit of our own food at home in raised garden beds. It is cheap, very good for us and gives a sense of accomplishment and wonder watching it…
  • Well, the subject of the OP was starting a new tax, which is political... no two ways about it. We have all played nice here so far and kind of danced around it. hehe I will not continue to digress down this path though, I have made my point. There is a bit of irony in all of this that brings a smirk to my face.... the…
  • Really? Ppffhhhht! Definition of FREEDOM the quality or state of being free: as a : the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action b : liberation from slavery or restraint or from the power of another : independence there is more of course but the point stands
  • Okay.... but that ain't America, baby! Land of the free.......
  • You are completely wrong my friend, this does take away freedom (though that wasn't my original point) from all of us. Just another ***** in our personal freedom's armor. EDIT NOTE: HAHA, like the ***** in my second sentence, ***** is c h i n k. So much for freedom of speech! What is distressing is that you don't see it.…
  • Agree about the taxes but idea of price control is exactly the same thing... comrade.
  • QUOTE In a time where junk foods, junk cereals, processed crap, etc is pushed and marketed to the height it is - people are not going to be personally responsible. UNQUOTE Yes, people are too stupid to do the right thing for themselves. Luckily, we have the smart people like you and our government who know better and will…
  • Walking IS enough for you, just more than 2 miles per week at 2miles per hour. Should be more like 5x per week, for an hour and at a pace that elevates your heart rate. Get a HRM and learn about what aerobic exercise actually is. Or just walk as fast as you can for a half hour. Your little doddles with your friend aren't…
  • You gave a bored security guard something to do... highlight of his week probably. You did give him too much/ too detailed information, which confused him and in turn, aggravated you and the situation. Realize that you played a part in this, and handle things differently next time. Did it to yourself, and yes, you are…
  • Okay, now you are a bit wiser. Sometimes I have to feel the pain of a mistake a few times before my feeble mind gets a clue! :bigsmile: Sounds like you were pressed for time based on your food choices, this may be what gets you to start planning your strategy. No war was ever won without a strategy, and make no mistake,…
  • The only way to KNOW is to get your metabolism tested. My wife got her tests done and found that she had a very slow metabolism... like 1200 calories with no workout. Really. My recommended intake on MFP produced dismal results till I cut my calories more. Others will argue all of this of course, but remember... this is a…
  • For those who have a primary goal of body fat reduction, exercising in the morning in a fasted state has been shown to result in the greatest amount of fat utilization.Glucose levels are usually the lowest in the morning, which means insulin levels are low, so fat utilization is higher. For those who exercise first-thing…
  • I have looked into this also, not knowing if it was fact or myth. Bottom line is it doesn't matter if you have 2 meals or 27 per day as far as metabolism is concerned. In fact it takes over 36 hours fasting to start to slow the metabolism. I have learned that it is very important to watch exactly what you eat after…