
Ok. So. I stopped taking Abilify. Kinda not on purpose. But now I'm having withdrawals. I don't want to start taking it again, though. How long do withdrawals typically last? Any ideas? I'm kinda dying over here.


  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I wasn't sure what abilify was so I googled it...medication prescribed to treat schizophrenia, autism, bipolar disorder... And well if it's for any of those. I would say keep on taking it... But if google was wrong. Try Getting out away from the house. Shopping anyone? go for a car ride or go out to a movie with Friends, go a hobby you enjoy>?
    i found I had withdrawal symptoms for up to a month afterward. But as the time slowly went on. The wanting slowly got less and less and farther between
  • InaWarZone
    You need to talk to your doctor about your prescription medications, not ask people on the internet.

    Seriously, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    why would you stop taking it, if it was prescribed? sounds dangerous...
  • jonbobfrog
    You need to talk to your doctor about your prescription medications, not ask people on the internet.

    Seriously, TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR!!!

    I said I didn't stop taking it on purpose, people . . . I get free samples from my doctor because it costs $400 a month and clearly I cannot afford that. But when I was almost ready to run out of samples, I called the doctor and he said he'd get more and call me when he did. Well, he never called me and when I tried to call him . . . well, psychiatrists are notoriously hard to get ahold of, sooooooo I figured I was already off, why not stay off?

    I have an appointment with him on Monday, thankyouverymuch and have done numerous internet searches. But I believe that when you're looking for information on something, you use all resources possible. My doctor on Monday is obviously my best resource, but since he's not available until Monday, I'm using other resources in the meantime.