Mary_Anastasia Member


  • Phentermine did nothing for me, it made me tired if anything. No heart palps, no dry mouth, no increased HR, even if I took it on an empty stomach instead of dinner it did nothing and I slept like a baby. I weighed 259, was prescribed the 37.5 and took it for one month. ETA maybe worth noting in addition that Metformin…
  • Hashimotos disease here, I was diagnosed 12 years ago when I was 19. I successfully lost 56lbs in my 20s through diet and exercise- I ate a ton of soy and was on armour. Now I've lost 42lbs much more slowly, but only through dieting, haven't been to a gym yet- honestly, I think your happiness and quality of life has the…
  • I'm going to guess: 1) most people don't count calories correctly, making weight loss slower for many people who are calorie counters. 2) most people who lose quickly on low-carb probably gained their weight due to a high-carb lifestyle (ie, most of their calories were those carbs) Just guesses, though. CICO is it, and it…
  • My family is similar, and I live with them. It's not quite the same, but it's similar: they DO want me to lose weight, because I AM overweight. But then they bring me home spring rolls, chocolates, pastries, tacos, etc about 6x a week. Yes, they are overweight themselves, and I've lost 42lbs so far, but it hasn't inspired…
  • I don't eat many processed foods- vegetarian "meat" and canned soup is about it (I only buy low-sodium brothy soups). Most of my sodium comes from using salt and eating pickled/brined vegetables. Surprisingly, when I DO eat out, the sodium in what I order is usually far less than what I make at home! :/ My sodium is…
  • Good for you for making every step count and showing your pride in yourself and your community. Not a supporter of that March, but I love to see anybody represent what they believe in ✊
  • Sauerkraut with veggie hotdog, steamy vegetable soup, eggs whipped with almond milk, and 150calorie cheese and tomato sandwich (2x 40 calorie bread, 1 slice cheese, 2 slice tomato, calorie free mayo, seasoning salt)
  • Hey, my doctor told me at the end of September, when I had lost 30lbs: "You are doing great, you've lost almost 15% of your body weight, that's amazing. With the holidays coming up, I want you to not worry about losing, just focus on not gaining- and you'll be golden if you just do that." Now I've lost 41.5 lbs, and not…
  • I hear ya. I used to be able to eat 5,000 calories a day. A 3,000 calorie meal. And still be hungry. I've literally still felt hungry even after drinking a half gallon of water during my meal (so I would feel full); In the past I've eaten so much my stomach distended and my chest hurt, but I still felt hungry. Once I mused…
  • MY BMs don't make a difference! Neither does weighing before or after taking a shower. But I do tend to wear about 2lbs of clothes I've found :P It's water weight! This week I lost 4lbs in water weight. I lost 3lbs of water weight last week. This is awesome because I HAD gained 7lbs of water weight the week before that. So…
  • I know you're very busy, but maybe you could find a nearby Medically Oriented Gym with fitness experts who have a medical interest and who will be able to advise you, alongside your doctor. Losing weight, heart rate, all that paired with a medical concern is very important to monitor correctly. I'm sure they would sit down…
  • Exercise makes me lose my appetite. Kills any sex drive. Makes me sort of downtrodden and quiet. My ex was the opposite. After a workout together or during hiking trips, I'd go from excitable, bouncy and sassy to crankily mute and sick feeling. He'd go from tired and unamused to hungry, turned on, and talkative.
  • WORST: expired Russian chocolates from my ex. He knew I was trying to lose weight, that I don't really like chocolate, and that I'd asked him previously to stop giving me cheap gross chocolate. Plus they were expired. In high school my dad gave me a student bible, with anecdotes and lots of discussing relatable situations…
  • Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the moon, maybe my heart grew 3 sizes with the holidays :/ I hadn't had particularly high sodium when this happened. Nor any alcohol. No parties, went out to eat twice during this. My hormones may be a little whacky. I like the idea of a 4-week perspective -> that's really not that long of a…
  • Okay, maybe I should rephrase my original post: Has anyone had a 3-7lb gain in just a few days, which sticks around, on the SAME SCALE they always use, weighing at the SAME TIME they always weigh, under the SAME CONDITIONS they always weigh themselves? I was just bummed and looking for others' stories, geeze, people. Is…
  • I'm NOT using multiple scales, IDK why everyone seems to think so- when my scale read so differently than it usually does I checked it against a different scale, ONCE. Every single time I weigh has been once per day. On the same scale. At the same time. After bathroom. Before showering. Before eating. Unclothed. So tell me…
  • That's exactly what I do. I missed weighing a couple days but it's always under the same scale, same time of day, under exact same conditions: after bathroom, before shower, before eating.
  • Well, it's been almost a week. Monday the 4lb gain turned into a 7lb gain (on my scale, I didn't check the other scale), and it stayed that way for every day. Today it has dropped back down to a 4lb gain. I can understand a 4lb gain of water weight or transit etc, but it's been almost a week, and the weight had gone up a…
  • I do check the weight about 4 times if it looks off. The scales are always on a flat surface without anything near them, and I weight at the same time in the same place. Getting a reference weight hasn't been working, it won't read my weights, they don't weigh enough :/ And no we didn't attend the same party LOL But that's…
  • These days, I feel best at 9. I usually get 7-8. I used to feel best at 12, but then I got on proper medication. I can survive on 6 per night but it will give me a headache and nausea and heavy-skin feeling after 2 nights of that.
  • Go momma for caring about your kid's nutrition! Here's my perspective: My parents never had any kind of talk with me about nutrition or physical fitness- I was homeschooled and my "gym" time was walking the dog or playing outside. I was 180lbs and a womens size 18 by age 12. With this in mind, I would encourage you bring…
  • I can only give you my perspective: I have never had a sweet tooth, but I was on the highest end of pre-diabetes- how did this happen, my daily average is only 100! Turns out it all night-time fasting that messes up my glucose. However, I was told lowering my daily intake of carbs (even though it wasn't terrible) and…
  • You so got this. I started with 100 to lose and am down 41. My best friend started with 200+ to lose and has lost over 70! Not only CAN you do it, but you ARE doing it right NOW :D
  • Joining. I've lost 41 out of 100. I told myself "Only almost halfway there...doesn't sound THAT great ;/ " but then I remind myself- this is happening- it's not "yet to happen" it's happening NOW! Be happy THIS IS IT every moment I'm doing it! I could be doing it faster, harder, sweatier, I really could. But that wouldn't…
  • Homemade chocolate chip cookies, regular teaspoon drop size. I had 9 the night of baking and logged over 700 calories from it.
  • I've got Hashimoto's and will need to have mine removed as well- been putting it off. I had bad symptoms: feel like you're dying from the inside out, like your lungs are full of sand and ash, hallucinations, black-outs and memory loss, my heartrate would stay between 50-60 when trying to exercise (THAT makes you feel like…
  • 31 Maryland USA No kids, no husband, nuthin' like that 1 cat 62 more lbs to lose.
  • Your biggest supporter has got to be yourself :) It really comes from the inside, and everyone else is your cheerleader! My dad needed knee surgery, and my mom does (both knees for both of them) and I know I will one day too, I got OA in my hips and knees at age 29 :( so I'm with ya, it's scary, but you know what to do:…
  • If you can't have a cup of milk because of calorie or carb limits. Doesn't almond milk have more protein than water or soda? Because again, I said as a supplement in this case, as a regular old drink, not as a replacement for milk. As in "I've already had my full meal, but it was short a little protein, I need to add…
  • Actually, it's seems pretty accurate! My mom used it from 1987-1992, she said she lost weight with WW back then. I feel like we should donate it to a museum or something haha a weight loss museum