
Hi, I had my thyroid removed a few years ago. I have slow metabolism and everything else that comes with a slow thyroid especially difficult to get cut and lean. Anyone else with thyroid problems feel free to add me!!! Thanks


  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    I have hypothyroidism secondary to lithium. You can add me :)
  • KourageousKarina
    KourageousKarina Posts: 979 Member
    Hypothyroidism here too! Feel free to add me too...

    I've had mine since I was 8. It's definitely noticeable, over time, the effects of it. I sometimes wonder how different would have been without it. Lol
  • NaNa9598
    NaNa9598 Posts: 1 Member
    Just started this app. Hoping it'll help. I also have hypothyroidism and hashimotos. I want my body back
  • jleebone
    jleebone Posts: 23 Member
    Here with all of you. Have been using the app off and on for a while and am always trying to add a new friend or two! Sending requests to all of you ladies! Elimination diets seem to work really well with Hashimotos, have any of you tried? I did whole 30 as a starting point last January and it's really helped me clean up my food in general. I definitely see the difference in energy when I am eating clean but still struggle with the weekend food binges.. holidays for example. YIKES. One day at a time I guess..
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Are you on levothyroxine? What are your TSH, fT3, fT4, and rT3 values?

    Hypothyroidism has a relatively minimal impact on metabolism and only responsible for a gain of 5-10 lbs. Read up on endocrinologist Jeffrey Brown, MD and suggest this to your endo as well. He is responsible for the treatment regimen of several elite level athletes with hypothyroidism.

    There is no reason why hypothyroidism should have an impact on your health goals with the medical advancements available.
  • Grammytryingtogetfit
    I have been on levothyroxine for, well let me think......4 years now. Thinking I need to go get it checked again since I have been loosing weight, doing cardio and hopefully boosting my metabolism.....Not sure how it all works out......
  • moomin492
    moomin492 Posts: 25 Member
    Im new here but I had mine removed also and on thyroxine. I'm always so oooo hungry but I always have been even before it was removed .:(
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    moomin492 wrote: »
    Im new here but I had mine removed also and on thyroxine. I'm always so oooo hungry but I always have been even before it was removed .:(

    This was my greatest hurdle to get over and took about a year to normalize while I adjusted levothyroxine to optimal level. This is more satiety and impact several people with dramatic hormonal shifts e.g. thyroidectomy. What worked for me is munching on carrots, celery and other low calorie, high fiber foods.

    I will also state that hydration is absolutely critical. Ensure you are drinking enough and that your urine is clear - straw colored.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    no-thyroid here (removed 2yrs) ago and on levo (which i discovered i have to stay on the generic because the namebrand doesn't work for me)...doc just adjusted my level again since my TSH was creeping up, so we'll see what that does
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2016
    I've got Hashimoto's and will need to have mine removed as well- been putting it off. I had bad symptoms: feel like you're dying from the inside out, like your lungs are full of sand and ash, hallucinations, black-outs and memory loss, my heartrate would stay between 50-60 when trying to exercise (THAT makes you feel like you're about to have a heart attack), anxiety attacks, sleeping for 21-28 hours at a time, shooting body pains from walking 10 feet, fainting in the middle of walking/talking/working, I gained 21lbs in 3 weeks at one point. My doctor said I was essentially going into a coma "gradually" without meds - Synthroid exacerbated my symptoms, and I was switched to Armour, then Tirosint, then generic Levo-T, now NaturThroid.

    I have had great progress with my Hashis (and lowering my A1c), and my endocrinologist has decreased my labwork to only once a year down from 4x a year :) having a great relationship with a quality endo has made a humongous difference.