Crazy scales acting crazy?



  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    edited December 2016
    So over the past 10 days, the overall change is an increase of 4 lbs.

    Have you been tracking everything? Did you go out to eat, to a party, or have a particularly high sodium meal in the past ten days? Where are you in your cycle? Have you changed up your exercise routine? Had any alcoholic beverages in there?

    So many things effect scale weight. I find it hard to believe that you've gained 4 lbs of fat in ten days, so relax! Odds are it's mainly water and will come off. My weight has been all over the map in the past two weeks (between having a surgical procedure, getting my period, having a few drinks the other night, pizza with our neighbors last weekend, etc). I've fluctuated between 150.6 and 157.8(!). I know that things will settle down and the differences are not "real" gain. I wouldn't get worried unless and until, you are seeing sustained gain for 4 weeks or more.
  • Ploofs
    Ploofs Posts: 59 Member
    edited December 2016
    Yea. If you've increased your sodium intake, started exercising, going through your TOM then you're going to retain water.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited December 2016
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Stop weighing in on multiple scales throughout the day...stop with the scale obsession...

    Body weight isn't static...weight loss isn't a linear function...every scale is going to be calibrated a little differently...when you weigh in multiple times per day, you're also weighing any food or beverage you've ingested...

    Weigh yourself once per day at most, at roughly the same time of day, under roughly the same conditions and use one scale. Most people do this first thing in the morning after they've used the restroom and before ingesting foods and they weigh in naked.

    What you're doing is madness...

    I'm NOT using multiple scales, IDK why everyone seems to think so- when my scale read so differently than it usually does I checked it against a different scale, ONCE.

    Every single time I weigh has been once per day. On the same scale. At the same time. After bathroom. Before showering. Before eating. Unclothed.

    So tell me what madness that I'm doing exactly? Please reply.

    Your OP makes it sound very much like you are weighing in multiple times per day on different's the way you wrote your OP...people can only go by what they're reading...

    Good luck...hope it all works out for you then...
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the moon, maybe my heart grew 3 sizes with the holidays :/

    I hadn't had particularly high sodium when this happened. Nor any alcohol. No parties, went out to eat twice during this. My hormones may be a little whacky.

    I like the idea of a 4-week perspective -> that's really not that long of a time, I just hate that now I'm back to where I was over a month ago. I'll see where I am at the new year, I suppose. And maybe try to find a 5-gallon bucket to fill up and test-weigh...
  • CafeRacer808
    CafeRacer808 Posts: 2,396 Member
    If you don't already do so, I'd suggest you start using a weight trending app like Happy Scale, Libra or That way, you can focus on the long term trend of your weight loss rather than weekly fluctuations.
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the moon, maybe my heart grew 3 sizes with the holidays :/

    I hadn't had particularly high sodium when this happened. Nor any alcohol. No parties, went out to eat twice during this. My hormones may be a little whacky.

    I like the idea of a 4-week perspective -> that's really not that long of a time, I just hate that now I'm back to where I was over a month ago. I'll see where I am at the new year, I suppose. And maybe try to find a 5-gallon bucket to fill up and test-weigh...

    Do you usually weigh everyday? Can you perhaps compare data from last month to this month to try and surmise if you are just at a point in your cycle where things get wonky?

    Have you been consuming your regular amount of water in the last week or so? Have you upped your exercise? Anything that may be making you retain water is what I'm getting at.

    Also, how do you feel? Do you feel bloated or heavy? Are rings that are usually loose suddenly tight?

    I have only begun weighing daily in the last two weeks and tracking it in a trending weight app (Happy Scale). Today I am down 1.6 lbs from yesterday. It's the reverse of what you are talking about, but I'm telling you because obviously I didn't lose 1.6 lbs in one day. I was up yesterday .4 lbs from the previous day and now I'm down 1.6 lbs from yesterday. The only thing that makes sense is at some point I was retaining water. And I will say I have felt "heavy" lately and have noticed rings being tighter than usual.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Okay, maybe I should rephrase my original post:

    Has anyone had a 3-7lb gain in just a few days, which sticks around, on the SAME SCALE they always use, weighing at the SAME TIME they always weigh, under the SAME CONDITIONS they always weigh themselves?

    I was just bummed and looking for others' stories, geeze, people.

    Is that better? :expressionless:

    Yes, this is normal!!
  • Cylphin60
    Cylphin60 Posts: 863 Member
    Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the moon, maybe my heart grew 3 sizes with the holidays :/

    I hadn't had particularly high sodium when this happened. Nor any alcohol. No parties, went out to eat twice during this. My hormones may be a little whacky.

    I like the idea of a 4-week perspective -> that's really not that long of a time, I just hate that now I'm back to where I was over a month ago. I'll see where I am at the new year, I suppose. And maybe try to find a 5-gallon bucket to fill up and test-weigh...

    What about the idea of double checking your logging, leaving the scale alone for a while and just going by how your clothes fit? I have 3-5 lbs that just insist on pissing me off lol, so I recently decided that I wasn't going to let what's a small amount in the scheme of things ruin my mornings.

    I'd rather feel great at my current weight than be stressed out wondering if I'm a lb or 2 or 3 lighter...

    Just a thought. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Maybe it's hormones, maybe it's the moon, maybe my heart grew 3 sizes with the holidays :/

    I hadn't had particularly high sodium when this happened. Nor any alcohol. No parties, went out to eat twice during this. My hormones may be a little whacky.

    I like the idea of a 4-week perspective -> that's really not that long of a time, I just hate that now I'm back to where I was over a month ago. I'll see where I am at the new year, I suppose. And maybe try to find a 5-gallon bucket to fill up and test-weigh...

    Yeah, that's pretty much need to look at trends over time.
  • lady_ghost
    lady_ghost Posts: 175 Member
    Tuesday: scale reads normal, same thing it has read for 3 days, as the number has gradually, slowly gone down over the weeks.. Later that same day find myself in the other bathroom where there is another scale that syncs well with mine. That scale reads the same.
    Wednesday: skipped weighing
    Thursday: skipped weighing
    Friday: scale reads exactly 4lb gain. Cannot believe it so go to other bathrooms scale, That scale reads 5lbs heavier than my scale for a total 9lb gain. In 3 days.

    It's now Monday and my scale is still reading the 4lb-in-3-day gain :( My mother also tried the scales, and they did the same for her, saying she had an exactly 4lb gain on mine, and a 9lb gain on the other.

    Batteries are relatively new. I am relatively bummed :/ Anyone have similar scale stories?

    It's normal for weight to fluctuate. Try and cut down on sodium and drink lots of water like 1 litre a day