
A week ago tomorrow I was told I have prediabetes... it was like getting the wind knocked out of me. I didn't expect that at all... it didn't even cross my mind that I could have that. Yes I'm overweight however I've never really thought of my self as fat or that overweight. So last Wednesday night I was angry and crying... I didn't understand how this happened to me or how I let this happen to me. The next day I accepted it is what it is. I have this and now it's time to get it together and deal with it. I tried taking the medicine my doctor recommended and the only medicine they have for prediabetes. It made me so sick over the weekend. I couldn't keep any food in me. I contacted my doctor and she told me if I don't or can't take the medicine my only option is a lifestyle change... so as of right now.... it's a lifestyle change. Wish me luck because it's rough reading labels but my health is worth it.


  • jrowden0711
    jrowden0711 Posts: 136 Member
    While pre-diabetes does sound scary, just remember it could be worse. Your doctor could have told you you're a full blown diabetic. Pre-diabetes can be a wakeup call to make healthy changes to your lifestyle. Don't let this diagnosis defeat you, let it motivate you instead.
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    Good luck! My a1c was 6.4 the first time I ever tested it, it scared me to pieces! Losing weight will help so much, mines down to 5.9 now with a 40lb loss, you can do it. It's not diabetes yet, you can turn it around before it gets to that. Metformin was prescribed for me to help, and it made me gain weight, and I felt so sick in the mornings- I took it at night because of abnormal fasting glucose, my glucose is normal (100) during the day, but at night when I sleep it spikes up. But in the morning the metformin was still working while my glucose naturally lowered and my levels would drop to <60, I felt so sick. Get to where you don't need the med and you will be golden! Reading labels is so important, and sugar free and low carb options really are pretty good- look out for soups and sauces and granola and juice though, so much sugar. Good luck!
  • ashluv2sing
    ashluv2sing Posts: 42 Member
    i am also pre-diabetic. With the suggestion of a friend I've started a new lifestyle change called the Metabolism Miracle. She's had great success and is off of her metformin now. That is my goal. I lost 7 pounds the first week so I'm hoping this plan will continue to work for me.
  • galooshka28
    galooshka28 Posts: 31 Member
    I am prediabetic as well.With my last pregnancy i was diadiagnosed with gestational diabetes and after my fasting blood glucose is usually 6.9 or 7.5 I don't take any metformin and on a low carb diet. So far i had lost 4 kilos but the weight is going down slowly so hopefully it will continue to go down at the same speed.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    My Dad was diagnosed with Type 2 at 40. Diabetes destroyed his heart, and he spent the last 15 years of his life in pain, in hospital every 3 months with a heart attack, unable to even walk to the letter box and back. Couldn't sleep because as soon as he lay down the chest pains were too bad. He died last year, at 68. I think it was a relief for him, I don't know how he lasted as long as he did with the quality of life he had. I removed a garbage bag full of medications from his house - and none of them made his life any better, they just kept him alive. His doctor said to me at the hospital that he was surprised my Dad hadn't just decided one day to take all the pills and be done with it.

    4 years ago at 38 my doctor told me I was prediabetic. That I would be Type 2 by the time I was 40. I was devastated, as I had seen what it did to my Dad. I learnt about how sugar (carbs) and insulin worked. I read some great websites like and decided to go low carb. Super low carb, under 20g a day. It was tough at first, but after a few weeks it was easy, and I have now been doing it for 4 years. I will never go back. Within a few months (before I lost all the weight) my blood sugar was totally normal. All doctors visits since then have shown no signs of diabetes, and I am not on any medication. I am 43 in a couple of months and I have never been healthier. When you eat at Keto levels your body uses fat for fuel, not sugar (carbs) therefore there is no insulin spikes (how the body tries to counteract that sugar).

    On a practical level it's very easy when you get into the swing of it. My diet is not boring or difficult, and it's easy to stick to when I go out. It's something I can live with. The added bonus being I don't get that gnawing hunger I used to get when I was calorie restricting on a low fat high carb plan.

    I'd encourage you to join some keto groups, or LCHF and talk to people. There are many who have reversed pre-diabetic diagnoses just like I have. It could save your life.
  • ladipoet
    ladipoet Posts: 4,180 Member
    I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic once upon a time. Currently, I am not longer pre-diabetic due to the way of eating I choose to follow (Keto). Keto allowed me to reverse that diagnosis and I'm happy about that because my mother is Type 2 Diabetic and her mother was Type 2 Diabetic as well so Diabetes definitely seems to run in the family.
    I'd encourage you to join some keto groups, or LCHF and talk to people. There are many who have reversed pre-diabetic diagnoses just like I have. It could save your life.

    I thoroughly second this ^^^^. I also suggest you check out the following main low carber daily forum group here in MFP. It's where most of us Ketophiles tend to hang out: