85kurtz Member


  • No not really, The University of Carolina published a research paper about this. It isn't that uncommon.
  • Ahhh right I see. Perhaps that is what they meant. Thank you for the explanation.
  • I wonder how people would respond to this post if the OP had said her husband was starving himself to death because of anorexia nervosa? Probably that she should encourage him to get professional help. I believe that chronic overeating is another ED but without the sympathy attached. I am still not entirely convinced that…
  • I recently bought all of Annette Sym's recipe books. All of her meals are freezer friendly. One day a week I cook like mad and the rest of the week that's what I eat. Pastas are very filling and don't forget the protein! ;)
  • Please see other threads.
  • I was assuming alcoholism. I am sorry. I did say "I think a family member is different to a spouse" Operative words being "I think". I do not wish to project my feelings on to anyone else. I was simply saying that I understood the OP and that other family members are different to my husband. You see I chose my husband…
  • No, I just realized that you are a troll and wrote about it on the other thread. Again LOL.
  • No, I just realized that you are a troll and wrote about it on the other thread. Again LOL.
  • I am sorry you had to go through that. Having a family member with addiction issues is hard. I have that issue in my family too and it is horrendous. I think though a family member is a little different to a spouse or life partner isn't it? I personally could not simply walk away from my husband but I could from my brother…
  • The problem really arises when you love the person. Sure you can lack sympathy for your "frequent flyer" and not do anything. But a loved one? I think not.
  • [quote="APeacefulWarrior[/quote] Speaking only for myself, healthy eating is about eating predominantly food that is nutritious, natural, and not loaded with empty calories. I have specific health concerns, so I avoid certain foods because I know they're not going to serve any positive purpose for me. I made it clear here…
  • I am lucky because for me Winter isn't really a factor. Exercise is harder when it's cold and then you have all that lovely comfort food temptations that come with Winter.
    in Aussies? Comment by 85kurtz May 2015
  • You know I went to WW for a while and hated it. The group was click and I found that I was starving myself so that I would be "successful" each week. I joined MFP as a food and exercise diary. I am accountable to me and that's a good thing. Food diaries have been found to be the most sustainable of all weight loss programs…
  • That is a myth. The meditearanean diet is one that is lauded for being an excellent all round diet. Latest testing even shows that reheated pasta is good for diabetics (tested at Liverpool University) as when it is reheated it forms a lower GI food and more of a fibre. So go for it.
  • Oh I am so boring! :smile: I just have boiled eggs (very occasionally) and carrots, celery and capsicum. Does OK for me but I do find that if I eat all my calories I do not need snacks.
    in Best snacks? Comment by 85kurtz May 2015
  • Those people that talk about a calorie being a calorie no matter where it comes from are right to a point. However, this idea leads to some very peculiar diets. A tablespoon of sugar is empty calories, the same could not be said of a tablespoon of cream which contains actual nutrients.
  • [/quote] I did read it. Just because they discussed getting healthier together does that mean the person has to give up foods they love or want just because the other person doesn't want to eat them?[/quote] Well I guess your idea of eating healthy food and mine (and the OP's) are very different. That's fine. :open_mouth:
  • I haven't found a way to search, I have just browsed through them. Good luck finding one that meets your needs.
  • I am female, 53 years old. I have a condition called chronic idiopathic pancreatitis which means I suffer with persistent pain with acute phases. Because of this disease I gave up on life basically, too long a story to go into here. That being said I decided a few months ago that enough was enough. I am now here losing…
  • That's hard. Can you return the produce to the store? Perhaps you and your husband need to sit down and make a shopping list and don't detour from it?
  • I do a 10 day juice fast every six months. I only juice vegetables, never fruit and drink alkaline water whilst doing it. I love it. But I don't use it to lose weight. I do it because I have a rather complicated metabolic disorder that means eating is sometimes problematic for me. Having said all that; if you are a sugar…
  • This is exactly why weight loss is so hard. I go out for meals most days. It makes it difficult but not impossible. I order entree size for my main meal, and (if I am drinking calories too) I tend to eat some, but not all of it. I try to order healthy meals but that is sometimes very difficult, particularly when someone…
  • This comment made me laugh out loud. I wonder if you should explain for those not familiar with the vernacular? LOL
  • This is so funny! I read once that we eat an average of 57 (I think that's the number) of insects per year in our sleep. I remember one night dreaming that I was eating pencils. I woke up chewing on something crunchy. Eeeek. Perhaps we should add that to our calorie count?
  • I am assuming that you are weighing all your food and drink with good scales. Are you getting enough protein? Protein is needed for weight loss.
    in weight gain Comment by 85kurtz May 2015
  • I so understand this. Once upon a time I weighed myself every day, but it lead to some serious dysfunction for me and eventually I gave up. Now I weigh myself maybe once a month and often longer. I know I am sticking to my kilojoule limit and exercise program because of MFP and my Misfit. I also know I am losing weight…
  • in Loose skin? Comment by 85kurtz May 2015