megomerrett Member


  • You can do both. I know pro dancers who smoke and they were and are far fitter than me. Personally I couldn't - weak chest after a chest infection, queried adult onset asthma and allergies that make me wheeze. Fun. Not. Do not worry about stopping smoking making you put on weight - that happens when people replace…
  • I'm not eating any more protein than I would be in my normal diet, just meat, fish, eggs etc in meals. But as one of you said, I'm not really doing much to build muscle, just firm up what's already there.
  • Hi, I'm initially only looking to lose a stone (14lb) because I know it makes a huge difference to my body shape and size. It's taken me about 4 weeks to lose around half a stone and I've been reeeeally trying. My husband loses sooooo much quicker than me. He is massive though. It's all relative. He'll look big even if he…
  • nope. you'll be fine. hope you had fun at the do.
  • Is this because they think you're no fun if you're not eating shedloads or drinking heavily? How much exercise are you getting? I find that I feel lower if I only make changes to my diet and don't work out so much. Maybe find a sport or gym class that really appeals to you - you can mix with like minded people, it's social…
  • You've done it before, you can do it again. If you make the changes now, the August you will be fitter, the December version even more so and by this time next year you'll want to high five the today you who decided to make the change and get back on it.
  • How frustrating. My sister was turned down by the Navy because of her sight. She was disappointed but annoyed that she'd done loads of training and all sorts before the eye thing. If they'd just said so at the start she could've used her energy elsewhere. Don't let this knock throw you totally off course. Time to find a…
  • Ditto what the other guys said. It worked for me years ago but I don't want to pay! On MFP I can still weigh and track. Found the meetings annoying and inconvenient- would rather use that time to go do some exercise. I've wondered the same about Slimming World after a friend lost and maintained. But then I remembered all…
  • Me. I'm back. Fell of the wagon in the autumn. Diary open. Quite a bit of left over Christmas chocolate in there. I'm also short at 5'1" and am a 34 year old working from home.
  • Good question. Sorry to see you didn't get much response! I breastfed my two until they were about 18 months old but both times didn't start jogging as soon as you because I'm lazy! When I did though I'd just go after a feed partly so I knew they'd not need the boob while I was out but also because my sports bra fitted…
  • I know what you mean - I asked at the gym about weights and they said to get used to the other equipment first. It's all too complicated and I forget which way to sit in the weight machines so look like a fool squinting at the instructions every time. Are there people working there? My gym is at the local leisure centre…
  • Mainly: stop boozing and binging like it's Christmas every day. More generally: Look awesome by May (for cousin's wedding and a hen do to Amsterdam). A lb a week will be a stone off which will make a dress size of a difference.
  • Someone else mentioned omelettes - my mum always uses a microwave for scrambled eggs (no butter, just mush then ping) and poached eggs.
  • Me too. Back here again. No more booze left in the house so that should help! Still got stollen, panettone, a couple of boxes of chocolates and a selection of cheeses to get through but going to log.
  • I'd lost a stone since May and no one noticed. I showed a friend (she lives in London and I live near Cardiff so don't see each other super often) the photo difference and she just said "you weren't that big" "must be a weird angle". Nope, I was that big. The stone has been hard work and I've got another to go. I'm doing…
  • I'm a 12-10. Height 5'1". Weight 10 stone 6lb. More size 10 than 12 now. When I was 11stone 4lb I was squeezing into 12 and my 10s weren't fitting. Obviously depends on item of clothing and where it's from.
  • Nothing! I'm not giving up anything! I'd quite happily never eat liquorice, tomato soup, aniseed balls and Brussel sprouts ever again but that's because they're all gross.
  • I get "snacky" and go foraging in my kitchen. No chocolates, crisps, biscuits or sweeties to be found though so it's usually just another mug of tea.
  • 1 don't have it in the house 2 you are allowed to eat it - if it's in your daily limit then just log it 3 if you can't shake it off and chocolate makes life worth living then just include a small amount in your snack each day 4 we all have our weaknesses (me: wine and butter. Not together) but in moderation of course…
  • I'm the same. Think I'll have to log for a very long time.
  • Starvation Mode - you'll get a lot of people on here saying it's nonsense. I tend to agree with them. Are you eating back all of the exercise calories? Popular MFP opinion has it that it's pretty inaccurate so lots of people only eat back 50% and some don't do it at all.
  • You're already on here. It's FREE. If it's not working, you're not doing it right. Only obvious thing WW has over MFP on its own is the meetings. Can be good for people who prefer real life human interaction and accountability. I found the weekly meetings a bit of a bind when I did it in 2003-4. I lost weight, it helped…
  • No not normal. Same as the others have said. Is it an all over thinning rather than clumps? I had alopecia areata years ago and had a few 50p coin size bald patches. They tested my thyroid but in the end it was "one of those things".
  • Your diary is closed so can't check what exercise you're doing. Well done on the 40lb. Have you been exercising? Do you lift? You can't change everything about your body shape but you can tone with the right exercise.
  • This blinking wagon is a tough old ride sometimes. I've fallen off a few times. Clinging on tight this time!
  • I had a few false starts so have way too many "before" photos of me in bikinis. This time though my "before" photo is a size I've got no intention of getting back to. Only half a stone down but will take a monthly photo as well as the weighing and measuring!
  • I couldn't do a shake plan. Read up on slimming world yesterday (only because they had a free magazine in my mum's newspaper) and I couldn't get on board with the no butter or oil thing! Look, as loads of others have said, you can lose weight healthily using MFP to log your food and exercise truthfully and stay within your…
  • If you want to be a fit mum dong worry about the weight - get exercising, eat the right stuff. I can but dream of being your current weight. (I'm 5'1" and 33.) The fitness while preggo and giving birth totally helps - was much fitter with my 2nd and felt more in control of birthing and getting back to me shape after. And…
  • Sounds like you're doing the right stuff to me but I'm no expert. Key thing is you're exercising. Some people just cut calories so the weight comes off but they don't do the toning and fitness stuff that you're up to.