What kind of diet are you on??



  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Please don't think of this as a diet. What you're doing is a lifestyle change. Diets don't work they suck you're miserable you deprive yourself of things that you enjoy. That's why diets fail you're constantly miserable.

    As far as food, I haven't eliminated anything. It's a simple matter of eating less calories then your body consumes. I eat Pizza, beer , fast food. The trick is I don't do it all the time. Just once in awhile. If I had to eliminate stuff I enjoy I wouldn't be able to do this. I can truly say I've enjoyed this lifestyle change and the journey i I been on.
  • DonM46
    DonM46 Posts: 771 Member
    I'm not on a diet.
    Dieting never worked for me. First, I couldn't stay on it. Second, I couldn't stay with it.
    When I tried MFP, the weight came off easily and steadily.
    As others have said, I eat whatever I want, just observing the portions to control the calorie intake.
    Pizza? Donuts? Sure. No deprivations.
    Ten months later, I was 35 lbs down with a new wardrobe.
    That was in 2011, and I still log food while on maintenance.
    Fluctuations? Yes, I've been 3 or 4 pounds OVER goal; I've been 3 pounds UNDER goal.
    A tolerable range for me.
    You don't need a "diet," you don't need pills, you don't need a "cleanse."
    While losing, burn more than you eat.
    On maintenance, eat no more than you burn.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    edited June 2016
    I'm not on a "diet". CICO all the way!

    I have a certain calorie limit for my day. I try my best to not go over that; I know that even if I go over my goal, I should be fine so long as I don't hit my maintenance calories. Even if I do hit maintenance calories for a day or two, it isn't the end of the world... just a bit less weight loss that week, perhaps. I exercise several times a week - half for my health and fitness, half to allow me to have a bit more calorie leeway.

    As long as it fits my calories, I eat whatever I want. I find that prioritizing healthier foods makes it easier to stick to my goals. I don't eat much during the day because dinner is my favorite meal and I like having enough wiggle room to truly enjoy it. There have been days where I make peace with eating a pint of Ben & Jerry's and regret nothing.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I couldn't do a shake plan. Read up on slimming world yesterday (only because they had a free magazine in my mum's newspaper) and I couldn't get on board with the no butter or oil thing!
    Look, as loads of others have said, you can lose weight healthily using MFP to log your food and exercise truthfully and stay within your limits. I don't know why you'd be on MFP and not log - that's surely the whole point!
    My stepdaughter's mum is on shakes and I don't think it's great for her to see a parent resorting to shakes, it's not long term sustainable and doesn't educate you about food and more importantly for me doesn't let you enjoy food to the full.
    Slim shake and the fat-free diet food industry have a whole lot of marketing going on to persuade us that they have the magic secret to weightloss as long as you give them your money. Thing is though, you can do it for free.

    If it works for you then fair play. But it doesn't have to be the only way. I'm not "on a diet". I am logging the food I eat, I am exercising more and as if by magic I've lost half a stone and still going.