Fell off the wagon. Motivation and friends needed.

I was really active for a long time. I got depressed and lost motivation. I since gained all I lost back. I'm ready to try again. I'll need support and friends to help me.


  • passion8te
    passion8te Posts: 3 Member
    If you did it before, then you can do it again! Today is my first day as well. I slipped up a couple of times - had a pop and had a candy cane...but I did 15 mins of working out and that was better than before. Each day is a new day and a fresh start. You can't change the past but you also don't have to relive it or drag it into the future. Let's just start moving and eating less. We can do this!
  • ChrisSt82
    ChrisSt82 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand your walk all to well. Starting down this path again, and this time I'm working with a nutritionist. I'm jump starting by joining a Whole30 group. Hang in there.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Don't "try". Don't make the same mistakes as last time. Don't enter the wagon. Don't rely on motivation and support.

    Just do. Investigate what went wrong and choose another path. Live. Find commitment and determination within yourself.

    Make a plan that you can stick to, not just when everything is smooth, new and fresh, but when life gets really bumpy and things get old. That's when you need a good plan.
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Don't just try. Say you are going to do it and do it. I have been telling myself I will do it this time and I will. :) I lost 25 pounds earlier this year and gained every bit of it back since late summer. I got lazy. It's all my fault. Now I'm going to get back on track! Feel free to add me as a friend for support or to follow my diary.
  • jwat90
    jwat90 Posts: 178 Member
    Feel free to add me :)
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Meeee toooooo!
    OVERWEIGHTLUVA Posts: 74 Member
    Me too! And me toooo!
  • SerenityXII
    SerenityXII Posts: 11 Member
    I know all about how depression can really wreck your motivation. I fell into a depression after the loss of my pup and gained some weight back but it's time to get my body ready for a future wedding! And of course to keep the family history of HBP down.
  • rustyvicinie
    rustyvicinie Posts: 63 Member
    welcome to the club. I lost 60 and kept off for some time. Similar lost control and put back on 25 so drew the line in the sand and back at it. Feel free to add me it you like.
  • mariehowe71
    mariehowe71 Posts: 1 Member
    I to fell off the wagon. Between 2012 and 2015 I lost 85 pounds and was just 20 pounds shy of my goal. I went from a size 26 pants to a 14. I was full of energy, loved going for walks, worked out 5 days a week and was all around loving life! In the summer of 2015, my husband and I went on a vacation to Mexico and I must have lost my mind along with all my willpower. I gained back 20 of those pounds on that vacation and 60 more back since. Today is my new start and I know I can do it again, just like you can! Don't think you can do it, have confidence in yourself and go into it with gusto! Best of luck to you and feel free to add me if you want to
  • fitRTs
    fitRTs Posts: 58 Member
    I've done that time and time again - this time, I've been adding friends. It's helped tons... I'll add you and anyone else, feel free to add me!
  • missmagnoliablossom
    missmagnoliablossom Posts: 240 Member
    Feel free to add me. :)